Reviewers Wanted

Impulse Gamer is looking for writers who want to write DVD/Blu-ray Reviews (Australia Only), Movie Reviews (Sydney Australia Only), Comic Book Reviews (Worldwide), Nintendo Switch Reviews (Worldwide), PC – Mainstream & Indie Gaming Reviews (Worldwide), Xbox Reviews (Australia & United Kingdom Only) and PS4 Reviews (Australia Only).

Impulse Gamer Editorial Team

Impulse Gamer is always looking for talented freelance writers & reviewers to join our team. If you’re a strong and concise writer, believe you can write unbiased articles, meet deadlines and more importantly, always proof read your material before submission, then why not apply for a reviewing position. Our reviews generally range between 300 to 600 words and include a final score out of 5. We give our writers a generous 7 day turnaround for Movie/Comic reviews and 7 to 14 days for TV Series and Video Games. Additional time can be negotiated with your editor and our reviewers must be 18 years or older.

Our Reviewing Process

DVD & Film Reviews
Word Count: 300 – 600 Words
Format: Introduction, Body (Including Video, Audio & Special Features) + Conclusion

Comic Reviews
Word Count: 300 – 600 Words
Format: Introduction, Body (Story, Thoughts) + Conclusion

Video Game Reviews
Word Count: 600 – 800 Words
Format: Introduction, Body (Including Graphics, Audio) + Conclusion

If this sounds exciting and something you would like to be involved in, please send us an application and include the following;

  • A brief bio about yourself (Name, Age, Previous Writing Experience (*)
  • 1 – 2 writing samples
  • What format or formats you would like to review such as DVDs, Blu-rays, Comics, Video Games. If you choose Video Games, please list which consoles you own or your computer specifications)
  • Favourite genres such as Anime, Science Fiction (Doctor Who), First Person Shooters or Casual Games

*No experience necessary but previous experience is highly advantageous.

We also review every application and get back to you within 5 business days

Please complete the application below

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