7,342 Reviews
So bad that I almost walked out of my own house!
zeki-42 January 2021
The first one was fun and well played out. This sequel is a total misfire. Not because it follows the trend of having women being the alpha characters and portraying men as either weak or stupid, but simply because it's a lazy effort. Except a couple of scenes, and hilarious over-the-top acting by Pedro Pascal, I found nothing here. It has "straight-to-DVD" written all over it.
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Surprisingly poor
Leofwine_draca4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This sequel turns out to be a surprisingly poor affair, suffering from the usual problems like slow pacing, reliance on cheesy humour, and overlong running times that always seem to mar modern superhero movies. The characters are back for a new setting (not that this feels very '80s aside from the satire on greed copied from WALL STREET) but this is almost action-free and the CGI fights are purely by rote. Even worse, we're saddled with the lamest villain in a superhero movie in the form of Pedro Pascal; he's not imposing at all, just mildly amusing, and the ending as such is a real damp squib. How could they get it so wrong with all this money behind it?
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Rubbish film.
bigg_g2 January 2021
Too long, too slow. Quite uninteresting. An absolute ton of plot holes. DC destroy another movie. Did Gal Gadot forget how to act? Don't waste your time.
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Ouch, that was so boring.
Sleepin_Dragon5 January 2021
The first film is outstanding, it's exciting, it's fun, and apart from looking amazing, it has depth.

The problem here, it's so slow, and goes on forever and a day, did anything actually happen in the first ninety minutes? There was absolutely no action.

Chris Pine felt wrong here somehow, eye candy only, Gal Gadot, I thought she was pretty good, the shining light here, I just felt like she was battling against a miserable script. You could almost sense that she knew the script was no good.

The Villains were generally inept.

I won't be watching again, 3/10.
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Well well
david-504-3531503 January 2021
For me this was unwatchable really good actors who let the director turn this franchise into a joke
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WW84 is a joke, but it's a fun one.
ThomDerd5 January 2021
WW84 is entertaining, but unfortunately not as good as other DC films (or generally films of the superhero genre).

Storyline: Set in 1984, Wonder Woman tries to save the world once again from an unlikely enemy while she still seems to be thinking about Chris Pine.

Runtime stands at 2,5h which is too long but the pace of the film is good.

CGI is good throughout the movie and most the action scenes are well made. There's a bunch of great outtakes as well.

The cast is interesting-Pedro Pascal's overacting is a highlight- and Gal Gadot is stunning once again. Kirsten Wiig is also a good addition to the film, but the development of her character could have been more in depth so we can see her transformation being more justified.

On the contrary, the character of Pedro Pascal is well developed and I was impressed by the tension that he adds in the entire film. I was happy to see him switching between drama and comedy and many points go to him for keeping the film's pace interesting.

But the film lacks a strong villain and the performance of Gal was a bit dry.

Overall, it's a fun Sunday afternoon superhero flick which should have been 30 min shorter.

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Whoever wrote this did not live through the Cold War or the 80s
cascar7324 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing in this really seem like 1984...and what did was contrived. And in 1984 the Cold War was not between the USA and Russia, it was between the USA and the USSR! The USSR didn't dissolve until 1991! Jeez, it's not even ancient history. You could've just asked anyone over 40!
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landonsage5530 December 2020
Don't listen to the people giving this film a 1 or a 2. At that point the film would be unmatchable.

You also shouldn't listen to those giving this a 10. It isn't perfect.

For me the movie is right around a 7. I enjoyed it a good amount but it wasn't spectacular or worthy of anything higher than that.

Here are a few things people keep bringing up:

CGI: People keep ragging the cgi. Overall, the cgi is NOT bad. The visuals in this film are actually very good. I will say there are a few moments where the cgi could have been done better, but I'm not going to nitpick and say the entire movie looks bad.

Score: The score is great. It's Hans Zimmer. He does use someone else's score at a crucial moment in the film, but it has been used in many different movies and is fitting here.

Acting: The acting overall is very good and you're just hating if you say otherwise. You can argue that the story isn't the best, but I had no problem with the acting whatsoever. Gal kills it yet again as Wonder Woman as does Chris Pine as Steve. Pedro Pascal offers a great performance as the lead villain of the film. My favorite performance of the film was actually Kristen Wiig who I was worried about before since she's usually a comedic actor, but I was thoroughly impressed with her.

Plot: The plot to me was the downfall of this film. It had visuals, acting, music, but the plot felt a little off to me. I was scratching my head at certain points of the movie, but overall it made sense and I had no problem with it. It's a fun superhero movie that you aren't meant to take super seriously.
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cogatlin28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I loved the first movie and was looking forward to the sequel. That being said, this was a disappointing convoluted mess. It's like a train wreck and a dumpster fire had a baby, then the baby puked and that puke became this movie. Seriously, what were they thinking with this script? So many talented actors and so much wasted potential.

So, because the script says so, Diana can make things disappear at will? She can swing from lighting with her lariat? She can block and catch bullets with her lariat? She can attach and swing from airplanes that are at cruising altitude while she's on the ground?! All of these exaggerated abilities while she's supposedly losing her powers? Another thing, her suit was supposed to be powerful, yet it crumbled like tinfoil during her five minute fight with Cheetah. What was the point of her wearing it then if she was back at full strength?

Max Lord's character was laughable. The stone wasn't crumbling with every wish, so why was he getting sick after granting wishes even though he became the stone? None of this lunacy made any sense whatsoever.

This movie was so bad that I walked out of my own house. Seriously, skip this and watch the first movie.
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Is this a "Maxwell Lord" movie?
teamdiana-8077927 December 2020
The new supporting character get waaaaay too much screen time.

It doesn't seem like a WW movie to me. This movie should be called, "Maxwell Lord".

Also, why does Kristen's character, Cheetah, hate/resent Diana so much? Weird. Diana never did anything to her except be her friend.

This movie would've been better if Gal had more screen time. It's always annoying when a sequel focuses less on the original characters. That's one of many reasons why sequels are disappointing...
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Makes Justice League and Suicide Squad look Oscar worthy
sduncan1528 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have low expectations for DC movies. Some have delightfully surprised me. This falls flat on its face after 15-20 mins and never gets up...or even TRIES!! It felt rushed through production (definitely not in watch speed...). It was boring when their wasn't action and when the action started it was so fake it was distracting. Gadot and Pascal try and maybe have moments that don't suck. Wiig was...well exactly how you would expect her in an action film as a villain.

To say the movie is disappointing is an understatement which is sad considering I had zero expectations going into it. Glad it was streaming so I didn't have to waste money on a movie ticket.
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Chill yall
cleon101026 December 2020
Damn. Y'all really need to chill. The movie is still based on a comic, so let the cheesy be cheesy. Speaking of cheesy, everyone keeps talking about the cheesy ness in the beginning with the mall heist and what not. But my high a** saw it as "oh cool! 80's movies were so like that" cheesy! It felt intentional?? Also, I feel like It's telling you in the simplest terms, flat out what greed gets ya! No? Anywho. I enjoyed this movie thoroughly. Take a chill pill and stop digging too much and just enjoy a darn movie. #girlpower #happyholidays
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It has heart but not much else
chloecolvard-0151927 January 2021
I am overall saddened by WW84. The movie has a good but corny message that I feel could have been done better if wasn't so obvious. Gal gadot is a pleaser to watch as Wonder Woman and truly does in body the character. However either her, or Pedro Pascal charismatic villain 'Maxwell Lord'. The wonky VFX and the convoluted script does not help the movie especially bring into account WW84 has been sitting on the Warner bros. shelf for around a year. Hopefully the third WW movie Patty and her crew will get their grove back and wrap things up!
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Be careful what you wish for.
BA_Harrison5 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the success of Wonder Woman (2017), I expect a lot of DC fans (and Gal Gadot fans) were wishing for a bigger and even better sequel for the beautiful Amazonian princess. Well, they've got the bigger sequel they wanted, but better? Nope... trickster god Dolos seems to have pulled another fast one: WW84 is one terrible scene after another, a film destined for a cult following perhaps, purely because it is so awful.

The ridiculous plot revolves around a mythical stone (created by Dolos, the god of mischief) that can grant the holder a single wish, and which falls into the hands of an unscrupulous wannabe oil baron, but incredibly, it's not this singular lame idea that ruins the movie, but rather the countless idiotic things that happen throughout. There are so many bad scenes in the film that listing them all would take an age, but here's some of my 'favourites':

Resurrected WW2 pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) doing a 'Pretty Woman' by trying on a range of 'hilarious' '80s fashion. Oh, how I didn't laugh.

Steve mistaking a trash can for a piece of modern art. I have no words.

Steve being able to fly a fully-fuelled jet fighter, stored at the Smithsonian, without any prior knowledge (with Wonder Woman managing to turn the plane invisible-turns out she's David bloody Copperfield!). Also, they fly the plane very slowly through some fireworks.

Wonder Woman doing a quick change into her costume in a moving car.

Some dumb Egyptian kids playing football in the middle of a road despite being surrounded by miles and miles of desert perfect for a kickabout.

Wonder Woman lassoing a passenger jet (just how long is that lasso anyway?), followed by her lassoing a cloud and a lightning bolt. What's next? Lassoing ideas and dreams?

Kristen Wiig transforming into Bombalurina from Cats.

And as if all that wasn't terrible enough, the sickening saccharine finalé involves Wonder Woman using her lasso (now normal length) to SHOW the bad guy the truth. Good job they introduced that idea earlier in the film...

3.5/10, rounded down to 3 for Gadot's lousy performance: she's a beautiful woman with a great pair of legs (still no match for Lynda Carter, though), but she really isn't much of an actress.
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Utter disappointment
jaimemedina-3628825 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been eagerly waiting for this. I made a great lunch of Christmas Eve leftovers and sat down - ready for a great movie.

This movie is utterly ridiculous. From the moment it starts it comes off almost as a parody. The open scene is very childish. Way too on the nose with its moralistic foreshadowing. The following failed heist is equally juvenile - taking place in a mall and is just plain silly. It's far from the grittier atmosphere that DC has been so good at recently.

The interpretation of 80's culture is completely distracting and strips away any gravitas. Pedro Pascal comes off as laughable and inane. Wiig fairs no better and cannot pull off the baddie.

It was hard to watch. I had hopes for DC but this one is a complete dud.
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Long and Boring .
Stevensson18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
  • The Cinematography is top notch .
  • The Score is good .
  • The chemistry between Gal and Chris was enjoyable .

  • Gal was at her worst . she did a decent job in the previous installement but this time she was way off the mark .
  • I love Chris Pine . He is an underrated actor and i enjoyed his previous movies but his comic timing in this movie fell flat .
  • The villains are cartoonish .They didn't get a good screen time to performe well but i can't blame them coz the writing sucks big time .
  • The CGI looks Really Bad .
  • The dialogues were cringe-worthy .
  • The action scenes were barely entertaining .

All in All . One of the worst sequels i heve ever seen and it's poorly written and directed . Save your precious time and watch the first wonder woman is more entertaining and fun to watch .
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feels long
SnoopyStyle29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's 1984 in Washington, D.C. Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) fights crime as Wonder Woman. During the day, she works at the Smithsonian Institution where she befriends bumbling newcomer Barbara Minerva (Kristen Wiig). Diana is terribly lonely pining for lost love Steve Trevor (Chris Pine). The FBI needs Minerva to identify a stolen artifact which turns out to be a wishing stone. Diana wishes for Steve while Barbara wishes to be like Diana. Eager TV huckster Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) has been searching for the stone and decides on an unusual wish.

The movie feels too long. At two and a half hours, it's not the longest especially for a comic book movie. Nevertheless, it feels very long. While I like most of these premises, some of it could be cut back to speed things up. I don't really like Pascal hamming it up as a TV huckster. I'd rather have him be a simple Scrooge like figure. An evil businessman is a better foil. The actual businessman in the movie can be cut out. Kristen Wiig could be a great addition to the franchise but she needs to build up in the franchise. Maybe she should be a friend who fights along side WW at first and then the second movie can have her turn evil over her jealousy. I'm also not sure about the logistics of the wishes. They need to be better thought out. A lot of this needs to be better thought out like the final turn. If the son is that final turn, he needs to be more prominent in his life. Overall, this movie just feels a little too long. Maybe it needs more jokes to pass the time. The action could be tightened. She could learn to fly quicker. Things could be done even if the running time remains the same.
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Oh it's Good... but definitely Not Great
keithsreed-185-29575518 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting how polarised the reviews are, personally sI liked it but thought like a lot of people that... in summary: Gal Gadot was magnificent. Wonderful A+ actress. She has found the role of a lifetime. Kirsten Wigg was not the right casting and poorly written for - she didn't make me think nerd or scary ever - Cheetah was onscreen for maybe 90 seconds? Why even bother then, no tension at all in her. Pedro Pascal - well cast and did right by the role but Max Lorre was hammily written, started great but got worse and dare I say obvious. Chris Pine is well used and provides the comedy. He obviously enjoys working with Gal Gadot and the chemistry shows. The direction was great, I have no problem with the production and execution of the film and Patty Jenkins knows what she's doing. But the script.... oh my. See above plus not enough action (what there was is excellent) including not supervillain-based combat. Several scenes were fine but just too long, the flying comes too mind - 'very cool!' then 'OK yup we get it' then 'can we now do something else pls?'

I liked the film and glad I got to see it in the cinema too recommend that to all - but if you were to miss it I wouldn't blame you - unlike the legendary first film.

I hope there is a 3rd and they sort the script.

PS: I didn't think it was woke at all, or that he was based on Trump - literally never crossed my mind during or now. Don't bring your agenda to someone else's story people!
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Just read the other review. All true!
steventonge27 December 2020
Why is Warner Brothers hell bent on destroying a potential gold mine, that is the DC franchise. I thought they had finally sorted it with WW and Aquaman. But no, normality resumes. This movie was terrible at everything. Story, dialogue, acting, cgi. Just sell the franchise to another studio and give us DC fans a break
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Not as bad as these reviews make it to be
baddboy7748926 January 2021
These reviews are harsh my goodness yes it does have plot holes but I wouldn't say it was terrible. The movie isn't good as the first one, but that's a hard movie to stand up to. This was an enjoyable movie overall 👍🏾
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Sorry Patty, you tanked!
msskrads27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the review "utter disappointment", I also read the Washington Post article. " really getting to do whatever I wanted" she said. And what a sad commentary that turned out to be. All of her characters, props and settings were ridiculous. Kristen Wiig injects one of her babbling SNL characters in her first scene. A super villian she's not, even for comic relief. And where is the strong empowered woman that encourages other women to use their own powers? Then there is that magic lasso, Diana might just as well sat and her desk in the museum and flicked it to and fro since it appeared to have an infinite length this time around. Placing the film in her memories of the '80s this might work for Coppola or Scorsese but one's sense of history needs to be able to look further into the past to develop a view. Was that President supposed to be Reagan, surely you could have found someone who actually resembled him. So much for '80s memories. The scenes of an injured and defeated WW were way to drawn out, and the computers of the day were only beginning to go beyond pixelated pictures. The technology of the day would not have been able to broadcast to the world. And Gal Gadots talents were never realized she just wasn't involved enough beyond window dressing, more attention was spent on the sets and locations. And what disappointment the release streaming and theatre distribution. Although I love theaters (I spent 35 yrsin the movie business) where I live they haven't reopened yet. THe streaming was terrible stop, stutter, freeze. fortunately the movie was so bad the pauses were a relief. I wonder what Bill Diehl or Roger Ebert would have had to say about WW84? I'm glad I watched the credits, I couldn't believe how many people were listed. But then Lynda Carter made an appearance. 15 seconds of Joy out of 2 and 1/2 hours.
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Doesn't deserve such a bad score
craigcoleshaw29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the film WW84 and then seeing the score on here I was shocked as it doesn't deserve the 1/2 star reviews. It's not the greatest action film of all time, but personally I didn't feel like I'd watched a two and a half hour film. People expect a perfect film all the time, it has it's ups and downs, CGI isn't the best at times. A heart warming ending and a nice way to end the awful year we've all had. Watch it, and then judge it for yourself with an open mind would be my tip for you.
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From a person who is not a comic book movie fan...
AlsExGal27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... in that I can enjoy a good one, but film noir and precode are really my preferred genres. From that perspective, I don't think that this movie is nearly as bad as everybody says.

There are big plot holes. Why is everybody wearing heavy coats and then suddenly it is the Fourth of July? Why is it OK to kidnap some random man's body from his life? Did he have a family who wondered where he was? Was he losing a job he wasn't showing up to? And how does a WWI pilot - the resurrected Steve - know how to operate a 1980s airplane? This last one is basically the same problem with Independence Day, a much worse movie that people apparently loved.

In fact, reading the negative reviews, THAT is what I expected - Independence Day 2020. Hammy acting, over the top dialogue, shrill characterizations, and stuff that doesn't make sense on a much bigger scale than what I actually saw in this film. Maybe it is because people expected more action - this film is more philosophical. Maybe because folks expected more Wonder Woman in a movie that bears her name.

About being philosophical, there was one thing I noticed, maybe it was intentional, maybe not. Pre magical powers, Max Lord is a greedy guy, but he is tethered to humanity through the unconditional love of his son. It is what ultimately brings him back from the brink. Kristen Wiig's character, Barbara, is a mousy timid person with zero confidence who was probably bullied as a child. Nobody ever helps her - even when she is being assaulted - unless they take pity on her. It wouldn't be because she means anything to them. When she gets the power to be like Wonder Woman she goes completely wild. For the first time in her life she has confidence and strength. And she is totally unconnected to humanity because nobody ever cared about her or even noticed she was alive, and so the feeling is understandably mutual. So she would die before she would give up that power and go back to what she was - a nobody. So think about that if you ever minimize the gravity of the act of bullying someone - adult or child. It has lasting consequences.

Before all of this happened you would have said that Barbara is much more integrated into society than Max is. That's because she didn't have the strength or confidence to NOT be integrated into society.

The Han Zimmer score was on point but not overpowering, the acting spot on. I think it is the large as well as smaller themes of the plot and the fact that the CGI seemed amateurish that people noticed. I noticed it. And I've always been a rather easy grader.
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From hero to zero in just two WW movies
stevebarley19 December 2020
The 1st WW film was absolutely brilliant and had more ticks than a farmer's dog in my book. WW84 is, which truly saddens and maddens me, the polar opposite. It has a script so weak it should be classed as highly vulnerable, a plot that has more holes than my kitchen colander, and characters about as believable as a career politician. I did love the opening island scene where the girl actress playing the young Diana was superb, and apparently did all her non-cgi stunts. But then it went downhill faster than an illiterate skier passing a 'Warning - cliff ahead' sign. I won't go into detail over WW84s failings as I have a bus to catch...in a week, but I think I can reveal my favourite, jaw-dropping line from the film without it being a spoiler...

'... I want to be an apex predator!'

It certainly made me growl.
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Oh when will this end....
jothamleeyishu20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First 15 minutes was the best, and literally did not contribute to the story... not one bit.

Ok where to begin...:
  • Lasso of truth? More like infinity flying power bulletproof magic Lasso
  • Main villian is a genie in a rock
  • Storyline is people wishing from said genie
  • Most climatic fight scene is in the trailer.... seriously.. its wonder woman fighting a leopard/ tiger thingy....
  • Main villian is defeated by saying 4 words
  • No emotional connection to characters, shallow and uninspiring. (literally if anyone died, you just wouldnt care.)
  • no consequence after saying those 4 words. things magically became normal
  • I dont get how is this even rated past a 5. Critics rating it 9?!?! Really suspicious. Must be some market manipulation.

I literally created an account just to write this... Dont watch this pls. I wasted my time and money, hope you dont make the same mistake.
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