In Full Bloom (2019) Poster

(II) (2019)

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Nice movie.
SpecialWeirdo10130 June 2019
I was a bit worried about watching this movie when I saw it was in Japanese/English, and I was right about that. Its about 50/50 Japanese/English. After searching and not finding any subs, I decided to give it a go anyhow. The movie is well made, with lots of images from Japanese nature. The acting looks good too, at least not too weird. The japanese dialogue is really hard to understand without subs but thats expected I guess. The movie gave me "flashbacks" to Bruce Lee and Rocky movies, I would not be surprised if the writers have watched all of those films. Tyler Wood and Yusuke Ogasawara are doing a nice job as the main caracters in the movie, and its their first movie for both of them. I would guess not their last :) The directors, Reza Ghassemi and Adam VillaSenor (they are also the writers) are doing a nice job putting the movie together. Part of the movie are in black/white, but it fits the movie good and helps make the "mafia" effect stronger.

I believe this movie could been a strong 8 or maybe even a 9 in my rating, but because its impossible to understand everything without subs, I have to set it as low as 7.
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Slow but good
hlavoe18 May 2020
It is not for everybody, if you are expecting a movie like Rocky or those blockbusters, this is not like that. It shows both fighter perspectives and why are they are fighting, it might be really, but really slow but when you see the box scene, it is totally worth it, I think that scene is the main movie
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overrated, boring, without a story, alot of bla bla bla
omar-general20 January 2020
I'am surprise about the reviews and the rate I thought its sth like undisputed because of the rate but unfortunately i just wasted my time in this alot of bla bla bla its so boring it didn't get my attention at all I don't know where is the drama in this they was just acting good but for what, if u wanna skip the most of the movie and get direct to the 1 fight at the end you can do but i bet you will not be sympathetic and it is so predictable
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Worst movie of all time about boxing?
geoffwin10 March 2021
I have loved boxing all of my Iife, and I love the great films about boxing, but I reget that I spent a penny to watch this film. It may be the dumbest, most overdramatized, totally silly film I have ever watched.
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Needs Subs Really Really Bad
fbmike18 July 2019
I generally like foreign movies as long as there are English subtitles with it. For the most part, I find the acting and atmosphere refreshing, especially considering how much of what Hollywood produces these days is straight up garbage. This movie while having potential, is really hampered by no English subtitles to be found anywhere. Movie must not be very well known at all cause no one has bothered to make ANY subtitles available at all. Probably viewing this if you can speak Japanese would be more understandable than if you just spoke English and trying to figure out the Japanese parts. I have this movie on hold just in case someone does make some English subtitles for it. Otherwise I'm not going to try to view it again.
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Another great debut film
acheampongwamekwame12 July 2019
2019 has been a great year for debut films. Directors, Adam VillaSenor and Reza Ghassemi, have created such an intriguing world in their debut film. I don't think I've seen a movie like this one. It is equally poetic and thrilling. The real stand out aspect for this movie is the cinematography and shots. Really well done and creative. It is somewhat slow in certain spots which is why Im giving it a 9 rather than a 10. But I will give the parts a pass because of how great the film is overall. Also, the boxing sequences at the end of the film are truly amazing. Don't think Ive seen it done like that before. I will recommend to anyone who likes slow burn and visually interesting type of films.
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Fast forwarded to the fight
taggiascoz20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was falling asleep so I fast forwarded to the fight and it was even worse, I guess the rating is wrong I'm still watching the fight as I write this review and I'm laughing I want my 5 Bucks back from Apple TV
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I'll make it simple. Watch this movie. It's gorgeous, carrying depth, humanity and passion throughout. Go. NOW.
tormond212 August 2019
There is beauty in this film that you will rarely find in cinema nowadays. Every single shot has been so painstakingly crafted, colors exuberantly vibrant, with the scenery carefully chosen for each location so uniquely palpable it's breathtaking at even the most simple of moments.

The story is about a boxing match, but if you think that's the core of its purpose, you are inherently mistaken. This is about a fight yes, but a fight within ourselves is harder to overcome than merely hand to hand combat. The score is absolutely incredible, transcending you with each scene as it lays perfectly balanced with you emotionally.

'I suppose everyone is lost in their own wilderness.' To quote Masahiro, you will definitely find yourself in the wilderness of our characters, as there is everything you'd want in this story, with challenges and relationships built that you will carry with you long after this is over. You will laugh at loud at some moments, breaking you from the weight this fight has over beloved main characters. It does more than entertain, its invokes FEELING.

The battle between these two warriors and within themselves is elegantly fought, purposely displayed for our minds to wander into our own battles. It's passionate. It's rage. It's palpable emotionally. Its cuts deep into the true unwavering reminder of our own mortality. 'Life is so tragically short, but beautiful.'

It's everything I want in a story, and it's everything YOU should want. Well done team, well done.
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Basking in the afterglow
Nvandrews9 December 2020
I watched this movie a couple times and every time I found something more beautiful about it. The sound and music were remarkable and not like many soundtracks I've heard on independent films.

You can also tell everyone in this film engaged from the heart. I felt that through the screen right away. It's really impressive that the directors not only directed the film, but also wrote, shot, and edited it. Immense talent, hats off to them and the cast. If you're looking to watch something easy on the eyes, watch this film.
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Blah blah blah blah
erickesteban9013 May 2020
Zzzzz dude so much talking and no action Worst movie of 2019
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How do you watch without subtitles?
sundevil6714 November 2021
I have been tracking this film since it came out, as the synopsis made it seem like one I'd enjoy. It has been a frustrating wait (for any subtitles anywhere) that I've all but given up on at this point, but what I can't understand is how anyone is even reviewing this movie without being fluent in Japanese. I see a couple that mention it, but I am shocked at how many actually watched it & reviewed it, good or bad, with so much of the dialog totally missed without the subtitles. I mean, you can't even rent it on Amazon with them..they just don't exist! I've never come across anything like this.... I'm someone who uses subtitles for everything, just because so many shows/movies these days include mumbling actors, poorly recorded audio tracks, and my TV speakers are crap... but I've never been unable to find any subtitles at all, even for the most obscure titles.
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88 you will never get back
baberc30 November 2021
One of the worst pieces of shot I've ever seen

Absolutely nothing happens

If if you want a boxing film, still can't beat RAGING BULL, or just watch something else.
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Masterpiece of Modern Boxing Films
support-502271 April 2024
Simply a masterpiece. Beautiful, soulful, and bewitching in many ways (odd to say that about a boxing film). This is a film that manages to elevate the genre while still being true to what makes a good boxing or combat sports movie. Refreshingly rare today in that it cares about its characters, and goes deep into the motivations of each, while managing to be both mythic and oddly derivative in a totally refreshing way. It's a boxing film that examines the soul from different angles and motivations, and never forgets to bath you in the beauty of pure cinema and beautiful photography reminiscent of films from another time. Do yourself a favor and watch this film.
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My favorite of the year, so far
matthewjacobsen-8662923 October 2019
I was able to watch this movie at the festival that came to my city in Oldenburg. There was some hype to which I was quite interest. I dont know what I was to expect when watching, but was quite literally blown away. It wasn't because it was terribly shocking or twisty, but because of how much heart went into the project. Its felt from the beginning. A lot of poetry is on screen. Much beauty and awe can be sensed from the film. The more I reflect on the movie, the more I find myself thinking it might be the best of the year. It's clear that this is the work of people who love cinema. The two actors who portray the boxers really moved me. I still think back to certain scenes with questions, and though I may never know the answers, Im pleased with the wonder. My suggestion is to know that this film more thoughtful film, so know that it isn't action, CGI or spectacle. It is beauty that holds dear here. Loved it.
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If you love cinema, you'll love this - 8/10
MichaelYnnos13 February 2020
I do understand why people could not be into it... however, that also means that I understand why people love it because I am one of them.

This movie was written, directed and shot all by the same two guys, who seem to be putting out their first film. The picture here is mesmerizing and beautiful to watch from the beginning to the end. It was also an amazing experience, it's one of those films that you just give yourself over to. If you are a fan of cinema then I think you will absolutely love this. BUT I say cinema, not movies. They're different.
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A Rhapsodically Beautiful Piece of Art
mahan_h17 December 2020
It elegantly portrays human endeavours, dilemmas, struggles and disappointments together with the beauty of life through realistic harsh battle scenes, impressive camera movements as well as a breathtaking score. Over multitudes of metaphors and the poetic immersive shooting style, the scenes drag viewer to director's philosophical world and look on nuances of life, conscious, morality and humanity.
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What beauty!
JeromeAllis4 December 2020
I rented this based on the poster with a screaming boxer. I think making a decision like this can be a good decision. I couldn't believe I was wrong. I would say it more that I could imagine. Pay attention to this situation at the end of the season, this is my understanding. There are so many reasons for this project. Inside and beautiful. I was very impressed by the image and beautiful. Poetry in words. Great meaning. In 2020, it was most upsetting. But not this. This did not come, this is part of the beautiful things.
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MagnoClektor5 February 2020
Is this a perfect movie? No. Really really no. HOWEVER, it is one of the most original and unique films I've seen in years. There are certain aspects that just do not work. Some of the scenes with the American Boxer can feel repetitive. But other than that, this is a beautiful film, from two first time directors. And most the of the cast are first timers. It's really amazing. The cinematography really blew me away. I can watch the last 30 mins of the film on repeat. I'm really curious what this team makes next. Also the Japan Boxer is a BEAST!
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Amazing movie with great characters and amazing cinematography
hellatorri5 April 2021
The best way to describe this movie is A really well crafted piece of art and this becomes quite obvious very early into the movie. Although later on some of the main plot seems like artsy nonsense that is in comprehensible for an average movie head like myself, although most of this seemingly nonsensical character development explains it's self during the second or third watch on the first watch but most of the poetic lessons taught went over my head.

Although with that being said I feel like the movie lets you choose your own protagonist making the decisions and actions of the chosen protagonist feel highly impactful, as throughout the movie we dive into each of these characters psyche make the climax of the film feel assuring that the plight of each character was necessary regardless of the chosen protagonist.
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If you love slow beautiful movies
nolroyswag30 January 2020
I have been updated with this movie. I thought it was a good idea. I was very surprised to see. At first I thought it was a bit slow, so I wondered why people don't like it. Suddenly, the movie crash crashed. Very beautiful and exciting. Please take you time. The pictures are incredibly beautiful. Boxing is also unique. This movie may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy slow film, here is your choice.
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