Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

  • Make These Fancy Crackers in Your Air Fryer

    Make These Fancy Crackers in Your Air Fryer

    I’m not a wild spender when it comes to dining out, but a girl does like to be pampered sometimes. A few times a month, I don some “real clothes” (instead of my WFH duds) and I expect to be rewarded for it with an interesting cocktail and tasty morsels. These were provided recently at…

  • How to Carve a Chicken Like an Adult

    How to Carve a Chicken Like an Adult

    It doesn’t matter if you’ve painstakingly roasted your very first broiler chicken, or you’ve realized that tearing apart the grocery store rotisserie bird with your hands isn’t good etiquette for when your date comes over. At some point, you’ll need to know how to carve a chicken. The good news is, it’s pretty easy. Here’s…