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Tag Archives: china

Chinese moon rover Yutu is alive after all

Either Chinese officials monitoring the country's first moon rover,Yutu, jumped the gun a bit yesterday, or today they're just overly optimistic, but either way, they're reporting (via Xinhua) that the little research vehicle may not be dead after all. “Yutu has come back to life!” said one – presumably excited …

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China’s first rover will rest forever on the moon

China recently made a big splash in the cosmos, when it sent its first rover to the surface of the moon. Yutu made it there and pootled about for a while, conducting basic experiments and generally leaving its made-in-china footprint on the surface of another solar body. However, mechanical problems …

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China temporarily lifts ban on console sales

If you've been living in China for the past near decade and a half, you'll have been restricted to PC gaming as your main source of video-game entertainment, since console sales were completely illegal. However it now looks like – temporarily at least – China has lifted its ban on …

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China bans Battlefield 4

Some bad news came down the pipeline over the weekend as Battlefield 4 has been officially banned in China and as you might know, a Chinese ban is pretty strict. Not only can the game not be sold but the Chinese Ministry of Culture has issued a notice prohibiting the …

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Bitcoin tumbles following increased Chinese regulation

The most recent bitcoin boom was driven by Chinese investment, with people from the country buying up more of it than the rest of the world put together just a few weeks ago. Today though, that situation is very different, as following increased regulations by the Chinese government making trading …

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China heading to the moon with first moon rover

What's up Kerbal Space Program fans and you know, people interested in real, actual space travel. China has now launched its first lunar rover, attached to the Chang'e-3 lunar probe with the intended mission of surveying the moon's surface and looking for natural resources that can one day perhaps be …

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After minor dip, Bitcoin value continues to soar

Did any of you have any Bitcoins saved up? If so chances are you've made a killing recently, as the value of the digital currency is continuing to soar to new heights, despite a recent stumble on its latest rise. While just a few weeks ago the highest ever value …

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Huawei denies spying for the Chinese goverment

Huawei has been the centre of discussion recently, we already know that the British ISP TalkTalk use the company to maintain its filters and that both the ISP and Huawei can add or remove sites from the filter as they see fit. Recently David Cameron praised the company's filtering system in …

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Huawei to open £125 million research facility in UK

Huawei, the Chinese firm in charge of restricting its countrymens' access to content – and big favourite of David Cameron – has announced it will be opening a £125 million research and development centre in the UK, despite concerns that the company may be too closely linked to the Chinese …

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China to unblock access to social media sites

It would seem that the Chinese government is finally ready to open up access to social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter after years of restricting and blocking access to sites across the country. There is a catch however, as there are only plans to make them publicly accessible …

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More Apple factory worker abuse claims

Another worker group in China is claiming that Apple factory workers are being abused, but this time it's not a Foxconn facility that's responsible, but one owned by Taiwan's Pgatron Corp and two of its subsidiary companies. Some of the alleged mistreatment of workers, includes violations of health and safety …

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David Cameron’s favourite porn filter is Chinese

We talked about the automatic porn filters David Cameron wants all ISPs to implement a couple of days ago and boy did it get you guys riled up. Understandably so as well. We're talking about a government censoring the internet, that always makes us mad. However, the government won't actually have …

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China loves Linux

Red Flag

While you would think that China, with its restrictive web and seeming dislike of personal freedoms, would be all about locked down operating systems, it's not. In fact, it's such a fan of Linux, that the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, is teaming up with British firm Canonical, …

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Australia’s reserve bank hacked

The Plague

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has been hacked, with a media report suggesting that those responsible were from China – however the RBA has yet to release an official statement explaining what exactly happened. It is thought that those responsible were attempting to gain information about the G-20 economic …

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China points cyber finger at US

Unit 61398

While we might often hear stories of how the US is being targeted by Chinese hackers, the communist country has now pointed its finger at the US, suggesting most of the attacks against its nation come from the Western one. According to China's defence ministry, last year nearly 150,000 attacks …

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Britain loses ground in graphene patents race

Created by the University of Manchester in 2004, this Graphene substance has huge potential – but it seems that its country of birth might not have that large a role in its future development. KitGuru checked on how long the British government takes to make decisions – and what cost …

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Apple Cook courts China in Year of the Snake

We are now living in the last days of the USA being the biggest power on Earth. Buried under a tremendous amount of debt and a continuing struggle to understand which direction to take in order to stimulate growth, American companies are now looking at the ‘East' for solutions. KitGuru …

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China now has over a billion mobile subscriptions

China is by far the largest country, weighing in at 1.35 billion people in an official estimate taken at the end of 2011. So it comes as no real surprise that China has just crossed the big billion threshold for mobile phone subscriptions. According to China's Ministry of Industry and …

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Samsung vying to get permission for chip plant in China

Samsung Electronics have issued a statement detailing their plans to build a new flash memory chip plant in China. They said they have applied with the Korea government to build a new semiconductor production line overseas. As they wait for approval to come through they are holding further negotiations with …

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China say claims on blocking gmail are ‘unacceptable’

Yesterday KitGuru reported that Google claimed China were blocking their citizens from accessing Gmail services. Today the Chinese Foreign Ministry have spoken out, denying the accusations. China's Foreign Ministry said today that it could not accept accusations from Google Inc that the government was making it difficult for Gmail users …

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50,000 iTunes accounts on sale in China

A major chinese website is selling thousands of stolen iTunes accounts. 50,000 accounts are linked to stolen credit cards, listed on auction site TaoBao, the countries equivalent of eBay. Buyers of the accounts are offered temporary access with unlimited downloads from the service for a price of only 1 yuan …

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China blocks WikiLeaks website

China, in its usual heavy handed manner has blocked all links to the WikiLeaks websites after potentially embarassing claims were made in leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. People in China who tried to access either wikeleaks.org or cablegate.wikeleaks.org were delivered a page saying that the connection had been reset. This is …

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China hijacks web traffic, fears of cyberweapon emerge

Disturbing news is circulating that a state owned Chinese telecommunications firm rerouted around 15percent of all web traffic through its own servers, during a limited period on April 8. This report, also documented by news agencies in the UK such as The Telegraph has raised fresh concerns that sensitive information …

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China officially have worlds fastest supercomputer

We reported weeks ago that it looked as if China were going to overtake the US for the world's fastest computer title, and we were right. The Chinese Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin has achieved a performance level of 2.57 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second). …

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Music Mafia threatens Google with hit?

The music industry is a lap dancer. Pure and simple. It wants to fill the room with it, plaster it everywhere, wave it right in front of your nose and then imprison you if you have the audacity to put a finger on its product. KitGuru just read an article …

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