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Data security at scale

Rapid technology change, overloaded staff, and always urgent timelines make it almost impossible to solve enterprise-wide data security and compliance challenges on your own. Many security and compliance teams lack the resources and sometimes knowledge to protect every aspect of a modern hybrid data environment spanning on-premises and cloud data platforms.

Organizations need Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) to implement consistent security and compliance best practice procedures that can scale enterprise-wide. Imperva DSF enables your team to get more done without adding headcount, in less time, with better outcomes. Imperva DSF combines automated security and compliance capabilities into a single technology solution, eliminating tedious manual labor and removing the complexity of managing a disjointed set of data security tools for data oversight.

Imperva DSF's data security at scale difference

Provides broadest coverage across multicloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments

Support for hundreds of file shares and data repositories, including public, private, datacenter and third-party cloud services.

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) is designed to protect data in cloud-native environments, including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It ensures consistent data security and compliance, regardless of whether your data is on-premises or in the cloud. This broad coverage ensures that you can secure and monitor your data irrespective of where it resides, whether within your on-premises infrastructure or in cloud environments like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.

Imperva DSF covers your immediate needs and future integrations as you transform and extend use cases in the cloud.

Explore broadest coverage

Protects any data sources and types, across structured, semi-structured, & unstructured

Optimizing end-to-end security for business growth by covering all data types – structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) supports the widest range of data sources, including databases, file servers, cloud storage, big data platforms, and even sensitive data stored in SaaS applications. By providing data protection everywhere, you can ensure that you can secure and monitor your data regardless of where it resides – whether within your on-premises infrastructure or in cloud environments like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.

You can leverage Imperva DSF’s capabilities to gain visibility and apply consistent security policies across your entire data estate without slowing down business innovation and growth.

Explore protect any data source

Integrates with ecosystem technologies for incident context and additional data capabilities

Building a data-centric protection value chain by integrating with your security infrastructure.

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) integrates with your existing security infrastructure to provide a unified view of your data security posture, leveraging your existing security investments to deliver additional capabilities and incident context. Imperva DSF allows partners to deliver improved performance and simplify their products’ orchestration within a total data security solution. Imperva DSF also meshes with your existing business processes and can automate actions through thousands of playbooks to ensure that data security is a part of your overall business strategy.

By combining your various security components within a single fabric, Imperva DSF enables you to leverage the strengths of individual solutions while benefiting from the synergies and enhanced capabilities that integration brings.

Explore ecosystem integration

Unified visibility, control, automation & insights via a single data service or dashboard

Data Security Fabric (DSF) unifies visibility, control, automation, and insights across your entire data estate.

Imperva Data Security Fabric delivers centralized management through a single data service or dashboard for supervising and monitoring your data security controls. By unifying visibility of your entire data estate, Imperva DSF allows you to configure and manage security policies, view alerts and incidents, and track the status of data protection measures for the whole organization – for any data source and type – across on-premises, cloud, multicloud, and hybrid-cloud environments.

The unified visibility provided by Imperva DSF helps you make informed decisions, detect security threats, and ensure compliance with data protection regulations – allowing you to focus on your business while confident in the knowledge that your data is secure.

Explore unified visibility

Imperva protects the most valuable resource of every business

Data Security Fabric is a security platform built for business value

While data protection regulations are expanding reach and consumers demand more control, Imperva's proven expertise has helped customers across IT revolutions and data explosions meet the security demands for all data types, enabling businesses to pursue innovation without compromising speed or agility.

Imperva Data Security Fabric delivers unmatched innovation and value from a data-centric extensible solution for unified security across compliance, data store security, discovery and classification, and more.


data stores under protection


alerts reduced daily


admin hours saved annually

Imperva Data Security Fabric provides the broadest coverage across multicloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments

With Imperva DSF you can standardize data security controls across large and complex enterprise data environments, so you have full visibility and centralized command of what is happening across all of your file stores and data assets, on-premises, in the hybrid cloud, and across multiple clouds.

Imperva's flexible architecture supports a broad range of data repositories, from legacy mainframe systems to modern big data systems and cloud-managed database services and everything in between. Imperva DSF enables you to migrate your data to the cloud without creating compliance and security gaps – ensuring a safe digital transformation.

Data Security Fabric coverage diagram

Data security, anywhere

Imperva DSF provides a comprehensive and unified view of enterprise data risks across both structured and unstructured data management systems – meaning your security policies are applied consistently everywhere.

Structured data support includes traditional databases, mainframes, data warehouses, and databases hosted in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and more – including Managed Database Services such as Azure SQL and Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS).

Data Security Fabric coverage diagram

Files are protected and compliance is covered

In many organizations, unstructured data in the form of email, files from office productivity suites, PDF documents, and various other application files is the majority of their data. Organizations have little insight into what most of those files contain or what risk exposure they hold. Many threats from insider mishaps, malicious actors, cyber-attacks, ransomware, and other sources are always lurking in enterprise environments with files spread across on-premises and cloud data repositories. Imperva DSF provides visibility into sensitive data’s exact location, volume, and context. Driven by machine learning, it allows data owners to find and identify data regardless of cloud or on-premise environment or data source. Imperva DSF analyzes metadata to determine file owner, data type, data category, and other information, consolidating findings for rapid assessment of current access profiles. Administrators will quickly know whether regulated data types may have over-privileged file entitlements beyond what is intended or entitled for a user. Imperva DSF has a built-in workflow manager to help automate remediation workflows should action be required.

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Key technical capabilities that enable data security at scale

Data Discovery & Classification

Databases, unstructured file repositories, and cloud applications tend to grow and expand. Many organizations cannot even catalog their digital assets in the cloud. Thus, discovering all DBaaS instances and unstructured data files with sensitive information and classifying them for their content becomes important, and is required for most privacy regulations.

Data Activity Monitoring

Data activity monitoring helps organizations demonstrate compliance by monitoring and auditing data access and usage within the cloud environment. It enables organizations to track and report on data activities to meet regulatory obligations. Imperva DSF Data Activity Monitoring continuously monitors and analyzes all database activity automatically, including local privileged user access and service accounts – in real time – to ensure regulatory compliance mandates are met.

Data Risk Analytics

Imperva DSF Data Risk Analytics helps identify potential security threats and malicious activities within the cloud environment. These capabilities, which are not inherent to cloud-native data store services, allow organizations to detect unauthorized access attempts, suspicious data transfers, and other abnormal behavior that may indicate a security breach or data compromise.

How data security at scale benefits industry

Healthcare relies on secure data and reliable access to it

Imperva delivers end-to-end protection and compliance for critical healthcare data and applications.

Data security for financial services

Imperva protects banks, insurance companies, payments providers, and financial exchanges with data security for on-premises, cloud, or hybrid data stores.

Government cyber protection

Defense-in-depth security for government organizations and agencies. Imperva helps authorities prevent cyber attacks, identify insider threats, and achieve data compliance.

Imperva Data Security Fabric protects all data types with a single system that delivers multiple business capabilities

Imperva Data Security Fabric is the first data-centric solution that enables your organization's security and compliance teams to quickly and easily secure sensitive data, no matter where it resides, with an integrated, proactive approach to visibility and predictive analytics.

Imperva Data Security Fabric is composed of cutting-edge orchestrated technical capabilities that work in unison to protect your data across your entire organization:

Data Discovery & Classification

Data Activity Monitoring

Data Retention & Archive

Data Risk Management

Ecosystem Integrations

Data Encryption & Tokenization

Static Data Masking

Automated Workflows & Playbooks

Sensitive Data Management