Ratched (TV Series 2020) Poster


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You'll either love it.. or hate it. Give it a shot..
a-alexander11923 March 2021
This series is arguably bizarre, but it grows on you. At first I didn't think I'd make it through the first episode, but it's oddities keeps your fingers off the remote. A good cast helps keep you guessing. Give it a shot, I thoroughly enjoyed the insanity.
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stylish but I just don't see why it exists
cherold11 July 2021
This origin story for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"'s Nurse Ratched looks great, as Ratched puts on a vintage dress and wreaks subtle havoc in an asylum. But the first episode was such a mess that I have zero interest in watching more.

Sarah Paulson is terrific as the chilly Ratched, and scenes like her bizarre foreplay with a random guy are pretty cool. But there are serious issues with the story and premise.

First off, her elaborate plan requires that nothing go wrong. Repeatedly in the first episode she sets something up in a way that could fail dismally but it never does. She needs no plan B, because even the stupidest plan A goes off like clockwork. It's so easy for her that she even takes risky, unnecessary steps to get herself exactly where she wants.

And if you've read the book or scene the movie then you have to question why this weird story is tied to that character. Ratched was a controlling psychopath, but ultimately she represented the cruel, cold nature of authority, which will crush anything creative or rebellious not out of mean-spiritedness as much as just because of an intolerance for chaos.

But this Ratched is actually a chaos agent, and a very different kind of psychopath. She is not a character who would become the character in Cuckoo's Nest. And this makes the tie-in nonsensical. It seems like a shoddy attempt to increase its visibility with a tie to a famous movie, but it has no respect for the character that movie created. And it's unnecessary, because there is zero reason for this tie-in. It could have been made with a nurse of any name.

In summary, Paulson is good but the series is not that interesting or believable and untrue to its presumed inspiration. Not recommended.
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Started ok but never went better
rudygerst4 October 2020
Settings are pretty with pop colors.

Acting is fine.

I've been waiting the whole season for tension to build up and explode in a great finame, but it stayed constant. So the ending was a little bit disappointing.
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The Writers Need to Do More Research
jericha-2740228 September 2020
The writers need to do a little bit more research about the era. Without spoiling too much, the writers add diversity, but it doesn't work well at times because the writers fail to go in depth about the racism and homophobia of the era. I personally don't mind adding black or other minorities to shows. I'm a black woman myself. But why include black people in unrealistic roles in a show set in the 1940s? It's not representation. It's a complete lie and undermines the plight of black people and other minorities during that era. I saw this in Ryan Murphy's Hollywood as well. Again, sugar coating racism and homophobia. To be LGBTQ and/or a person of color was DANGEROUS back then. The stakes aren't realistically high enough in this show. If you watch the show, some parts are pretty tone deaf to the racist policies that occurred in the 40s.

Despite this, the show is okay. It's not great. I've never seen AHS so I don't have that frame of reference. The acting is very good. If you have time to waste, watch it. It's not unbearable although. Although the historical accuracy is trash.
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Stylistic, but Flawed!
henryshear10 October 2020
Ryan Murphy continues to expand his storytelling abilities and empire with his latest series. Murphy clearly loves a period piece and this is seen throughout all of the clothes, buildings and cars. Classic Murphians as I call them appear in the series, most notably Sarah Paulson and Finn Wittrock. There are other actors who appear such as Jon Jon Briones who was recently seen in AHS: Apocalypse. I loved that Murphy incorporated other actors he has not worked with: Vincent D'Onofrio, Sharon Stone, Corey Stoll, Judy Davis and Cynthia Nixon just to name a few.

The acting and style of the show is superb. Each scene is resplendent and an element I loved was that certain colors reflected the thoughts and feelings of Mildred Ratched in her individual scenes. For about six episodes, Murphy kept me entertained, but he failed to answer some key questions.

There is no indication that the Mildred Ratched portrayed in the show is even somewhat related to her counterpart in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. She does have acts of villainy and cruelty, but this seems to become undone by the conclusion of the first season. Ratched has friends, those who care about her and she feels fulfilled in her life at the end. There is no indication of how she becomes the person she is in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest despite her manipulative acts early in the series. Another key issue is the friendships she creates with others.

Murphy tends to do a strange theme where enemies become friends for no reason whatsoever. This has happened in AHS, The Politician and his recent miniseries Hollywood. As a viewer, I want to understand the thought process behind this, but it only ever confuses me. He seems to want everyone to get along and it muddles the story. My one last critique is of Amanda Plummer's character Louise.

Louise is the insanely annoying motel owner of where Ratched is staying, but her character seems to be in the show for no good reason. She does not add to the plot and Murphy seems to want to involve her character because of Amanda Plummer. It's almost as if he doesn't know what to do with her and her position in the story changed entirely within the finale. This was so confusing as a viewer and one of my main complaints of Murphy: he gives more attention to the actor rather than that of the story. He also does this with Sophie Okonedo, but her acting is incredible and she deserves recognition. Like Amanda Plummer, he gave preference to her acting abilities rather than the story.

Well, my critiques are done now. The acting is stellar, it was slightly melodramatic at times but I did not care. I loved every scene with Sarah Paulson and Finn Wittrock, they have amazing chemistry together. This was most likely because they have worked together on AHS. I do suggest the show, but as a viewer, it is important to realize its faults. I hope that you watch the show and even recognize other shortcomings or observations. Please watch the show, I found it to be very entertaining!
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Too much like American horror story
adamcomito18 September 2020
Maybe it gets better but it feels too much like a carbon copy of American horror story. Same actress obviously, but it's too much style over substance. Lovely set design but shallow characters
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A good, stylised drama with horror undertones.
Sleepin_Dragon20 September 2020
Ratched has certainly had the hype recently, hardly surprising when you think of Murphy's work, the big question, is it up to the hype?

The first thing that will strike you, the visuals, it is a fabulous looking show, bright, stylish, it has a very cinematic feel.

The acting is terrific, Sarah Paulson, Sharon Stone, and just wait til you see Sophie Okonedo, she is incredible.

It definitely has an AHS vibe, but it's more subtle, by expect some violence and gore, although the real horror comes from the medical practices that were indeed used for quite a few years.

You'll be kept guessing, you won't have a clue what comes next, it has the ability to surprise.

I really would recommend it, 8/10.
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A little bland for my liking
sloncarvuca18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Show isn't bad but it surely isn't as great as other Murphy works. Show looks like a spin-off of American Horror Story which many AHS fans might find appealing. Story is really straight foward there are some interesting and suspensful moment (Episode 2 and Episode 4) but for the most part it's kinda bland. I have to compliment the cinematography. Every shot in this show looks beautiful, the pastel colors, the scenery... I don't think I would recommend this show to the first time "Ryan Murphy's work watchers" but for AHS fans this might be delightful treat. Also Sarah Paulson gives amazing preformance.
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Very enjoyable and keeps you guessing
soniastorey18 September 2020
I had no expectations and I really enjoyed it. Great cast and amazing costumes. Twists and turns and keeps you guessing what will happen next. I look forward to a second season
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Didn't meet my expectations
Stevensson18 September 2020
I had high hopes for Ratched because of Sarah Paulsen and Ryan Murphy are involved In . but it turned out to be a huge desappointement . I have seen 5 eps so far and nothing compelling about this show . Great acting by Sarah as usual but poor script ruined everything .it seems like a cheap copy of American Horror Story . Save your time and watch AHS instead .
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Another stylish but empty show by Murphy
spoels-4592221 September 2020
Sarah Paulson and Cynthia Nixon give great performances, but I'm getting really really really really really really really really really really really really bored with Murphy's style over substance filmmaking. Paulson deserves better.
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Ms Paulson was, as usual,
bshaef20 September 2020
Perfect. That woman is one of the finest actors ever. She is so precise and delivers her dialog to perfection. Running her a close second in Ratched is the person who conceived and designed the sets and clothing. I got the distinct feeling that he/she designed and implemented every scene down to a gnat's eyelash. Cynthia Nixon was wonderful. And the color coordination of the clothing and scenery deserve a special shoutout. An all around great effort by Ryan Murphy and Netflix.
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Not bad, but not great...
weareone111121 September 2020
I enjoyed most of the episodes. But for some reason, by the time I got to the last, I felt like it all built up to an unsatisfying ending. I've heard people say that the flame dies out by the end, and never really understood that phrase until now. The show built up quite nice, but the logic and emotion applied to the characters in the final 2 episodes not only felt rushed, but the dynamics at all between the siblings didn't feel organic. Felt more over the top and cheesy. I hope the next season grounds the show again like the first 6 episodes
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All style and no substance
be-jan21 September 2020
I don't quite know what to make of this. The production value is high, the settings and costumes impressive, and the acting mostly good, albeit with a tendency to being over the top. The story, however, is a mess. It's overly melodramatic and at the same time uninteresting. The interspersed scenes of violence have an alienating effect and do not fit in with the rest of the plot. The soundtrack (apparently recycled film music) that dominates almost every scene drowns the whole thing in pompous symphony. I for my part am not interested at all in Miss Ratched's further ongoings.
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A Melodramatic Sepia & Sherbet Colored Hot Mess
Mirage417 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this SO much. The cast was top notch. The production design is sumptuous. The costumes exquisite. However, what they needed was more character development and less American Horror Story. Everything is all over the place--so many characters, so many sets. So many storylines were absolutely preposterous that Sharon Stone playing a murderous heiress with a pet monkey seems perfectly reasonable. Where do I start (c'mon, a formal dance at a nuthouse between patients and staff, who does that)? This Mildred Ratched has absolutely nothing in common with the coldly detached, passive aggressive, castrating harpy who centers One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I was hoping for something more nuanced like Castle Rock's backstory development for Annie Wilkes or how Bates Motel filled in the blanks for Psycho's Norma Bates. Nurse Ratched wasn't necessarily "evil" as much as she had a pathological need for order and control, at all costs. Nurse Ratched wanted every circular peg in a round hole and every square peg in its proper place. However, Mildred Ratched sows chaos and death everywhere she goes. There is no sense of order just brazen ambition and wholesale manipulation. Nurse Ratched might have actually been a proponent of some of Dr. Hanover's experimental treatments because it made patients easier to manage while Mildred Ratched found them disturbing but found murder perfectly acceptable. But the so-called Dr. Hanover, as head of the mental institution presents himself as a specialist of every quack psych treatment available at the time but he does not seem to be particularly good at any of them. How could someone so inept gain any prestige without any successfully "cured" patients. It seemed that Mildred Ratched was more adept at transorbital lobotomy on her first try with the priest. There are some bright spots. There are some really good one-liners usually delivered by Sarah Paulson with relish. Cynthia Nixon shines in her role and Judy Davis is wonderful as Nurse Bucket who is complicated and layered and incredibly human. I do not see how this can have multiple seasons when it is this disorganized and haphazard.
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Nod to Hitchcock...minus the substance
CinemaSlant21 September 2020
Hands down the cinematography is amazing. In fact, it might be too amazing because I often find it distracting as I'm looking at the sets rather than paying any attention to the storyline or the actors. I think this series would have been far more interesting as a movie with different actors. The Ryan Murphy universe is destroying itself by the fluff stories and the same actors. I understand dedication to a number of his main players...but it hurts his artistic endeavor when we're comparing this series as a companion series to American Horror Story. That could have been avoided with different cast. The writing is fairly poor but the outstanding actors do the best they can with it. I think its time for Ryan Murphy to expand his vision and try something new.
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Save a life, they call you hero. Save a 100 and they acll you nurse.
nogodnomasters3 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the unbelievable background story of Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." It starts in 1947 with the murder of some priests by Edmund Tolleson (Finn Wittrock). It shifts to Nurse Ratchet (Sarah Paulson ) applying for a job at the mental hospital where Edmund is going to be evaluated. Not hard to figure out the connection. The series is full of twists and could have ended after episode 7 which would have worked out just fine.

We initially see a person who is manipulative and calculating. However she is not without feeling and compassion whose sincerity we must doubt. Enjoyable as a dark comedy too.

Guide: F-word. sex. brief nudity.
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Has the tone of a well-produced SNL skit
Amazing-Stories29 September 2020
Ratched could've been great. It's a visual feast. Set design, wardrobe, makeup, cinematography - it's all top-notch. That's why I can't bring myself to give this series a lower rating.

Unfortunately Ratched is yet another example of an interesting screenplay getting butchered by Ryan Murphy's invariable melodramatic soap-opera style. It's like watching a parody of a real series. Add a laugh track and every scene will feel like a well-produced SNL skit. Ryan Murphy must be terrified of real emotions.
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ccolive18 September 2020
Sarah Paulson has yet another great part! The scenes are so believable and the props are definitely in the era! Costumes should win an award, beautiful colors and style! Actin superb! Thank you Netflix for another great series!
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As Expected
azizsalhi-5647318 September 2020
I was really hyped about Ratched because i like to see who Ratched really is,and the Trailer does the job.but despite that i was not completely satisfied . the things that i liked about this series was the acting of Sarah Paulson she was really into her character,she did a great job.I also liked the soundtraks that they used,they put me right in the moment except for one time or two. the things that i did not like is that in every Episode i feel the atmosphere of AHS, not just because that some actors are the same in AHS but because of the way and form things have been written give you that feeling. but we can say that altogether for a first season it was good but there's some weaknesses that the creators of the show should take a look at.I want them to do a second BETTER season.
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Let's Get To Season 2 ALREADY!!
fmiller313 March 2021
You trash talking basement critics, would complain about your 1st birthday party! This is highly entertaining and puts some head shaking laughs in the viewing! "Where's Your Monkey?" Where American Horror Story doesn't. For Christ Sake, appreciate Ratched for what it is! I do remember getting my first Pony on my Birthday, however, it wasn't my first!
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boriska_gn24 December 2021
1) No any connection with - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2) An overdose of frankly sadistic scenes to make up for the stupidity and meaninglessness of the plot.

3) Endless and annoying pushing of a lesbian topic, not related to the plot.
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kellyfilmer19 September 2020
So many twist and turns not sure what to expect next brilliant cast and astounding performance from Sophie okonedo with spilt personality disorder

Dont know why all the bad reviews
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Worth the watch
SpicyCake19 October 2020
Giving this a 7 only because I found the first couple of episodes a little boring, storyline gets much better towards the end and it's worth it
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Visually nice but lacking
ercfunk-445-95004622 September 2020
The visuals done in the show are incredible. That's about where the buck ends though. The rest of the show feels flat. We started watching not knowing what to expect and still felt a little bored and let down. Everything done is telegraphed so there's no real surprises. Its like all they cared about was how artsy it was, not caring at all if the story is good or not.
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