Profile your customers' domains & anticipate their needs with our new Domain Intelligence solution.

Culture is Deliberate


Our Why

Our why is to build a company with a unique Culture, that creates impactful digital products.

Our What

Providing Web Presence Providers with SEO solutions that they resell.


June 2012

It's just the Co-Founders Wences & José Miguel, with Roberto in Sales. We acquire our very 1st marketgoo users.

February 2014

Jaime joins the team
Jaime Muñoz

Head of Engineering

March 2014

Larissa joins the team
Larissa Murillo

Head of Marketing

October 2015

David joins the team
David Roch

Head of Product

December 2015

Pedro joins the team
Pedro Parra marketgoo
Pedro Parra

Frontend Engineer

June 2017

Diego joins the team
Diego Pascual

Frontend Engineer

March 2018

Earl joins the team
Earl Cruz

Support Manager

May 2018

We enter Phase 2 of our Culture phases

December 2018

Óscar joins the team
Óscar Otero

Product Designer

March 2019

We start shaping our marketgoo Operating System (mOS)

December 2019

We enter Phase 3 of our Culture phases

March 2020

We launch our Self-set Salaries experiment

October 2020

Miguel joins the team
Miguel Romero

Frontend Engineer

March 2021

Óscar joins the team
Óscar J. Baeza

Backend Engineer

July 2022

Démian joins the team
Démian Freau marketgoo
Démian Freau

Partner Success Manager

August 2022

Sonia joins the team
Sonia Alemany

Product Manager

November 2022

Joan joins the team
Joan Morell

Backend Engineer

February 2023

Elisabeth joins the team
Elisabeth Osuna - marketgoo
Elisabeth Osuna

Product Designer

March 2023

Luis joins the team
Luis Miguel
Luis Miguel

Frontend Engineer

April 2023

Samuel joins the team
Samuel Solis
Samuel Solís

Backend Engineer

May 2023

Roberto joins the team
Roberto García

Head of Partnerships

September 2023

Jaume joins the team
Jaume Freixa marketgoo
Jaume Freixa

Head of Sales

Our Core Values


We believe in each other’s abilities, truthfulness, and positive intent, fostering transparency and open communication. We rely on each other to grow and pursue our shared objectives, supporting others when they need to be vulnerable, offering constructive feedback and diverse perspectives to drive continuous improvement and innovation.


We understand marketgoo’s purpose and are committed to working in a common direction while being flexible enough to adapt to change, uncertainty and disagreement.


We take ownership of our work and proactively contribute to team priorities, ensuring a positive impact through continuous learning and action.


We foster a positive and supportive work environment by being respectful, helpful, and empathetic, recognizing our colleagues’ contributions and achievements.

Our Operating Principles

🎼 Collaborate effectively

Effective collaboration and communication, respecting others’ time, committing to decisions, and using English as our primary language.

🦉 Learn and improve

Continuous learning and growth through retrospectives and reviews, striving for “Wisdom Growth,” while team members take ownership of their careers and proactively grow with the company’s support.

🏦 Own it

We take ownership and accountability for our work, committing to clear plans of action and best interests of the team, while being bold, managing risks, questioning everything, and showing firmness in decision-making.

⏰ Be rigorous

We prioritize trust through consistent, rigorous, and reliable work, upholding strict standards with precise language and numerical support, and paying close attention to results and our individual contributions.

💆🏻‍♀️ Take care of yourself

We prioritize long-term excellence through self-care and a productivity mindset, focusing on working smarter rather than longer hours, and finding the optimal setup for each individual.

💥 Simplify

We prioritize simplicity, staying lean and agile, and valuing processes without allowing them to hinder our progress.




Ricardo Semler

“The author chronicles a family business: a manufacturing company in 1980’s Brazil, that created an amazing Culture, eliminating bureaucracy and unneeded middle management. This was, and still is, a revolutionary achievement. If your startup’s values include trust and radical honesty, this is your book.

It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work
It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work

Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson

“The guys from Basecamp know that work should be something beyond a soul crushing time-suck. This no- fluff book guides you on being calmer, more productive and prioritizing your team’s wellbeing while reclaiming your time.”


Gino Wickman

“Learn from a simple but powerful company operating system that will give your leadership team more focus and enable you to effectively tackle issues and optimize people, processes, execution, management, and communication. We developed our own marketgoo Operating System based on this book.”




Chuleton is a large steak. We say we run on chuletón-based technology, an inside joke about how the offer of a delicious feast once propelled our Devs to massively overdeliver.

Translates into something like “We are f****ing great, but we are clueless”. We say it a lot because it’s important to be both humble and confident – and for us to know when to be which.

We’ve never believed in spending ‘just because we can’. We are a lean team with plenty of resources that we choose to invest wisely.

During every quarterly meeting, we each say a word that describes how we feel at that moment, coming into the meeting. A lot of us have said ‘expectante’ (expectant) and even after 6 years, at least one person always chooses that word.

This is a phrase we use to remind ourselves how far we’ve come, and also the journey we still have left to travel – have we arrived?

No matter how great things are going, we need to understand and prepare ourselves for a worst case scenario. Sometimes when we’re discussing a move or project, we dedicate time to forecasting unfavourable scenarios.

A long time ago, a young and naive Yaye (our CRO) shared an article to our learning channel without explaining why he thought it was valuable or useful, and the burns came swiftly and mercilessly in the form of What’s the Learning Yaye?

mOS - marketgoo operating system


Where we Work


We are 100% remote! We currently have no office, but once upon a time we did have one in Madrid. In total we had 4 different office locations.

From home

Many people work from home. We have a budget to outfit your home office. Please get a good chair and a good desk.

From coffee shops

Some of us choose to work from coffee shops or other third spaces. When you’re on cafe wifi, please be mindful of security.

From a coworking space

A few of us enjoy working from a coworking space and the opportunity it provides to network and be part of a community. We offer a €200/month for this setup.

seo tools for every team image


As a new Gooer, you’ll be provided with 2 checklists that you should review and complete. Additionally, in the Culture section of our Notion workspace, you’ll see there are all the tools you need to set up (and how to access them) an explanation on how we do things at marketgoo, and a Who’s Who section so you can put a face to the people you’ll be communicating with!


Meetings held on a fixed basis in the calendar and compulsory for team members to attend are the Quarterly and Annual Meeting Pulse, and for the Leadership Team, the Bi-Weekly Meeting Pulse. These follow a strict Agenda that is shared beforehand, and is available on the mOS section of our Notion workspace.

Meetings held on an spontaneous basis as consequence of daily work needs should observe the following:


Team Assistant

OKRs (Objective & Key Results)





Our past retreat locations

October 2023

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

April 2023

Navacerrada, Spain

October 2022

Tenerife, Spain

April 2022

Alicante, Spain

October 2021

Málaga, Spain

October 2019

Cádiz, Spain

April 2019

Aldán, Spain

October 2018

Cascais, Portugal

April 2018

A Coruña, Spain

October 2017

Xátiva, Spain

April 2017

Aldán, Spain

October 2016

Menorca, Spain

Virtual Retreats



To see more tools used by specific teams, visit their section on our Notion workspace.

Notes on a Culture

Our Founder’s Blog

Our Culture Blog


Recap of some our our past Retreats

Some curated moments

Our B-Reel of day to day happenings!


“Sharing your fears and challenges with like-minded people who are also going through something similar is one of the best tools to prevent and overcome burnout and validate assumptions.”

“‘I’m not the owner of the culture,’ marketgoo founder and CEO Wences Garcia says. “It’s the team together that is creating the culture of the company and the values we want to reinforce.'”

“I felt we were a success as a company even before we turned a profit. It’s a matter of defining success. Today, we are successful margin-wise but our culture and model was a success even before!”

“The Founder needs to be on top of Culture from the beginning that’s why I also self-style as Head of Culture — I see it linked to our Business Objectives and Values.”
