From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Risk management: Comprehensive risk assessments and risk response

Risk management: Comprehensive risk assessments and risk response

From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

Risk management: Comprehensive risk assessments and risk response

- [Narrator] Welcome to the fifth step of your journey to perform cybersecurity due diligence during M&A transactions. In this phase, the focus is on performing the cybersecurity risk assessment of the target company. Based on all the information collected this far through interviews, questionnaires, documentation provided by the target company, penetration test results and so on, and to also help get insights about risk management practices in the organization. The intent is to identify key areas of concerns to help formulate a response plan to address any risks identified early on to improve the company's cybersecurity posture. When we talk about risk management, you firstly identify the potential risk scenarios and assess the impact of each risk on the organization if it was to happen. And finally, determine the likelihood that a particular risk would occur, which helps us drive the risk rating. Once the risks…
