From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Two approaches to performing cybersecurity due diligence

Two approaches to performing cybersecurity due diligence

- [Instructor] Cybersecurity due diligence during a merger and acquisition is the process of identifying and understanding the risks and vulnerabilities of a target business and mitigating them across the devices and networks before and after the transaction is completed. If these risks are overlooked during the course of the deal, it can potentially lead to underestimated integration and future costs. Performing cybersecurity due diligence can help the buyers understand the target company's cyber risks and to come up with plans to prevent cyber attacks, data breaches, and other incidents in the near future. It may also help finance teams evaluate the fair value of the deal while also ensuring that the organization is not vulnerable to a potential cyber incident. Due diligence will help ensure the success of these transactions, while protecting the long-term value of the acquired company and its assets. Traditional versus…
