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Tech-Specs > Business Model > Freeware / Free-to-play / Public Domain Freeware / Free-to-play / Public Domain

Free games are just that: Free. No money is necessary to obtain and play a free game. Freeware games are games that are released by the author for everyone to play, but the author still retains copyright. You cannot sell a Freeware game for profit without the consent of the author. Public Domain games are literally in the public domain; any individual can do what they want with them, including selling them for profit.

12,084 Games

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box cover thumbnail ! And ! (2010 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail ! Chess ! (2016 · iPad, iPhone)
box cover thumbnail !123 (2016 · iPad, iPhone)
box cover thumbnail !1∝0 (2015 · iPhone, iPad)
box cover thumbnail !21! (2014 · iPad, iPhone)
box cover thumbnail !Bingo Granny! (2002 · DOS)
box cover thumbnail !gnition (2007 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail !gnition2 (2007 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail !gnition3 (2008 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail "Alone" (2011 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail "Azərbaycan Respublikasının dövlət rəmzlərı" oyunu (2011 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail "Elephants Never Forget!" Memory Game (2014 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail "Frogger" XKCD style (2017 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail "Hank Goes to Hell" (2009 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail #BlackLivesMatter (2016 · Windows, Android)
box cover thumbnail #DRIVE (2019 · iPhone, Android, iPad...)
box cover thumbnail #Puzzle (2010 · Browser, Windows)
box cover thumbnail #VoteStabby (2015 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail $n4k3! (2010 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail $wag (2006 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail 'Ghini Run (2002 · DOS)
box cover thumbnail 'Speare (2007 · Browser)
box cover thumbnail (Not) Just another Space Shooter (2004 · Windows)
box cover thumbnail (Val)iant: Or, Val's Guide To Having A Broken Vag (2023 · Windows)
box cover thumbnail +=3: A Controversial but Nevertheless Logical Adventure (1994 · TADS)
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