Catherine Knibbs

Child Trauma Psychotherapist (Cybertrauma)

Cath is a Clinical Doctoral Researcher, Consultant, Public Speaker, Author, Child Trauma Psychotherapist and member of the VUWG. She writes about and works with cybertrauma which is any trauma that occurs through an internet ready device.

Cath Knibbs is a tech geek, gamer (of sorts), tech/gaming therapist and cybertrauma and trauma psychotherapist using biofeedback/tech and gaming to elicit Post Traumatic Growth, healing and flow. Her recently published book is available now. The book focuses on the ‘why’ we do what we do in cyberspace, and how to help children, young people and adults.

She is a disruptor and advocate for children’s rights, privacy, and digital explorations online. She also educates therapists via her company Privacy4 about Data protection/privacy/cybersecurity issues in relation to their practice. She is also a Director and mental health advisor for Gamersbeatcancer and member of the Vulnerable Users Working Group (VUWG).

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