The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Call for Submissions (Stories and Art)

The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Call for Submissions (Stories and Art)


Calling all Authors and Artists!

The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Submissions are now open!

Every year JordanCon publishes an Anthology featuring guests and attendees of the convention. All proceeds from the sale of the anthology go toward supporting the JordanCon Charity. We are looking for short fiction (under 7500 words), novellas (12,000-20,000 words) and full color, interior art.

  • Fiction submissions are due by September 15, 2023. (This due date was extended.)
  • Art submissions are due by November 1, 2023.

The title of the JordanCon 2024 Anthology is A Magnificent Display of Marvelous Wonders.  We are looking for stories and art positively centered around extraordinary performers and fantastical displays. Acrobats, trick-shots, feats of strength, mysterious artifacts, rare creatures, magical or far-flung wonders. These are only broad examples and non-exhaustive. We cherish creativity on theme. Stories and art must also fall within the categories of Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror, meaning that it must contain elements of one or more of these genres.

There are three submission forms, so please check the eligibility requirements to make sure you are using the correct form. Full submission guidelines are in the forms. Please be sure to read them. If you have any questions, please email

If you have never been a Guest of the convention, nor were you in the 2023 Anthology as an author, you can submit here:

2024 Attendee Author Submission Form

If you have been a Guest of the convention before, or you were in the 2023 Anthology as an author, you can submit here:

2024 Prior-Guest Author Submission Form

If you are submitting art, you can submit here:

2024 Artist Submission Form

The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Call for Submissions (Stories and Art)

The JordanCon 2023 Anthology Call for Submissions (Stories and Art)

Calling all Authors and Artists!

The JordanCon 2023 Anthology Submissions are now open!

Every year JordanCon publishes an Anthology featuring guests and attendees of the convention. All proceeds from the sale of the anthology go toward supporting the JordanCon Charity. We are looking for short fiction (under 7500 words), novellas (12,000-20,000 words) and full color, interior art.

  • Fiction submissions are due by August 30, 2022.
  • Art submissions are due by November 1, 2022.

The title of the JordanCon 2023 Anthology is “The Leaf Does No Harm.” We are looking for stories and art that plays with the theme of non-violence. Examples could be pacifism, oaths to not kill or do harm, unlikely friendships, dedicated kindness, or appeals to peace. This list is not exhaustive, but non-violence needs to be central to the story or artwork in some way. Stories and art must also fall within the categories of Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror, meaning that it must contain elements of one or more of these genres.

There are three submission forms, so please check the eligibility requirements to make sure you are using the correct form. Full submission guidelines are in the forms. Please be sure to read them. If you have any questions, please email Anthology AT JordanCon DOT org.

If you have never been a Guest of the convention, nor were you in the 2022 Anthology as an author, you can submit here:

2023 Attendee Author Submission Form

If you have been a Guest of the convention before, or you were in the 2022 Anthology as an author, you can submit here:

2023 Prior-Guest Author Submission Form

If you are submitting art, you can submit here:

2023 Artist Submission Form

JordanCon 2022 Karaoke All-Stars!

JordanCon 2022 Karaoke All-Stars!

My fellow belters of songs! It has been a long time since we’ve been able to take the stage, but after conferring with the Programming Team and Convention Operations, we are tentatively optimistic that the great JordanCon tradition of Karaoke will be back for 2022! Of course, that also means we will be coming back for a third year of JordanCon Karaoke All-Stars! Who will win the talent pipes this year? It could be you!

NOTE: This is a tentative and optimistic plan. Should Covid-19 conditions change to where JordanCon deems that we cannot do Karaoke safely, we will postpone to a future year. At a minimum, we expect that all singers will be required to wear masks, and you will need to remain on the stage (no going out into the audience)

You can put your name in the hat here.


  1. Alternate lyrics are allowed, but please keep language and the performance to PG-13.
  2. Groups are allowed, but no repeat performers. There is only 1 prize (a set of “talent pipes” from Badali Jewelry) awarded to the winner, so a group will need to decide who it would be awarded to should they win.
  3. Your time-slot is 5 minutes long. This includes set up, anything you want to say prior to singing, the song, any outro, and leaving the stage. Points will be deducted for exceeding time.
  4. You will be provided 2 wired microphones, 1 wireless microphone, and a stage.
  5. Backing music and lyrics-on-screen will be provided to the best of the host’s ability. He will work with you over email to get the best arrangement possible. (more info below)
  6. There will be a sound/mic check at 7:30pm Friday night. Doors open and the contest begins at 8:30pm. Do not be late, or you will be bumped.
  7. Singing order will be determined on site via random draw.
  8. A panel of three judges will rate your performance. Judging criteria are:
    • Singing Accuracy/Skill 50%
    • Showmanship/Performance 40%
    • Costume/Props 10%
  9. The email address you supply will be the point of contact used for this contact.

When you submit your song, Richard will reach out to the you (or your Group’s point of contact) to coordinate getting the karaoke track to the group to practice with before hand, or to request the track should he not have it. Simply “play this YouTube” will not work, though. Richard needs at least an mp3 file as he will not have reliable internet access.

Lookin’ Forward to hearing what the All-Stars can bring!

JordanCon 2022 Anthology Is Now Open For Art Submissions!

JordanCon 2022 Anthology Is Now Open For Art Submissions!

Ruins by Justin Gerard

Calling all artists!

Brand new and shiny! This year’s JordanCon anthology will include art for the very first time! Better yet, it will be art from our very own members!  The anthology in which the artwork will be featured will be sold at JordanCon 2022 (April 22-24, 2022), and then on Amazon, to support fundraising for the convention charity!

Submission Guidelines

The JordanCon 2022 Anthology is now accepting 2D art submissions. To submit, please carefully read our submission guidelines.

Submissions are open to any person who has attended JordanCon, past or present. The theme is “Neither Beginnings nor Endings”, with an open-ended interpretation within the field of speculative fiction, including fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Patterns, loops, rebirth, the old made new, etc. Take hold of the creative spirit and let it take you where it will! We are now accepting multiple submissions. Artists selected to be in the Anthology will only have one piece of art selected.

Preexisting art is welcome. No copyrighted or fan art. We will be asking for non-exclusive rights to both print and digital versions of your accepted art as part of any future printings of the 2022 Anthology (e.g., continuous sales on Amazon). All of the art that is accepted will be included in its own Art Show Display!

Artists selected for inclusion in the JordanCon 2022 Anthology will receive the following:

  • A US $50 honorarium.
  • A complimentary copy of the 2022 Anthology, mailed to you if you cannot attend JordanCon 2022.
  • Participation in the mass signing event in Main Programming.

Art pages will be 8.5 x 5.5 inch format size, 1650 pixels by 2550 pixels max, but pieces are not required to be rectangular or those exact dimensions (although it should be at least 300dpi in one of those dimensions.) For the submission, a lower quality or watermarked image is acceptable, but we’ll need the high quality and clean version for printing upon acceptance.



All submissions must be from someone who has attended a JordanCon before or has purchased a membership for 2022. You need not have been a featured artist to submit. So long as you have been to JordanCon, we want to see your art.

To submit, fill out this form.

If you have questions, please email them to

The deadline for art submissions is Monday, February 21st, 2022. We will review the submissions shortly thereafter.

Best of luck, and may creativity smile upon you!

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