Naked Attraction (TV Series 2016– ) Poster

(2016– )

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44 Reviews
Good in Parts
david-fisher2611 January 2020
I think that this show, although probably originally intended to be purely exploitative, has accidentally served as a healthy antidote to the unrealistic bodily expectations fostered by Hollywood and the fashion industry. There is indeed 'someone for everyone'. But there is one irritating factual error which is made in every show. The presenter repeatedly asks what a contestant 'thinks of the vagina'. That question cannot be answered unless that contestant has access to stirrups and a speculum! All that can be seen are the vulva.
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Not sure what to think
spacemafia13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, on the one hand I can applaud Channel 4 on being bold and attempting to normalise programmes like this. It's pretty rare to see a TV network create programs like this so it's quite impressive. On the other hand, this is (in my opinion) a very weird programme that has been shown on Channel 4, E4, 4seven and (at some point in the future) 4Music. That's a total of four channels where Naked Attraction has been broadcasted on, and it's also very easily accessible on All 4 (where every episode is available to watch). To be honest, I don't know about you, but I find it extremely concerning how it can very easily fall into the wrong hands.

Given the nature of the programme, it's definitely not the sort you'd want to be watching with other people (or letting other people know you watch this show). Where I'm from and in my culture anyway, this sort of thing would be incredibly embarrassing and you would be looked down upon.

With that aside, what's it like to watch Naked Attraction? Well, to put it bluntly, just bland. The whole novelty of the show just wears off after a couple episodes of pretty much the same thing. Although it can be quite useful to some people to learn more about these body parts and what not, and how they would be attractive to some people. That's the bit that's unique from episode to episode, learning something new. Other than that, it really is just the same thing repeated over and over again.

The thing I find most concerning, however, is how the relationships don't last long and often end quite early. That seems to be a recurring theme and is no isolated incident. Quite often that the relationships end within the 5 week period or (as pointed out by someone else) one just ends up ghosting the other the whole time. Not to mention that, if a relationship did actually last, I think it would be quite awkward to tell other people that those two had actually met from this show.

The other thing I don't like is how people are judged based on how they (and especially their bodies) look, and not their personality or anything like that. It's just... I don't really agree or support that kind of decision making. In my opinion, you really should get to know someone better before you be in a committed relationship.

All in all, this is a really bold and brave programme and I congratulate Channel 4 on being that brave to come out with something like this to be released to the masses. However, as discussed earlier, that can be a very bad thing, and in particularly with how the contestant' bodies can be very much seen bare naked. That's a very huge breach of privacy that I'm shocked about. If this programme is the sort of thing you can handle and aren't squeamish about, then maybe give it a try at your own risk. Just remember that the novelty can ware off quite fast and there isn't much variety from episode to episode (besides how the people look I guess?).
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Completely flawed premise of being "regular" people
Airman8729 September 2023
The concept is novel: Normalize regular bodies and start with sexual attraction first. Unfortunately it is anything but. This is still a TV show, which means all the people featured had to have the desire to appear naked on the show, they had to audition for these parts, and then casting directors still hand selected each and every one of these people to ensure they were screen-ready candidates with the right personalities (and bodies). This is all pretty evident by the fact the average penis size of the men appearing in the show are above the national UK/US average penis size. This is also evident by the fact the average woman's BMI (body mass index) on this show is substantially lower than the UK/US national average BMI. There a few exceptions here or there, but let's be honest: if there were six naked, ugly, and morbidly obese people in every selection round, no one would watch this show. At best, this show is low brow fodder to make us not feel the same guilt as watching porn guised as normalizing that everyone of us has a different body.
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Probably the worst TV show to ever grace British screens
aarongrierson-7398628 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is virtually nothing positive to say about this show, by far the most execrable and garbage shows currently on British TV, and perhaps all time. There is basically no premise, or anything that can be remotely considered good. It's basically a bunch of attention-starved men and women who come on this show because no other TV show wanted them. Every single episode is the same and boringly predictable - a person sees six naked people, whittles the list down to two, strips nude themselves, and all I will say is that it's patently obvious which one of the two they will go for. This detritus risks making Britain a laughing stock of the world. The times when we would consistently produce the best TV are now long behind us, replaced with this utter tripe. It saddens me that I am aware of people who religiously watch this pathetic excuse for a show. Avoid at all costs.
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degenerate garbage
anders-vinter211 June 2019
The existence and success of this show is proof that britbongers are culturally defunct degenerates. Beyond that, the show is just cringe inducing.
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Naked Attraction
jboothmillard10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When the show first started on Channel 4, naturally there were mixed to negative reviews from some critics, and Ofcom received numerous complaints due to its content. But as time has passed, with no breach of broadcasting rules, having no sexual activity, and being shown after the watershed, it is recognised by many as harmless but raunchy entertainment. Basically, it is Blind Date with a twist. Hosted by Anna Richardson (Supersize vs Superskinny, The Sex Education Show), as the opening lines say, "We like to start where a good date ends... NAKED!" In each episode, a clothed person (two per episode) describes themselves and what they are looking for in a partner, and their reasons for wanting to choose a partner naked. The contestant is faced with six naked people hidden in coloured pods (green, pink, red, yellow, blue, and orange), and one by one they are revealed bit by bit. In round one, the doors of the pods are lifted to reveal the bottom half of the bodies (penises, vaginas, and everything else below), the person choosing says what they like and don't like, and they choose a person to be eliminated (for whatever reason). In the second round, the doors are lifted to reveal the middle parts of the bodies (breasts, nipples, and everything else besides), again the one choosing says what they like, and eliminate another. The third round sees the faces of the people in the pods (and they see the singleton for the first time themselves), and the person again chooses to let one go. In the fourth round, the person gets to listen to each remaining players voices, with a little description to a question or following an activity given to them, and one is eliminated following this. The fifth and final round sees the singleton choosing get naked themselves, walking back into the studio unclothed to hear what the two remaining contestants are liking about their body, and the singleton finally decides who they wish to go on a date with. Following all this, a few hours later the same day (sometimes the following day), the singleton and their chosen date are clothed and go on a date together to a restaurant or bar, and we see how they get on. Three or four weeks later, the contestants come back to the studio (although sometimes the person chosen by the singleton chooses not to return, for whatever reason) and talk about how the date went, if they have remained in contact, and if they will continue to see each other, romantically or otherwise. The show incorporates body positivity, with the daters being unfiltered, picking a partner based solely on natural beauty. It embraces people of all backgrounds, including singletons looking for love, looking to explore their sexuality and perhaps be with a different type than they have dated previously, those who have had difficult things in their personal life (this has included cancer, HIV, loved ones dying, etc), or simply those looking to have some fun (most likely sexually). The show has been open to people of all ages (young adults, middle-aged and elderly), cultures, ethnicities, sexualities and genders (straight/heterosexual and all in the LGBTQ community - gay, lesbian, bisexual/bicurious, polyamorous, pansexual, etc, and male, female, transgender/transexual, nonbinary, etc), and all body shapes and sizes (small, thin, average, athletic, muscular, curvy, large; natural and modified, hairy and waxed, shaved and hairy, tattooed and pierced, tanned and toned, and much more). Throughout the show, the contestants are given fun, silly and often over-the-top tasks to do based on a chooser's interests (there has been dancing, eating, drinking, food and drink on the body, sexy accents, drawing, boxing moves, and much more). There are also facts along the way, with animated factual information about all things sexual and biological, including what things people find attractive, and what things turn people on and why, e.g. Body parts, sex toys, fetishes, occupations, etc. There is hope that there will one day be a celebrity version of the show, they have had the transgender TV personality Lauren Harries take part in the show. Richardson is a terrific host who gets right in with contestants desires and comment, the contestants are often more than happy to talk about their experiences, preferences, procedures (boob jobs or whatever) and enjoyment of sex, and obviously you can expect a lot of naughty language as they talk about boobs, cocks, bums, kinkiness and so on. Let's be honest, the big reason many people will watch the show is for the full-frontal nudity, and there is nothing wrong with that. But also, it is nice to see the singletons hopefully finding love and having fun together. This is a fun show, unafraid to be offensive and upfront, you know exactly what to expect when you watch it, you might cringe or you might lap it up, either way it is an interesting and worthwhile dating gameshow. Very good!
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alessandra-asilva29 August 2019
No words to describe this awful tv show. How someone can put money on it.
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Normalizing "Normal" Bodies is Always a Good Thing
txcs26 November 2020
Cheeky show... with an interesting premise.

Great that there is NO body shaming and it features real people with real naked bodies... Big, small, fat, thin, fit, hairy, scars and all.

Bravo for producing a program that doesn't pretend everyone has to look like Barbie or Ken to be deserving of attention and maybe love.

P.S. Love it when the so called hottest ones get rejected. And I also love it when the so called hottest ones get picked and the date is a disaster. Proving as we all know... looks can be deceiving.

Chill out people... the nude body is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated.
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Shocked and Delighted
duffy74-210-1231102 December 2019
I disagree with reviewers who believe nudity is disgusting and pornographic. With no sexual acts being performed, nudity, by itself is actually quite interesting, if bland at times.

I stumbled onto this show while surfing for streaming TV series'. This one, from the UK shocked me at first, but proved to be very enjoyable.

It's best viewed in small doses, however, since they're all pretty much alike. A male or female contestant picks a partner by viewing 6 gradually exposed naked candidates. None of the naked people are perfectly sculpted models. Some are pretty, some are handsome, but all are regular human specimens. The women must be coached ahead of time to trim their vaginas, since there aren't any dense bushes on display.

When the candidate eliminates all but two choices from the naked lineup, then the candidate himself, or herself, is required to get naked also, prior to picking the final person for their date. A follow-up to the date is included at the end of each episode. This part needs improvement since, evidently, the producers don't realize that the participant's comments cannot be clearly understood. Some of the dates prove to be flops and it would be much more interesting to have more details revealed at this point. Bottom line: after seeing a few episodes, you've seen 'em all. I give a 7 for creativity.
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If this is what it's come to? Then there's no hope for us! Superficial Nonsense!
flemmshell3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe they've come out with trashy cheese like this. It's not big, it's not brave, it's just degrading and disgusting. Anyone wanting a real relationship, this is NOT the way to go about it. It's so. Embarrassing just to watch. Have people no pride or dignity? It's not even funny. I watched one episode out of curiosity because I couldn't believe my eyes. I hated every minute of it. It was hard to get through. But I wanted to watch one so I could leave a review. I rarely leave reviews. Unless it's something extremely bad or extremely good. I wondered what processes the contestants to do this show? Are they really that desperate for what they 'think' will find love. Or will they stoop so low as to parade naked for 15 minutes of fame. I've never seen anything so repulsive in my life.

Something else I don't understand is why they let them go ahead to make such a degrading and disgusting TV program like this? I can't get my head around it.

I can't believe someone thinks that they could base a relationship on this. In fact I don't think they're wanting a relationship, they want a quick one night stand. Baffled and dumbstruck!
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Totally Disagree with many reviews on here...
icelandknight15 April 2021
Its a show where a contestant gets to see naked parts of other people, and slowly eliminates those he or she does not feel attracted to, hoping to end with someone he feels totally attracted to, naked.

First! Can you IMAGINE the COURAGE it takes to appear on national TV nude!!! I have nothing but RESPECT for the people taking part in this show. I could NOT do it, because I am too shy, and self conscious.

Secondly, it is incredibly educational, so people can see how others are nude. Something not all of us have the privilege to do without all sorts of costs and complications. Anyone who has dated, knows that... but imagine being able to SEE the body of the person before you commit. That is a bonus many of us would love to have.

The only negative thing I feel about this show, hence "only" 7/10 from me... is that understandably the people taking part... are not the most "beautiful" out there, but then again, THOSE people would not want you to see them naked on national TV, unless they were acting, and the role required nudity. Of course in movies, there are ways around it, like Angie Dickinson, who had a body double, in a shower scene, or CGI, as in "the shaming" in "Game of Thrones". So there are solutions.

But this show has real people, with real bodies, and could be very interesting to those who do not know what NORMAL people's bodies look like. NOT all people have gym hard bodies. So maybe this really deserves at least an 8. So be it.

PS. My GUESS of why the low reviews: ENVY. That someone else gets to do a show they would love to be on. Hah.

I can't resist a joke to end... Its hilarious every time the guys refer to the decision they say: "Its SOOO hard!" ... *ahem* Its doesn't look very hard! :-D Sorry! Sorry! I HAD to. (Just watching one of the shows, right now. Great stuff.)
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Most of us love nudity and this show proves it.
Codacious12 January 2019
I live in the states, and I applaud this show for being so open. When it comes to attractions for life partners or leisure encounters the majority of people first look at gender and then physical attraction. We can lie to ourselves and other people and say we look for personality, hair, teeth, etc... first, but the former is ALWAYS one of first 2 things we look for in a partner.

This show is the opposite of "The Dating Game" where contestants were questioned as they sat behind a curtain and then revealed at the end. If you remember that show (or YT it), you will see that most of those contestants where hand picked (for that era) before being presented. I'm sure we have some of that going on here, but there is much more diversity then usually allowed which is a good thing.

Another reviewer said their are too many tats and piercings to give this a good rating and while I somewhat disagree, it can be a little much in the sense that all contestants feel like they may have been pulled from the same district/burrough/providence based on appearance. I am not familiar with the different regions the contestants come from (based on the different accents), and although it is trendy for the younger generation to "bedazzle" their bodies it seams there is not a lot of diversity in that area. It could be that perhaps these type of people are more open towards nudity and that's why they don't mind showing their bodies off. Or it could just be that they want to be on tv... I don't claim to know.

If HBO wasn't trying to rid itself of the stigma "It's not porn, it's HBO", then perhaps we could get the series off the ground to other areas of the world. I don't usually write reviews, but I felt a little sad that this show only had 5 reviews and has gone on for 4 seasons which just shows that we still have a ways to go before being an open society. If I had any critique for the show, it would be to interview the contestants separately afterwards to find how the dates actually went, if there were any further dates, and give their perspective. It could even be a separate web based interview if it where to salacious for tv (like Big Brother etc...). Weather Hipster, Business Man, or Country Bumpkin, one thing stands true... I want a beer and see something naked.
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kubinskij7 February 2020
Stumbled on this and was stunned. It appears to be aimed at vacous pea brains who would otherwise never see a naked body in any form in the flesh. A collection of hideous attention seekers. It may be of help to the recent generation who never see " dates" in the flesh and only on a pc screen - you have to feel sorry for all who enjoy this sort of garbage on display. Next stop appearing on crimewatch?
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No thank you
linda_robinson9 February 2023
Takes away mystique and is quite unpleasant to watch. Really? I would rather look at a potential dates eyes smile hands not his cock.. really they are not an attractive appendage in the least. This is a horror/comedy programme which will definitely put you off your dinner. As for viewing womens bits. It's a meat market discussing the pros and cons of visible labia etc. The human body is a work of art but this programme is cheapening and downgrading. And you can always guess who will get the chop depending on size of appendages. I am surprised it was able to be produced . A big thumbs down from mr.
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How this ever got filmed let alone aired I will never know?
janakiema19 November 2021
Britain have we really really stooped this low? I am not a prude and I love sex, but this is degrading on so many levels. Horrified even one person thought it was a good concept.
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Tattoos, piercings, cocks
lineart-1297315 April 2021
Amazing how somebody can make themselves so instantly less attractive by going for poorly chosen and distastefully placed tattoos boggles the mind. Lots of that going on apparently. Similar for unattractive piercings. As far as cocks go, I have experienced many, many, many, and the assumption that you can predict the length and / or thickness is a fallacy. We are all each full of surprises. I really like this show.
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njt-6368725 April 2019
I've only seen a few episodes of this show at this point, thanks mostly to YouTube, but I have one really big problem about it. I feel that eliminating five out of six potential partners based on physical appearances is really unfair for those that get eliminated. They're being judged on their outside appearances and not for their personalities. As such, most of those who get sent home are often the best ones for a date.

If I was on this show, I would want to take each of the at a I could get to know them and their personalities. That way, I could decide which one is a keeper based on who they really are and not what they look like on the outside.

Rated 6/10
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Nude dating show
DavidYZ10 July 2017
This is a Channel 4 dating show which is presented by Anna Richardson. The first series was shown in July and August 2016. The second series was shown in June and July 2017.

A person chooses one of six nude people whose bodies who are gradually revealed as the chooser eliminates five of them, one by one. The pair then go on a date and talk about it afterwards.

The participants don't say much about their sex lives - which is disappointingly surprising, given the nature of the show.
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Ballsy and necessary
archimonde-11 September 2022
For a flashy and seemingly silly adult TV show, Naked Attraction has a whole lot of heart and realism going on. They had every chance in the world to make it just another utopian dating show thing where they only choose ridiculously perfectly attractive looking 20-something people, but nope, 90% of the time, contestants here look like regular people from streets, shopping malls, construction sites and what have you.

And they are inclusive of sexualities, ages, skin colours, body types, shaved and not shaved, people with medical issues, and they don't make it seem forced in that "you/we must be WOKE now!!" at all. The show is just naturally chill about things. I love that. Men having average sized/shaped penises and same with women's breasts.

Another very important point: they never make it seem as if this sort of strategy, naked before dating, is some kind of a magical way to a beautiful relationship. No, I'd say a good 80% of the couples that I've seen there don't go much further than their first date. They make sure to tell us that in the end of the episode that they never met again or didn't quite vibe or there was too much long-distance etc. There's no embellishment, just how real life works.

One thing though puzzles me. From the countless episodes of different countries I've seen so far, there's a HUGE portion of contestants who have tattoos. I don't have a thing against tattoos, but I don't get how MOST people there are inked and many of them heavily.

I have to say that at some point the British version went too.. American with the silly tasks and gimmicks the contestants had to go through. And they made it seem as the next person sent out was sent out because they didn't do yet another dumb dance move well enough or put whipped cream on their dong the right way. That concept was not an asset for the show at all. If you want this show, but a bit more down to earth, check the other countries' versions.

So yeah, I've been a bit of a fan fan for a couple of years now. The first version I saw of the show was the original British one. Since then, on the local tv station here I've also watched the German, Danish, Finnish and Italian versions. I highly recommend watching those too if possible. There's a whole lot different dynamics. Interesting to see the obvious differences in behavior of contestants, and hosts, of different countries.
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A tv show that makes you feel good about yourselves
DrDumb23 January 2024
Human bodies come from different shapes and sizes. Some people are big, some people are small; some people are tall and some people are short. Therefore you don't need to feel ashamed about yourself. In this show, you will see all kinds of bodies from different races and ethnic backgrounds. The show also fully embraces the idea that "sex is the pedestal of love". But I believe it's the other way around, as it is what "Good Luck Chuck" tells me: what's sex without love. People get old, your partners bodies and faces also chance to a form that they are not sexually attractive anymore. Therefore love will collapse if sex is vanishes. But true love doesn't necessarily just mean good sex, you will also appreciate your partners' personalities and hobbies, you appreciate every single day being with her/him. That's true love that has various foundations, that will ever collapse.
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These are all actors??
breemoria3 March 2019
The show is TITilating but you notice at the end, in the recap, that the relationships never progress. In these days of the internet, where you don't even have to pay for porn, this show is nothing special. In TV & movies, extended love scenes are boring. This show was invented for ratings but it falls short of the internet availability. Would people willing participate & give enough info ON AIR so that they can be tracked down IN REAL LIFE???
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Silly, and Therapeutic
strydomjohn13 August 2022
It's a bit of innocent silliness, but I have a feeling that this show may help many people feel reassured that their bodies are "normal" too.

I salute the people who come onto this show - whatever their motives might be. They are my heroes.

The host becomes a bit cringe-inducing at times, as if she can't quite believe that she is saying what she does, but that's OK.

I do sometimes wish there could be more attractive people on the show; I think it is a bit skewed towards the lower 80 percent, but maybe that's just me.
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Used by men for casual sex
fallowdeer11 January 2021
A show were 2 men told the 2 women they really liked them and were interested in a relationship. Slept with them and then ghosted them. At the follow up 5 weeks later, both men said they had texted the woman and claimed the women hadn't texted them. Blatantly lying as obviously all the texts are there for the camera to see. There were 2 very upset women and 2 men who didn't apologise or explain or even bother to come up with a lie that made any sense. Felt slightly abusive.

Also really disappointing that these 2 men, who were 30 years apart in age, both abused the trust and mistreated women. Society is not improving.

I think it's a great show in one sense, it normalises bodies. I've lived my whole life seeing media images of women that look nothing like me or most other women. I'm fed up of media telling me all the things that are wrong with my body. It's great to see a variety of normal women's bodies. It makes me feel more confident about mine. But it could do that without facilitating men to treat women badly.
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WTF Britain?!!!
majorbonobo12 November 2020
Living in Europe, in East Germany, I have no moral qualms about full nudity. I go FKK all the way! I am sex-positive, and I have no problem with gendered or agendered sexed beings giving each other joy with their bodies in between. But this is different! A lookist 'meat market' of vulnerable human flesh sold on air for sex?! Really This is degrading to all humanity and all forms of life! This is what Confederate and Nazi and Apartheid dreams are made of!
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daxwax_9725 January 2021
Wow, I can't even say how WOW'ed I am, in a negative way. The host keeps fueling the stereotypes that has to die. I'm shocked that this show even has been allowed to be sent on TV... WORST SHOW AND HOST EVER.
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