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Titan Quest

aka: Titan Quest HD, Titan Quest: Deluxe Edition
Moby ID: 22901
Windows Specs
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It is believed that at the dawn of time, there was a great war between the Titans and the Gods. During this war which spanned many centuries, humanity was born and stood beside the Gods. At the war's conclusion the Gods were victorious and the Titans were banished to the great darkness. Now the Titans have escaped and spread their evil over the ancient world of Greece (and beyond). A hero arrives in this time of need to fight the Titans and bring peace to the world once more.

Not unlike Diablo or Sacred, Titan Quest is a hack 'n' slash action RPG in which the player creates a character and level up by killing thousands of monsters based on real mythologies of ancient Greece, Egypt and Babylon. At the beginning of the game, the hero has no profession, but upon reaching level 2, a choice is given between eight unique "masteries". Upon reaching level 8, access is granted to a second mastery. This allows the choice of creating a warrior who is good magician or a necromancer who can also kill his enemies quietly. These skill points can be rearranged at will (for a nominal fee) by visiting a certain NPC in each act.

Up to 6 friends can play in multiplayer in the cooperative mode through the entire game.


  • 泰坦之旅 - Simplified Chinese spelling

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Credits (Windows version)

203 People (193 developers, 10 thanks) · View all

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Average score: 78% (based on 43 ratings)


Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 65 ratings with 5 reviews)

It could have been so much better!

The Good
It's not hard to say what I liked most about Titan Quest, it's the graphics and the fantastic soundtrack. I'm not really too enthusiastic about having a soundtrack running along in the background while gaming (at least not the provided soundtrack), because in most cases the music doesn't hold up well for continuous playback and I usually decide to turn it off altogether. But in Titan Quest you can set the music to play only occasionally (which is also the standard setting, I believe), and I absolutely loved it! Also, when it plays it's lovely and relaxing to listen to, subtly running in the background. That's the way it ought to be by default, not taking centre stage as is usually the case, and being overly orchestrated and penetrant to the point of brainwashing the player. I hate that, and this also goes for most movies.

As for the graphics, I don't think I have to mention the absolutely beautiful presentation of the game. Lovely rippling water and leaving a trail behind as you wade along on the shore, for example. Or take the steaming wetlands, as much as I hated them they were a pleasure to behold anyway.

The monsters and the player character are animated lovingly and smoothly, it's a mere pleasure just hacking away and watching monsters fly, turtles toppling over. The spiders and spidermen are also particularly mentionable, they're giving me the creeps whenever I think about them. Or take the neanderthals along the Silk Road, and how they're hopping around and screaming to their peers for aid. And the whole tigerman set is amazing. The statues, the Terracotta army, the walking mummies, the zombies, the stone guards in the Minoan labyrinth. It's all really amazing stuff, if not to say art, yes a stunning piece of art, hands down!

And the locations blend over perfectly and without any loading screens to put up with. There are so many different settings to enjoy. Admittedly, I got a bit bored with the Egyptian desert environment and it was there I had to take a break from the game, only to return with a renewed thirst for more of the same: fantastic visuals and music.

The Bad
Unfortunately, this game goes to show that presentation isn't everything to keep the player satisfied in the long run. It all looks so great that I really hate to say it, but the stale game mechanics get so utterly tedious after a while that I really only continued to play on to improve my skills and equipment and to get to see even more beautiful settings. The game and its plot itself didn't really interest me at all. Every second or third word in the NPCs speeches was 'monsters'. Apparently there wasn't enough time on hand to elaborate on the storytelling bit of the game, because it simply isn't compelling. And in an action RPG like this you have to put in some effort here if you don't want the player to just click the 'dialogue' aspect away just to get on with it.

Also, as much as I praised the design of the monsters and the player, I was disappointed to see the other NPCs in the villages and towns didn't move around much, in fact always staying fixed in their spot. And they didn't put on any lively communication among each other in the background. To see how this can be bettered, have a look at Sacred 2. Okay, it may not be fair to compare a 2006 game with a 2009 game, but it doesn't matter, the NPC acting in the background is not a new thing. Even in the old Ultima RPGs, most prominently in Ultima IV, from the 1980's the characters were moving about freely, and vendors weren't in their shops at night time.

Even though you get your day and night cycles in Titan Quest, they're purely cosmetic. The vendor presence is unaffected by the time of day, and also the player never needs to sleep. Okay, fair enough, we just want to have fun here, and this is what it was made for. Having said that, I think I did notice that some beasts like wild boar appeared to be resting at night because they didn't notice me approaching. But it could just as well be my imagination.

Another thing that ruined the game was the well-meant introduction of the much praised two-mastery system. It does sound interesting with the thought in mind I could replay the game with my advanced character. Which you can, in fact, in Epic mode. By the time I reached the finale I had reached level 31 or so, and none of my masteries had been taken to the highest level by that point. It takes an awful long time to bash your way through a seemingly endless progression of always the same type of monsters or two for a stretch of half-hours each before there'd be a variation, and then you still have to fight another thousand of them or so to finally get the chance to invest three more points into your two skill trees. Ridiculous. Progression is really slow. It would have been perfectly okay to choose only one class and focus on that throughout the game. Like this, you really HAVE to replay the game once you're through so that you can see the effects of other skills you may have not been able to unlock yet.

And this is where I eventually gave up on Titan Quest. It's too freakin' long for its own good. It wouldn't be that bad if there would be anything new once in a while to keep the whole thing interesting in some way. Of course I have tried a couple of different character classes to see the differences, playing them up to level 12 or so. Nothing changes in the game, it's always really the same, no random monster generation or placement. It's alright if the map stays the same, but at least they could have hidden the monsters in different places. And mix them up a bit, too! Who wants to be faced up against Sartyrs and crows for hours on end? This is cruelty! The AI isn't particularly clever, so fighting gets boring. I was only replaying the stuff in order to see different effects upon impact, like poisoned strikes or seeing a thunderbolt in action (which was disappointing), or summoning a wolf. This could have been so much fun if the game had to offer more diversity and maybe a twist in the 'story' apart from the ever-changing settings.

I got so annoyed by all this in the end that I didn't even bother fighting the final Telekine or the titan, and I will never get so see the underworld of Immortal Throne. But you know what? I don't care any more, it will just be more of the same but with different graphics. And I've got other games that manage to keep me riveted, so this one's got to R.I.P. in my shelf. Such a shame, it could have been so much better.

The Bottom Line
How I would describe it to others? A beautiful to look at action role-playing game which is not too difficult to begin with but gets tedious after a while. If you're happy with slashing and bashing the same monsters over and over for hours on end, then you'll be happy. But I doubt that even a hardcore gamer would enjoy 'more of the same' after about twenty hours into the game. See for yourself, Titan Quest Gold can be had for little money these days, and it's a relaxing experience for a Hack & Slash style game.

Windows · by CoffeeCrack (20) · 2015

Finished with Diablo 2 and hungry for more? Titan Quest may be for you...

The Good
Iron Lore and THQ have taken the action-RPG concept and dropped it right in the middle of ancient Greece. All the usual trappings of hack-and-slash gaming are present and accounted for -- you'll single-handedly slug it out with hordes of mythological creatures, chug more health potions than the human body could possibly assimilate, grab more loot than ten dump trucks could ever hope to carry, and do it all again in the name of somewhat repetitive, but still undeniably addictive dungeon-delving action.

As the hero, you'll be spun into an epic tale that spans from the shores of Sparta, through the Tombs of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Great Wall of China, on to the eventual final confrontation on...er, well, no sense in spoiling anything now, is there? More to the point, the locales you visit in Titan Quest help keep this game fresh with a nice variety of environments to explore, as well as solid level design within each locale.

The monsters are also pretty interesting, from the lowliest satyr to some of the larger and more brutal animals like minotaurs or dragonkind. What really helps to differentiate Titan Quest's bestiary from other RPGs is that most of your opposition will don weapons and armor the same way you do, and if you see a piece of equipment on a creature, that piece will drop to the ground when you kill it. As well as equipment, some of the more powerful monster you face will have access to the same spells and abilities as you, which is a unique take on enemy design in this type of game.

The way your own skills are handled in the game is pretty unique as well. Instead of picking a class from the outset, you choose from one of eight completely independent skill trees when you gain your first level. Another tree of your choice will become available at level 8, giving you a total of two to play with. These trees are categorized by conventional RPG terms, and anyone who's ever played this type of game before will know what to expect from masteries like Hunting, Storm, Rogue, or Warfare. For the less initiated, there's a brief description of what each mastery is capable of so you can make a informed choice.

Those of us who have walked Diablo 2's hallowed ground for any significant length of time knows all too well how stale the graphics of that game were getting in the later years, and by comparison, Titan Quest is a serious breath of fresh air. Everything, from your character, the environments, your enemies, and even the items that drop from each kill are meticulously modeled in beautiful 3D. The effort on the part of the design team shows -- every facet of this game is gorgeous. If you're lucky like me, and you bought the Gold Edition of Titan Quest, you'll get treated to a book of the concept art for the game, and it's well worth tracking down.

The sound department deserves a nod as well -- there's lots of candy for the ears here, especially the soundtrack. There's a main melody which follows you closely throughout the game, but changes instruments and style depending on what part of the world you're in. The sound effects do an excellent job of adding to the experience in their own right - every roar, impact and spell effect hits with enough clarity to be effective.

The Bad
While Titan Quest manages to do everything right in terms of being a solid Action RPG, it just doesn't do anything to move the genre forward. In spite of some innovations in terms of character development and presentation, this still feels very much like a by-the-numbers hack and slash game. In essence, this is Diablo 2 with better graphics and a few different features.

The voice acting, though not outright bad, does come off as over-the-top at times. This becomes especially evident when you start conversing with folks from Egypt and China, who try their very best to speak English while still maintaining as much of a foreign accent as possible. With some characters it's not too bad, but others are downright laughable, which puts a jarring chord in an atmosphere that Titan Quest works so hard to build.

On a more personal note, I really wish single player RPGs could structure a storyline in such a way that everyone isn't just sending you on random errands until you finish the game. The number of times someone said to me "You're our only hope!" during the course of this game seems to suggest laziness on the part of the writers. I know there's only so much you can do with the "one man against an army" storyline, but surely to God there's some writers out there that can pitch material that hasn't been recycled from Diablo 1.

The Bottom Line
Titan Quest is a solid and very playable action RPG, but aside from the source material, there's not a whole lot going on here that we could classify as "new". Anyone looking for something fresh and original probably shouldn't even look twice, but fans of this sort of game who aren't completely bored by the conventions of the genre will have a great time with Titan Quest.

Windows · by The Cliffe (1552) · 2009

Chop bonk chop stab zzz

The Good
I’m going to put this out there and say that the graphics are utterly charming. There is a crispness to them, and the attention to detail such as swaying corn and fluttering birds. This, coupled with some beautifully ambient sound effects, can make simply leaving your character standing still in the wilderness a really soothing experience. With all the effects cranked up water looks great too. As an aside it was sitting looking at these scenes for a few seconds that made me turn off the computer and haul my housemates down to the beach for a random excursion. Not that that has anything to do with the game or anything…

The main thing that really attracted me to the game was the setting. Anyone who watched Troy or knows a thing or two about legends and ancient history will be pleased with the aesthetics of the weapons and armour, although the Egyptian armour often looks silly. While many infamous heads from legend pop their heads in to say hi, they’re rarely much more than things to bonk on the head.

Yup… that’s about all I can manage.

The Bad
Imagine this was a movie. Better yet imagine if the big-thighed protagonist were you. What the hell are you actually doing? You rampage across the countryside, silently bashing absolute hoards of creatures over the head again and again and again, never tiring, never sleeping, day in day out.

I’ve always had trouble with RPG’s in my head (though calling this an RPG is misleading), namely the principle of a group of people (occasionally made up of sassy teenagers) ganging together to go and massacre entire species of sentient animals, often by simply standing in front of them and swinging their weapon once, then stealing their clothes to sell for minute profit. Titan Quest has taken this formula completely to heart. It is, as it were, the embodiment of it.

Yet you really need to take a step back and observe what you’re doing. We’ve all played Diablo II, and this is essentially ‘Diablo: The Sunny Years’. We’ve all seen how addictive, though not necessarily fun, it can be.

But where are you going with this?

The principle driving force in RPG’s is the advancement system, although this is another idea that has always seemed peculiar to me. In Morrowind I started off with a certain numerical representation of my strength, lets say 20, presumably similar to what an average person can bench press, or whatever. By the time I stopped playing I had 100 “strength”. 100 what strength? Am I five times stronger than I was? Am I incapable of lifting something someone with 101 strength can?

The idea of advancing in Titan Quest is similar, but utterly flawed. The goal is to presumably get stronger in order to carry better weapons to do more damage. Yet from the very beginning, armed with a knife made of jelly and throwing custard pies, I slaughter the enemies with ease, often with one hit (save the occasional boss character, who you just hold the mouse button on for a bit). I continue to kill enemies throughout the game with one hit. Have I advanced?

Sure there is a choice of magic and archery and various buff spells and whatnot, giving you an option for replaying a game that got boring ten minutes in. But these do nothing different, save for some spangly effects, than just bonking the monsters over the head. Click, dead. Click, dead. It’s almost as bad as Dungeon Siege. One of my favourite things to do in the game is killing the crows (crows?!?) as they just leave a puff of black feathers and a disembodied “crawk”. Oh how I tittered.

I’ve mentioned Diablo, and much of its influence lingers here like morning-after breath on a girl who’s renewed your subscription to beer goggles.

There are the same non-descript, randomised weapons, each factoring up in newer, swishier models in tiny damage increments. Yet rather than the “Sword of the Badger” and other daft paraphernalia found in Diablo, these are Bronze, Copper, Iron etc. But what’s the difference between hitting someone over the head with a Bronze or Iron mace??!? A lump of rock will cause significant concussive damage to anyone wearing the thickest armour.

As in Diablo the enemies respawn upon reloading a saved game. Yet the town I emancipated from the terminally weak hoard of enemies, now reincarnated in the field next to the town, is ignored by the locals, who spout their repeating phrases of thanks for infinity. Also the Greeks speak in a Russian accent.

There are technical failings also, aside from the occasional crashes I suffered.

The hoarding aspect of Diablo was its main reason for playing. Yet Titan Quest’s makers somehow deliberately mar it here. There is no auto-sorting inventory, leaving you to carefully arrange each piece Tetris-style. The button you press to highlight the items literally piled around you doesn’t work, rarely showing every item. Even worse was the idea to include a physics engine! Profitable items such as rings are almost life-size for the character, therefore invisible to the player, often tumbling away into thick grass or hidden underneath the torrent of useless weapons and armour. And they truly are useless. The majority of objects will sell for pittance, even a big lump of Iron armour.

The game is relatively seamless and quick to load, but for some reason the occasional cave and indoor area would suffer awful stuttering.

But worst of all of this is that Titan Quest is boring. It takes you nowhere, does nothing new, and does established things badly. It is probably the most soulless game I’ve ever played.

The Bottom Line
If some of you terminal hoarders need another dose, you're presumably still replaying Diablo II. Otherwise there is zero I can say to encourage you to buy this. Unless you like men in skirts of course.

Windows · by Curlymcdom (44) · 2008

[ View all 5 player reviews ]


Copy protection

The game includes a hidden security check to battle piracy. Users playing the game using a modified executable have the game crash in the first cave. This however also damaged the game's reputation as illegitimate users reporting this issue on forums made the game appear bug-ridden. The PR department was not able to fully turn this around, especially as the code did not work perfectly and legit users were also sometimes confronted with the crash.

Online servers

The game's online servers which were hosted on GameSpy were scheduled to shut down on 31 May 2014 in the wake of GameSpy's total closure.

An alternate server was added specifically for the Steam version in a beta branch on 24 February 2016.


  • Games for Windows Magazine
    • March 2007 - #6 Game of the Year 2006
  • PC Powerplay (Germany)
    • Issue 02/2007 – #4 Best Game in 2006 (together with 1701 A.D.)
    • Issue 03/2007 – #2 Best RPG/Adventure in 2006 (Reader's Vote)

Information also contributed by PCGamer77 and Sciere


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by MDMaster.

Android, iPhone, iPad added by firefang9212.

Additional contributors: Unicorn Lynx, Sciere, eWarrior, Cantillon, Patrick Bregger, garkham, Plok, firefang9212.

Game added July 5, 2006. Last modified July 12, 2024.