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Forgotten Worlds

aka: Lost Worlds
Moby ID: 3871

Two Cool Dudes - One Hot Situation - Eight Megalithic Adversaries.... It adds up to a Whole Lotta Trouble.

"Across all formats Forgotten Worlds comes across as an ace shoot 'em up polished to sparkling perfection by its superb graphics" - TGM June 89

"Forgotten Worlds is a cut above the rest.... excellent graphics with consistently frenetic action" The One ST June 89

"A fab space shoot-up.... graphically its super with lots going on.... A Corker!" Sinclair User June 89

"The best Capcom conversion to date... brilliant!" C&VG June 89

"One of the classiest conversation around.... one of the arcade conversions of the year" Zzap 64 June 89

"One of those shoot 'em ups you'd be start raving mad to miss!" Zzap Amiga June 89


Back of box - Amiga/ST (UK)

FORGOTTEN WORLDS is a one- to two-player simultaneous side-scrolling shooter made by CAPCOM CO., LTD. It was one of the first games to incorporate 360-degree aiming and shooting. This SEGA GENESIS version provides the same impact and intensity of the classic arcade game. The time: the 29th century. Without warning, warships broke through the sky, loaded with fiendish aliens. They rained down fire, bombs, missiles, and napalm, making it barren and inhospitable. Humanity was enslaved, and Earth became known as the Forgotten World. In a hidden place, a group of brave humans raised two male children in secret. They brought up the young men as warriors, training them for battle. The two warriors emerged as armed machines of might, strength, and super power—the Nameless Ones. Fight the hateful invaders as the powerful Nameless Ones! Collect Zenny to upgrade your weapons and satellite, and free the planet that was once called Earth.


www.nintendo.com - Wii


Weapons of fury.

It's the next century in FORGOTTEN WORLDS,

and you're the only one left who can save

Mother Earth from savage aliens. Your space-

age weaponry is awesome but so are your

obstacles! Armed with an anti-gravity device

you can fly through enemy defenses and erad-

icate the alien bases. But watch out! Missiles,

monsters, dragons, robots and laser guns are

bombarding you from every direction!

If you're ready to save Earth's defenseless

men, woman and children, see you favorite

software retailer or call Capcom U.S.A. at



Advertising in US mag. COMPUTE!'s Amiga Resource 1989-12


Two Cool Dudes - One Hot Situation - Eight Megalithic Adversaries.... It adds up to a Whole Lotta Trouble.

"Across all formats Forgotten Worlds comes across as an ace shoot 'em up polished to sparkling perfection by its superb graphics" - TGM

"A fab space shoot-up.... graphically its super with lots going on.... A Corker!" SINCLAIR USER

"One of the classiest conversation around.... one of the arcade conversions of the year" ZZAP 64

"Bursting with nasties .... all the great coin-op action" AMSTRAD ACTION


Back of Cassette Case (Kixx) - C64/Spectrum (UK)

Forgotten Worlds®

Terra: século XXIX. O planeta que já foi o berço da humanidade foi transformado em uma grande lixeira. Os Aliens invadiram e transformaram as cidades em ruínas, fazendo dos homens seus escravos.

Somente um homem tem a coragem e a força de lutar contra eles: o Guerreiro Sem Nome.

A grande batalha está prestes a começar e você é o companheiro ideal por quem nosso guerreiro estava esperando. Sua missão será guiá-lo até o líder dos alienígenas. Não o desaponte! Ajude-o a combater os inúmeros monstros, homens e máquinas que surgirão pelo caminho. Compre armas melhores, medicamentos e todos os equipamentos necessários.

Muito sangue frio, pois não haverá "cessar fogo"! Alguém precisa salvar o nosso planeta!


Back of Cartridge Case - SMS (BR)



The planet used to be beautiful, with gorgeous cities and gleaming countrysides. Until the Aliens attacked! With fire, bombs, and napalm they devasted the world! They made the planet so abominable that it became an outcast in the universe — the Forgotten World.

Until you, the Nameless One, appear. Super Warrior incredible power and energy. You make it your business to reclaim the planet for its rightful owners — the Human Beings.

Face the fists of Iron Warlord! Dodge the scorching breath of Dust Dragon! Blast Zipper Worms, Reptilian Thugs, Spydrobots and the acid-belching Paramecium in desperate battles of life and death!

Survive the fiends and bizarre creatures of seven different levels to face the King of Aliens — the War Tyrant. You must free the planet and reclaim its original name: Earth! Can you do it?


Back of Cartridge Case - Genesis (US)


For years, the Earth has been under a state of siege from a conquering alien horde. They have crossed the galaxy to add our world to their evil empire. The aliens are intent on the elimination of every man, woman, and child on the planet. And only you can prevent this infamy. The fighting is fast and terribly fierce, but so is your determination to repel the invaders and save Mother Earth.

Wearing an anti-gravity device, you fly through enemy defenses, reaching the alien bases and annihilating them. Your arsenal of weapons is awesome, but so are your obstacles. The invaders possess the most destructive firepower in the known universe. Their fighting array of guided missiles, unspeakable monsters, cyborg assassins, and more will be out to terminate you, their last threat.

Have you the power to prevail? Sign up for the most unforgettable adventure of your life! Forgotten Worlds. Only from CAPCOM.

► Amazingly lifelike, multi-dimensional graphics accompanied by unbelievable sound.

► Fight off an armada of villains and weaponry.

► Simultaneous 1 or 2 player action.

► Pick up extra weapons during the course of the action, and increase your chances of victory.

(captions)*There's havoc in the factory as you blast away the invaders.

The bronze dragon is a formidable foe. you never know when it will strike.

Avoid the missile attacks from the alien warriors.*


Back of Box - C64 (CA-US)

The planet used to be beautiful, with gorgeous cities and gleaming countrysides. Until the Aliens attacked! With fire, bombs, and napalm they devastated the world! They made the planet so abominable that it became an outcast in the universe — the Forgotten World. Until you, the Nameless One, appear. You're a Super Warrior of incredible power and energy. You make it your business to reclaim the planet for its rightful owners — the Human Beings.

Der Planet war einst einer der schönsten in der gesamten Galaxis, mit fantastischen Städten und atemberaubenden Landschaften — bis zum dem Tag als die Eindringlinge angriffen! Sie verwüsteten die Welt mit Feuer, Bomben und Napalm auf derartige Weise, daß dieser einst wundervolle Planet zum Niemandsland des Universums wurde — der vergessenen Welt ... bis Sie, der Namenlose, erschienen. Sie sind ein Super-Gladiator mit enormer Kraft und schier unerschöpflicher Energie. Sie haben sich geschworen, diesen Planeten zu befreien und seinen rechtmäßigen Besitzern zurückzugeben — den Menschen.

La planète était jadis superbe, avec de belles villes et une campagne soignée. Jusqu'à ce que les envahisseurs attaquent! Ils ont dévasté le monde par le feu, les bombes et le napalm! Ils ont fait de cette planète un lieu si abominable qu'elle a été bannie de l'univers, le Monde oublié.

Jusqu'ä ce que vous, le Sans-Nom, apparaisse. Vous êtes un guerrier exceptionnel, avec une puissance et une énergie incroyables. Vous avez décidé de rendre la planète à ses propriétaires en titre, les Etres Humains.

El planeta era hermoso, con ciudades espléndidas y bellos paisajes. ¡Hasta que atacaron los invasores! ¡Con fuego, bombas, y napalm devastaron el mundo! Hicieron el planeta tan abominable que se convirtió en un proscrito del universo — el mundo olvidado.

Hasta que usted, el Anónimo, apareció. Usted es un superguerrero de potencia y energía increibles. Usted deberá hacer todo lo posible para rescatar el planeta y devolverlo a sus legítimos propietarios — los seres humanos.

Una volta planeta era bellissimo, con città splendide e magnifiche campagne. Fino a guando attaccarono gli alieni! Le loro armi devastarono il mondo con fuoco, bombe e napalm, lo resero cosi orribile che divenne il paria dell'universo—il mondo dimenticato. Fino a che appare, Senzanome, un superguerriero con una potenza e un'energia incredibili, che ha deciso di rivendicare pianeta agli abitanti originari: gli esseri umani.

Världen på planeten var vacker med praktfulla städer och välmående natur. Ända tills främlingarna från den fientliga planeten anföll! Med eld, bomber och napalmbomber ödelade främlingarna den blomstrande världen. Hela planeten blev så vedervärdig att den korades till parian i universumet — Världen som ingen minns. Tills du, den namnlösa, kom. Du är den överlägsna krigaren med otrolig styrka och viljekraft. Du åtog dig att vinna tillbaka denna planet åt dess rättmätiga ägare — människosläktet.


Back of Cartridge Case - Genesis (DE-FR-IT-SE-SP-UK)

Contributed by Jo ST, Victor Vance, Martin Smith, jean-louis.

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