From the course: Vocal Production Techniques: Editing and Mixing in Logic Pro

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Using reverb send to enhance vocals

Using reverb send to enhance vocals

- [Teacher] Producers and mix engineers love to use reverb on vocals. Why? Reverb tends to not only gloss over imperfections with the vocal performance, but it also adds a nice stereo space around the usually mono vocal track. So it has its own texture in a mix. Let's look at how we can use a send in Logic Pro 10 to apply a stereo blend of reverb to a vocal. So I'm going to go ahead and show the mixer pane here so we can see, there's our vocal track here. And what we want to do is send a portion of the signal, of the output of the vocal track, to an auxiliary track and the auxiliary track will allow us to blend in the reverb with the dry signal on the original track. So to do a send, you can see this slot here is reserved for sends. I'm going to click in here, and I'll make a Send on the first available bus, which is Bus 1. A bus is just an audio pathway from one place to another inside the mixer. So I'll put this send on Bus 1. Now notice, Logic automatically made an aux track which…
