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MPAA Rated R for violence, some grisly images, and language

Sex & Nudity

  • There are few intimate scenes between the lead actors but no nudity is shown.
  • A husband and his wife kiss in bed, he rolls on top of her (sex is implied).
  • One suggested sex scene. There's never any sex in sight.

Violence & Gore

  • Depictions of bloody violence by shootings and stabbings with a series of explosions and seizures foaming from the mouth as well as aftermath injury detail involving graphic dead bodies covered in scratches, bruises, wounds, etc.
  • A man is shown foaming on the mouth and convulsing on the floor. He dies from this.
  • A man breaks into a store and beats another man with a pipe repeatedly.
  • A dead body is seen lying in a river.
  • Various people (including a child) die from various illnesses, and their bodies are shown.
  • A dead body is found, and the doctors saw open her skull in front of a large group of people during an impromptu autopsy. They are shown sawing, and there are graphic sound effects, but you only see the side of the woman's head (which is covered in blood).
  • A woman is shot dead in front of her baby. There is a huge blood spray and she is shown dead with blood spreading across her shirt. Very sudden and bloody.
  • A man is shot in the back of the head and his body is dumped in a pool of oil. The body is later shown, and it looks like the side of his mouth was blown open by the bullet.
  • There is a flashback to a woman being murdered. The killer puts a gun to the top of her head and shoots her in the head. Very shocking and disturbing.
  • A man in a car is shot in the back of the head, a bullet hole appears in the wind shied and blood sprays everywhere. The bloody crime scene is shown for a long time.
  • A man has a bag put over his head and is stabbed repeatedly. Blood goes everywhere with every stab and his bloody body is later shown lying in an alley.
  • A house is dynamited, and people search the wreckage for survivors. A man is uncovered in the wreckage, covers in blood and graphic wounds and begging people to shoot him. His wife is then found, lying peacefully with no wounds. Her body is lifted up and the back of her skull falls away revealing her brains. Extremely graphic and disturbing scene.
  • A man is attacked by a group of thugs and beaten. He falls to the ground dead, his face covered in blood. This scene is later shown again.
  • A group of bank robbers charges out of a bank and is caught in a police ambush. A shootout ensues and several people are shot dead. There are massive blood spurts with every death, and the victims' bloody bodies are all shown. Very sudden and graphic.
  • Three men try to rob a convenience store, and man waiting inside shoots through the door, killing one of the robbers. There is a huge blood spurt and the robber's face is shown covered in blood and buckshot holes. Very bloody and graphic.
  • After the explosion scene, a character finds a severed hand with several fingers missing in the wreckage. Very gruesome and another character says they are finding pieces of a person all over the place.
  • Several men fight at a train station.


  • 2-3 uses of "fuck". Other uses of "shit", "horse shit" "bullshit", "bastard", "son of a bitch", "bitch", "hell", "damn" and more. The most used word is "goddamn".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Constant cigarette and cigar smoking throughout. Lots of alcohol consumption as well, and characters get drunk constantly.
  • People talk about someone smuggling and selling cocaine.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The story revolves around two dozen murders of indigenous people through methods of being poisoned, shot, and blown up. Most of the murders are onscreen and they are very disturbing.
  • Themes of racism and racially motivated violence are depicted.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The overall tone of this movie is quite miserable. The murders are quite disturbing to watch, and the main character is shown injecting his wife with poison once day, and throughout the film we see her get increasingly sick.

See also

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