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Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods

aka: Populous II: Las pruebas de los dioses del Olimpo, Two Tribes: Populous II
Moby ID: 1727

DOS version

Much better that its predecessor

The Good
I played both Populous 1 and 2 and I found this second a much better designed game. I loved the tactics you must develop to win a match, this was missing in the first Populous. It's an upgraded version of Populous 1 under all aspects. The background, greek gods, is simply well planned, it's always a pleasure to battle against Mars or Zeus himself!

The Bad
I never heard of people who finished the game... it's an enjoyable game, but it takes too long to end. There are so many missions/levels to take that you'll become pretty tired.

The Bottom Line
A good game, try it, play it a few times and you can get addicted... but I dare you to play it to the end!

by Emanuele Ravasi (15) on November 12, 2000

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