Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Covers Nine Movies In One Game

It got kinda buried under bigger news at Microsoft’s E3 press conference, but there’s a new Lego Star Wars game coming, one that covers the events of, oh, nine movies.

It’s called The Skywalker Saga, and doesn’t appear to be a mere collection of older games; instead this looks to be an all-new thing, condensing the events of the entire mainline Star Wars series—including Last Jedi and the upcoming Rise of Skywalker—into a single title.

It’s exciting to see a new Lego Star Wars game! Even more exciting that the Force Awakens section of that trailer suggests they’re going back to silent comedy, which was always a lot funnier than the voiced gags they’ve tried in later games.

It’ll be out next year in PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch.


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