Native Son (2019) Poster


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A beautifully made film, but lacks the depth and thought-provoking character of Richard Wright's novel
nyancatcandy28 April 2019
Finally the new adaption of Richard Wright's classical novel is here, ever since I read the book and I found out a movie was being made, I have been looking forward to this. That said, I hade very high expectations of it, seeing that the novel is so captivating and in every sense great.

The first thing I noticed that differed from the book, was the main character, Bigger Thomas. In the movie he has green hair, nails painted black and wears trashy clothes, something that is supposedly ment to showcase Bigger's world view. But let's be honest, it is nothing but ridiculous. Furthermore, he and his family does not seem to suffer from the same economic and racial struggles as in the book.

Moreover, there is little that shows a society that treats Bigger and other Black people less worhthy, as the book does. This is a vital failure as the whole novel builds on these themes and is the underlying factors behind Biggers actions later on. This misstep makes the movie lack depth and meaning, as well as failing to to fully deliver the measage. Now this film is a modern adaptation, and society has come a long way since the 1930's, even though there are still inequalities. The movie doesn't really emphasis this either, as the only attempt comes from modestly showing some police brutality in the ending.

Moving on, the ending feels very forced and quick as well, and it wouldn't have hurt to add another 30 minutes to it - especially just to get to see that famous courtoom scene from the novel. It was truly disappointing not to see it as it was one of the things I looked forward to the most. This movie suffers greatly from the lack of a good script.

However, the script may be poor, but the directing and cinematography sure isn't. Director Rashid Johnson pulls a rabbit out of the hat, saving this movie from being a total disaster. The lightning and colours are very nice and helps display the dark setting of the film. As well as great camerawork and some good looking scenes. Just imagine how good this could have been with a good script.
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ok but...
kelleyjohnson-0405813 April 2019
While I thought the characters were developed well in the first part of the film, the ending was extremely rushed. I read and loved the book but I felt these characters didn't stay true to the underlying themes within the novel that made it so great. This film doesn't really show the true effects of fear on Bigger and key elements were changed that once again took away from how wonderful this film could have been. I was disappointed.
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It's good and then it's not.
chaitanyamaheshwari10 April 2019
I don't usually write reviews, but since I did not find any sound review here, here it is. The movie builds up great, great character development, good acting, intriguing plot; and then the third act begins, and it's all downhill from there. All buildup and character development stare into abyss upon an obvious climax. The realism that was there in the first two acts dies in the third act, and questionable choices are made in the plot, which makes you doubt whether there are different writing teams for Native Son. P.S I haven't read the book. I think this will suffice.
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A Question of Budget?
ilvlftuup7 October 2021
Native Son had the makings of a great film - setting, cinematography, cast, story... the plot builds, the characters are developed, and then - a sudden tragedy after which it felt like someone pulled the plug on the film.

Was it a lack of innovation with the screenplay? Was the film's budget exceeded?

Such a shame to develop a main character to this degree, and then basically shut the movie down.
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Native Son 2019, worth the watch, read the book, different ending
jrneptune7 April 2019
Read the book a long time ago. Still have it. Watched the movie and it started off following the novel by Robin Wright fairly well.

I don't believe a movie adaptation of a novel has to follow the story line and it can be more interesting to have some twists or re-telling of the story. In this case I would say it is a re-telling but the one let down for me is the buildup to the ending.

It felt like it was rushed and they did not have the time or the budget to provide the finer details of the story to explain the heart of the original story of why the title "Native Son" applied so well to Big and his part to society.

An incredible cast and I enjoyed everyone's acting. Most of the camerawork was great in my opinion. Felt like it did update the story for our present time. Wished there was more reference to slum lords and the legal system.

For folks that have not read the book, I hope it inspires them to read it. I know I will be re-reading the story again.
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PaxtonMalloy1 June 2021
I think this can only be seen as a metaphor because this "plot" can not be taken serious. For one hour the movie is alright even though is is poorly structured since usually within the first half hour you get what the story is about. Here you got no direction.

At one point our main character will do something unbelievable. I mean that in the literal sense. It is so ridiculously contrived to create drama that it is laughable. At this point it is as if you are watching a whole different movie. It becomes more of a montage and totally falls apart underlined by the unnecessary and pretentious voice over. Sad thing is there was very good acting in here.
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Welllll worth your time
nicktatta13 May 2019
Quality acting, especially by our lead. The story alone garners it 5 stars...while the acting and directing does the rest. I enjoyed it and was hurt by it, while also being pulled on what character to route for...
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A great book cheapened .
ulicknormanowen8 August 2022
McCarthyism drove Richard Wright away from his land ;he sought refuge in France where his novels were already famous ;so the first adaptation (by himself) was filmed in Argentina by French Pierre Chenal ,a film noir past master ; a colossal mistake was to have the writer play the part of Bigger (25) when he was in his forties; in spite of that ,the film is estimable.

A MTV work followed,in the eighties ,starring Victor Love ,Matt Dillon and Elizabeth McGovern was also interesting :were it for the faithfullness to the novel and good acting , it is to recommend.

The same cannot be said of this third adaptation , transferred to the modern era -which is highly debatable- : the boiler,to name but one detail ,becomes ridiculous in a wealthy family's house .Acting is undistinguished ,the script written in a slapdash manner,and the novel sweeetened ,cheapened and botched : the girlfriend's fate for instance ; the Bigger/Jan relationship is hardly skimmed over ; one never feels that the unfortunate hero knows that his fight is already lost ,and that his boss' patronizing and the rich kids ' social activism will always leave him a chauffeur , a flunkey ; the beginning is a mess, the ending takes the easy way out .Bigger 's frames of mind voice over are not enough to do the powerful novel justice.
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the most helpful review clearly didn't even watch the movie...
natcalgary24 June 2019
In his imagination a black guy hooked up with a white girl which never happened.

Was slow burning movie but well acted and good finish.

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Movie started off well and then.....
monicawilson-0451816 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I recorded this movie based on the description.....which When i started watching i kept wondering why It didn't match its description. Apparently hbo confused this film with another. I know only because I came on here and searched. I kept watching because I recognized the guy from love Simon and figured it's gotta be good.

In any case, the movie started off well and then suddenly turned dark. Before I knew it, there's some bad stuff happening and I kept thinking how the hell did i end up watching the type of movie that I don't like.


While working for a white rich family, as the driver, he supplies drugs, as asked, by the girl and her boyfriend. Suddenly he Kills the girl by mistake and throws her in the family's furnace. As he's hiding with his own girlfriend, he tries to strangle her since she threw his gun away. She runs and it's implied that she calls the cops on him. He purposely reaches in his pocket to get the police to shoot at him. Mission accomplished. The end.

Ps had no idea there was a book until I hear it here.
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A great film about poor choices
boc32122 April 2019
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I haven't read the book so will just talk a little about my take on this film. The young man has many choices to make . Does he want a life of crime, if so, does he choose robbery, or selling drugs? Does he want a proper job? Then you have to question the employer. Does he want a professional driver? Does he choose a friend's son whose down on his luck? Will he trust this driver with his daughters life? Is he mature enough to stay out of parties, panties and politics? I like how they show this young man as confused. Is he into classical music or gangsta rap? Is he good or bad or a bit of both? When given a very good weekly wage how does he choose to spend his money? We see the protagonist drinking on duty and selling hard drugs, then trying to cover up his actions which backfire badly. The message of this story is to me about being careful who you get close to. About getting to know someone over a few months, not seconds, before trusting them. Its about terrible outcomes of making poor choices.
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Good Acting
big0075 May 2020
The acting was better than the storyline and its OK to put a little Hollywood on a story already known but that didn't happen here. The lead always plays downer characters and is pretty much the same guy in each project.
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Terribly flawed plot
xtinajoy17 April 2019
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2 stars for the great cast, 0 stars for the terrible plot that left me wondering... why is he smart for the first hour and all of a sudden he makes really bad and stupid decisions until the ending?
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Not the movie I thought it would be
grella71315 September 2019
To make things clear, I've never read the book nor did I even know this book existed until after the movie. This movie attracted me when I saw the cover, Bigger wearing a Punk Rock leather jacket, me being in the punk scene got really excited that I found a new movie about a Punk rocker.

The movie started out great, I loved the characters, I felt look I could relate to him, this movie felt pretty awesome. Then things got uncomfortable, if you seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. What??? I was yelling at the TV (I never yell nor talk to the TV), this movie made me yell at the TV. At first I was feeling for him, I understood he was in an awkward position and didn't want to be fired from his job, but man, what happened afterwards, wtf??? The rest of the movie I was uncomfortable, yet, I couldn't stop watching.

Anyways, definitely not the movie I expected turn out to be. At first he was rocking out to Minor Threat and Dead Kennedys. I was hoping it would stay as a movie about a guy and his every day struggle because people just assumed his life when he wasn't the type of person to fit the stereotype of the modern black guy and then progress from there, but oh no it wasn't. It was a big bag of something else.

Screw it, I'm making my own movie that matches more of something that I wanted this so badly to be.
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lukhelethemba10 April 2019
I honestly tried to watch this, but I did not get it. I don't understand the main character, what's his story, what's he trying to accomplish, why is he so angry? This was nothing like the book
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ramesesbrathwaite10 April 2019
It's been a long time since I almost tossed an object at my Tv! This tomfoolery had my pressure up because it was sooooooooooooo poorly written and full of negativity.

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I'd skip the book too.
thejoudblitz8 April 2019
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This is not how you make a good movie and here is why. First off the protagonist is hard to get into, is he a punk or appreciative of the fine arts, is he a bicycle man or a driver, is he a hard ass or a lover? The story telling could not decide, there was evidence for everything. There is no way a broad audience can root for a scrawny, talent free nobody who's sense of humor is defined by holding a dead rat to his sister's face. The second big mistake, two thirds into the movie a main character dies. That's like eating a meal and half-way through someone takes away your side and says go ahead, eat up it's art now. At that point in the film it is safe to fast forward, skipping pathetic conversations the pot head fake-glasses-wearing hero has, with his bathroom sex jealous instead of happy for him girlfriend. And lastly, the probably biggest flaw of this "story". The plot was non-existent. Things happen, but none of them are intertwined. There is no structure, events just happen without connection, other than the time-line. Where are the scenes of importance you remember when interesting plot-twists happen? Where is the build-up? Character development? "Native Son" is not that kind of movie. "Native Son" is a bad movie. 3 stars for production value.
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A rare instance where the remake outshines the original
kingrl-715738 April 2019
Initially I shunned thus film and was not going to watch it. Saw the movie poster and how the new Biggie was dressed like a grunge rocker....this peaked my interest. I wanted to watch and gauge the differences between the two. Honestly this depiction is brilliant.. The added elements of introspection add to the dynamics of the storyline. Not going to put any spoilers out there. Watching this film you pray it ends a different way....this is all I will say. I love the actors in this everyone did a great job. Definitely worth the watch.
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great then awful
bcfandm26 April 2019
Just stop watching at 1hour 27 minutes. gets super awkward and weak.
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God awful
DimitriDiaz5 June 2019
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Absolutely terrible. What was the point of the film? I havent read the book actually but i'm guessing the original plot wasn't a kid who killed girl by accidentally suffocating her with a pillow to keep her quiet so that he could keep his job. Why would we care about him or this pathetic story, or lack of? A kid gets a job then commits an accidental murder and tries to cover it up? Yes, what else? No hidden message, not even a failed attempt at pushing a narrative, nothing. Absolutely shocking and i only finished it because i hoped it would at least end in a satisfying way but i was wrong. Do not waste your time.
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Why the video is so terrible:
hominessumus15 April 2019
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Not riding fixed gear, when you're a messenger, isn't really a big deal. Well it is a stupid choice, but not the biggest when you're a type of guy who decides to calm down a drunk lady with a pillow for a bit longer she could hold her breath. If you are Bigger Thomas the only good decision you could make is pretending that you have a gun, when you're surounded by police.

I haven't read a book, I don't care - film adaptation is an autonymous work. And this one is showing extremely unrealisticly irresponsible black person, that has been too long undiscovered as insane. That's all.
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Predictable and takes itself too seriously
waleed-5316529 November 2019
A few memorable lines buried in a straight to video storyline and lots of 1st year film class acting. The main character's supposed 'edgy contradictions' is interesting until one discovers it's being asked to carry a corporate motel bowl of oatmeal to the finish line.
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Weird, but good-weird
methmaga8 April 2019
This isnt really a great movie but it has a knd of unique tone and feel to it, a tone that is very hard to define and beucause of that its intriguing. The lead acting is fenomenal!
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Terrible film, worst adaptation of this great novel...
GrigoryGirl18 June 2023
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Out of all 3 film adaptations of Richard Wright's magnificent book, this is the worst of the 3. There never has been a definitive adaptation. The first one (which had Richard Wright, the author of the book, as Bigger Thomas) was flawed (low budget, some amateurish acting) but was at least interesting and followed the novel closely. The 1986 version, while sanitized to a large degree, was well produced and also followed the novel closely. This one is a complete bowdlerization of the novel. Not only do they relocate the story to Cleveland (the novel and first two films took place in Chicago, and that city is essential to the story), but they drastically change the ending, leaving Bigger Thomas's girlfriend Bessie alive (she gets killed in the novel and first two films), and having Bigger get killed at the end of the film by the police. The original novel (and the 2 previous films) both ended with Bigger on trial for murder, and with him sitting alone at the end awaiting his execution. Bigger is much more complex in the book and the 2 earlier films. This film feels like PC propaganda, and it's a shame that this great novel was hijacked for political purposes, but that is in fact what happened. A shame.
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Waste of Talent
hodgedeh3 May 2019
OMG. Anyone could have wrote this script. Everything that happened in this movie was exact what I thought was going to happen next. Complete trash.
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