50 Reviews
quirky, breezy sci-fi fun
Meatball_McGee21 April 2015
I'm four episodes into Yahoo's latest show, and I like it so far. It's like a mix of Mystery Science Theater (there's even a few cast members from that show here) and that old Nickelodeon show Space Cases.

Don't expect any deep, scintillating science fiction here. It's a comedy with a basic premise--bunch of misfits get lost in space and have to work together to get back home. Some of the jokes occasionally fall flat, and come off as awkward or cheesy. But the cast is solid, with each character having their own schtick that makes them endearing. Captain Stewart and Natasha the AI are particularly good.

It's a fun show, especially if you like quirky comedies like The Office or Community. If that humor doesn't do it for you, you may want to pass on this. But if you go in ready for a lighthearted, goofy comedy, you'll be rewarded.

Quick end note about some of the bizarrely harsh, one-star reviews on here. These reviews do not accurately describe the show. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but these reviews almost seem personal, and most don't contain any valid criticisms. Hell, one reviewer only watched five minutes. Who watches a show for only 5 minutes then writes a review about that show?

It's as if these people were instantly expecting a brand new comedy, with a cast of relative unknowns, airing for free on Yahoo, with an extremely limited production budget I'm sure, to be at the level of Parks & Rec. Even Parks & Rec wasn't at the level of Parks & Rec when it first started.

Ignore those reviews. If quirky comedy from the dude who did Bridesmaids and The Heat is not up your alley, don't watch it. But if you want a breezy, goofy, adequately entertaining time-waster, give this show a shot.
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Overall pretty funny
bknu23 April 2015
Overall, I'd have to say I enjoyed this. It's definitely not a serious show at all. There are a few editing mistakes where plot from one episode doesn't seem to carry over to others, but I went into it not expecting much and I got hooked. I watched it all within a week. It's light, has some good comedic moments. There are quite a few twists and turns in many of the episodes. I wouldn't say I had a lot of laugh out loud moments throughout, but there were a few. Many of the amusing situations made me smile a bit though. Lots of negative reviews, but I think they are wrong. The captain, Karan Soni, plays a somewhat incompetent, yet competent leader of the ship and his sister, plays a jealous, uptight and serious second in command. There is a robot on the ship (ART) a la mystery science theater 3000 (which I loved) and many of the comedic moments come through the robot. It's obviously outlandish but I think if you like Mystery Science Theater 3000, space shows, and can suspend belief for the sake of amusement, you will probably like this show.
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Best thing for turning off the brain and enjoying silliness
smoothtooth25 August 2015
I watched this without reading any reviews first. I came to IMDb to check out the actor's profiles. After reading some of the negative comments, I felt I should awake out of hibernation to add my take. This show hit the spot for me. This is super light and enjoyable fluff, and should only be taken as such. It is screwball irony. The self-deprecating style of the characters is intentional, and I could see how this would be construed as bad acting. In short, I found it fun and want to see more. I hope they make a few seasons of this show -- slowly becoming more and more ridiculous as they go along. It's refreshing to see an American show that doesn't take itself so seriously.
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Binge watched season 1 in two days
cherold21 April 2015
This show is amazing. First off, it's very funny. But it's also surprisingly involving, with odd, interesting characters, some goofy, ingenious episode plots, and a nice tendency to build on previous episodes while still being episodic enough that you could probably watch all the episodes out of order and still enjoy them.

I don't know what to make of the hatred this show has received from a lot of people here. There are a remarkable number of 1-star reviews, and that's weird, because even really bad shows are more likely to get three or four stars from a lot of people. I understand a difference of opinion, but even if you don't find this funny, it is not incompetent, which is virtually the only reason to give something 1 star.

Ignore all the one-star reviews as being nonsensical. You may or may not like it, but if you give it one star you're just being ridiculous.
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Getting its legs, but promising.
speedsterpaladine14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show seems to suffer from the same problems "Parks and Rec" suffered from in its first episode. focusing on an incompetent main character, and their interaction with supporting characters (whom seem more like caricatures). Just like Parks and Rec, though, near the end it finally balances out, and I finally got attached to the characters and subplots.

Joel and Trace from MST3K are mostly bit characters, but their chemistry has not waned. Karan Soni and Bess Rous take a few episodes to nail down their interactions though. In the beginning, their sibling rivalry seems very heavy handed, but at the end of the season it feels much more organic. Neil Casey and Conor Leslie handle their not-quite-human roles very well, without being too over the top. Eugene Cordero plays a rather paradoxical character, one who is at one end very competent, and on the other a bootlicker. Either way, I enjoyed his performance. Lastly, Milana Vayntrub's ditzy character moves from annoying to likable once her boyfriend breaks up with her by space phone.

There is a twist ending at the end of the series that makes me want to see what happens next. Hopefully, this show doesn't end up being swept under the rug because its not community. Here's hoping.
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Very Very Funny show
mikeatdt15 April 2015
I'm shocked and appalled at the negative reviews of this great new show. Admittedly Episode 1 was the weakest episode, so maybe those reviews are from people who didn't continue watching. I made the same mistake with Game Of Thrones. Thankfully friends forced me to continue watching. I encourage people to do the same with this show and stick with it. It gets better fast.

Overall a clever sci fi parody with great comic performances from the entire cast. And the dialogue is hilarious, Community-esque.

This series is to science fiction what What We Do In The Shadows is to vampire movies. For those of you who are familiar with that movie.
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Loads of Fun
k_m_simpson24 June 2015
I truly hope Yahoo! brings this back for a second season. I had seen an ad for the show, then I saw the series online, and I was basically doing nothing, I figured, "Why not? I'll catch a few minutes." That few minutes turned into the entire season in a binge watch. It's kinda funny realizing that at least 2 members of the cast were regular characters on the ATT commercials. The show is really fun, and the writers have done a very decent job with the dialogue. I'd have no problem stating I'd put this higher than most of the stuff on network TV.

The basic premise is a bunch of misfits wind up exploring a completely different universe while trying to find a way home. The captain is a bit over- enthusiastic and naive about things going on around him. The first officer is the captain's older sister, and everyone except the captain either hates her or is afraid of her or both. The navigator is a girl the captain has a crush on and has basically no other reason to be there as she is not a very good navigator. The third in command (who should have been second until the powers that be decided they were too afraid of the captain's big sister to keep her around) is the captain's best friend from childhood, and most folks don't even realize he is there. Rounding out the rest is the Admiral's son that was conceived to be a body parts mill for his older brother, and spent the 20 years of his life in a water tank, the ship's engineer that definitely had a bit too much radiation, drugs or some intense combination of the two, the ship's computer, the former AI from a casino, and the ship's robot, a former pension fund robber that is trying to keep himself alive inside the brain of the robot.

The show is quirky, but definitely fun. I really hope Yahoo! brings it back. I have really enjoyed it.
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Must give a chance
mzr918 May 2021
After barely finishing episode 1 , I was really annoyed by the characters, silly jokes and acting. I kept "watching" other episodes in the background, Until episode 5, it was full of fun moments, interesting ideas and I believe I eventually got used to the characters. From then on I started paying more attention and finished the season. Then I restarted watching it from episode 2. Now show was funnier, I got used to the characters etc and was really enjoying it. It may not be funny from start to end however there are really nice and original ideas, lovable, quirky characters. Be patient and give this show a chance. Especially episode 2 and 5 were really really good.
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Yes, endure the first episode and then move on.
roycelerwick7 May 2015
The reviewers who claim this is boring and not at all funny apparently don't understand that its sort of the point. This is farce. It is not belly-laughing, joke-telling, and gag pulling. It's a crappy SciFi series. That's the joke. Having said that, the ensemble doesn't really kick in until towards the end of the second episode, and of course, when Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu start having scenes together, that's instant ensemble and instant comedy--some serious laughs are in there, trust me. And some good character development and quirky plot twists. I can't give examples or I'll be banned and heavily fined. When I rated this, I penalized the first episode which was a rather perfunctory exposition on the characters and premise. It's the part of the disaster movie where you're forced to welcome and identify with a bunch of characters who are going to get blown up later on, so you really want to hit FF and get to the explosions. But it serves a purpose, so I guess it had to be there.
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Lost In Space
hjames-9782229 May 2015

Garbage In. Garbage Out. You start with a dopey, tired, trite, worn out premise of a story. Then you try and build a series of screenplays around this garbage. You hang on these plays an endless series of silly, predicable scenes and situations. Add in moronic cheesier dialog and then--then you get Yahoo to write the checks.

Bam! Ya got a series! This classless mess has an over all feel of cheap community theater. Not good community theater. The kind that had almost no budget. The cast is uninspired. I felt as if they were hired for a willingness to show up as long as they got paid.

It's almost like watching a set up of one SNL skit after another only loosely connected. Frankly, to call this entertainment from a major company is an insult.
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Great show! A second season is well deserved!
bassthoo13 July 2017
Unconventional show with surprises around every corner. All the characters add to the whole in their own way with brilliant performances, with a humor like a bouncy ball wildly thrown into a room.

I applaud the creator for reminding us that great story and acting makes the viewer happily disregard the lack of brand new CGI common to all recent space adventures.

Haven't been so disappointed by a show cancellation since My Name Is Earl! I hope we get to see the crew again!
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It's OK - US Hyperdrive.
LouieInLove16 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Knowingly or not, Other Space is a mimic of Nick Frost's Hyperdrive, except it's not as good.

The similarities between the two shows are remarkable, so much so it makes you wonder if pure plagiarism is at play. However, whereas Hyperdrive has an overtly silly caress, Other Space has more of a clumsy slap of ridiculousness. At times it's a bit like a cheap sketch show.

At the moment it's not quiet there. It's not as quaint as Hyperdrive & suffers for it. Perhaps with time, if more episodes are commissioned, it will find its way. Nevertheless, it's not bad & does have its moments.
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Like Red Dwarf except without any of the charisma, wit and humour
colonnesel5 June 2015
On paper the premise to this show is phenomenal, an inapt crew serve aboard a spaceship and are placed in comedic situation in many ways similar to Red Dwarf.

However the comparison on paper that people make between this show, and Red Dwarf is where all comparisons should end: Unlike Red Dwarf, this show is not funny, not cleverly written, redundant, absolutely none of the characters are either memorable or lovable in fact, after watching the first five episodes I called it quits on the rest of the series and moved on.

Seriously not funny, badly acted to the point that some scenes made me wince and feel genuinely ill at ease.

Sorry, but no.
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Enjoyed it, hope somebody else picks this one up
orod27 December 2018
Enjoyable and rewatch-able. I enjoyed all of the characters very much. Especially Kent (Neil Casey) and Tina (Milana Vayntrub). It is really great to see Joel Hodgson in there. Is he playing his MST3K character as it would be far in the future?

Some of the scenes I just had to keep rewinding they were so good. I liked Ken't video plea to the aliens.

I hope they succeed in convincing somebody else to pick this one up since their creators (Yahoo Screen) failed and took it down with them.
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Hopefully the first 25 minute production is not indicative of the finished product.
dlally-606057 April 2015
For Yahoo, this is a very disappointing attempt at comedy. There is nothing comedic about it. Boring, intellectually mind numbing and beyond understanding as to why it was produced. The fact that somehow folks were paid to manufacture this tells me that someone has more money than common sense.

The writing, timing, acting, sets, special effects and overall production is sophomoric, childish and plain foolishness. To understand that it was produced by an award winning producer and then to view what has been produced is a total shock. The only actress or actor involved in this foolishness worth noting was Milana Vayntrub, she was bright and funny, better even than her AT&T commercials. The rest of the cast was flat and uninspired, the story line boring and unbelievable. Hopefully the next 8 installments will improve otherwise this is doomed as it truly is an Abominable Production.
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Quirky, Fun and utterly Strange
osj250719 September 2015
This show kind of reminds me of an old British series called Red Dwarf, we are in deep outer space, well actually as the title of the show suggest other space, we are there with a bunch of strange familiar characters, familiar in the way that everyone more or less know each other or at least of each other.

The small inexperienced crew end up in another space then what we know off, and should now try to figure out how to survive, explore this space, maybe get help and most importantly how to get back. They encounter a lot of different things in this first season, but it is as if it's just a parody of a lot seen before, doesn't take it self all that serious and that's what makes in funny at times. But for a comedy series, this is not good enough to entertain me in the long run, there are good things and good characters, but they can't hold up the relatively thin storyline.
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So far so good!
izatright14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu join a cast of relative newcomers in a show that's kind of like the skits from of Mystery Science Theater 3000, or Nick Frost's Hyperdrive, or Red Dwarf. Needless to say, if you don't like those shows, you won't like this. But if you do, you got yourself a new favorite!

Besides MST3K alumni, Karan Soni as Stewart--an insecure, yet surprisingly competent, rookie captain--makes for a great lead. And a guest appearance by (spoiler) Dave Franco (/spoiler) brought out some good laughs early in the season. The rest of the cast is decent too and, by season's end, they all started to feel a little more three- dimensional and unique.

Why is this thing not blowing up? It's not a laugh a minute, but it's solidly amusing.
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imagine what they could do with a real budget
sfarless26 April 2015
it's very fun an, reminds me of 'the office' meets 'star trek.' love what they do with the computer girl. I can imagine what they could do with a good budget. the premise is great, has a MST 3000 feel about it. ---------- and I have to put in more lines in order for the review to take hold, which is sad because I'm really a concise guy who always believed that brevity is the soul of wit; which basically means that conciseness of expression is an essential characteristic of astute, perceptive, or witty remarks. it comes from Hamlet Act 2, scene 2 where Polonius says "My liege, and madam, to expostulate What majesty should be, what duty is,What day is day, night night, and time is time,Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. . . ."
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This is funny why? Ask the easily amused people who liked it
mcatear28 September 2017
OK i managed to get through 3 episodes of this unfunny drivel without laughing once, then i switched off and threw it back where i found it. Why is America so bad at making sci-fi comedies? Seriously why don't they take a look at the UK's BBC's sci-fi comedies first before they even think about attempting to try make one on their own. The only reason i actually managed to get through 3 episodes was because of Natasha (Conor Leslie) who is an absolute babe and a half. In the end even she could not hold my interest in this unfunny crap. That is two new comedy Sci-fi shows America has released lately..this crap and Orville, i hoped other space might have been more watchable than the unfunny Orville but WOW was i wrong. The only reason i have given a star rating of 2 of 10 is thanks to Conor Leslie.

If you are a Brit and think it would be an idea to see America's idea of sci-fi comedy shows then be warned it is no Red Dwarf or Hyperdrive, my advice stay well clear of this total unfunny crap.
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Why has no one ever heard of this show?
jimjoe1254317 September 2018
I only found out about this last week, 3 years after it was cancelled. Why? This show is a hilarious parody without being overly corny and goofy. Everyone fits their role quite nicely. Wish there could have been at least another season or two!
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Something Stinksin Other Space; Actually Everything Stinks
biker45121 July 2015
I've been on this earth for a very long time, watched and rated well over 5,000 movies and shows and I have to say that this is the worst of dregs. After the first 5 minutes I could tell that there was nothing in this that anyone over 20, whose seen more than what is on a cell phone screen, could possibly find amusing. So then I went to the reviews and found all the glowing ones, rating it 10 stars and saying you have to watch more than the first episode. So I went back, watched the full first episode without finding a single funny element, and then forced myself to watch the second with the hope it would get better. Sadly it didn't.

The characters seem to be literally copied from Red Dwarf, Futurama, Mystery Science Theater 3000 and even a Zaphod Beeblebrox from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is thrown into the mix. Although not exactly copied as they forgot to include the comedy. The dialog is stilted and poorly written. It seems to have been directed by cell phone, and I don't really blame the actors for their very low level of acting as I suspect they were directed to act horribly. I even have a hard time seeing this labeled as a "comedy" as there is absolutely nothing comical about it. And those saying "lighten up as it is meant to be satire and you miss the point," I say that even satire has to be well acted and directed and actually have a point.

The only laugh I had in watching the first two episodes was when they were all holding up their "weapons" and they actually were the exact remote temperature measuring "gun" that I own, with a little piece of plastic glued to the front. Even the props and costumes weren't up to the standards of most community theater companies.

Something else is fishy about the reviews. At this time there are three pages and the first half of the reviews are all 1-3 stars which is where I see this dross. But all the following reviews are 8-10 stars and from 500 to 800 characters. To me this makes those reviews suspect and I will be interested to see what later views have to say.

This is without a doubt the worst show I've ever encountered.
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Incedibly funny
dragonmanmark1 March 2021
I first watched it on the streaming channel Dust on Roku then on the Roku app Dust. I've watch it many many times and it is always funny. The characters and writing are excellent. My only complaint is that it is only one season. My hope is that since Dust took it over and has made it popular that somebody will produce more season. The people that gave it a bad review aren't able to understand the humor. Everybody has a different sense of humor and when they see something that doesn't match their sense of humor they criticize it, insteads of accepting that it's not something they can relate to.
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Grots1 May 2015
I love this show. The performances are great all around, it's smartly written, the characters are all awesome. It's hard to point at a standout because they're all so good (Kent or Karen, maybe?).

Unfortunately the first episode was the weakest of the bunch, with some awful crude humor, so I think it left a bad impression on some people. But if you didn't like that episode, at least watch all of episode 2.

And for a web series, it looks surprisingly nice. The costumes, space/ship CGI, and sets are all pretty good.

I hope this gets renewed for a second season. It'd be a mistake not to. I'm positive the audience will grow by word of mouth.
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Lost in space
bunny30519 October 2020
This show was beyond amazing. If only it had a different platform it could have taken off. The cast was fantastic and the show was hilarious. A great scifi adventure that was just taking off....wish we had more from this show!
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The Link Roped Me In
Brainy-214 April 2015
The folks at Yahoo were smart enough to use major babe Milana Vayntrub's face in the thumbnail that linked to this complete mess. It's pretty much unwatchable.

Most of the humor appears to revolve in some way or another around the swishiness of Karan Soni's character. There are a whole lot of other unoriginal stock characters as well, including a bitchy older sister, a burned-out stoner, and a sexy female computer.

In general, the whole thing has the feel of a sub-par five minute Saturday Night Live sketch that someone unwisely decided to stretch into a full half-hour. For genuinely funny humor revolving around the crew of a spaceship, stick with Futurama.
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