
235 Reviews
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So the beginning of the movie is so much like Indiana Jones that it's ridiculous. Then you've got scenes in it where he's remembering World War II that remind you of Schindler's list. Then you have a Doctor Who doesn't believe in evil spirits, but plays with Taro cards. The inconsistencies in the show are numerous and somewhat distracting. If you're a fan of the exercise series, you might enjoy it. If you're a fan of horror films, you might enjoy it. Overall the best I could say about this is you might enjoy the movie. So basically sit down with some popcorn or your favorite snack and a drink maybe a friend or two and see what you can do in terms of picking the movie apart because that was what we did and we had a good time doing it.
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The Creator (2023)
It's okay
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a mediocre movie it best it's worth watching. I don't know if you want to spend $30 movie theater worth watching but it is a decent enough movie there's some issues with the movie overall for instance this AI stuff and the Americans coming over and invading but there's no early like warning system saying that they're coming over they can just fly in and there's no air defense. The planes can fly wherever they want to willy-nilly. No one can hear them there's no light discipline they're running around in the night with all these lights on, but nobody sees them as militarily speaking, not a very good film. It's decent enough and might be worth your time to see.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
pretty much the way it would happen
26 August 2023
I wasn't exactly gripped by the plot, but the cast, yes please, this film boasts one impressive line up. It is all quite chillingly accurate and plausible: from experience you can relate to the misguided, self-absorbed agendas of these institutions and individuals and the powerlessness and irritation you feel in having to deal with them and their decisions.

I am pretty sure once we go down we are going to go down like this.

I, like many, do not get the hate for this movie at all. I personally think it was enjoyable. But I guess everyone just has their own opinions at the end of the day and that's fair but i would've rated it higher if they removed the comedy completely.
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(eye roll)
21 February 2023
This whole thing is canned and complete rubbish. They take bits and pieces of other scripts and try to piece them together hoping they will work like they did in the originals. They have two leads that do not work well together. They put the setting in a ridiculous place that is completely un-realistic in every way. Most of the "funny bits" are so unfunny that you find yourself embarrassed for the actors. I really have no idea why this is even allowed to be watched. The streaming companies should feel ashamed to have this as a featured film and should send a refund to anyone that actually paid money to watch it.
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If you are a vet you will understand what this man is doing
10 January 2023
Lots of reviewers are giving this bad reviews. They sound like they were after a bunch of blood and guts and dying soldiers caught on film. OBVIOUSLY they are not veterans. If they were they would understand what this was about, what the journalist was telling his audience. This is a great story about not only why he as a journalist has spent his life away from his family but why soldiers do what soldiers do. It is well told and the way that the story develops is probably to sophisticated for the people giving bad reviews. I do agree with one reviewer that a bit more focus on the soldiers themselves would have enhanced the effect of the story that was being told and the message that was being sent.
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22 December 2022
Good movie but completely predictable. It is basically a remake plus a bit extra. I am glad I waited to see this instead of paying for it at the box office. I am also glad I took the time to watch it instead of not watching it at all. The flying scenes alone are worth watching. Far fetched as this story is it is enjoyable all the same. They do good building the suspense at the end but you still know what is gonna happen just like you had written the script yourself. I can almost feel the pen in my hand jotting down the words letter by letter until finally I reach the climactic ending on board the carrier!
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21 September 2022
She or more accurately her character and the writers are making it harder and harder to watch this show. She is rescued and then behaves like a petulant child? Her entire attitude during this show is ridiculous and way outside of the realm that Tolkien would have written her. The Tolkien heros and heroines were always at the very least polite to all those around them regardless (mostly) of the circumstances. This portrayal of the savior of Middle-Earth is hardly flattering. It is rather disappointing to see what they are doing to this fantastic world and story that was so meticulously written by one of the great writers.
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21 September 2022
Galadriel and her storyline are long and slow to get to any kind of point to the story, at least in E1-2. I do enjoy the storyline of Elrond and Durin so far. I think that overall the production so far is great and very well presented even with the overdone worm in the sea portion of Galadriels storyline. The "Harfoot" or "Hairfoot peoples are somewhat interesting however the name change seems unneeded. I remember that Galadriel was mentioned several times in the books but I have limited memory of the story from them. That being said this does not seem to me to fit well with what I do remember.
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The Gray Man (2022)
How unfortunate...
29 July 2022
For about 1 hour this was a very solid 8-9 then they went to Prague. The movie had a slightly amped up 007 vibe going. Some great combat scenes and some well written exchanges between the characters. Then they went to Prague. The movie does have some good character development and a great plot/storyline. I enjoyed the movie and I think if they had not stuck the silly and useless excessively violent and destructive scene I could have easily given it a 9. It more or less gets back on track but has some of those predictable moments from movie after movie that are dull.
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a deadly car accident is funny compared to this
8 June 2022
NOTHING about this is funny, in no way is humor found in this "special". The only thing special about this was how horrifyingly and sadly NOT funny this show turns out. Go elsewhere for humor. You won't find it here.
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Interceptor (2022)
Who the H.... authorized this
8 June 2022
What a complete and utter waste of time money and digital space. Everything about this is trash. The acting the production and most of all the watchability of this pile of smelly XXXX.
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Last Knights (2015)
This started out fantastic
4 June 2022
It was a bit overly dramatic at the stat but had serious promise. Then in the middle it fell apart. Once we get to the end the story recovers itself. Unfortunately the choreography of the final fight is off. You can see the men stopping on their marks and hesitating to allow the "opponent" to catch up or get to their mark. So it is a decent story with some glaring flaws.
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The Offer (2022)
By Far the Best.
3 June 2022
Absolutely the best series produced on any film platform in many many years. Each episode is better and more "edge of the seat" than the last. I loved the movies but this telling of the making of them is amazing. The actors/actresses are amazing and the people they are portraying from RL are even more amazing. You must watch this if you watch nothing else produced for the rest of the year.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So it is a bit to predictable. A high rolling client that does not tell his lawyer the truth. A high rolling client that does not have more than one lawyer? Far to far out there. It is a decent lawyer show but does not do the book or the movie justice. Christopher Gorham is not believable in his role. For as great as everyone tells/says Mickey Haller is he sure seems to almost always be out of his depth or getting blind-sided by some surprise bit of information.
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David Spade: Nothing Personal (2022 TV Special)
24 May 2022
Story after boring story. If you are interested in elaborate but completely inaccurate stories about david's life then this is the show for you. However if you are looking for a laugh and some comedy then this is not the show for you.
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22 May 2022
2 episodes in and I am impressed. So far this is a great show with a great cast of people. I have enjoyed the episodes I have watched to date and I predict that I will continue to enjoy this show. It is great to see this science fiction classic being treated the way it deserves respecting the attributes that made it great instead of trying to change it into something "better" and in the process ruining the whole reason it was great.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
badly unhinged
20 May 2022
Really enjoyed the movie for 30 minutes then it became unhinged and not in a good way. I could not get past her not calling the police and more often and more frequently. She also failed to warn her family at all. These things and others to numerous to completely include ruined what could have been a great show.
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Decent with pointless side stories....
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, I have heard of this operation before and while I was a bit familiar with it I did not really think about all the detail that would have been needed. This movie does a fair job of explaining that detail and why it was needed. However, I was a bit annoyed by the side stories. The Russian spy was okay and I could see it adding to the story by creating a bit of tension and some conflict. However the needless and frankly annoying love triangle could easily have been dropped. The story would have been just as compelling and interesting. I think that had they had a bit more of Ian Fleming in the show may have been better off.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Well Done
15 May 2022
Yet another fantastic show. This is a great series and they have mastered the telling of these books in film genre. I am so glad that the people involved in this have done such a wonderful job with these shows. It is to frequent that great stories are ruined in the transition.
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About halfway thru
16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was fairly obvious who dun it about 2/5 to 1/2 way through the film. When I saw the video footage of the restaurant monitor I also knew it was a sting. Still it was not to bad of a film. A bit slow and predictable but not to bad of a spy film.
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Great Film
8 April 2022
While this is not the most solid film. The acting is not great some of the dialogue is poor to say the least. However the characters and the interplay of those characters are fantastic. I so love the way the two eras of 'gangsters" are portrayed.
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The Protégé (2021)
poor effort
8 April 2022
So pistols with endless bullets, tables that bullets cannot go through, the evil henchman, the beautiful assassin, the inept muscle. A plot and story that make little sense, a remorseful killer making amends, the super successful killing duo. All together not a great movie.
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DIY SOS (1999– )
26 March 2022
Read some of the past reviews and it seems this show has changed a lot over the years. The season that I found on a lazy Sat. Afternoon was helping people with serious needs fix a home that did not meet those needs. I have to say that this is by far the best series I have ever watched. I watched probably 10 episodes or something around there (while doing other things around the house) and each one was inspiring and worth watching.
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it has funny parts
26 March 2022
Jeff is a great comedian. He seems to have lost a step. While there are funny parts in this it seems somehow to be missing a vital element. I cannot say it better thatn that. I know that fails to convey my point. He just missed the mark.
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The Lost City (2022)
Great Movie
26 March 2022
I enjoyed this movie more than I have enjoyed one in a long time. So funny and corny and hilarious. Tatum and Sandra were so good in this film and the comedy of a romance novelist and the cover model being action adventurers was done superbly. The role Brad played was so fantastic and he played it so perfectly. I cannot say enough good things.
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