$212,352 in 1 month with $35,822.91 spent in YT Ads with a webinar funnel

$212,352 in 1 month with $35,822.91 spent in YT Ads with a webinar funnel

💵 $212,352 in just 30 days at a 5.92X ROAS generated from YT ads with a webinar funnel 💵 (10 min read)

Yes, that's only $35,822.91 spent and front-end revenue generated without counting back-end sales.

Only for people running webinars and looking to scale their traffic to the moon.

Well, if you have been hearing all the crazy hyper about YouTube ads on scaling webinars and wondering if that's true it is...

The truth is, it's an excellent platform to scale once you get your proof of concept sorted out...

I have helped my clients generated over mid 7 figures collectively in the last year alone...

The more we test and analyse those that are killing it on YT ads Vs those that aren't, we found that there are 3 main steps in generating good returns for your YT campaigns....

Introducing the A B V Method to scale to 7 figures on YT ads

1) Identifying the level of awareness of your audience

We all know that to get your message across, you have to take the time to do it right. 

One of the most critical steps in doing so is attracting people's attention and creating a sense of urgency. 

This step needs careful consideration because this is where you will launch your idea into the minds of those who need it most. 

‏‏‎ ‎Eugene Schwartz talks about five levels of awareness when presenting an idea which are:

‏‏‎ 1) Unaware

2) Problem Aware (a person may not be aware there is a problem, but they might be seeking solutions)

3) Solution Aware (a person has become aware that there is a problem and looking for potential solutions)

4) Product Aware (not just any product, but their solution)

5) Most Aware

‏‏This is something that people don't usually pay attention to. But this literally is the most important portion of your campaign.

‏‏You see the closer you target people nearer to the sale the easier the sale is for you…

‏‏Most advertising campaigns focus on level 1 - 3 and use a direct approach to scaling. However the biggest pot of gold actually comes from the top 2 levels of awareness...

‏‏What do I mean?

‏‏I mean creating video ads that actually helps you to create your very own blue ocean from the red...

‏‏I first heard of this concept from my mentor when I first started out in marketing and i didn't know exactly what did that mean until 1 year later...

‏‏I started to see the connection on how to bring red hot ready to buy audience into the funnel without much effort with just a small tweak of the creatives and targeting...

‏‏If you realised most successful startups begin with the same process...

‏‏Apple with their macbooks & iphones, entering into the already bloody red ocean but managing to create their very own market from the top 2 levels of awareness...



‏‏And many others...

‏‏With YouTube ads this became much easier as well, all you need to do is to target your competitor's channels and videos that these dream audiences are search for instead of targeting broad...

‏‏however this is still just the tip of the iceberg...

‏‏What you need to do next stems down to the content and creative of the video & how you differentiate yourself from your competitors in the market

‏‏2) The Everlasting Big Idea

‏‏After consulting over hundreds of clients on why some of their video ads don't work on youtube, we have gotten it down to a science

‏‏The key fundamental reasons why campaign don't work is based on one core reason


‏‏This is literally the one thing that will make or break your campaign especially on YouTube

‏‏As you know the people videos are the lifeblood of the platform on youtube and creativity is one of the core reasons why people flock to the platform to watch…

‏‏Imagine your video is less interesting and engaging compared to the videos your audience are looking to watch?

‏‏David Ogilvy said that "unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night" even though he lives in a different era, this still stands through today.

‏‏But you might be wondering how do I create a big idea that has a high success of working out?

just ask these 3 questions

‏‏Does it have insights?

‏‏Is it unique and/or different from what's in the market?

‏‏Do you share what's in your prospect mind?

‏‏we took it one step further and make it more simplified

‏‏is it unique/different?

‏‏Does it shows a good demonstration of how your product/service works?

‏‏Does it empathise with their core desires and pain?

‏‏Once you answer all these questions you would be able to create an everlasting big idea that will create your own market and allow you to stand out and become a category king

‏‏‎‎This is totally different from having the ability to spend more to acquire customers but rather re positioning your whole business into a different angle instead

‏‏‎ A few great brands come into mind when you think about who actually has yes to these 3 questions

‏‏‎ Nike

(Nike focuses on the athlete's mentality, demonstrates inspiring skills when people wear their shoes and empathises with people's hope and dreams of being like their idols in sports)

‎ ‎

Dollar shave club

(Different way of buying shavers)

‏‏‎ ‎

Dr Squatch soap‎ ‎

Men smell nice = gets women, they demonstrated with a viral ad where they went on the streets to interview women about how the soap smells, it resonates with men who wants to smell nice and be attractive)

‏‏‎ ‎

I have written a more in-depth post on this as well, and should be somewhere in the group ...

after getting all you required for a winning campaign you would imagine scaling is easy right?

But I realised besides those brands who has huge budgets, almost all YT ads dont do this…

‏‏‎ ‎

To create a big idea these are some things that you can do right now…

1) Reframe the solution

Most of the time, coaches and consultants love to use big promises to market

It stills work but at scale the campaign usually falls apart as its boring nowadays

Looking at campaigns from the past in competitive markets like cars 

All you need is to add a touch of reframing like rolls royce with their headline

"At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new rolls-royce comes from the electric clock" 

E.G. How to generate 123,111 in just 1 week with my FAST system (affiliate marketing)

Reframe: "How sending emails paid for my house in full "

E.G. How to create a 6 figure Amazon FBA Business without inventory (Amazon FBA)

Reframe: "9.8 billion, that's how much third party sellers like me and my students help generate for amazon. Want a piece of it? " 

2) Lean in to your story/character

The reason why rag 2 riches story always work is because it makes the person very charming, it becomes a hero's journey for people to look forward to in their lives as well

A good example of this is Russell Brunson when he first started clickfunnels

He leaned into his story of failures & successes starting various business utilising the funnel concepts.

Even though there were other page building software he stood out among them and disrupted the market with his big idea "Funnels "

3) Unique Differentiation

One of the most under utilised methods to create a big idea

Super simple as well

All you need to do is to find a pocket of audience that is underserved in your market / solution OR create a solution that sounds / Is different from your competitors

‏E.G. 7 Figure CEO by Andrew Krorez 

( teaches you everything about running an online coaching business and how to scale up with messenger and organic post to 7 figures )

‏‏3) Video Ad Optimisation

‏‏turn one video into 3 or more videos with this one simple hack lazy marketers aren't doing...

‏‏This one little tweak helped us to generate an additional 300-500k/video without having to take new videos

‏‏This is highly underrated but will only work once you get your first video idea to convert at a minimum of 3x ROAs

‏‏A lot of times what people usually do is to take a new video after the winning campaign stops being profitable

‏‏‎ ‎That's just one way of maximising the power of your winning video ads

We realised that most people who opt in from the ads usually only watch the first 25-30% of the video on YouTube

Armed with this information we decided to do some tests...

we created 5 different hooks and edited it into our winning campaign...

The purpose of this is to attract different kinds of audience to watch and be converted without straying too far off from the big idea

It's to "revive" old winning creatives as well and give our campaigns a boost

One brand that has been doing this for the decades is Dove Soap

They used their big idea of "cream while you wash "for over xx years

1950 "cream while you wash"

1960 "dove half face wash test"

1964 "litmus test"‎ ‎

1980 "Method for our mildness"

Many of the biggest brands in the world do this...

They go in different angles for their winning big idea and just convert more and more audience and eventually carve out a piece of the market for themselves as the category king.

You see in copywriting , what we learn is to switch out the hooks to test what works the best, but when it comes to video ads, even the biggest players arent doing this yet...

This small add-on is like adding boosters to your videos to make it last long, allow you to spend more money on ads and give you more time to squeeze every single dime out

Hope you guys enjoyed this post and if you have any questions regarding YouTube ads please leave it in the comments below

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