Ask the Expert(s): What’s Your Favorite ZoomInfo Copilot Feature?

Ask the Expert(s): What’s Your Favorite ZoomInfo Copilot Feature?

Ahhh the official first day of Summer. 

Buster Bluth is all of us, so make your cold calls while you’re out for a nice walk. 

Today, we’re looking at:

  • Our sellers’ favorite ZoomInfo Copilot features ✨
  • Upcoming events that will set you up for selling success 🗓️
  • Industry news from around the web 🗞️

Ask the Expert(s)

Today’s question asks the sales team at ZoomInfo what they like best about ZoomInfo Copilot. (Note: If you have a question you’d like us to answer, fill out this form. Don’t worry, your question will be anonymous!)

Dear ZoomInfo, we’re excited about the Copilot launch, talking with a rep about it next week. I want to know what your sales teams’ favorite features are and what features they are actually using in their day-to-day outreach. 

Dear Reader,

We’d be delighted to share! 

I posed this question to some of our top sellers, and included a video specifying the feature they love: 

"As a Strategic Customer Lead, I find that I can miss what to talk about and with whom, while my attention is focused on so many different customer interactions. Copilot gives me daily breaking alerts saying, ‘Here's why you should engage, here's who to engage, and here's what to say to them.’ I have booked 2x more meaningful meetings, resulting in more willing expansion pipeline than I had from dozens of hours of research and org mapping building the ‘perfect blueprint/account map’ with my most strategic Customer Accounts."

- Will Frattini , Head of Growth Strategy, Enterprise Accounts

“I love the Chat w/ ZI Copilot tool. It gives me everything I need before meeting with a client, and it's a phenomenal feature to show off to clients!”

- Darrell Crethers , Renewal Account Manager, Core Enterprise 

“I love the Copilot target accounts. All I have to do is login to ZoomInfo and all the accounts that are in-market for our services are right on my dashboard. I don't have to do anything now besides reach out!”

- Elmer Lopez 🏆 , Account Manager 

“The Account AI is stellar. I have been able to learn more about my accounts than ever before. I asked what data a company cared about not too long ago and that turned into a large opportunity.”

- Mitchell Bridge , Mid-Market Account Manager

Have you tried ZoomInfo Copilot? Share with us your favorite feature in the comments! 

Upcoming Events

The ZoomInfo calendar has several exciting upcoming events, both virtual and in-person! Find the descriptions and registration links below. 

Empowering Revenue Growth: How Next-Gen Intent Fuels Marketing Plays

Wednesday, June 26 | 9:00 AM ET (Virtual)

Make reading the tea leaves of intent data your ABM superpower. 

Learn how to use intent data to connect with high-potential prospects. Bryan Law, CMO, ZoomInfo and Justin Eisner, VP of Technology Consulting, Integrate will walk you through the nuances of intent data, including: 

  • Assessing the trustworthiness of intent data and using it for reliable lead generation 
  • Dissecting the entirety of your intent data to unearth key insights 
  • Turning intent data into successful campaigns that boost your bottom line

Register Here

Foundational ABM Building Blocks

Tuesday, July 2 | 12 PM ET (Virtual)

Account-based marketing is a proven strategy for driving sustainable growth. Many B2B companies use ABM teams or technologies. Getting a new program off the ground successfully doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

Join us for a webinar with Rachael Foster, Director of Account-Based Experience and Dan Dolph, Manager of Account-Based Experience at ZoomInfo. They’ll share what to consider when crafting your ABM strategy, from defining ideal customer profiles to crafting compelling messaging and measuring success.

Register Here

AWS Summit New York

Wednesday, July 10 (In person at the Javits Convention Center) 

We’re excited to be first-time AWS Summit sponsors! You’ll find us on the exhibit floor, showing how advanced go-to-market teams combine AWS and ZoomInfo to centralize customer data into a true 360-degree view for accelerated growth.

Build better AI with better data from ZoomInfo. We make it easy for data management, business intelligence, and analytics teams to access ZoomInfo DaaS directly in Amazon S3 — for seamless performance and quicker results.

Stop by anytime during the event or pre-book a 1×1 meeting with our executive team.

Book a Meeting

Copilot for Account Expansion 📈

ZoomInfo Copilot helps sales reps identify and act on new opportunities in their existing accounts by surfacing valuable account intelligence, such as new corporate initiatives, key personnel changes, and unusual levels of competitor research.

Copilot Chat leverages these first-party and third-party data sources to provide specific, contextual recommendations for capitalizing on new opportunities. Now, instead of spending hours searching for clues to lucrative whitespace in existing accounts, sellers can act on fresh expansion opportunities.

“Copilot allows me to jump right into accounts with knowledge of their buying intent and contacts,” says Danny Underhill , an account manager at Lumen.

And with Copilot’s AI email generator, reps can jump-start their outreach with relevant, targeted language, staying ahead of competitive encroachment and proactively solving the needs of their existing customers faster than ever.

“Having everything right there just makes it easier to get the information right away and do everything I need to,” says Derion McGriff, business development manager at Apricorn, who we introduced in last week's newsletter.

Keep an eye out for more real-world Copilot use cases in future newsletters, and schedule a demo if you're ready to give it a try yourself.

The Watercooler

Here’s a collection of news that caught our attention from around the web.

On top of the 🌎

Nvidia has overtaken Microsoft as the world’s most valuable company. On Tuesday June 18, the chip maker's shares hit $135.21, setting its market cap at $3.326 trillion. The company’s stock has increased about 173% so far in 2024, while Microsoft has seen only an increase of 19%.

AI McMess

McDonald’s is removing its AI-powered technology from its drive-thrus. It has been testing the technology since 2019. This announcement comes after reports of some pretty remarkable — and delicious-sounding — mistakes made by the AI ordering tech, including bacon-topped ice cream and hundreds of dollars in chicken nuggets.

What to Watch

No, we’re not talking about a new Netflix show. We’re talking about a startup that promises to use AI for carbon capture. Geoffrey Hinton, known as the “Godfather of AI,”  is betting on CuspAI, a startup that has secured $30 million in seed funding. Hinton, who left Google last year, has agreed to serve as an advisor on the CuspAI board. He was won over by CuspAI’s plans to design building materials using deep learning and molecular simulation. We’re keeping an eye on CuspAI and recommend you do, too. 

Speaking of Netflix …

Netflix is stepping out of the streaming lane to incorporate in-person experiences. In 2025 the company plans to open Netflix Houses — featuring shopping outlets, eateries, and experiential activities associated with some of their biggest shows. What do you think … will these Houses make Netflix the next Disney? Let us know what you think in the comments. 

Have something you’d like us to cover in an upcoming issue? Comment and let us know. We promise, we read all of them.

Subscribe to this newsletter here to make sure you always get notified when we post.

Darrell Crethers

Renewal Account Manager ll (Core Enterprise) at ZoomInfo | Ex - ABC/NBC | Army Veteran | Remote 💪🏿 in SaaS


Makes call prep much more efficient and effective!

Elmer Lopez 🏆

Account Manager @ ZoomInfo | 1x Presidents Club | Sales Enabled Podcast


Copilot ai is a game changer

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