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Stopping software supply chain attacks

Commodity malware and known vulnerabilities remain persistent issues, but attacks are growing via embedded open-source libraries and third party code. Avoid supply chain attacks with analysis and gain control of behaviors between application components.

Consolidating application security

A Leader in the Omdia Market Radar for Next Generation Application Security

Adhere to NIST standards

Latest NIST 800-53 recommends Runtime Protection for supply chain attacks

Gain confidence

Confidence that we are exceptional stewards in protecting member data

Compromised supply chain code hides attacks in trusted apps

Even when supply chain attacks aren’t dominating the headlines, they are being carefully plotted and executed. It is impossible to block these novel attacks by signature alone.

Supply Chain Attacks pains mobile 2x
  • Supply chain attacks evade traditional detection

    By embedding unknown or custom-written malicious code into trusted applications, attackers need more investment, but they manage to evade perimeter and WAF products.

  • Third-party software brings vulnerabilities

    The efficiencies gained by using open source libraries and JavaScript scattered across websites make organizations more susceptible to compromise.

  • Security teams lack context around application behavior

    Traditional solutions only give visibility into traffic to and from applications. Supply chain attacks will continue to go undetected until application behavior is understood.

  • Modern application behavior is complex

    As newer technologies spread through enterprise environments, the blend of microservices, APIs, and containers bring new challenges for security teams to understand.

Visibility within applications and a positive security model

Detecting and stopping supply chain attacks needs visibility into application behavior. Security teams need control over legitimate application activity to mitigate the risk of supply chain attacks.

Visibility within applications
  • Detect attacks with internal visibility

    Whether it is a monolithic application or compromised microservices, supply chain attacks can only be identified with behavioral analysis within the application.

  • Shield identified vulnerabilities in production

    Even when new vulnerabilities are discovered, a lack of patches and uptime SLAs put you at risk unless exploit actions are blocked.

  • Remediate risks with granular control

    Effectively remediating vulnerable embedded software requires a clear identification of where all of the vulnerabilities are distributed throughout the applications.

  • Prevent malicious by enforcing legitimate

    Once analytics enable you to separate the legitimate, normal activity from the unexpected, blocking novel supply chain activity becomes possible.

Boost brand confidence and meet critical compliance needs

Ensure best practices at NIST levels

Building a long-term security program means evolving controls to match the evolving threat landscape.

Enhanced customer trust

Proactive controls against supply chain attacks prevent the theft of customer data that keeps them from returning.

Protection against regulatory fines

Being the victim of an attack often leads to regulators levying fines when best practices weren’t implemented.

How Imperva helps to halt software supply chain attacks

Client-Side Protection

Stop supply chain attacks on the JavaScript embedded across websites.

Runtime Protection

Prevent the spread of supply chain attacks by enforcing behavior within applications.