From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Discovery and workflows to identify key assets and risks

Discovery and workflows to identify key assets and risks

- [Instructor] Whether you are hiring a third-party assessor or having your internal security team perform the due diligence, as a buyer company, you will need to gather a lot of information from the target company. This information will help you assess the cybersecurity posture and identify any areas of concern. This is the third step of cybersecurity due diligence, which involves discovery and workflows, which are focused on gathering as much information as possible about the target company's information security practices, systems, and processes. This video will be covering the examples of the data and information you will need from the target company to assess the risks and also identify challenges. Let's take a look at this phase in detail. The first step is to get information about the staff on the target company's cybersecurity team by reviewing HR records or speaking with IT and information security staff.…
