CDPR Planning A Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel And A Whole New Witcher Trilogy

CDPR Planning A Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel And A Whole New Witcher Trilogy

Cyberpunk 2077‘s controversial history doesn’t seem to have dampened CD Projekt Red’s ambitions at all. The Polish studio announced a sequel is coming at some point, currently codenamed Project Orion. It also has three Witcher projects in the works, including an entire sequel trilogy planned to follow up on the success of The Witcher 3.

The full slate of CDPR’s upcoming release plans were teased in a new strategy presentation shared on Twitter, and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how the studio that continues to promise no more crunch is going to deliver on all of it before the PlayStation 7 comes out. Here’s everything it revealed today:

  • Project Hadar – new IP
  • Project Sirius – Witcher game from The Molasses Flood
  • Project Polaris – new Witcher trilogy from CDPR
  • Project Canis Majoris – story-driven open world Witcher RPG from a third party
  • Phantom Liberty – Cyberpunk 2077 expansion from CDPR
  • Project Orion – Cyberpunk 2077 sequel from CDPR

Hardly any details are known about any of these games, but the clear takeaway is that CDPR is going to double down on the Witcher and Cyberpunk licenses while still trying to make something entirely new on the side. A time table for when these grand plans will come to fruition was also thin. The new Witcher trilogy is planned for release across a six-year period, while Hadar remains in the conceptual phase. It’s worth remembering that CDPR first announced Cyberpunk 2077 back in 2012, and released its first trailer in 2013, nearly a decade before the game actually launched.

CDPR also outlined its intent to bring multiplayer to its upcoming games, something that had been rumoured for Cyberpunk 2077 but ultimately fell out along its reportedly rushed and rocky development and post-launch period. As part of these new plans, the company will expand with a new studio in North America, and joint CEO Marcin Iwiński announced he’s stepping down from the role to focus on being an advisor to the board of directors.

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