
2 Reviews
Unthinkable (2010)
Don't bother to watch on Nflix they changed the ending and it sucks. Linda proves the point of the movie, trying to save themselves
25 April 2024
Good movie up until the point that Netflix edited and changed the entire point of it all and the ending. Why even put it on your platform if you can't support the whole movie. Did it make the PR team sleep better at night? Isn't that the entire message of the movie? Dumb and Disappointing.

Nuclear Weapon goes off/ doesn't. I don't know cause couldn't see and had to get my answers from Reddit cause Netflix couldn't stomach the real ending. But torture? That's fine by Nflix! Murder? Also fine by Nflix! Child Torture? Fine by us over here at Nflix! The entire existence and viewing pleasure up until the final climax? Fine by Nflix! What the hell is happening to this soft backwards twisted world lol it's honestly laughable they have this on their streaming platform when they couldn't even support the whole thing. Sure we'll buy the rights to stream the movie to make money, but not the whole thing just what makes us feel good so we can profit while baiting and switching. So, so, so dumb!
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You are paving the way. Keep true and be you. Thank you for sharing your authentic Self, we love you.
29 January 2024
So many great people you talk about did make the world a better place, you have and will continue to. So much progress has been made to create this space for all of us to live our authentic lives right now and you are the peak of it. Please continue to do us proud and be proud. We are proud of you. The haters won't change anything, love transcends. Authenticity shines through. From a Gay 20 year old in Atlanta that works in the entertainment industry...I can't express to you how important you are for so many. Keep it up brother, the universe and nature knows the truth. Crew, Stage Crew, Cast all of you, you're doing more than you know for so many young men and old men too. I was watching Queen Bees the other day and one of the actresses talked about being at the MLK March in Washington, talking about how they were trying to change the world and she laughed. I wanted to reach through the screen and tell them they did it. You have and will too in your own way. The March is just a lil bit different.
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