Our Friend (2019) Poster


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I Thought this was a 'Chick Flick '. Boy was I Wrong.
johnharapa19 June 2021
Beautifully written and amazing performances by all. Easily one of the best movies I have seen these last 2-3 years.

I particularly loved the non linear leaps, backwards and forwards, to break-up what would have been a very sad and predictable timeline.

What's truly astonishing is that this story really happened. Stories like these need to be voiced and felt. We should be lucky to have a 'Dane' in our lives.

Parts are difficult watch, but absolutely worth it!.. Keep a box of Kleenex close by.

Must watch.
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Good movie
85122225 September 2021
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Our Friend" (2019) is a sweet, sincere, heartbreaking and heartwarming movie. Its based on a true story, but to be honest, there are tons of stories like these were cancer is involved - its not what makes this movie good. What makes it good is solid directing, good writing, and terrific acting from all three main characters. Casey Affleck and Jason Segel were very good in this movie, but its Dakota Johnson's career performance so far - she was amazing in a hard to watch performance because of the subject matter,

Overall, "Our Friend" is not about the cancer but rather about love, family, friendship and caring about each other. Good movie.
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Exceptonal filmmaking and story telling. - depth, heart, connection
Rob-O-Cop10 February 2021
Everything filmmaking should be. The characters were natural, honest, engaging, the story had meaning and depth, the delivery was honest and believable, and the story was one worth telling about the human condition. The topic was heavy, but, it was told in such a way that it didn't over sell or over dramatise the events and it was engaging and entertaining throughout.

Films of this quality are sadly few and far between. An exceptional effort by all the cast and crew. The 5 central characters especially.
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How Else Could You Tell the Story?
w88n23 September 2021
Reading the reviews a lot of people complain about how the time line jumps. I'm not sure the story could be told in a linear manner and not be even more confusing and less engaging. Not all events in our lives are exactly memorable until we look back at the decisions that led up to them. I realize this isn't traditional story telling but I know I don't always looks at the events in my life chronologically. This is the story of how 3 separate lives are intertwined, twisting and turning back on one another. If the movie was edited to present the same scenes in the order they happened I think it would be predictable and very sad.
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A nice story
oldmovies118523 January 2021
But I'm growing tired of the current popular trend in filmmaking that jumps from one time period to another. I understand the validity of the tool to control the viewers understand of the character, but as the one watching the film, it can be a little tedious to constantly adjust my perspective and try to remember all of the corresponding details of the constantly changing time frames. When used in films, it should be done very sparingly. This is really a vehicle best used in books where the reader can pause and absorb the information at their own pace.
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Purpose of Time Jumping
c_dubbb2 February 2021
I read several of the reviews here before watching the film myself. The one criticism I found was the time jumping back and forth and how it was hard to follow. I didn't find it hard to follow at all, and I appreciated the time jumping. In my opinion it serves a purpose to give the audience a breath of fresh air from the heavy, depressing moments. Imagine if all of the incredibly sad scenes we're compiled together in the last 45 minutes to an hour as opposed to broken up by the more light hearted moments intermittently throughout. This movie is fantastic and I wouldn't change one detail about it. One of the best I've seen in a while. It is incredibly sad though. Warning to anybody who has ever dealt with cancer. It's rough.
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Non-linear storytelling reduced the emotional impact
Sexy-scientist15 May 2021
Such a nice story and screenplay. Audience would've connected better with the linear storyline though. Taking away one star for that.
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The best 2019 movie you will never see!
FilmFlowCritics11 October 2019
A movie that accomplished something that not many movies can....getting me emotional. I don't know what broke my heart more, the plot of the movie, that it was a real story or that the cinema was literally empty for this hidden gem!

This is my favourite film so far at the LFF. Sure, it has a pretty amazing cast, which I guess wasn't cheap, but it proves again that all you need for a great movie is a great, gripping and authentic story. Sadly, a movie like Transformers will always be more successful at the box office, but this is an industry problem. I can just recommend EVERYONE to check this movie out!

It showcases the importance of real good friends, love, compassion, death, grief, guilt, family, society and community. The fact, that this is a real story helps a lot, though I am not sure how much was added for dramatical reasons, this movie felt honest and authentic during its whole run. Yes, it is a very slow paced movie, but this is exactly what it needs to showcase the problems the characters are facing.

Beautifully written and amazingly acted, this is one of the best movies I have seen this year and I fear, that it will fall off the radar of many people, so please watch it and spread the word! These stories need to be told, shown and experienced. Sure it's not an easy watch, but its absolutely worth it, trust me!
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Heart Touching
limbanivinay-739-25869818 August 2022
At first i thought it's a feel good movie featuring a good friend but i never thought these would be so emotional. Dane will never get out of my mind such friendship can't imagine what would have happened with Matt&Nicole without Dane.
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This movie broke my heart
billmarchio30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The treatment of this story of a woman and her loved ones experiencing a terminal illness was amazing. The acting was also exceptional. This broke my heart for the second time in my life. The first time was when my wife and I and our 2 boys experienced my wife's terminal illness and passing. They addressed so many issues that we had to work through during my wife's illness. I probably shouldn't have watched this movie but I couldn't stop watching it. My compliments to everyone who took part in this move.
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Touching emotional tale of journey, love, and friendship.
blanbrn2 February 2021
"Our Friend" is a heart warming touching emotional tale a journey of love and the ups and downs of life a romantic feel yet with a sad underbelly as this film may not be everyone's cup of tea still watching it touched me a little. The story involves a young married couple Matt Teague(Casey Affleck) and Nicole(Dakota Johnson) who love life and each other as they grow with children and work, only to have a bad news medical condition that arises to Nicole, and that could destroy it all. Only they both have comfort and relief in the form of their best friend the cash strapped and aimless Dane(in a good turn from Jason Segel). The film really touches on happiness, friendship, anger, and being alone as really it confirms many of our worst fears. The picture is in depth and really will make you humble and be thankful for life. Overall okay film to watch check it out if you want.
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leeann-7192822 January 2021
So heartbreaking and heartfelt at the same time, if Jason segal doesn't receive some award for this then there's something wrong with this world.
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A Nice Heart Warming Movie
varun-2507199722 January 2021
A good film about a sad and touching true story. A bit overlong sometimes, the editing could have been better. No idea why the story was narrated in a non-linear fashion it made it a little bit confusing and wasn't required. Dakota Johnson and Casey Affleck were great and make it a nice watchable movie.
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way too long - completely lost interest
bheydam27 January 2021
Movie started ok but then just went on forever. There is a point when a hospice nurse promises Casey Affleck "it wont be much longer". I found myself really hoping she was right. The movie covers multiple issues without any focus. It just meanders forever.

Watch Still Alice with Julianne Moore. MUCH better movie.
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Powerful story with mediocre execution
srgymrat3324 January 2021
First of all this is true - just that makes this worth watching . When you finish or before you start read the article by Teague- it's amazingly well written , heartfelt and heartbreaking.

I cannot tell you how powerful the story itself is, true love and selflessness , family is who we are born with but also who we choose . I love that the film presented Danes choice as something totally unreasonable to most people , yet to him it was the right thing and he was actually happy to do it because of his love . His relationship with the kids was a major highlight as well.

The execution could have been better , I didn't like the timeline jumping , I wasn't a huge fan of how the relationship was presented between all of them - this should have felt more powerful and more connected . The timeline made things confusing and lost some of the power of things unfolding in order .

Overall well acted, worth the watch and restores your faith in humanity .
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The most therapeutic movie-cry I've had in years!
movieman-22727 November 2020
This is an absolutely wonderful movie and deserves a plethora of Oscar nominations (including for all three lead actors). Why in the world did this sit unreleased since premiering at the 2019 Toronto Film Festival? And why/how did a major distributer (Paramount, Fox-Searchlight, Netflix!) NOT pick it up? I'm stumped. And depressed. Maybe it's even worse out there for non-franchise/comic book movies than even I thought it was.
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time jumbo
SnoopyStyle19 July 2021
Nicole (Dakota Johnson) and her husband Matt Teague (Casey Affleck) have two daughters, Molly and Evie. When Nicole starts suffering from cancer, their longtime friend Dane Faucheux (Jason Segel) moves in with the family.

I don't like the time jumbo. It's a device to add tension and mystery to an otherwise straight forward melodrama. I'd rather have the melodrama straight up. I really don't like the time jumbo adding tension to one specific family issue. Without going into spoilers, the time jumbo is trying to misdirect with this family drama but it's obviously hitting the nail on the head. I expected the misdirection and really annoyed me when it happens. Just play it straight.

One thing I do notice is that the daughters are central to the emotional trauma. The close-your-eyes scene and the dying-reveal scene are the two most powerful scenes in the movie. This movie really needs to be about all five characters. The girls should have bigger roles in the movie. Gwendoline Christie does have an important section and I would never cut that out. Dane's girlfriends are another issue. They don't have enough time to matter in the movie. Maybe concentrate on one woman and do more with that character. This is an unabashed tearjerker and there are a few scenes doing that. It doesn't need to add work by doing a time jumbo. It needs more of the girls. It can be better.
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A feel good movie with terrific performances.
samratsingraur3 January 2021
The movie is an authentic, beautiful and deeply powerful ode to the importance of life,friends and relationships. It has a powerhouse trio I didn't know I needed- flex their maturity as actors in such poignant, nuanced performances. Exactly what we need right now. And these type of movie deserve more recognition.
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More sad than enjoyable
dar041710 March 2021
The film has great acting and storytelling but the subject matter is depressing. It's told in a non-linear way and I am sure that is supposed to add to the film but it just makes it more confusing to follow. The fact that it's a true story ads a lot to it. So it is worth checking out.
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andrewchristianjr19 February 2021
A beautiful gut punch. Every scene is directed, written and acted with sensitivity and elegance. The dialogue and conversations are so passionate and a wonder to watch. The moments between Matt and Nicole are truly great and Dane is wholly wonderful. The interactions between everyone are intense and satisfying. The ending is so good as well. Great film.
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matthewsthatcher25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Is it a buddy movie? Is it a melodramatic tear jerker? No, it's something in between that doesn't quite fit on either end.

This is a problem of the source material that is mostly a horror story of human physical and mental decay that critics wouldn't really watch but give raving reviews if someone actually cared to release that film, while nobody would pay to see it. The other problem with the source material is that the title character is so scarcely sketched. In trying to fill out this character, the screenwriters neglected to actually make us really believe these two were best friends so that Dane couldn't perceive doing anything but offer his full devotion and instead seem to try it make some connection to Dane's own preexisting depression. Misery loves company I guess? The issue is we don't get this in the source material except for a sense that perhaps Dane had an emotional crash after the death. So it feels more like an homage to other Segal characters than the actual material from which the movie was drawn.

I get it. This story isn't 50/50. No, it's something like should make the brutal Amour feel like a stroll in the park. Unfortunately by trying to find a middle ground we get something that doesn't really satisfy on either front.

Now if you want a rather easy to watch tear jerker with likable characters this is your jam.
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Bittersweet masterpiece.
Anurag-Shetty15 February 2021
Our Friend is based on a true story, that has been adapted from a magazine article titled 'The Friend', written by Matt Teague(Casey Affleck). When married couple Matt & Nicole Teague(Dakota Johnson) receive some grave & tragic information, their best friend Dane Faucheux(Jason Segel), moves in with them. Dane leaves a lasting impression on Matt, Violet & their children's lives.

Our Friend is an awe-inspiring film. Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite has given us a movie that will make you laugh, tear up & end up smiling again, all through the course of its runtime. The fact that it's based on a true story, refuels my faith in the innate goodness of human nature. The cinematography by Joe Anderson is gorgeous. Jason Segel is spectacular as Dane Faucheux. Segel gives us the best performance of his career, so far. Casey Affleck is outstanding as Matt Teague. Dakota Johnson is mind-blowing as Nicole Teague. Johnson has definitely moved on from her Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy(2015-2018) days. Segel, Affleck & Johnson have this effortless camaraderie in all their scenes together. Isabella Kai is phenomenal as Molly Teague. Kai is a young talent, that has a long & bright career ahead of her. Violet McGraw is adorable as Evie Teague. The supporting cast is great. Our Friend is a must watch. Go & witness the triumph of the human spirit, in all its glory!
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Sure to Bring Some Pressure to Your Eyes
normaxjean-2375311 August 2022
If you're looking for a genuine film that'll tug at your emotions, this one will certainly do. Well made all around and never a dull moment in the 2+ hours.
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Started out great , turned cringeworthy!
LiquidLucids29 May 2021
I enjoyed the first 17 minutes. It started out promising, cute and funny. Then it dropped the ball and turned into a sappy soap opera with really bad writing. I completely lost interest in the characters and the story. And the timeline jumping doesn't do it any favors.

Seeing Jason Segel and Casey Affleck in such a bad movie was really dissapointing and made me cringe... Some of the scene were so ridiculously poorly written, I felt embarrassed for the actors...Yikes.
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Makes an impression, perhaps even a lasting one
fredrikgunerius5 August 2023
Family friend Dane (Jason Segel) moves into the home of the Teague family to support dad Matthew (Casey Affleck) when mom Nicole (Dakota Johnson) is diagnosed with terminal cancer. This based-on-a-true-story account is heartfelt, sincere and well-acted, even if director Gabriela Cowperthwaite chooses a somewhat annoying narrative technique of several weakly defined timelines, arguably in an attempt to infuse a sense of peaks and valleys into a rather straightforward story. Perhaps she should have trusted the story itself and gone for a more linear approach, or at least fewer timelines. At any rate, the platonic love triangle has a fine balance between mystique and graciousness. There's an openness in the material which is attractive, and which works as a counterweight to the inevitable finiteness of Nicole's downward spiral. Thematically and emotionally, the film reaches its zenith in a segment towards the end when the wonderful Cherry Jones comes in to resuscitate Dane and Matthew - and help them lay Nicole to rest. Our Friend makes an impression, perhaps even a lasting one.
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