294 Reviews
Kids liked it
timwainwright10 November 2019
It's not as bad as all the reviews on here say. It's a kids movie and my kids enjoyed it, that's all that really counts.
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Good for a kid but not a adult
balinmangan25 January 2020
I'm giving this movie 5 stars because for a kid it would get 10 stars but as an adult I would give it about a 3 it does not have much of a plot and while there are funny moments over all it's not that funny so because of that I would not recommend this movie unless your a kid or taking your kids to see it since most of the comedy is only funny to younger people and kids also don't often care about a lack of plot

Side note: If your expecting to see them fight fires you are working outside of two short scenes within the first 10mins
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Oh come on I liked it despite the recycled plot
lisafordeay22 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Playing With Fire is a 2019 family comedy starring former wrestler turned actor John Cena as Jake a cynical firefighter who has no time for relationships or kids. One day however and Jake gets a call that a cabin is up in fire and that 3 kids are inside. However the eldest child(that chick from Deadpool) lies about her parents who are really deceased and Jake soon warms up to them. But will the social worker track the kids down and will Jake end up with(Judy Greer).

Overall it is a silly comedy that got panned by critics but I liked it.

The film reminds me of Kindergarden Cop meets The Pacifier. Also stars John Leigmeo and Keegan Micheal Kay.
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Poor movie all over
baracuda19749 November 2019
Bad acting, bad scrip, bad directing, it is so bad that John Leguizamo was not funny and he is a comedian. I would had given it 1 start but at least Keegan made me laugh.
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How is anyone giving this over 1 star?!
jclark-200-382321 February 2020
This is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The kids in it are some of the most annoying characters I have ever seen that I was rooting against them the whole time. Please don't waste your time like I did!!!
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devinbrown-1909130 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very bad film, there is no buildup in the relationships. The children are awful the whole time and he decides he wants to keep them. The woman he was awful too until the last day decides he is the guy for her, and cut to married. Very bad and I vomited.
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The actors are worth it.
sunnimonday1 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The writers might not have put together the best story line but the acting is still worth watching. Had some funny moments.
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and getting burned!
donaldricco10 November 2019
Took my 11 year old to see this, and she loved it!

For me, an adult, it was terrible. Some laughs, but poor acting, lame plot, and unbelievable characters. Plus, John Cena has his shirt off way too much! And the constant shelling for "My Little Pony" was wearisome. Only Keegan-Michael Key was semi-palatable, and that was only in two scenes. If you can drop your kids off, do so!
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strangerthingsrulez9 November 2019
At moments it can be annoying but not very often. It has a pretty good cast. Keegan Michel Key in particular is hilarious, John Cena and his Crew are pretty good, The kids and everyone else are pretty good too. But it lacks in emotion even though my sister cried. Overall a decent movie you SHOULD NOT take seriously and if you don't take it seriously you will have a good time.
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If your 10 years old you may like it
MajBlade28 November 2019
Didnt they just make this film like 5 years ago ? and before that and before that and before that I think the last one was Vin Disel as a nanny or something and then there was one with Jackie Chan as a spy next door and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the kindergarten teacher I think they just recycle this movie every five years with a different leading man If your taking your grade schoolers they may like it everyone else will probably groan and play candy crush on their phone
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This is a Children's movie
beachy-384318 November 2019
If anyone reviews it as an adult movie, that is their mistake.

There was no solid plot. It was mainly a bunch of funny scenes sewn together to make a plot. I saw two established actors I enjoy very much, Dennis Haysbert and Judy Greer. I was also introduced to another established actor I had not seen before, Keegan Michael Key. He was very funny. I would say he stole the movie. I was also introduced to a new actor, for whom I predict a bright career, if she stays with these "good" movies, Brianna Hildebrand.
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Mindless entertainment
UniqueParticle2 April 2020
Keegan-Micheal Key is so awesome in this movie so is John Cena! Sure Playing with Fire is aimed at kids well I'm 27 and I have Autism I enjoy things differently. Beautiful cinematography, silly fun, and entertaining enough! This movie is nuts I like the whacky humor.
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Really enjoyable
Gordon-1118 May 2020
I thought this film was full of love fun and mischief. The cast it's great and have great chemistry. I really enjoyed it.
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Poorly acted, could have been cute.
jljones-49 November 2019
Had the potential to be a good movie, but the acting was way too over the top, and downright bad. My 7 year old nephews loved it. I wasn't impressed and I usually like movies like this.
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Another worst film! Too many boring conversation, and overuse scene! The film also not funny at all!
kwenchow15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a firefighter "Jake" saving a bunch of people at the jungle, and he having conversation with his crew scene! As turnout, this film is about Jake saving three kids from a burning cabin, and he eventually want to adopt them! Entire film full of boring and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the tripping scene, overuse of the sitting on the massage chair scene, overuse of causing havoc scene, overuse of the playing dumb scene, and overuse of the dancing scene! Barely laughable scene is, one of the kid Jake saving mistaken a clock as a smart speaker! At the end, Jake adopted the three kids he saving, and marry with his girlfriend "Amy"! Still have one post credit scene! The bloopers scene of the film! That's it! Another disappointed film!
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What a joke
iamkeysersoze-132281 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to applaud whoever made this film. The cast and the crew. They have killed cinema and all hope is lost. I'm literally distraught at how appalling this film is. We don't need this kind of film. However It is trash but it is the kind of trash, you can't help but love. Its entertainingly bad. The humour is humourless. The only thing funny about is how absurd and how hard it is trying to be funny it is devoid of any originality or fun. It does try to be touching and it somewhat works but everything else is awful. The Poop jokes are awful and we have far too many. Any of the jokes are. Thankfully that clears up in the second half.

Performances are generally bad from everyone. John Cena or Keegan Michael-Key weren't good here. It feels very repetitive with crazy stuff happening everytime and that's it for the whole movie. It definitely feels like a film, kids will hate. It feels awkward with its romantic and my little pony subplots Overall its awful but its absolutely worth seeing. Its attrious yet seriously fun to watch
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Not funny and the story is terrible
monsterq-246009 November 2019
This is one of the cringiest movies. the scenario and the acting was not that match. also, fire is so animation
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I'm rather doubtful that even a kid would like to watch this
daisukereds31 January 2020
This has got to be one of the worst movies I've seen.. Not only in script, but acting as well. There is no passion, no build-up, no pay off. Everything in it is a cluster of ideas that don't mesh together, and every delivery feel unauthentic. It feels VERY artificial. Surprisingly, Wahlberg's Instant Family (2018) has a similar feel, but is much more organic and a better movie overall.

This is the perfect example of what to show an acting student on how not to act or give a line! And for writers on how not to make scenes.
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kosmasp25 December 2020
I don't think this is hot ... yeah, fire pun! But kidding aside, this is quite the predictable piece of movie you get here. But it can still be fun, if you let yourself enjoy it. Certain things may be funnier to you than others (poop jokes, the man with the axe or something else) - overall this is meant to entertain and I would say it does to a certain degree.

Also depending on your age, it will speak to you or not. This is not about any standard, be it acting or otherwise. Many choices are ridiculous, but again can be considered fun - your choice and perception. For me it was nice to see my favorite Tyler (sorry Mr. Perry), but also other actors I really admire. And the fact one of them makes a joke which must be ad libbed, about Tyler Mane having fought the Wolverine is just hillarious and only some nerds (myself included will get it, since he played in the very first Wolverine movie).

Those little nuggets aside, the movie is by the numbers as I already said. So if the charm of the actors (and I do quite like the lot of them) can convince you and/or you watch it with a kid, good times are almost guaranteed
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A movie to shut your two year old up
foxkidsnerd2 May 2020
I was forced to see this movie and to put it simply, its a movie to shut the kids up. I laughed at none of the jokes, and found the Brony jokes really unnecessary. I do not think paying a copyright bill was worth it fore those jokes. But i can't blame the movie because its a kids movie. I guess i'm sour because i waisted about two hours (Or what it felt like) of my life watching a bland kids movie. I'm not saying its bad, but boring. So if you're watching it and your a adult take your two year old or someone young so you see someone having a good time.
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Maybe Trying To Hard In Parts, But A Good Laugh
ZestyLimeStudios31 December 2019
So i see a lot of people saying this is a kids film, well comedy is comedy & as a 25 year old guy (& my mates who are 23, 29 & 24) we all saw the film & did enjoy it, there are more parts of the film catered to kids rather than more adult sections of the film.

Im gonna keep this fairly simple & not go into full detail about this film as it is a "Good Laugh & Enjoy" type of film, so yea don't take the film seriously, it is not a hardcore adult comedy film neither is it a super childish film either to be fair, the first part of the film is more grown up side of the jokes before the kids come into play in the film when the jokes start to get more childish but still funny. The 4 main characters work really well together & suit the film well.

There also might be a deeper message in a way with this film, because you have the firefighter guys who are trained hard man type of guys who dedicate everything to their jobs & nothing can get in there way, even kids, but at towards the end of the video you start to see that even though the hard stern guys can do other things like look after the kids but still do there job good. The adults will pick this up rather than the kids.

There are some parts that may be a little to forced with the jokes & you sit there & notice that its a little to over the top sometimes but still, it is a good laugh while not taking the film seriously, ignore the bad reviews because you will definitely laugh throughout.

Age - 25 Cinema: Cineworld Milton Keynes 2D (Unlimited Card) Watch, Avoid, Consider: Watch because it is a good laugh even with more childish parts.
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Utter waste of time and money.
fokjullenaii17 January 2020
This is by far the worst movie I have ever watched/ever made. I felt the need to make an account and to have a review of this movie is something I must do for the sake of mankind. As an adult this is the cringiest crappiest movie. For kids.... hmmm alright however with the usage of adult references suggests that it is targetted towards adults.I find it absolutely difficult to watch and I found myself covering my face throughout the movie because it was utterly embarrassing and filled with cliches.
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A fun, heart-warming, not-too-serious indulgence!
JSLittlefieldOhio11 November 2019
Most critics are missing the point of this movie - it's not supposed to be a "Schindler's List." Yes there are cliches,but some of them are cleverly wrapped cliches of cliches. There's some stuff that gets too silly, unless your 7, at which point his reaction (my son) adds even more to the entertainment value of the movie. The bottom line is that my daughter, son and I went to the movie, had a great time. We've been quoting lines in the last couple of days and laughing at the memory, but we've also had some serious conversations about love and loss and family and taking care of each other - an experience far more valuable than the cost of the movie.
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mandyvelard-543625 February 2020
I was expecting a dumb and ridiculous movie, but even it's full of cliches and a predictable ending, it's a lovable and enjoyable movie suitable for all the family, nice moments and a surprisingly charismatic performing of John Cena, much better than I really expected. I enjoyed it.
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Horrible and boring.
cruise016 February 2020
Playing with Fire (1 out of 5 stars).

Playing with Fire is a terrible family comedy film that makes you cringe with its stupid and cheesy humor throughout. If your looking for something stupid and cheesy, this movie would be for you. A movie about these amateur smoke jumpers, which is very unbelievable that they are. Having to take care of two kids and a teen which they try their best to cause trouble.

The plot is dumb and stupid. Jake (John Cena) is a commanding officer as a smokejumper. When his team rescue three kids from a burning cabin. Only to discover that their parents are far away in a business retreat. They foster the kids until their parents come back. Until, the two kids and a teen really test the patience of the smoke jumpers crew.

The acting is horrible and cheesy. It is like slap stick humor to its worse. John Cena playing a well discipline character. Which he really isn't. Keegan-Michael Key is a great comedian but his character is just flat out annoying. Along with John Luguizamo's character. Brianna Hildebrand playing the irresponsible teen is just boring. Playing the typical troublemaker.

The direction and script is stupid. The humor is annoying. Its basically an hour and a half of screaming kids causing chaos in the smoke jumpers house while you have immature fire crew who do not even act as adults.

Overall, Playing with Fire is a horrible film. One of the worst.
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