Fortune 1000: Annual List of Largest American Companies

What Is the Fortune 1000?

The Fortune 1000 is an annual list of the 1000 largest American companies maintained by Fortune. The magazine ranks the Fortune 1000 companies by revenue generated from core operations, discounted operations, and consolidated subsidiaries. Since revenue is the basis for inclusion, every company is authorized to operate in the United States and files a 10-K or comparable financial statement with a government agency.

Key Takeaways

  • The Fortune 1000 is Fortune's list of the largest companies in the US, by revenue.
  • The list is considered a barometer of the state of the business sector.
  • Private companies and those that do not fully report their financial positions for at least three quarters in the current fiscal year are excluded from the list.
  • Rankings are based on revenues generated from core operations, discounted operations, and consolidated subsidiaries.
  • The Fortune 500 list overshadows the Fortune 1000 list in part because of the near-constant change of lower-level companies on the 1000 list.

Understanding the Fortune 1000

As noted above, the Fortune 1000 is a list of the 1000 largest public companies in the United States ranked by revenue. The list does not contain private companies as they generally withhold information from the public. Other companies excluded from the list include those that fail to report full financial statements for at least three quarters in the current fiscal year.

The Fortune 1000 is an important and prestigious list despite receiving considerably less notoriety than the more selective Fortune 500 rankings. The annual list draws significant interest from readers who follow the business sector and seek to learn about the influential leaders in the U.S. economy.

Many investors view a fall in rank or failure to make the list as a sign of weakness for a company or an industry, whereas a move higher portends strength. Since revenue dictates this list, many of the companies at the top offer products that serve most people.

Some of the products can include groceries and clothing found at Walmart (WMT), gas to fuel a vehicle from an ExxonMobil (XOM) station, or the widely owned iPhone produced by Apple (AAPL). For this reason, many business-to-business (B2B) software companies are unable to crack the upper echelons of the list.

Top Members of the Fortune 1000

Fortune magazine compiles a list of 1,000 companies with the highest revenues in the United States. The companies on this list make up more than two-thirds of the nation's economy and have combined total revenues of $15 trillion.

Walmart took the top spot on the Fortune 1000 list, reporting reported $611.29 billion in revenues and $11.68 billion in profits for 2023. Walmart also ranked high on the e-commerce sales list, although not as high as Amazon (AMZN)—Fortune's number 2 pick.

Amazon's total revenues for the same period were $513.98 billion. The company reported a net loss of $2.72 billion. An increase in consumer bundles contributed to this marked growth, as well as increases in Amazon Prime and entertainment subscriptions, which cater to more than 150 million customers worldwide.

Exxon Mobil took the third spot, with revenue of $413.68 billion and a net profit of $55.74 billion.

In addition to being ranked number 1 for highest revenues, Walmart is also number 1 on Fortune's list as the most profitable company.

How to Invest in the Fortune 1000

Curious about how to invest in the nation's top revenue earners? Unless you're Warren Buffet, you may not be able to invest in each company individually. However, even with sufficient resources, investing in them individually may not be wise or practical.

Fortunately, an index fund may be a viable option. For example, the S&P 500 is an index fund that tracks the performance of the 500 largest companies in the U.S. It is likely that each company in this index is on the Fortune 1000 list. However, it might ignore the bottom 500 companies on the Fortune 1000 list.

The Russell 1000 index covers a wider range of companies, tracking the top stocks of the Russell 3000. It focuses on the market capitalization of the top 1000 companies in the U.S. For investors wanting to invest in as many Fortune 1000 companies as possible, this index might be the better option because of the number of stocks included.

Criticism of the Fortune 1000

The Fortune 1000 list offers a valuable gauge of the current state of the business sector. Yet, the Fortune 500, which measures just the top 50% of such companies by revenue greatly overshadows this list. In many ways, the rapid turnover of companies listed near the bottom of the Fortune 1000 limits it from gaining the same mainstream acceptance as the smaller Fortune 500 list.

For many years, researchers equated turnover as a proxy for positive economic churn and underlying strength in innovation and productivity. However, high churn isn't always a signal of strong business growth; instead, it can mean an active merger and acquisition (M&A) environment, where large corporations purchase small companies.

What Is the Difference Between the Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000?

The Fortune 1000 is a list of the top revenue-generating companies for the previous year. The Fortune 500 is a subset of the Fortune 1000 that comprises the largest 500 companies therein. The Fortune 100 is an even more elite subset, with the largest 100 revenue-generating companies.

What Are thew Top 10 Companies on the Fortune 1000 List?

For the 2023 Fortune 1000 list, the top 10 companies were:

  1. Walmart
  2. Amazon
  3. ExxonMobil
  4. Apple
  5. United Healthcare
  6. CVS Health
  7. Berkshire Hathaway
  8. Alphabet
  9. McKesson
  10. Chevon

When Did the Fortune Lists Begin?

Fortune magazine established the Fortune 500 list in 1955. At the time, General Motors (GM) ranked at the top of the list with revenues of over $9.8 billion. This was a position that it continued to hold for the next three decades. Along with GM, many of the largest companies by revenue in 1955 are names that still exist today, including Chrysler, and ExxonMobil.

The Bottom Line

The Fortune 1000 list is often considered a good indicator of the state of the business sector in the United States. That's because it highlights the financial performance of the 1000 largest companies in the country. Keep in mind that it may not accurately represent the business sector's financial landscape as it doesn't include private companies or those that don't report their financial positions for three consecutive quarters. The Fortune 1000 is often overshadowed, though, by its sister list: the Fortune 500. The shorter list typically ignores the constantly changing nature of the bottom half of the Fortune 1000.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Fortune. "Fortune 500."

  2. Someka. "Fortune 1000 Excel List."

  3. S&P Dow Jones Indices. "S&P 500."

  4. FTSE Russell. "Russell U.S. Style Indexes."

  5. Deloitte. "M&A Making the Deal Work," Pages 50-68.

  6. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. "What Does Fortune 500 Turnover Mean?"

  7. Fortune. "1955 Full List."

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