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Financial Services Protection

Data, edge and application security for banks, insurance companies, payments providers, and financial exchanges. Imperva has on-premise, cloud, or hybrid solutions to ensure regulatory compliance, prevent account takeover, protect against web and DDoS attacks, and stop credential theft.

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Industry related challenges

Stringent regulatory compliance

Imperva ensures ease of compliance with local, regional, and national financial data regulations.

Personal data exposure

Preventing hostile access to personal and financial data across on-premise, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures.

Web application security

Blocking attacks, protecting APIs, and securing functions to ensure sensitive data security.

Cloud migration

Facilitating pain-free movement of data center capabilities into new cloud environments.

How Imperva can help

Financial services pain points mobile
  • Smooth the path to data privacy compliance

    Imperva offers easy compliance with regional data protection and privacy legislation, safeguarding customers personal and financial data while giving transparent control over how it is used, shared, and collected.

  • Real-time, single interface, application and data threat reporting

    Imperva Sonar protects critical systems with continuous analytics, offering fast adaptation to zero-day exploits and preventing novel network attacks. Best-of-breed edge, application, and data security on a single unified security platform.

  • Monitor and protect sensitive customer data

    Monitor and safeguard sensitive customer information, wherever it lives, with Imperva Data Security solutions. Secure managed databases with confidence, and protect them against malicious data theft.

  • Relocate to the cloud with confidence and compliance

    Imperva offers painless and efficient cloud transition while staying compliant and secure. Secure data assets and mitigate risk - whether on-prem or cloud - with Imperva security solutions.

Data Activity Monitoring (DAM)

Real-time monitoring for mainframes, relational databases, data warehouses, and big data to generate alerts on policy violations - with GDPR article 25 compliance by default.

Imperva Application Security Solutions

Meet data privacy and protection requirements (including PCI compliance requirement 10). Constantly testing applications for vulnerabilities during development and testing, then protecting them against attacks.

Imperva Data Risk Analytics

Support NYDFS Section 500.02 Cybersecurity Program, protecting confidentiality, integrity and availability by identifying suspicious data access and prioritizing threats. Imperva uses machine learning to distill millions of alerts and filter false positives to focus on high-risk incidents.