Away (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Mesmerising, Metaphorical & Moving Manimations...
Xstal28 August 2020
So many themes to reflect upon depending on your perspectives but we can all recognise the race, the travel, the journey, with its fables, foes and friendships - who needs Pixar!
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Amazing Animation
alisonc-113 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A young boy finds himself hanging from a tree by a parachute, with no idea of how he came to be there. He sees an enormous amorphous shape coming toward him and instinctively knows it means him no good; he manages to escape the creature by cutting the straps of the parachute and makes his way into a temporary refuge. There, he is kind to a baby bird, encounters a motorcycle and a knapsack with handy items like a water canteen, compass, blanket and a map. Soon, he and his bird companion must follow the map to return to humanity, while the monster follows inexorably behind him, getting closer.... The amazing thing about this animated 75-minute feature is that the entire thing was made by one single person, Gints Zilbalodis, everything from the story to the direction to the animation to the music and sound effects. Another amazing thing is that the entire film is without a word of dialogue - it's just the boy, the bird, the monster and a variety of creatures they meet along the way. I found it to be both suspenseful and beautifully gentle, a film perhaps a little intense for very small children but gorgeous and inspiring for everybody else.
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animation reminds me of the game RYME
kaefab18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok its not the best anime ever but its not the worst, there is no talking at all in this movie.

A boy a bike a bird and a dark monster is all you get. The animation is not that amazing some scenery is great but the boy animation is awful.

Its an ok way to pass an hour and a few minutes.
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Words can't describe that which is speechless
dales-111 October 2019
Not a single word. Only music and sounds fill th ears while the narration of the frames and the imagery pull us forward. Does it work? If the fact that I took my 8 year old son who has never seen a silent film nor "art house" film before is any indication, this a beaming film of success. It's beautiful and full of emotion and expressive of so much that we have all known, faced or overcome in life or our very dreams. It is a powerful film that will surely leave a laying imprint on our family for years. Thank you.
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Reminds why animation can be a transcendent medium
Polnaszek522 January 2020
If you aren't familiar with Gints Zibalodis's art style, I can very much see others get taken aback by how the film appears. Because it doesn't look like anything else you've seen before, unless you played a couple indie developed videogames. Incredible work from being the only dude who worked on it.

Maybe the next Angel's Egg, except more pleasant of an experience. Away wears mood, serenity, and potential symbolism all on its sleeves. Not in the pretentious sense though, moreso achieves having the audience remember an artists name.

Hypnotic from when it starts to where it ends, doesn't waste any potential with a strong hour an fifteen minute runtime. Every second feels deserved thanks to the stunning visuals, and breathtaking score.
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Not every silent animated movie is a masterpiece.
Yoraiko18 September 2021
If you have been a while in the movie business and on IMDB you'll find certain patterns when it comes to movie critics and how they rate certain kind of movies. The 'artistical arthouse emotional short-animated metaphorical movie' is - be it on youtube, netflix or any other platform - one of the biggest darlings of those critics. It really doesn't take much for this genre to get called 'Masterpiece' and rated 10/10.

'Away' is a classical example of this pattern. While its respectable that one single person created this movie and its far from bad or boring, there's just not much here in terms of consistency. We have neither a story nor characters that tell us anything about them, and while clear inspirations like the video game 'Journey' build up similar settings, 'Away' is far, far inferior when it comes to the emotional impact or the creativity of the different steps from beginning to end. Most of the metaphors made or explained by wine-drinking critics here could be seen in the movie, but thats about it, they could be there. Theres just not enough to tell.

This movie is unfortunately not entertaining in any moment. It's hard to not fall asleep at times, and there's really not much happening over the whole span expect a boy traveling from A to B. If all of this is metaphors I can respect that because it works in some movies, but if I can only enjoy a movie if I enjoy its few, shallow metaphors, its just not a good movie. It needs something else, and I certainly dont need a movie like 'Away' to tell me we are running rom Death.

The optics are passable at best and the music is dreamy, atmospheric, but nothing that sticks. There are some interesting moments in this journey, but overall, a complete lack of something fresh or new.

The ending reflects to that because there is none, and while our intellectual critic-overlords would explain this as the good, ol' 'Open to interpretation', I just see it as the lack of any idea how to end this empty shell of a movie.

I appreciated the No Dialogue-choice, but that too has been done better (See 'The Red Turtle'...)

It's not a terrible movie, dont get me wrong, just completely empty and void of anything creative or entertaining. At least its not loo long, but it feels stretched out at times.

Is it worth your time? Well, if mediocre animations, some nice dreamy picture book-moments and shallow metaphors are enough to make your day, go for it.
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A unique experience
ApolloStarbuck23 February 2020
I would recommend this to everyone. Contains valuable insights on life which really resonate... how to conquer our fears, to push ourselves or allow our souls to wither away by just fearing all the negative outcomes; how helping others can end up saving us. Also loved the animation style and music. Picture worth a thousand words done right!
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Its just not enough
kshutch-1659020 April 2020
While I applaud this is all one person that did the score, story, and the animation...its not enough. The animation could have been better. The story could have strayed from taking painfully long in some areas, which I believe was done because there was really not a lot of story here. Some of this story is up for interpretation, but its ultimately just a short uneventful journey with a few moments of interest sprinkled in. I do not regret watching it...I liked the bird. But I would not recommend it either.

Another reviewer said something about a video game. I have to agree. This would have been much better served as a VR title so at least I could have looked around. Most video games have better animation than this.
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Not for those who take everything literally
dianaancupane12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, those who think the movie is about a boy running from a monster with a little bird sidekick, don't comment on what you don't understand. Second, if you have a chance to watch it in a cinema, don't watch it on a computer screen or TV. It requires total immersion. Being a psychotherapist, I have to say this is a must-see for anyone delving into their own psyche, dealing with their own mortality (come on, surely you realize the "monster" is a symbol for death?), their own emotions. It's not about a bird and a boy, don't let those shallow comments keep you from having a totally transcendental experience. It's about the choices we make, the relationships we build or choose not to build (the bird, the tortoise), about bravery, helplessness and awareness. You can be a cat that just spends its life waiting for a new dose of dream-inducing liquid, and death will come after you. You can spend your journey walking slowly after a tortoise just to turn it around from time to time - or you can help just once and then be on your way, not creating co-dependent relationships. You can find your wings and fly with other birds, and the connection you've made with another being doesn't mean you have to stick with that being forever. You can pull someone out of the death's grip and still not take responsibility for what that individual does next. An amazing, brilliant film. The author is an absolute genius - I'm sure even he, being so young, does not consciously realize the depth and beauty, and impact of what he has created.
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Go see this movie
donnellymatt15 July 2019
Truly a uniquely inspiring film, Away captures a delicate balance between immense intricacy and sheer minimalism with ease and sustains it for the entirety of the film. This harmony exists in every aspect of the production and makes for an extremely satisfying time. I can't wait to own a copy and watch it many more times for years to come. If you get an opportunity to see a screening then do it! You won't regret it.
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Very poor animation
belyugo5 December 2019
I am a huge animation enthustiast, but this just didn't work for me, as it seems incomplete work from all aspects. The whole movie is based on an idea of a boy escaping from dark creature and to spice it up a bit, he has a bird friend. That's literally all the movie. Very poor for a feature movie I would say. Specially for animated one where the sky is the limit where you can go with ideas. Also, the animation is bad. I like minimalistic style, but here, everything seems just like a forced experiment of one guy to do an animated feature film.
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Just watch ! It's pure beauty
ralph-yomayra2911 March 2020
Fear is what keeps up back ! Don't let it ! . keep pushing till you reach your goal ! One of the best movies I've seen in a long time (:
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Bad fifteen year old videogame
Seneca8414 October 2019
The story is nonexistent, but I can understand that as an experiment. Everything seems to be written for a videogame (up to the main character going through "checkpoints"), but I can accept someone trying to mix different medias to see what it comes through. This didn't worked for me already, but ok.

The "minimalism" someone is referring too, is not such thing. If the only problem with the visuals was the lack of depth and texture I would accept it as an artistic choice. The crappy animation that would be bad for 30 year old movie or a 15 year old videogame, the terrible physics of everything... Makes clear that it's not an artistic choice but inability to make something that gets close to decent.

This looks in every aspect as an unfinished product or, more probably, a 3D storyboard to make someone undesrtand what they intent to make. The only explanation for the rating (and it's perfectly possible seeing the number of votes), is that it has been rated by working crew, friends and family members.
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Connection, nature and death
AnastasijaJana7 November 2020
When I sat in the cinema watching the first chapter, frankly, I was not very much impressed. I was curious to see the film, as it was done by my fellow countryman, but being unfamiliar with any other works of Gints Zibalodis, the animation style looked like of an old videogame and the beginning seemed way too slow and boring... BUT! As the story was progressing, I became more and more invested in it.

This animation film is about a boy, who finds himself alone on a dreamy island, pursued by a surreal monster consuming every living creature on his way. The boy tries to run away from the monster and find his way back home.

To begin with, viewers need to acknowledge that the plot is something of secondary importance in this film - like in Virginia Woolf's novels, it is simple, abstract and unconventionally conventional. Even though there is a good amount of action, high-tension and even heartbreaking scenes, Away is more like a meditation on life and loneliness without any complicated plot twists. By the end of the film, many questions are left unanswered, such as why the monster couldn't get the boy in the oasis etc. However, it is that kind of metaphorical story that makes you step away from hectic reality and reflect on what you have just seen on the screen.

I have mentioned before that the animation did not impress me right from the start. Zibalodis used an old-fashioned, 2D technique, which may be off-putting at first, but, still, the film has absolutely marvellous scenery. The landscapes were captivating and reminded me of Japanese anime. Even the lack of graphic details on the characters does not prevent you from caring for them. The score was captivating and created just the right atmosphere - the music said all that needed to be said, even without dialogues.

Overall, the film turned out to be a real hidden gem. It is beautiful, inspiring and unique. Zibalodis did a brilliant job and, shockingly, all by himself. Definitely worth watching!
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A weird dream.
SameirAli26 August 2021
An eerie, dreamy animated film which showcase the extra amazing talent of a single person, Gints Zilbalodis. If you are a movie maniac and always trying to discover something new and different, this is a must watch.
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The movie is visual art work and symbolism
julianmarku21 March 2021
If you are a person who likes to in your face story then this movie might be a bit boring for you. For me it was a great movie. The animation is just a great blend of simplistic but the clean and effortless flow marked it awesome. If you are looking for what the message of the movie is then just imagine the main character being in every character you see in the movie. The movie is basically a story about life, struggles and death. The main character needs to experience all of them before the story is over. I see the story as the boy's journey through limbo. The only point I can take from this is that I wanted more. Honestly I want a bit more.

This is definitly a movie for relaxing and chilling on a cold day with a cup of tea and some crumpets. Enjoy.
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Excellent, exceeded my expectations
ajv-8225810 December 2020
This is a very, very good movie. I didn't want to watch it at first because it's animated and there's no real dialogue. It didn't take more than 5 minutes for me to get sucked in, and I'm glad I did. This movie is a gem!
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Spirited Away.
morrison-dylan-fan23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Signing up to take part in the streamed Glasgow Film Festival, (the first major movie fest in the UK for 2021)I decided to check what titles were currently being streamed on the site before the festival fully kicks off in a few days. Finding the stills and outline enticing,I went away for a viewing.

View on the film:

Spending over three and a half years making every single element of the film on his own, Gints Zilbalodis weaves a hypnotic feature film debut with a enchanting immerse atmosphere of long shots given the appearance of one-takes gliding over the boy on his bike against a fantastical backdrop washed over in the waves of Zilbalodis's lush,textured ambient score.

Bringing a handmade quality to the animation,Zilbalodis processes the hand-drawings into getting the edges and outlines trimmed via digital,which gives the smoothly performed, vibrant, rustic coloured animation a molded appearance which heightens the surreal Fantasy atmosphere.

Not featuring a single word of dialogue, the lack of any pinned down detail is cleverly used by Zilbalodis, (who has said he made the plot up as production went along) for striking symbolism,with the black oil-coloured huge monster, (death) keeping the boy riding his bike at top speed (as everything the monster touches dies) as he tries to catch his breath whilst having to make decisions on what type of relationships he wants in his life, (a co-dependent one with a the tortoise,or to be free as a bird) as the boy tries to get away.
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paulatepc6613 June 2021
Anachronistic, divers and spiritually abstract in a symbolic style consistent with artistic creativity.

The good vs evil thematic emphasis triggers a deep emotional response that empowers the viewer to assimilate the totality of meaning in a sombre but inspiring and thematic conclusion.

Most suited to Guardian readers especially.
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Clank_Zoka22 November 2020
This is Gintz Zilbalodis' latest work but it's his first fully feature length animated film, I like his shorts they are pretty good l, although I am emphasising in that his films are very pretty but also the shorts themselves are.... good but kind of hard to follow, although the standouts are Priorities and Aqua, the rest are good but nothing amazing.

Now with this film.., this is probably his best film yet, keep in mind he did all of this by himself, which is really impressive and requires a lot of effort, the animation itself is just fantastic, along with a VR feel to it where it feels like we are following the boy and the little bird, the two main characters are rather simple and cute but the boy is quite interesting, he has one simple goal which is to get home along with helping any animals and try to survival, the story telling maybe straight forward but it's rather complex and deep, it's epic and pretty suspenseful, I will admit at times it did get a little boring and a bit lost, but those are just nitpicks.

Look it's no Wolfwalkers or anything but..., this was a truly nice experience, Away is Gint's relaxing animated Magnum Opus , the animation is gorgeous, it's epic and suspenseful, it's simple yet deep, the two main characters while not very developed are cute and likeable, the music is also really well done also, the fact he did all this himself is just amazing, do check this film out even if you are not a fan of his work or if you haven't seen any of it, it's still really good on it's own, this is the best film from the guy and I can't wait to see what he does next.

I'm going to give Away 10/10.
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SwissWarrior9512 January 2022
Away is a calm, meditative and beautiful animated film with an impressive atmosphere.

Without even speaking 1 word, the film says so much and leaves a lot of scope for your own interpretations. In addition, there is the wonderful art style with super minimalistic animations that give the film a unique atmosphere. The score is just as grandiose as it is beautiful, and underlines the breathtaking pictures in a masterful way.

The amazing thing is that the Latvian director Gints Zilbalodus made the film completely by himself.
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andypal-319 February 2024
What a Trip! Unpredictable! Fascinating! Supriseing. Suspenceful. Simply brillant. Well done. What a Talent from Lituania! Looking forward to his next works. And I like to see all his old Animation pieces. Where would that be?

Handheld Animation! What a great idea. Never Seen that before. It makes the whole thing more lively while it is very simply drawn. Wich works perfectly.

This should be on Netflix oder Disney! Studio Ghibli should hire this Guy right AWAY! I found it on some free German Film Webportal after searching for it for a long long Time!

This should be out there for everybody to see!
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