Plans to fast-track 576 new homes in Athlone get green light

€182m scheme in Westmeath will see the delivery of 174 social housing units

An Bórd Pleanála has given the green light to fast-track plans for 576 homes in Athlone.

An Bórd Pleanála has given the green light to fast-track plans for 576 new homes in Athlone.

The joint housing venture between Westmeath County Council and private developers will now proceed, with the €182 million scheme to be located on a site 1km northeast of the town.

Under the joint venture terms, 30 per cent of the scheme – or 174 units – is to be allocated towards social housing. In planning documents lodged with the application for the scheme, the developers, Alanna Homes and Roadbridge, have put a price tag of €54.7 million on the social homes to be sold to the council.

The entire Lissywollen Strategic Housing Development scheme comprises 285 houses and 291 apartments.


The appeals board granted planning permission for the scheme after concluding that it will have a positive effect on the area due to the increased housing stock.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times