Top 10 SEO Tips

Top 10 SEO Tips

Here are basic SEO tips to help you improve your search visibility on Google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Ask among others.

  1. Register your domain ahead.

It’s paramount to stress the fact domain authority has a major influence in Google ranking and part of what determines a domain authority is the age of the domain. Nowadays Google considers this aspect and assigns higher credibility to websites with longer due dates. Therefore even when you are not ready to operate a blog or a website you can register the domain ahead of when you will need it and also extend expiration date of your domain by minimum 6 to 10 years will be of immense advantage in terms of SEO.

  1. Create home page and other internal key pages content.

We have always heard that content is King, not just content now but strategic content one of the major factors to rank a website is the Content. Content plays the most important role not to just search engines but also to users, it starts with your page title, down to your h1 tags and page decription.

  1. Get a Blog!

It’s important to mention that as a business you need to understand your buyers personas to be able to communicate the right kind of information to them. You must be aware of the fact that blogging is the best way to reach your target audience with the useful, educational information they’re out there looking for. Based on recent stats a website with a blog has 76 % more chances to grow organically compared to a website that does not have a blog.

  1. Create a sitemap.xml file.

What most young bloggers don’t understand is that Google doesn’t just recognize your blog or site once you’ve created them Google is not spirit they also need you to inform them by submitting your blog or website to google webmaster tools. Your sitemap then helps the crawler to index the maximum number of listed pages, whenever search engine crawler visits a website first of all it searches the sitemap and indexes the listed pages promotional activities. Hence for better results it is necessary to get maximum number of pages indexed.

  1. Optimize Page Title

Page title defines the title of your page and your most common keywords which must appear on your page title. Search engines only show a limited number of characters of the title tag. Google shows the first 66 characters. After that, it simply adds an ellipsis (…). If you want your title tags to look professional, don’t use more than 66 characters.

  1. Develop Creative Meta-description tag.

The Meta description tag provides a brief description of your page which can be used by search engines or directories. This description can affect your search engine rankings, and can also show up directly in search engine results which is referred to as snippets (and affect whether or not the user clicks through to your site).

  1. Have a Back Link Support

Backlinking is one of the major form of off-page SEEO techniques, this is a way of having others sites link to your websites, this tells Google and other search engines that your website is credible therefore boost your visibility online. Back links when done correctly with best practices is still the most important feature of Off-page SEO. Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page.

  1. Be listed in credible directories.

List your website in the most influential and credible directories to reap the benefit of popularity. Having your website listed in directories is one way of also earning credibility and gaining influence in your among your competitors, this is not really common here in Nigeria because bloggers and website owners are oblivion of the numbers of directories they can be listed.

  1. Social media presence is paramount.

Search engines are increasingly using social media activity to determine which pages are most relevant for keyword searches. In order to increase your page rank and to increase revenue generated through organic search you are advised to increase your website social media engagement.

  1. Creative product description.

One major thing most ecommerce sites gets wrong in Nigeria is that they believe the description on a product page is only there for buyers and since buyers in Nigeria hardly read product description before making a purchase it is a waste of time to write creative contents for products, the fact the refuse to get is content are also there for search engines to find what the buyer is looking for, therefore maximize its full potential.

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