Love at First Glance (TV Movie 2017) Poster

(2017 TV Movie)

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Way to go, Hallmark!
rjqoverig26 January 2021
Although the story was only a trifle better than usual, it was a brilliant idea to sign Amy Smart for the leading role. She looks better than ever, and brings a lightness to the movie, as if you were watching a romcom, although the story is far from that. If the soundtrack had been real music instead of the product of a basic computerprogram, I 'd given it 8/10.
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Nice Plot Idea, But It Falls Short
tiffanytallent198127 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be completely honest. I only watched this movie for Adrian Grenier and he was barely in it! He might've been in this movie 15 minutes total! And when he was on screen, it was nothing spectacular. He just basically walked around and made minor comments. At least he looked pretty doing it I guess. The writers definitely should've given him more to work with.

Amy Smart who plays Mary, was actually pretty good in this movie until the ending love rant. No one does that. It was very unrealistic. The minor characters were fairly likable too, even Mary's ex who dumped her.

The storyline was unique and I actually enjoyed many of the memories told and shown throughout. But because so much time was spent on this, there isn't time left for Mary, and Adrian's character, James, to develop a relationship. They spend the entire movie apart, aside from the meet cute. They text sporadically, but it's not much of substance that I saw. I could see why Mary started liking James. She was writing a story about his adventures from all over the world, by talking to anyone in his phone contacts. After hearing numerous stories of how he was the best guy, how could she not have feelings? But love? That's too soon. They had spent absolutely NO time together! And James apparently loved her too when they see each other at the end of the movie. That's right. This pair sees each other at the beginning of the movie, then only spent a few minutes together at the end. There wasn't much chemistry because there was no time for it to develop. I'm giving 5 stars for the *plot idea, *touching stories, *Mary's best friend, and **how Mary finds herself throughout the movie.
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Very confusing and didn't love it
tashinaknight9 April 2017
I do love the actress (loved Twelve Dates of Christmas), but I didn't love the movie. It was mostly a bunch of smarmy stories (and I love Hallmark, so I can take most smarmy but this was over the top) put together about this way-better-than-perfect guy that she thinks she likes, except that she doesn't know him, who was conveniently out of the country for the whole movie. Meanwhile her male best friend/roommate (who is one of the regular cast of Hallmark guys) was being kind and supportive and always there for her. You know how in a Hallmark movie, even if there is an ex and a new guy and a guy best friend, it's always clear who the girl will end up with. Well, not this one. Does she fall in love with the perfect guy she's never talked to in person? Does she fall in love with the super nice roommate or best friend (I even watched the beginning again, and it didn't explain their relationship at the start of the movie)? I won't give spoilers, but I didn't know the answer until late in the movie. I was so unsure that I wasn't rooting for either of them, so when she picked, I actually didn't care.
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Good Movie
gary63-272-70925525 January 2021
This was a good movie, these other reviews you people are idiots.
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I love this film, but...
cuoridimarzapane24 February 2017
I assigned to this film 7 stars, and not a full score, because despite the love, it is a clear focus on what led to this love story, and not the love story about the 2 characters. I would have preferred that it focused about them love, about them kiss and about them relationship, and not about the explanation of what is love.

But I am sincere: this film make me move, make me touch...
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It's a sweet story but.....
lydiajp1 February 2019
This movie is worth watching but it could've been so much better. I would of liked an explanation of why her good friend that's a guy didn't like her as a girlfriend. I would of liked to see more dialogue between the two main characters at the end. I just don't have the energy to write down all the things that's went wrong in this movie. I'm grateful for all the other reviews they did a great job. It's still a sweet story if you want to watch a Hallmark movie.
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MIamiReviewer2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Were the other reviewers paid to give this high marks? I love Hallmark movies, but this one was terrible. It made me physically uncomfortable. It's like Hallmark scored some very high profile actors, and then got too comfortable with the presumed success of the movie, so didn't bother paying for a decent script/director/cameraperson/editor.

To start, the timing of this movie was all off. I can't tell if the actors didn't know their stuff or if the problem was with the editing. But the whole thing just felt off.

More importantly, the entire premise is off-putting. Sure, I get why she falls for him, given that her job has her learn all kinds of stuff about him. But he knows nothing about her, but is sending creepy texts to her the whole time, and then comes home and immediately tells her he loves her. If this movie had instead been aired on LMN instead of Hallmark, I would have been waiting for the "twist" when it turns out he is trying to lure her into an Eastern European human trafficking ring. I know we are supposed to suspend belief for TV, but even suspending belief made me feel like I needed a shower to get off the creepy feeling.

Finally, Adrian Grenier, did you even read your lines before doing your 3 scenes? He had maybe 5 minutes of screen time in the whole movie, and I think they just paid him to show up, not to actually put any effort in. His weird, script-reading performance only amped up the creep factor.

I felt physically uncomfortable for most of this movie. Ugh.
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Nice different premise!
vwvoyager14 February 2021
Not your typical Hallmark movie, enjoyed the storyline which was a refreshing change. Love Amy Smart, and Jonathan Bennett as the gay best friend was great. Good performances all around.
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I think this was the most unusual romantic hallmark movie I have ever seen.
cgvsluis6 May 2023
Unlike other Hallmark romantic films, this film has our romantic leads seeing (that's all they do to is see one another and have a brief non-verbal communication) each other briefly on the subway and then not seeing each other again until the end of the movie. It was really unique and for me it worked.

"At the end of the day what gives our lives meaning is how we are loved."

After being dumped by her fiancé, who accused her of being boring, soft article reporter Mary has a brief non-verbal encounter with a young handsome man on the subway. He subsequently leaves his phone by accident, Mary tries to return it to the subway's lost and found but is turned away by the apathy. Trying to locate his phone, the phone owner (mystery subway rider James) texts Mary to let her know he will be out of the country until February. This gives Mary an idea to pitch a story about doing an article about James and he agrees and says through his phone she has access to everyone who knows him.

Mary ends up not only learning about James, but learning about herself as she tangos with a stranger, sky dives, and adopts a dog!

This really was sweet and fun. A unique story about love and self discovery. If you are a romantic, I think you will love it. I also think you will enjoy it if you are looking for something just a little different than the usual hallmark fare.

"Girl with red shoes...perhaps it should be called hopeful."
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The premise doesn't convince
phd_travel20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like Amy Smart - she has a bright engaging personality without being annoyingly perky like some other Hallmark actresses. However this movie just doesn't have a convincing story. After finding a cell phone left behind by a guy on a train this reporter decides to write a story about him and falls in love with him via what she finds out about him from the people she interviews about him. As if! Adrien Grenier looks ill at ease in his few scenes. At the end a kiss? People aren't like that.
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Love at First Glance
studioAT7 November 2020
Lovely to see Hallmark trying to vary what I suppose you'd call their 'standard format', and it made for a refreshing change.

This film isn't perfect, it has several flaws, but for sheer entertainment value and lovely performances being given (again, not by 'Hallmark' standard players') this was good fun, and touching too.

The people who seem to dislike it are those who perhaps prefer the 'standard format'.
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Love yourself and you'll find love
MickyG33323 January 2023
7.3 stars.

'Love at First Glance' has cheese oozing all over it, gooey and warm, but not so tasty. I could do with a bit less silliness, and frivolous content. Many parts are not believable. In contrast, there are also some unforgettable, brilliant and poignant moments.

What is with the lack of accountability and logic in several scenes? It's not realistic enough to convince us that this is like a true account. It loses credibility the further along the story progresses. Is the writer attempting to make some parts surreal? There are nods to 'Forrest Gump', and some scenes almost right out of a comic book. Very strange, but they manage to salvage enough of the meaning for me to give 'Love at First Glance' a liberal rating. The entertainment value is not lost, it's simply hidden from time to time.

Ok, here are some examples of what I've stated above: when she has a dog, and her ex asks her why in the world she got a dog, and her response is non-sensical, not in her nature at all. And later there are several flashbacks, but the odd way they are portrayed, almost as if in a nitwitted fashion...The tragedy of his best girl friend since elementary school, the outcome is ridiculous. Her erotic dreams, and yet not, and then her riding with his father on the motorcycle, and for what? There is no explanation. When she sees her ex again, and then has some psychedelic visions, what is real, what is not...quite unorthodox. And near the end when she is meeting whom I presume to be the lead male, her love interest, and yet he's only in 3% of the film...again, there is no buildup, or climax. The pacing seemed to work, but there are obvious gaps in the story, leading me to think some scenes were deleted from the final cut.

All the above notwithstanding, I enjoyed the main theme which is about a reporter striving to become something better, to excel beyond her self-imposed boundaries. On her path to excellence, she must first learn to love herself, then true love will find her.
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More than a little unbelievable
jenrn-097221 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a cute movie premise - with her meeting all this guy's friends and family to get to know him. But it is completely unbelievable. Every person she talks to makes this guy sound like he is beyond perfect. The only thing missing in all these stories is his halo - he's too perfect. Then we cut to the flashback of him as a kid when his mother dies as he's making her a valentine and how he meets Carey, his first love. Did anyone else notice the awful casting of the child actors playing the adults? Their eye colors and features are completely off. Did the casting folks not look at Adrian Grenier or Kelly Thiebaud? The young James has dark brown eyes, the adult James has pale green eyes. The young Carey has deep blue eyes, the adult Carey has pale brown eyes.

I agree with other reviewers that the relationship with the rehab nurse and Carey is just wrong. He begins a relationship with her when she's vulnerable and injured. And how would he know the story of her relationship with James if she has no memories? Why would James tell him all those little details? And if James DID tell him all the details, how could he still start a relationship with her when she's discharged from the hospital knowing how devastated James will be? Talk about callous and unethical.

Then the end of the story: Mary is in love with James - because of stories others told her about him - not because she knows him personally. And how is he in love with her when he's only texted her a few times during the movie and he's not had any other interaction with her or anyone she knows? The ending would have been more believable if they met and went on a date. But her declaration of love to the bartender at the end is so awkward and over-the-top that I cringed watching it. Especially when James shows up and stands there listening to her cry and rant about his perfection. And finally within minutes of meeting her, James hands her the coveted valentine he made for his mother as a kid? What are his feelings for her based on? He doesn't know her or anything about her. It's too bad they both come off as more desperate than romantic.
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Really great start but then...
dimwinne20 May 2021
I was like jeeej Amy Smart and AG in 1 movie, this is going to be good. But sadly no.

There's just no flow :( And too bad because so many side storylines, an original approach Adrien had almost no real lines in this and when he talked it was just weird... There's just something missing The 5 stars are for Amy, the best friend, her boss, the original approach AG s dad and the dog.
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not your usual hallmark movie
sarajimi20 March 2019
While most hall mark movies have nearly identical plot lines that can be figured out within fifteen minutes, this isn't one of them. it is actually an original concept for a romance - the man and women see each other on a lightrail train where he forgets his phone. since the man is leaving for paris for a few weeks, he suggests she gets to know him through the contacts in his phone; the two don't actually meet until he gets back. for a hallmark movie, I give it a ten for stepping outside hallmark's comfort zone but for movies in general, an eight due to some story difficulties and complete lack of chemistry between the two in their few shared minutes of screen time.
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one interesting take and not the one you're thinking
SnoopyStyle22 October 2018
Mary Landers (Amy Smart) is having a tough time. Her boss dismisses her. Her boyfriend Carl dumps her for being predictable. On the train ride home, she has a meet cute with a stranger (Adrian Grenier). He leaves behind his phone and she sets off to return it to him. Apparently, he's the most interesting man in the world and she sees an opportunity to write a profile of him for her newspaper.

I wanted to dump on this movie until I got to the James and Carey story. It's a surprising different take on a romance from a rom-com and it really intrigued me. Nevertheless, let's start the dumping. Carl is a dud. Amy Smart is an angel. He is nowhere near her level. It's not just his plain looks. It's his character's overall dullness and some interior ugliness. She's crying about not finding a man and I roll my eyes. It's the tropiest of the romance tropes. In reality, guys are thanking god for one moment with such an angel. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she's nice on the inside. It's a romance trope joke. I would definitely consider having Grenier play Carl and he would come to his senses to woo her back in the end. James is better off pining for Carey for eternity.

For the first half, this plays more like Eat Pray Love crossed with a commercial of the Most Interesting Man in the World. The reason why I'm so intrigued with the James and Carey story is the central theme of the movie. Her article and the movie keeps asking for the meaning of love. The answer from the James and Carey story seems to suggest memories. Once her memories are gone, so goes her love for him. Please notice that he has not lost his memories. A normal romance would have him work to gain it back and it would come back because love conquers all. This one doesn't do that. Love is more fragile. In a way, love is more precious because of its fragility. It's a different take and I like that.
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Darling movie, great stars
inkblot1110 February 2019
Mary (Amy Smart) has been with her boyfriend Carl for six years and works on a newspaper called the Bugle. As she tells it to a pal, Carl wants to talk to her about "something special" at dinner and speculates its a proposal. Unhappily, he DUMPS HER. In his words, life with her is boring, down to the cheese ravioli she always orders at this particular restaurant. He wants excitement and he is starting with a red convertible and the chance to chase women. Mary is stunned but, on the subway home, she makes eye contact with a handsome stranger (Adrian Grenier). They smile and sigh. By happenstance, this man, James, leaves his tablet on the train car and Mary ends up taking it home, as the best chance to return it. Not only this, Mary is assigned to work up a Valentine story for her boss and is ALSO writing a story on photographer James to land a cushier job at a higher profile paper. To do this, she will interview a list of James' friends, as found on his tablet, and see HIM AS OTHERS SEE HIM. From his waitress pal who turned her life around with James help to the sky diving instructor who gives Mary a piece of the action James' enjoys, a clear picture of James as the ultimate good guy emerges. Mary is falling in love with him from afar. But, whoa! With all her new adventures and habits, Carl, who lives in her building, may want her back! This lovely, darling movie has two great stars in Smart and Grenier, who appears in many flashbacks and interesting siturations. They alone are enough to keep the movie interesting. In addition, other cast members, scenery, costumes, script and direction merit applause. As romcoms go, LAFG is near the top of the heap.
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Horrid script- Texting non-love story - Theft of love sub-plot
stevepat9913 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have been an Amy Smart fan ever since she starred in Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds. This time around I felt my stomach churning as I hoped against hope this film would turn the corner. Instead it got worse.

The film begins with a typical theme to wit: girl (Mary) expects long-time boy friend to pop the question over dinner only to learn he is dumping her. Soon thereafter she finds a phone on the subway, writes a story about the handsome owner James who then texts her from Paris. Despite cell phones and Skype they do not say a word to each other, just brief texts, meaning she remains a total stranger to him throughout the film. Mary plans to learn about James by visiting his phone contacts. As glorious tales of James accumulate he is sounding like a Christian Saint. Now, I am wondering who produced this film.

Worst was James back story. A man she interviews tells Mary a mind boggling tale of James first love and his life's soul mate. James found her, Carey, at age ten. The two were inseparable through schools, living together and planning to marry when Carey suffers a brain injury. James never leaves her side during her coma. The man telling Amy the story was her male nurse/therapist. Happily Carry recovers but has no memory of James.

Incredibly, on the day Carey is to be released a happy as a lark James rushes to her room, balloons in hand. The nurse/therapist is telling Mary that James looked in and saw him, the nurse/therapist holding Carey's hand as he and Carey planned their first date! Yes, the nurse/therapist had stolen Carey from James and is telling this to Mary. There is zero explanation of how this could happen, Especially since James would have spent all the time needed to be with Carey to revive old memories or build new memories using their past experiences, photos, videos, friends, family and the deepest love they had for one another for 15 years. How the nurse/therapist wormed his way into Carey's life is beyond comprehension.

It should be obvious the nurse/therapist had committed sexual misconduct against his patient, Carey. The NCSBN defines sexual misconduct as "engaging in any verbal behavior that's seductive...such as suggesting or discussing the possibility of dating prior to the end of the professional relationship." Here the nurse/therapist admits to Mary he discussed 'dating' Carey while he was treating her. We see Carey reminding him of his 'promise' to date her upon her release. Horrid!

Adding salt to the wound the nurse/therapist brings Amy to his home for an awkward meeting with Carey and their kids. Then, the screenplay has Mary taking a picture of the family James dreamed of having with Carey and then putting the photo into James cell phone! In the final scenes Amy returns the phone to James and has him view the photo of his lost soul mate Carey and her 'new' family. Why would Mary want to torture James this way?

There are only a few minutes of screen time with Mary and James and zero chemistry in the final scene when they meet for the first time. Also, no acting ability on the part of James who has only a few scant lines.

Final nail in the coffin. Last scene has James giving Amy his most personal possession, a Valentine's day card hand made him for his mother hours before she died. He was to give the card to the love of his life. It would be impossible for James to have the card since he would have given it to the love of his life,Carey years earlier. Instead he gives the card to Mary minutes after meeting her. Utter nonsense.
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Did not like the ending of the story
Jal495014 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Thought the movie was great until we got to the ending. Would have been good if they dated a while and then fell in love. But as the movie title stated, it was "Love at First Glance," I found the premise so unrealistic. You can get "butterflies" after you meet someone initially, but you still have to get to know the person. This movie allowed Amy Smart to get to "know" Adrian Grenier through her interviews with his friends but I don't know how he "fell in love with her" through just her text messages and pictures of her sent to him from friends. Then he gives her the Valentine that meant so much to him growing up upon meeting her for the first time. My wife thought the movie was unbelievable.
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edwagreen23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderful, endearing film giving meaning that life must go on even when there is such adversity and that we must always not accept the status quo and do things that shall give meaning and excitement to our lives.

After seeing a guy who lives in the same apartment building as she does for 5 years, our girl expects the guy to propose but only to be told that the sparkle has gone out of their relationship which he wishes to end.

Our heroine sees that it's time to do exciting things in life and she does. Eventually, our guy wants her back but she has become too sophisticated and he is no longer on her level.

Our gal is a reporter looking for exciting material to write. She finds a cell phone on the bus and finds out who owns the phone. Turns out it's a guy who is currently now in Paris and while she waits for his return, love blossoms when she hears of his tragic life-losing his mother in a car accident as a youngster, and his intended bride being hurt and causing her memory of him to fade.

She researches his life while she waits for his return. When they finally meet, it's as if they've known one another for ages. An endearing film proving that you just don't know when true love shall turn up.
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Loveless glance
TheLittleSongbird7 April 2022
Despite liking Amy Smart in other things, the premise for 'Love at First Glance' did not appeal to me at all. Due to it sounding rather mean spirited and the complete opposite of love. Still watched it anyway for Hallmark film completest sake, having been on a roll for the past nearly four years in watching as many as possible and always watching them with an open mind. There were some good 2017 Hallmark films, like 'The Birthday Wish' and 'A Gift to Remember', but also some bad films, like 'Christmas Next Door'.

'Love at First Glance' is another one of the bad ones, actually thought it was pretty terrible. Not only that, it is one of the worst films seen in a long time, a contender for the worst, and it takes a lot for me to say something like that nowadays. For most viewings for some time my weakest rating been a 3 and popular ratings (including for Hallmark films by the way) have between 5 and 8. An unappealing premise is given even more unappealing execution and that takes some doing.

Smart's charming and spirited performance, despite her role not being that well developed, is the main saving grace and one of two.

The other being the pleasing production values, the scenery doesn't disappoint.

However, the rest of the cast are poor with Adrian Grenier looking completely lost and a complete blank in a role that is very poorly written and underused. He is in only three scenes or something and they are all dull as dishwater and emotionally bland. The chemistry between him and Smart is even blander to the point of non-existence, like they hadn't met for the first time and hadn't warmed to each other during filming. Didn't care for any of the characters, all are underdeveloped and many poorly used and they either don't have personality or are annoying. Motivations are vague and at worst incoherent.

Furthermore, the writing and storytelling are disasters. The script is as lifeless as the flattest of pancakes, tension, charm and entertainment value barely there. Was cringing at a lot of worst with the cheese and schmaltz getting too much. The direction is leaden and has no sense of pulse or feeling. The story is very dragged out and predictable, an even worse problem being the distasteful and often confusing way the main plot is written. The ending has no emotion, is too neat and at odds with the rest of the film, felt unearned and despite knowing the outcome actually a different one was rooted for. The film is intrusively and forgettably scored.

Very, very bad overall. 2/10.
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An Unexpected Hallmark Movie
corsokf19 February 2017
We all get it. Hallmark movies are predictable partly because that's what their audience expects. In my opinion what makes a Hallmark movie stand out would be a spectacular performance by one of the stars and/or a plot line that is different. This one has both.

Amy Smart is wonderful in this movie and the occasional quirky choices she makes as an actor make her more than the typical Hallmark movie actress.

An the story is just not what one would expect. This is really Amy Smart's movie and her co-star, not so much.

Hallmark movie watchers will like this and those who get a little hung up on the predictability of their plots will love this for the change of pace.
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Terrible Terrible Terrible
bellayoung3 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this a movie a zero, I'd give a -10

Terrible acting and terrible story line

All of the things about this movie was absolutely terrible. I've never cringed so hard in my entire lifetime. It was physically impossible for me not to cringe. The actress of Mary was the worst out of them all. She shouldn't even be part of the acting career because of her poor poor poor...POOR acting.

Putting aside the terrible acting, the story line is messed up and creepy. People do NOT fall in love the way Mary did. What James did, many people are put in jail because of what he did to Mary.

People DON'T fall in love through other people. The way that Mary was just going around to people that knew James, the things that they say about him wouldn't be able to make you fall in love with him. She was just in love with the idea of James. People fall in love through talking to THEM PERSONALLY and getting to know them FACE TO FACE!! Not getting information about him through other people who knew him like freaking 8 years ago.

Honestly, I don't see how people could actually find this appealing in any way. Bad choice to watch. I regret watching it.
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Wow. Just wow.
Anonnamus20 February 2019
Let's start with the positives. It's always nice to see actors I enjoyed from the 90s in starring roles again. Adrian Grenier is very pretty, and Amy Smart doesn't annoy me. The dog is ADORABLE.

Now. What did I just watch? This was terrible from start to finish. Let's start with whiny Mary, whining that her bland boring boyfriend of five years dumped her for not being adventurous enough. Then on the train home after getting dumped, she makes eye contact with James and they share a cute moment. He gets off, she notices he left his phone on the seat. She gets home and with her good-looking male friend with whom she apparently just has a platonic relationship, decides to stalk the owner. Somehow this turns into a story for Mary the Reporter to go after, and she spends the rest of the film harassing all contacts in his phone to learn more about the mysterious stranger. James Fielding is Jesus come to life as he seemed to inspire anyone and everyone he ever walked by. Also, she changes her life completely in a week and they fall in love through a series of uninformative texts.

My thoughts throughout the movie:

  • Can Mary change the pitch of her voice to get any more whiny? I doubt it.
  • Wow, Carl really isn't a good actor.
  • Wow, Adrian Grenier is gorgeous. Look at those eyes!
  • Aww, that's kind of cute. Bonding over messy eating. This could happen to me.
  • Ooh. Now I'm hungry. I want food. I'll pause it really quickly.
  • Girl. What are you doing? You don't go through his phone!
  • Dude. What are you doing? She could be some psycho who will kill everyone you know now that she has their phone numbers!
  • Ooh, I like the tang- WTF flashback holy crap this is terrible.
  • Carl is still boring and a bad actor.
  • Ooh, scrambled eggs. I want food. BRB.

I would go on, but I got distracted by the number of times I stopped the movie to see how much longer I had left. The ending is unbelievable and cringeworthy. To be fair, the entire movie is unbelievable and cringeworthy. I love Hallmark flicks and will watch them all, no matter how corny. I've never been inspired to write a review on one I don't enjoy until now. It was just that bad.
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An inspiring love story
AngelCullen18 February 2017
One of my favorite Hallmark movies .. ever!!

It was so well made, jam packed full of emotions that I got teary eyed a couple of times during the movie!

And I was do deeply touched! I'm so glad me and this movie crossed paths because it inspired me and moved me in ways that hasn't happened before.

You'd think this is a simple story.. A Love story .. You'd be wrong.. it's so much more than .. It's a story about a woman who's finally discovering who she truly is .. A woman who finds love by chance .. A story of love in it's many shapes and forms ..

While it still kept all of Hallmark's movies trade mark, Calling this a simple love story is doing the movie injustice.. THIS IS AN INSPIRING LOVE STORY ❤

You should really watch the movie, it's one of Hallmark's best work.
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