Navigating Economic Turbulence: Start-up Solopreneur to Agency Owner.
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Navigating Economic Turbulence: Start-up Solopreneur to Agency Owner.

The initial phase of establishing a digital agency or freelancing business is often characterised by hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to learn. It took me the first three years to establish the momentum necessary to attract a steady stream of clients and generate enough revenue to sustain my business and consider the possibility of expanding from a solopreneur to an agency owner.

A whistle-stop tour of my initial start-up

One thing I tried was the diversify too early on as well. Although I wanted to add various digital services such as virtual interactive VR interiors, 3D spin product shots and interactive brick-and-mortar kiosk screens, It fell on deaf ears, the tech wasn't half as strong enough and I soon realised "stick to what you know best" and do it brilliantly.

During this formative period, I also focused on building my skills and expertise, establishing an early strong online presence, and networking with potential clients (in the real world - yes actual handshakes 🤝. I actively tried to participate in local industry events, and offered valuable contributions to discussions to local businesses, gradually establishing myself as a knowledgeable and reliable professional.

As my client base grew steadily, I began to realise the limitations of operating as a solopreneur. The workload became increasingly demanding, and I found myself struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I had started outsourcing to developers as I couldn't cope on my own, and the same was true for design too. Additionally, the need to handle various administrative tasks, such as accounting and my own marketing, was consuming valuable time that could be better spent on delivering high-quality services to my clients.

It was at this point that I started contemplating the transition from a solopreneur to an agency owner. I recognised the potential to expand my business, hire talented individuals, and provide a wider range of services to a larger client base. However, I also understood that this transition would require careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a willingness to invest in growth.

Why using technologies is key

In the dynamic and ever-evolving digital landscape, digital agency startups and marketing freelancers face a unique set of challenges. As the global economy navigates uncertain waters, it's crucial for these businesses to adopt cost-effective strategies to maintain growth and resilience. Even if you're a freelancer, you still have bills to pay, a lifestyle to keep safe. Fortunately, I found a range of affordable technologies to empower me from it was me on my own to now, being a medium-sized agency.

Social Media Management Tools: Harness the power of social media ASAP and use it to connect with potential clients, build brand awareness, and nurture customer relationships. Get "social on social" Affordable social media management tools like Hootsuite, Sendible, Buffer, and Sprout Social really simplify scheduling posts, monitoring conversations, and analysing engagement metrics.

Email Marketing Platforms: Email remains a powerful marketing channel for nurturing leads and driving conversions. There's a huge amount of this going on, from awful cold-email marketing to well throughout out and considered approaches. Start somewhere and analyse, refine and grow. Email marketing platforms like MailChimp, Hubspot, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign provide user-friendly tools for creating targeted campaigns, automating workflows, and tracking performance.

Cloud-Based Solutions: You're probably already doing this? But make sure if you're not using it enough or connecting the dots, then embrace the flexibility and scalability of cloud-based solutions more, and use it to reduce infrastructure costs and streamline operations. Cloud storage services like Google Drive (my fave), Dropbox, and iCloud Drive provide secure and accessible storage for files and collaboration tools. Cloud-based project management tools like Teamwork, Asana, Trello, and facilitate task organisation and team coordination.

Remote Work Technologies: I did it, and you should already be doing it. Empower your team to work remotely effectively and maintain productivity with affordable remote work technologies. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams enable seamless virtual meetings and collaboration. Instant messaging platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord facilitate real-time communication and file sharing. And yes, I said Discord, believe it or not, its not just for gamers!

Automation Tools: Automate repetitive tasks to free up time for strategic activities. Automation tools like Zapier are amazing for this, Integromat it good too, and connect various applications and automates workflows, saving a huge amount of time and reducing manual effort.

Financial Management Software: This is vital especially if things are drying up or slowing down so you can work out a strategy using the software - it should know before you do what is coming. Maintain control over your finances with affordable financial management software. Tools like Xero, QuickBooks, and FreshBooks simplify accounting tasks, track expenses, and generate financial reports.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Implement a CRM system to organise customer interactions, track sales pipelines, and provide personalised customer service. Affordable CRM solutions like HubSpot, Salesforce Essentials, and Zoho CRM offer essential features for managing customer relationships.

Website Analytics Tools: Gain valuable insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and marketing campaign performance. Free website analytics tools like Google Analytics and Plausible provide comprehensive data and reports to inform website optimisation and marketing strategies.

What's potentially coming - Being Prepared.

Just by adopting these technologies above, digital agency startups and marketing freelancers will be in a much better position to enhance their efficiency, expand their reach, and optimise their operations, positioning themselves for success in the face of economic challenges.

The unfortunate reality is that a significant number of these businesses struggle to gain traction and ultimately fail within the first three years.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship study came out and said that 60% of small businesses in the UK fail within the first three years of operation. This statistic is particularly relevant for digital agency startups and marketing freelancers, who face the added challenges of intense competition, rapid technological advancements, and a volatile economic climate.

Several factors contribute to the high failure rate among digital agencies and freelancers. One significant challenge is the difficulty in securing and retaining clients. With a vast pool of talented individuals vying for a limited number of projects, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate the value you can bring to clients.

But how to prepare?

One key factor is to focus on building strong relationships with potential clients. Networking, providing valuable content, and offering free consultations can help establish your expertise and build trust with potential clients.

Another important strategy is to develop a niche expertise. By specialising in a particular area of digital marketing or industry, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and attract clients seeking specialised skills.

In conclusion, navigating the digital landscape as a startup or freelancer requires resilience, adaptability, and a strategic approach. By understanding the challenges, implementing effective strategies, and leveraging affordable technologies, digital agency startups and marketing freelancers can increase their chances of success and thrive in the competitive digital world.

Nicholas Robb - Stoic Solopreneur

I teach simple systems any frustrated freelancer can use right now to build their ideal lifestyle & grow a 6 figure solo business on a 4 day workweek without burnout. Start putting life first!


Growing a business by yourself is difficult. One thing I wish someone had told me before starting my own business is that the learning never ends! I can’t understate the importance of learning in entrepreneurship, especially for a lifestyle business. YOU ARE THE BUSINESS. Your business is built around you: Your knowledge, your growth, your skills. If you want to grow an exceptional businesses, you won’t get there by doing it like everyone else. If you do things like everyone else, the only way to get ahead is to work harder. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to make decisions that can impact your startup’s growth and success. Successful entrepreneurs prioritize learning, and use that knowledge to stay ahead of the curve, by working smarter, and by applying new skills to deliver more value for their customers.

Mario Lanzarotti

I Help Solopreneurs Become 7-Figure CEOs without Burnout: Work Smarter, Achieve More, Enjoy More Balance And Fulfillment | The ZenPreneur


Ah the good ol embracing tech to automate your mundane work; that is how I have been able to build businesses while travelling and not getting burnt out.

Thanks for sharing this amazing article! 🙌

⭐️ Simon Thurston 🐴

Founder of the Constellation Collective and Co-Founder of Equestrian Eye


Found that an intriguing read, Tony. Anything you'd do differently?

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