
Recruitment Policy

Updated: 29 May 2019

Privacy Notice for Recruitment at InfoSum:

Here at InfoSum, we're all about privacy - just look at the products we build for managing personal data. You could say we're somewhat obsessed by privacy. This Privacy Notice is for potential new recruits so it describes the basis for processing the personal data we collect from you, or that is provided by you or a third party (such as a recruitment agent) as part of our recruitment process.

First of all, we use Breezy HR and Workable both web-based hiring platforms, to assist in our recruiting process.

We may also process your data using other internal communication tools such as email (provided by Google) and internal chat (provided by Slack). As part of that process Breezy HR, Workable, Google and Slack will be processing the personal information you've shared in accordance with our instructions.

Because we use cloud based services to manage recruitment your personal data may be processed on servers around the world by these third party processors, and may be accessed by hiring managers when they are travelling.

When you apply for a job posted by us, the information we collect or you provide is used to determine whether or not you're a good fit for current and future roles at our company and to contact you about the interview process. We also retain your data so that we can monitor repeat or duplicate applications, which may be especially relevant if you apply both directly and via a recruitment agent.

If we find your details online (via publicly available sources) or are given your details by a third party recruiter, we shall only keep such details on file for up to 30 days unless we have given you a copy (or link to) these terms.

After a position has closed, we will keep a copy of all applications for that position for 2 years. We will only keep individual applications for a longer period where there is an exceptional reason for retaining it.

Our legal basis under GDPR for processing your data is our "legitimate interest" in doing so. We have determined that we have a legitimate interest because if we did not process your data we would not be able to review your application or communicate with you, and we think that's in your interests as well. And nope, we're not relying on your consent.

We will not use your data submitted here for any purpose other than contacting you regarding recruitment opportunities - you will not end up on a marketing or newsletter list, as these are managed entirely separately. We will also not share your data with third parties, although we may share with other companies within our group where we need to do so as part of the recruitment process.

Lastly, if at any point you'd like us to remove the information we've collected or share it with you, just let us know, and where possible we will oblige.  Our data protection officer is Danvers Baillieu, who may be contacted via  For our full details and ICO registration, please see our general Privacy Policy.

Updated: 29 May 2019