
12 Reviews
An Unforgettable Mess
19 March 2023
I'll keep this one short, the textures weren't good, they're almost playdough-like and they lacked detail, same for the characters, the characters felt washed out and so simple, of course often simple is associated with 'good' however that was not the case here I'm afraid, and the characters weren't likeable, and it just tried too hard in general, there's nothing unique about this movie, after I finished watching it, I felt nothing, it didn't stick to me, I didn't think about it, it just went straight out of my thoughts and I moved on, that's how horrible it is, obviously it's a low budget movie and you SHOULDN'T expect DreamWorks, Disney, Pixar Animation and graphics quality, if that's what you expect you will be immensely disappointed, although I kept my expectations low and I didn't expect too much anyway, there are so many better movies out there that you could pick, back to the subject of quality, the story wasn't anything special either, like who comes up with such? I never expected much from this "studio" anyways, it's obviously an independent film, but that shouldn't be an excuse for a horrible movie, I paid good money to see it, even went as far as to watch it in the cinema for some odd reason just because I want to show that I actually supported this knowing it was indie, when I say it's horrible it's not because I'm brainwashed by big-budget-studios, it's because of honesty, it's just.. bad... It's forgetable, it's boring, I know people who almost fell asleep watching it, it feels like someone's first attempt at a animated movie with a VERY limited budget, thought they would be passionate about this movie but it seems like I was wrong, I couldn't find the passion, the heart in this movie, it just wasn't there, and I'm sorry to say that.

If you're thinking about watching this which I doubt you are, watch it with very low expectations, because it doesn't even have a proper climate, it doesn't have proper character development or likeable characters

take Mickey Mouse for example, he's unique, so is Garfield, Donald Duck', Goofy their so simple yet so unique, but is this movies characters unique? No.

They feel like their done by some 13 year old who just learnt the basics of blender modeling (not to discredit actual talented minors out there)

There is no talent put in this horrible movie, and if there ever was, why wasn't I ever proven wrong?

The only thing that kept me watching it was the torture.
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This Show Shouldn't Exist
30 October 2022
Let me make it quick, extremely bad artwork choice They've taken away everyone's personality including Garfield, Jon, etc, they're all silent and never talk NONE OF THEM they're also just not likeable and they don't look like themselves anymore, now, I grew up with Garfield And Friends, the very first show which still holds up as the golden masterpiece that it is, take a look at that and then this, this show is just so lifeless, empty, boring, just disrespectful to the original show and to Garfield. "Garfield originals" there's nothing original here, want original? Want something that leaves you watching non-stop? Watch Garfield And Friends and the old specials, they have really good artwork, really likeable characters like Jon, Garfield etc, Liz, grandma, etc etc

They also have great personality and feel very life-like in their own way, as you watch the show it grows on you and you begin to feel connected, here you don't, with "Garfield originals" you aren't connected with any of the characters, they're just there to be there, no actual plot, just a really bad attempt and shouldn't have such a golden name such as Garfield written on it, because THIS. IS. NOT. THE. REAL GARFIELD.

I give it 2 stars for trying, not because I like it, stay away from this "GaRfIeLd" show at all costs and go watch Garield And Friends.
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DuckTales (1987–1990)
How Could I Ever Dislike This Masterpiece
25 October 2022
Grew up watching this a lot along with Garfield And Friends, must say that Ducktales is an amazing series with great artwork, great voice acting, and so much more, likeable characters as expected. This show offers a lot and you'll find out exactly what when you watch it. This show in general as you watch it you become almost connected with it, I'm not trying to be that person but, you get connected with it like when you've been talking with a friend for a long time, you become connected to them, exactly how this is, but the actual question is, is this even worth watching?

Yes, it's worth watching, that's all I'll say.
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The Garfield Show (2008–2016)
I like it, and I don't like it
23 October 2022
This show isn't bad by any means, but it comes no where close to Garfield And Friends, I give this show 5/10 because it isn't bad necessarily, it's obviously different from Garfield And Friends, the Garfield show dives more into that futuristic side with a lot of weird stuff going on like plants growing inside of homes going through the roofs, it's different of course, different isn't always bad, here it's fine enough, but when you watch a few of the episodes you'd think to yourself that the writers were on something that they shouldn't had been on, so weird it is, but bad? I can't say for sure. So both good and bad, find out for yourself.
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Garfield and Friends (1988–1995)
A true masterpiece
11 October 2022
Garfield and friends, one of my all time favorite cartoon shows and will forever be, nothing can replace this golden show, if you've never watched it, you should, it is an unforgettable experience, I recently revisited the show, now I'm watching every episode there is, and let me tell you, it just never gets old, it's like revisiting your childhood, you can revisit it as much as you want, the nostalgia I get from the show is just.. can't explain it, also those 'garfield specials' they're amazing, my favorite one is the "Garfield christmas special" will forever be in my heart, a true gem of a show.

The halloween special is also true gold God I wish this show kept going, at least we got a lot of seasons and episodes, if I were to describe Garfield and friends in one word it would be.. "legendary" only because it is, the Garfield show not so much, 3D animation, not a fan of that, I prefer the older cartoons like these because they have a sense of spirit to them. RIP Lorenzo music, gone but not forgotten, RIP Pat Carol as well. Lived a long life, rest in peace to both. This was when Garfield was Garfield, now it seems a little like a money farm, we can do better then that right? And yes, a masterpiece, I stand by my words, I can't explain my love for this show.
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If not one of the best christmas specials ever made
4 October 2022
Grew up watching a lot of Garfield, and this one... it has a special place in my heart, the plot is simple, but that doesn't mean it's bad, because it isn't, it's a heart warming movie, the nostalgia of it, the scene where the Grandma plays the piano, iconic, this movie will forever have a special place in my heart, this movie just, it makes you feel home, it keeps the true spirit of christmas, it has it's own charm, I love every Garfield special but, this one.. my favorite of them all, not to speak, Garfield and friends, love that show as well, if you've never watched this before, you should.
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Killing Floor 2 (2015 Video Game)
Bloody FUN!
23 July 2022
Slash, shoot, obliterate, kill.. Killing floor 2 is an horde wave style shooter, and it does everything just right, the gore, the blood, the weapons, how they feel, and how they look, and they look damn awesome I must say! You can shoot Gorefasts (an enemy type in the killing floor series) but not just any 'gorefast'.. gingerbread gorefasts, Yeah I'm not even lying.. Even the husk (another enemy type) has a reskin as an snowman.. blasting your way through the Christmas holidays has never been this fun, not to mention santa's workshop where Gary busey is featured, he plays badass santa, AWESOME GAME, cannot rate it enough!
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People Playground (2019 Video Game)
A gore fest..
14 May 2022
Yeah, it's pretty obivous You can kill and kill In every way possible You can do so many creative kills And it's extremely brutal It may be 2D.. but you see.. That doesn't make it any less brutal!

You can keep on shooting someones head until you'll see their skull, you can even sometimes see visual brain matter, very unlimited amount of gore Every impact, a new variation, that's what I love about this game.

Very violent, not for the faint of heart It would obivously be rated M, instantly!
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Dhar Mann (2018–2024)
Good if you're bored
9 September 2021
Horrible just horrible, low budget, bad execution Same formula over and over, predictable ending Corny acting, some is pretty decent (SOME), Carl judie does a good enough job (at times) even though I dislike this.. "SeRiEs" I must say R. I. P Carl judie Anyways stay away from this series, also what the hell, over 600 episodes? Repetitive, boring, cringe, a bad time waster.
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Fifty shades of $hit
30 May 2021
This movie, clearly sucks, I personally couldn't recommend it to anyone, it's cringe asf the acting is well, not so good it's pure cheesy garbage.
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Voyagers (2021)
Horrible plot.
12 April 2021
Please. Don't waste your time. It's pure garbage, not reccomended to anyone.
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A must watch!
10 April 2021
I've watched this a year ago. A pretty decent movie, definitely a "FfUuUnN" time for the whole family.
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