Additional Terms for the LinkedIn Live Events API Program


As a LinkedIn Live Events Developer, you’ll be able to build a live events or audio/video streaming integration with LinkedIn to enable a LinkedIn-approved broadcaster to broadcast to LinkedIn from your application.  When you develop using the LinkedIn Live Events Developer technology, you agree to be bound by the following terms, so please take a few minutes to review them. 

Last revised on October 13, 2022. 

1. Introduction 

1.1 About these Additional LinkedIn Live Events API Program Terms 

When you develop using the LinkedIn Live Events API technology, you are entering into a legal agreement with Linkedin and agreeing to all of these Terms.

By using the APIs, software, documentation, tools, and data that LinkedIn makes available to you as part of the LinkedIn Live Events API Program ("LLE Program”), you are agreeing to be bound by these Additional Terms for the LinkedIn Live Events API Program (“LLE Terms”) that are incorporated into the LinkedIn API Terms of Use (“API Terms of Use”) as “Additional Terms” (collectively, these “Terms”). All capitalized terms not defined herein will have the meaning given to them under the API Terms of Use. Any summaries of these LLE Terms included in the highlighted boxes reference only some of the key provisions of these LLE Terms and are not a substitute for them. As used in these LLE Terms, “LLE APIs” means APIs, software, documentation, tools, and other functionality that LinkedIn makes available as part of the LLE Program.  

1.2 Description of the Live Events APIs

The LLE APIs currently available under the LLE Program support various broadcasting and virtual event creation, management, and broadcasting use cases.

As part of the LLE Program, LinkedIn is granting approved developers the ability to integrate the LLE APIs into their live audio/video streaming, virtual event, webinar, podcasting, and audio/video editing, repurposing, and publishing applications “Event Application”) in order to: (a) make various LinkedIn Live Event services (“LLE Services”) available via their Event Applications to clients that have entered into contracts with the relevant developer for the provision of such LLE Services and have been preapproved by LinkedIn (each, a “Client”); and (b) obtain data from the LLE APIs relating to such LLE Services (“LLE Data”) for the purpose of making it available to their Clients. The LLE APIs (and LLE Services) currently available under the LLE Program (as further described below) are: (i) for creation and management of virtual events, and live audio/video broadcasts (each, an “Event”, and an Event to be broadcast to the LinkedIn Services, a “LinkedIn Event”); and (ii) for broadcasting such Events onto the LinkedIn Services.

1.3 Relationship to the API Terms of Use 

If there is a conflict between these LLE Terms and the API Terms of Use, these LLE Terms will control. 

To the extent there is a conflict between these LLE Terms and the API Terms of Use, these LLE Terms will control. For the LLE Program, any reference in the API Terms of Use to: (a) “Content” (or Content made available from or through the APIs) will apply to LLE Data; (b) “Application” will apply to each Event Application; (c) “Terms” will apply to the API Terms of Use with these LLE Terms incorporated therein; and (d) “API” will apply to each LLE API.  

1.4 Account Manager and Authorized Client 

If your Events Application enables your Clients to manage LinkedIn accounts (e.g., page accounts or member profiles), such Clients must be authorized by the relevant Account Manager. 

The LLE APIs allow your Clients to manage accounts on certain LinkedIn Services (“LinkedIn Accounts”), such as page accounts and Member profiles via your Events Application. 

a. Overview of LinkedIn Page and Profile Accounts. A LinkedIn page account allows organizations to educate and engage with Members through their LinkedIn page (“Page”), which includes a high-level summary of the subject organization and posts by Page administrators (“Page Account”). A LinkedIn profile account allows Members to create a profile on the LinkedIn Services (“Member Profile”) with personal and professional details for the purposes of managing their personal brand, networking, and creating and engaging with content on the LinkedIn Services (“Member Account”). 

b. Account Manager. An “Account Manager” is any individual or entity that controls a LinkedIn Account, including LLE Data relating to any such LinkedIn Account. 

c. Authorized Client. An “Authorized Client” is any Client that is an Account Manager or that is authorized by an Account Manager to access the Account Manager’s LinkedIn Account (or LLE Data relating to any such account). An example of an Authorized Client is an external advertising or social media management agency that the Account Manager hires. For clarity, if these LLE Terms indicate that any LLE Service or LLE Data must only be made available to Authorized Clients, the reference is to the specific Authorized Client(s) permitted to access the LLE Service or LLE Data by the relevant Account Manager. 

1.5 LinkedIn Approved Clients 

The LLE Services are not available to all Members and Pages. Members and Pages must be approved for access to the LLE Services by LinkedIn.

The LLE Services are not available to all Members and Pages on LinkedIn.  Any Member or Page that wants to use the LLE Services must apply for access and receive approval from LinkedIn.  All interested Members and Pages should review the access criteria currently located here.  

1.6 Descriptions of LLE APIs and LLE Services 

The LLE APIs (and LLE Services) currently available under the LLE Program are further described below.

The LLE APIs (and LLE Services) currently available under the LLE Program are further described in the Live Events Developer Documentation, and currently include functionality to enable: (a) the Event Application to check the LinkedIn Services to see if a particular Page Account or Member Account is authorized to broadcast Events to the LinkedIn Services; (b) a Client to schedule, promote, broadcast, and end the broadcast of a LinkedIn Event; (c) a Client to target their LinkedIn Event to a specific country, region, or language; and (d) a Client to view engagement with their LinkedIn Event in real time as the LinkedIn Event is being broadcast from within the Event Application (such engagement functionality is restricted to those developers approved by LinkedIn).  

1.7 Creation of a Linkedin Event 

If your Event Application enables a Client to create a LinkedIn Event, you must bind that Client to LinkedIn Event Agreement.  

You acknowledge and agree that any Client that creates a LinkedIn Event must consent to the LinkedIn Events Terms (“Events Agreement”), currently located here

If your Event Application enables a Client to create a LinkedIn Event, you represent and warrant that: (a) you have the authority to bind (and hereby bind) the relevant Client to the Events Agreement; or (b) you will require your Client to agree, by written contract (including click-through terms), to the Events Agreement.  

1.8 Use of LLE APIs for Internal Purposes 

If you wish to use the LLE APIs to access LinkedIn Accounts for which you are the Account Manager, in connection with such use, you are considered an Authorized Client under these LLE Terms.  

If you’re using any LLE API in connection with any LinkedIn Account for which you are the Account Manager, in connection with such use: (a) any reference to an Account Manager, Authorized Client, or Client in these LLE Terms refers to you; and (b) you hereby agree to the Events Agreement in connection with your creation of a LinkedIn Event.  

2. Review of Your LLE API Integrations  

2.1 Requesting Access to the LLE APIs

In order to obtain access to the LLE APIs, you and your Event Application will be subject to LinkedIn’s developer and application vetting processes.  

Your Event Application and your integration of any LLE API, LLE Data, and/or LLE Service into your Event Application (collectively, your “LLE API Integration”) must be approved by LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s approval will be subject to you successfully completing its developer and application vetting (including a review of your privacy and security practices). You must ensure that all information you provide to LinkedIn in connection with such vetting processes is accurate and complete. In particular, you are not authorized to use any LLE API (or LLE Data) for any use case other than the one(s) you specify in connection with your request for access (including via an access request form) to the relevant LLE API. While LinkedIn will make reasonable efforts to respond to access requests, LinkedIn is not committing to any timeframe for such response.

2.2 Changes to your LLE API Integration

LinkedIn must be notified of certain changes to your LLE API Integration.  

If you change your LLE API Integration, you must notify LinkedIn of any change that results in: (a) any information you provided to LinkedIn as part of the developer and application vetting processes becoming inaccurate or incomplete; or (b) differences in how you use, store, delete, distribute, or otherwise make available LLE Data. Additional details are provided in the Developer Documentation.  

2.3 Monitoring your LLE API Integration  

LinkedIn may review all LLE API Integrations at any time and reserves all of its rights under these Terms.

Even if LinkedIn approves your LLE API Integration (including during the vetting processes), you are responsible for ensuring that your LLE API Integration (including all use, disclosure, and storage of LLE Data) is, at all times, in compliance with: (a) these Terms (including the Developer Documentation); and (b) all other requirements or restrictions that LinkedIn separately communicates to you (e.g. during or after the relevant vetting processes). LinkedIn retains all of its rights under these Terms (including its right to suspend or discontinue your access to the LLE APIs and/or LLE Data for non-compliance with these Terms).

LinkedIn (and/or its third-party service providers) reserves the right to monitor and audit all LLE API Integrations at any time, in LinkedIn’s discretion, including to confirm your compliance with these Terms. You will: (a) cooperate with any such review, including reasonable requests by LinkedIn for access to your Event Application and access (including physical access) to other materials, information, records, or Systems relating to such review; and (b) accommodate modifications to your LLE API Integrations required by LinkedIn as a result of its review.

3. Use of LLE APIs and LLE Data 

3.1 Specific Data Restrictions

Certain types of LLE Data are subject to additional data restrictions as described below.

Without limiting the generality of any other restrictions in these Terms, you must comply with the following data requirements and restrictions to the extent that you receive access to the indicated type of LLE Data or LLE API:  

a. Analytics Data. You may only use, distribute, or otherwise make available Analytics Data to provide reporting and billing to Authorized Clients. Such reporting shall relate to the performance, effectiveness, and optimization of the relevant Page Accounts or Member Accounts. “Analytics Data” means analytics on LinkedIn Accounts and on LinkedIn Events broadcast on behalf of a LinkedIn Account (along with your analysis, insights, and derivatives thereof, including Aggregated LLE Data as defined below).  

You may aggregate Analytics Data from LinkedIn Accounts controlled by different Account Managers (“Aggregated LLE Data”); provided that: (i) you maintain the specific, segregated data regarding each Account Manager’s LinkedIn Accounts as confidential and you do not disclose it to any third party (other than Authorized Clients); (ii) such Aggregated LLE Data does not include any Member Data (as defined below); (iii) such Aggregated LLE Data would not allow any third party to identify or infer any Account Manager or any user of any LinkedIn Service (or data specific to any Account Manager or user of any LinkedIn Service); (iv) you use and disclose such Aggregated LLE Data only for the purpose of providing reporting to your Clients relating to the optimization of LinkedIn Events broadcast from the Event Application to LinkedIn Accounts; and (v) any such use or disclosure is agreed to by the Account Manager that controls the relevant LinkedIn Accounts.  

If Analytics Data includes any of the data types described in Sections 3.1(c) (“Organization Profile Data and Standardized Data”) or 3.1(d) (“Member Data”), any such data is subject to the restrictions included in those sections, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 3.1(a).  

b. Data Transferred to LinkedIn. You represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights and a legal basis under all applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations for the transfer of any data to LinkedIn in connection with your LLE API Integration.  

c. Organization Profile Data and Standardized Data. If you receive access to any organization profile data from a Page (“Organization Profile Data”), including logo, location, industry, or size of the subject organization, or any LinkedIn standardized data (“Standardized Data”), including standardized locations, industries, degrees, job functions, and other fields as specified in the Developer Documentation, you may only use and display such data via your Event Application to support the relevant LLE Services for which the data was made available to you. You must not: (i) export, transfer, or distribute any Organization Profile Data or Standardized Data to any third party (other than as necessary to transfer reporting data from LinkedIn Accounts to Authorized Clients); (ii) create any derivative of Organization Profile Data or Standardized Data (e.g. by modifying such data or by combining it with other data); (iii) misrepresent the origin of any Organization Profile Data or Standardized Data; or (iv) use any Organization Profile Data or Standardized Data for the purpose of building any product or service unrelated to your LLE API Integration. In addition, if you have access to any Microsoft Bing Maps location data, you hereby also agree: (1) to Microsoft Bing Maps and MapPoint Web Service End User Terms of Use and Embedded Maps Service Terms of Use and the Microsoft Privacy Statement (collectively, the “Microsoft Terms”) in connection with your use of such data; and (2) that the Microsoft Terms shall govern in the event of a conflict with these Terms.  

d. Member Data. If you receive access to LLE Data that is Personal Information (as defined in the LinkedIn Data Processing Agreement for Business Development Agreements) and/or that relates to any individual user’s activities on any LinkedIn Service (collectively, “Member Data”), you may only display the Member Data via your Event Application to support the LLE Services for which the Member Data was made available to you. The relevant LLE Services are: (i) to enable an Authorized Client to create accounts or profiles on your Event Application using their own Member Data; or (ii) to enable an Authorized Client’s Page or Member Profile to view Member Data on those Members that have interacted with LinkedIn Events broadcast on behalf of such Page or Member Profile and to provide related reporting to the Authorized Client. You must not however: (1) export, transfer, or distribute any Member Data to any third party, including to any Authorized Client; (2) create a database of Member Data collected from multiple unaffiliated LinkedIn Accounts; (3) commingle or combine any Member Data (other than in connection with Subsection (i)) with any other Personal Information, including for the purpose of supplementing, verifying, or appending to user profiles, leads, or portions thereof; (4) commercialize or sell any Member Data or make any Member Data available to any data broker, information reseller, information broker, data monetization service, or similar service; (5) use Member Data for advertising, sales, or recruiting use cases (including to identify sales or marketing prospects or prospective talent for hire, for lead creation, to enhance customer data in a CRM or marketing automation platform, to build an audience list, or for ad targeting purposes); or (6) use Member Data to derive sensitive information on the relevant Member (including racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, mental or physical health conditions, citizenship or immigration status, or sexual orientation). For clarity, Member Data includes: (x) LinkedIn profile data of Members who create (or interact with) posts on the LinkedIn Service and the content or information provided by the Member (e.g., a Member’s post, comment, or reaction); and (y) Member identifiers (including person URNs/uniform resource names that are unique to your Event Application). 

3.2 Additional API and Data Restrictions

There are also some general restrictions on your use of the LLE APIs and LLE Data as described below.

You agree not to do the following:  

a. Make the LLE API Integration, or LLE Data available to any third party other than your Clients (or as otherwise set forth in these LLE Terms);  

b. Make any LLE API or LLE Data available to any developer to integrate into a product, service, or application that the developer makes available to unaffiliated customers (as opposed to internal users affiliated with the developer’s organization);  

c. Transfer to any Client more LLE Data than it needs for the optimization of LinkedIn Events broadcasted by the relevant Page Account or Member Account;  

d. Integrate any LinkedIn API, other than the LLE APIs, into your Event Application (for clarity, you may integrate the LinkedIn Self-Serve APIs into your Event Application in accordance with the API Terms of Use);  

e. Offer Authorized Clients standard targeting segments or categories that differ from targeting offered by the LLE APIs (e.g., country, region, or language targeting segments for Page Accounts);  

f. Access, collect, use, store, transfer, process, or make available LLE Data in any manner unless: (i) you have obtained the relevant rights from your Clients; and (ii) you are operating in accordance with the directions you have received from your Clients and your agreements with your Clients;  

g. Disclose the identity of Account Managers without their prior written consent;  

h. Collect LLE Data after the Authorized Client ceases to receive services from you relating to such LLE Data or requests that you no longer access such LLE Data;  

i. Allow any of your affiliates to access LLE Data in any manner other than via your Event Application as a Client in accordance with these Terms;  

j. Make any statement, representation, or warranty to any third party, either directly or indirectly: (i) indicating that you have any authority to act for or on behalf of LinkedIn or to obligate or bind LinkedIn in any way; (ii) that relates to LinkedIn, the LinkedIn Services, the LLE Program, LLE APIs, LLE Services, or the LLE Data and that is inaccurate, fraudulent, or misleading; or (iii) suggesting that you are LinkedIn’s strategic, certified, or preferred partner (other than as expressly permitted in writing by LinkedIn); or  

k. Use the LLE APIs in conjunction with LinkedIn Accounts for which you are the Account Manager to provide services (on a resale basis or otherwise) to your Clients. 

3.3 Suspension of Client Access  

You will, at LinkedIn’s request, suspend or terminate any Client’s access to your LLE API Integration or LLE Data.

You will, at LinkedIn’s request (email acceptable), suspend or terminate any Client’s access to or use of your LLE API Integration or any or all LLE Data (including Stored LLE Data, as defined below) if: (a) LinkedIn suspends or terminates the Client’s (or the relevant Account Manager’s) ability to broadcast LinkedIn Events or to otherwise access the LinkedIn Services; or (b) LinkedIn, in its sole discretion, determines that providing the Client access to LLE Services or LLE Data is not in LinkedIn’s or its Members’ best interests.  

In addition, you will notify LinkedIn, and, at LinkedIn’s request (email acceptable), suspend or terminate any Client’s access to all LLE Data, if you become aware that the Client is using the LLE Data in an illegal manner or in violation of the restrictions included in these Terms.

4. Storage of LLE Data

4.1 Right to Store LLE Data

You must not store any LLE Data, except to the extent expressly permitted by the Developer Documentation.  

You must not store or cache any LLE Data, except: (a) to the extent expressly permitted by the Developer Documentation; and (b) Aggregated LLE Data. Any data that may be stored pursuant to this Section 4.1 is “Stored LLE Data”. You will take appropriate measures given the nature of the Stored LLE Data to ensure that it is kept up to date.

4.2 Deletion of Stored LLE Data

Stored LLE Data must be promptly deleted in certain circumstances (including when a Client ceases to receive services from you relating to its LLE Data or upon a Client’s or LinkedIn’s request).

You will permanently delete (in ten (10) days or less) any Stored LLE Data that was stored on behalf of a Client: (a) if the Client ceases to receive services from you relating to such Stored LLE Data and the Stored LLE Data is no longer necessary to fulfill the Client’s business need or data retention obligations; or (b) upon the Client’s (or Account Manager’s) request. In addition, you will permanently delete (in ten (10) days or less): (a) any or all Stored LLE Data upon LinkedIn’s request (email acceptable); and/or (b) all Stored LLE Data that is Member Data upon termination of these LLE Terms. LinkedIn may require you to certify that you have complied with the deletion requirements applicable to the Stored LLE Data.

5. Application Requirements

5.1 Reporting, Training, and Fees  

Your Event Application must allow Authorized Clients to view LLE Data separately from data relating to other non-LinkedIn platforms.

If your Event Application allows your Clients to access aggregate data (for example, metrics relating to the targeting and engagement of an Event) across various digital channels on and off of LinkedIn, your Event Application must allow your Clients to separately view LLE Data. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to train your sales and Event support teams on LLE Services. You may not charge, either directly or indirectly through distribution channels, Clients any incremental fees in connection with the LLE API Integration.  The foregoing does not preclude you from charging Clients for the Event Application.

5.2 Security

You will maintain safeguards that are designed to keep all LLE Data secure.

You will maintain physical, technical, and administrative safeguards that are designed to keep all LLE Data secure and that meet or exceed industry standards for this type of data. Any request to access LLE Data on behalf of an Authorized Client must comply with all LinkedIn technical and security requirements, and LinkedIn reserves the right to deny such access in its sole discretion. 

6. Duration and Termination

6.1 Duration of LMA Terms

These LLE Terms will continue until they terminate as described below.

These LLE Terms will commence on the date you agree to them or the date you start using any LLE API (whichever occurs first) and continue until: (a) you discontinue use of all LLE APIs; (b) the API Terms of Use terminate; or (c) these LLE Terms are terminated pursuant to Section 6.2 (“Termination for Convenience”). For clarity, any termination of these LLE Terms will not automatically terminate the API Terms of Use but any termination of the API Terms of Use will automatically terminate these LLE Terms. Neither party will be liable for any costs, expenses, or damages solely as a result of termination of these LLE Terms.

6.2 Termination for Convenience

Either party may terminate these LLE Terms for convenience.

Either party may terminate these LLE Terms for convenience for any reason at any time upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the other party.

6.3 Survival

Even after termination, many of your obligations under these LLE Terms survive.

Upon termination of these LLEA Terms, all rights granted under these LLE Terms will immediately terminate. The following sections will survive termination of these LLE Terms: all definitions, Sections 1.3 (“Relationship to the LinkedIn API Terms of Use”), 3 (“Use of LLE APIs and LLE Data”), 4 (“Storage of LLE Data”), 5.2 (“Security”), 6.3 (“Survival”), 7 (“Confidentiality”), 8 (“Indemnification”), and 9 (“Miscellaneous”). Upon request, each party will promptly destroy all Confidential Information (as defined below) of the other party in its possession, custody, or control, provided that Confidential Information contained in backup media can remain in such backup media for up to thirty (30) days or until it is deleted as part of the relevant party’s standard deletion processes, whichever occurs first. Notwithstanding the preceding requirement, each party may retain a copy of the other party’s Confidential Information as reasonably required for legal and auditing purposes. LinkedIn may request that you certify in writing your compliance with this Section.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Confidential Information  

Each party will protect the confidentiality of the other party’s confidential information.

If either party (“Receiving Party”) under these LLE Terms gains access to Confidential Information of the other party (“Disclosing Party”), then the terms of this Section will apply. “Confidential Information” means all information disclosed under these LLE Terms that is marked or designated as confidential by the Disclosing Party or that due to the nature of the information should reasonably be known to be confidential by the Receiving Party. Each party agrees that it will not: (a) use any of the other party’s Confidential Information in any way for its own benefit or the benefit of any third party, except as expressly permitted by, or as required to implement, these LLE Terms; or (b) disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any third party except as expressly permitted by these LLE Terms or to independent contractors who: (i) have a need to know it in order for the Receiving Party to perform its obligations or exercise its rights under these LLE Terms; and (ii) are under written confidentiality and non-use obligations at least as restrictive as those set forth in these LLE Terms and which can extend to the Confidential Information. Each party will take reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of the other party’s Confidential Information that are at least as stringent as it takes to protect its own Confidential Information. Information will not be deemed Confidential Information under these LLE Terms if: (1) it was publicly available or was known to the Receiving Party prior to its receipt from the Disclosing Party from a source other than one having an obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing Party; (2) it has become publicly known, except through a breach of these LLE Terms by the Receiving Party; (3) it was rightfully communicated to the Receiving Party free of any obligation of confidence to the Disclosing Party subsequent to the time it was communicated by the Disclosing Party; or (4) it has been entirely independently developed by the Receiving Party without use of or reference to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information. For clarity, the fact that LLE Data is available through LinkedIn Services shall not constitute “publicly available” or “publicly known” under Subsection (1) or Subsection (2). Notwithstanding the above, the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, without violating these LLE Terms, to the extent such disclosure is required by a valid order of a court or other governmental body having jurisdiction, provided that the Receiving Party gives the Disclosing Party reasonable prior written notice of such disclosure and makes a reasonable effort to obtain, or to assist the Disclosing Party in obtaining, a protective order preventing or limiting the disclosure and/or requiring that the Confidential Information so disclosed be used only for the purposes for which the order was issued.

7.2 Residuals

Receiving Party employees may further develop their general knowledge, skills, and experience, even if based on the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information. 

The employees of the Receiving Party who have received or have been exposed to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information may further develop their general knowledge, skills, and experience (including general ideas, concepts, know-how, and techniques), which may be based on such Confidential Information. The restrictions in Section 7.1 (“Confidential Information”) will not apply to the subsequent use, and disclosures incidental to such use, by such employees of such general knowledge, skills, and experience, as unintentionally retained in their unaided memories. The receipt of or exposure to a party’s Confidential Information under these LLE Terms will not in any way limit or restrict the work assignments of any of the Receiving Party’s employees or contractors. 

8. Indemnification

8.1 Your Indemnification Obligations

You will indemnify LinkedIn for any claims arising from your relationships with your Clients or Account Managers.

You will defend, hold harmless, and indemnify LinkedIn and the LinkedIn Affiliates (and our and their respective employees, shareholders, and directors) from any claim or action brought by a third party, including all damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent resulting from, alleged to have resulted from, or relating to your interactions with your Clients or with Account Managers or interactions between your Clients and Account Managers (including any claim that any contract between any of the preceding parties has been breached).

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 Communications

LinkedIn may communicate with you via e-mail, regular mail, and/or postings on the Developer Site regarding the LLE Program.

You agree to receive communications from LinkedIn relating to the LLE Program via e-mail, regular mail, and/or postings on the Developer Site, including communications regarding your Event Application and access to the LLE Program and LLE APIs. If you share any third party’s contact information with LinkedIn in connection with the LLE Program, you agree that you have the right to authorize LinkedIn (and hereby authorize LinkedIn) to use that information to contact the third party regarding the LLE Program.

9.2 General Terms

These Terms supersede any and all prior agreements and other communications between the parties which relate to the subject matter of these Terms.

These Terms (including the Developer Documentation) supersede any and all prior agreements (including any LinkedIn API License Agreement – Live Video), proposals (oral and written), understandings, representations, conditions, warranties, covenants, and other communications between the parties which relate to the subject matter of these Terms. The term “include” (and all of its variants) when used in these Terms will be interpreted to be followed by the clause “without limitation” in all cases. Where written approval is required under these LLE Terms, such approval must be by a duly authorized representative of the consenting party.