Incorporated (TV Series 2016–2017) Poster


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definitely worth watching
skintone-386009 December 2016
The pilot was great.I thought it was very thought provoking,and engaging,with a good vision of the future, which was very believable. I don't understand the reviewer that called it predictable , he must be suffering from delusions of clairvoyancy. I did not feel it was predictable at all. The pilot sets the scene for a suspenseful ride, as he appears to be going against the corporation,so it left me eagerly wanting more. I want to see what comes next . The production is very slick and professional, the acting is quite good,so hopefully this will develop into a great series. Also the technology and cars that drive themselves and so on, are so close to becoming reality in our own future that this lends the show an extra layer of credibility.
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A Story Of One Man In A Desperate Dystopia
atlasmb4 January 2017
"Incorporated" is about Ben Larsen, a young boy who grows up in the squalor of the Red Zone, an area far removed from the glamorous excesses of corporation compounds in this futuristic vision of the world. We see Ben mostly as a grown man, but flashbacks fill in the blanks of his past.

While most corporate employees are driven to succeed in their jobs, Ben has a secret agenda, a purpose that guides his every move.

Since almost every character is written as desperate, willing to do what is necessary to survive, and inured to the harsh realities on life, it would be easy to write off the acting as one-dimensional. Also, the CGI can be distracting. But the story lines are convincing. And they expose the moral dilemmas that are created by this dystopian world.

Though I don't find much of this show "enjoyable", it is engaging. As long as the writers don't inject too much of the left-liberal bias that infects many shows--and allow the story to focus on plot points and twists that capture the imagination--I will continue watching.

Update 1/12/17: After a few episodes, the worlds inside and outside of the corporate walls are being fleshed out, as are the stories of the characters. I am raising my grade to "8".
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A Diamond in the rough
shoffman-6500824 December 2016
This futuristic drama-venture is a diamond in the rough. If you can see a future through its first year growing pains you can see its potential. Ben is the main protagonist that all the sub-stories splinter off of. He is in love with a girl from the red zone who is a childhood friend but lost touch with her when she went off to be a escort in Arcadia, she wants out and Ben is trying to figure out how to get her out. He lives a double life married to elite green zone debutante who has had a not so pleasant taste of what its like outside the walls and though she has become comfortable in the green zone life she is rebelling against it. Ben seems to be helping her along in that area for his own interest. Kaplan is the quintessential bad guy who has it out for Ben and has a advance in the corporation or die attitude. He is the guy you love to hate and adds a fun edge to the show. I won't drag this out but I think if you keep watching, as the writing and acting mature you are going to have a great show to watch each week. Probably won't win any Emmys but it will be a solid show to download each week.
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Daring hard sci-fi show
philpw9924 June 2017
This show is a rare gem in the recent TV shows. From the beginning you might be put off by sci-fi's familiar theme of dark dystopia and big bad corporations, but please give it some time. I was hooked in just 3 minutes after the news says "Canada construct a new wall to stop illegal immigrants". See? There are so many small details you can find. It depicts a dark picture of future corporations run amok, and unfettered capitalism results in extreme polarization between rich and poor. It's a future that we don't want to have, but also possibly end up with.

Although there are other shows having the same idea, but only "Incorporated" dares to go far. Not only it shows the dramatic difference between "Red Zone" and "Green Zone", but also different ways of thinking and surviving. In "Red Zone" you will see people fighting for scrubs, selling their own bodies and committing crimes to make ends meet; in "Green Zone" you will see people being afraid of losing their life style, stabbing other's back to get promotion, and the appalling methods of corporations use to maintain the order. In both zones there are no clear good guys or bad guys, only people struggle to survive their environment. All these make this show more believable than other Sci-Fi series.

The acting is top-notch. Many emotions are expressed with subtle facial and short words. No drama queens, no over-acting. The main story surrounds a young couple which both have their secrets. The husband appears to be a loyal corporation ladder climber, but has anti-corp agenda. The wife in the beginning seems like a spoiled rich brat but in time you will see she has a good and strong heart. Both of them experiences very difficult situations in their own way, but they did their best to keep calm and being normal. Sometimes I wondered. "That's it? But both of them had such a tough day!" In many ways "Incorporated" share similarities with "The Americans", which I also enjoyed tremendously.

The special effects are also high-end. From the refugee camp to the splendid "Green Zone". Every scene seems fit the description, and not cheap. The devil is in the details. Rich people drives very futurist cars and "Red Zone" people ride shabby ones. Rich people have expensive exotic dinners and "Red Zone" people eat rats. I really appreciate how much attention they paid in every little thing. Sometimes I pause the screen, just to see what's in the scene, and admire how much effort they must have put in for even a short clip.

However, even the show's script is great. Some pot-holes are still there, like why some "Green Zone" people took great risks to go to the "Red Zone" for fun. Then they later ended up being kidnapped. It seems not reasonable to me. But overall this show has much less holes than other Sci-Fis.

In conclusion, this is a great sci-fi show. It touches many social issues, very suspenseful, and sometimes deeply emotional. It should worth your time.
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Original, prophetic and daring.
hr-lindberg8 January 2017
Edit:its been cancelled and there are very little hope it will come back on, but its still very very watchable.

I am blown away by this show, while it do have some small problems, its a hardcore sci-fi drama driven by a solid script with no fillers. It has an expanding story that seems exceptional well thought out beneath its exterior, compared to other sci-fi shows.

Its World is frightening close to ours, and there lies the true drama of the show, the dystopian nightmare vaguely reminiscent of what going on when you watch the news. It dares to go places I haven't seen before in on TV, combined with the obvious undertones of a strong political themed subject matter. (If you don't believe in climate change this show might make you think about the consequences if you are wrong)

Acting, casting and budget could probably drag its rating down but with such detail in script and world building, i have to give it a 10/10. More shows like this please.
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Original, layered and fast-paced
othering5 October 2017
After getting so used to un-original and predictable story-lines in most TV shows, I was blown away by this. I am a science fiction and fantasy fan, in fact I write it (not well:)) and this is one of the best TV shows I have seen in a long time. Part of the reason I started writing myself was due to the lack of original stories out there. Again and again I would start to watch something and be shocked at how thin the plot was and predictable the characters and choices they made were.

Incorporated has depth, it has real storytelling that takes the viewer in unexpected directions. In directions that even though are set in a dystopian future, not so subtle hints of current real world issues come to mind. At the end of each episode I would be grinning with the sheer brilliance of the direction. I am flabbergasted beyond belief that this was canceled. When I see, time and time again, films and TV shows that are so lacking in depth, and I wonder how on earth networks throw money at them and then something as original as Incorporated comes along and it is canceled? Gutted.

For anyone with imagination, any of you reading this who end up writing stories yourselves because you can barely find anything with enough depth to capture your curiosity and appreciation, this is a must.

I just hope that a movie based on this will be developed because it is too good to just stop where it leaves off. S A Strongheart. Ps, don't let the fact there is only one season put you off, it is brilliant.
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kkaldroma21 April 2021
I liked the show when I worked on the first version (failed pilot) in 2006 when it was called "Rubicon". The similarities between the two are very hard to miss.

I don't see anyone I worked with associated with this What a neat coincidence.
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badrobot31 December 2016
Maybe I'm just a nerd but I liked the pilot. Promising story,interesting characters, good actors (some better than others but this doesn't bother me at all... I mean, this is a sci-fiction TV show not an Oscar nominated drama...) and cool effects. I don't know how much money they had but it looks great, the sets, the cinematography, the gadgets... It's creative and at the same time believable. The tiny crystal cellphone... wow! I want the cool stuff in our near future! LOL!

I read someone who didn't like the main actor. I liked him. He's not the standard white dude and this is refreshing. He was pretty convincing for me. Let's see how it goes in next episodes but now I'm already hooked!
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intriguing world
SnoopyStyle2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's 2074. Most governments are bankrupt. Climate change has devastated the crops. Competing multinational corporations control 90% of the globe. In Milwaukee, Ben Larson (Sean Teale) is SPIGA middle management working on mind-reading technology. Corporate workers live in the Green Zone while the rest of the population struggle to scrap by in the Red Zone. He's married to Laura Larson (Allison Miller) who is the estranged daughter of company executive Elizabeth Krauss (Julia Ormond). Laura is a doctor tired of the superficial work for the company. Julian Morse (Dennis Haysbert) is security specialist working for Krauss. In reality, Ben's true identity is Aaron Sloane from the Red Zone. He infiltrated SPIGA to rescue his love Elena Marquez who was forced into prostitution for the company. Elena's brother Theo starts competing in cage fights.

This show lays out an intriguing world. The production value is relatively good. It's a slow build. Ben Larson is not that compelling at first. There's a reason. He's reserved and actually playing a part rather than being real. There's a lot to dig through and the show should work better. Theo is really unnecessary unless the showrunner had a bigger plan for him. Instead of Theo, the show needed to follow Elena. This lasted one season ten episodes. I don't think it got much of an audience.
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This was awesome, but why cancelled after the first season
jontymyboy10 March 2017
Why was this cancelled? This is such an awesome series! This is why I don't trust critics these days. Just like "Better off Ted", that was amazing as well... I loved the idea, the story, the visuals, the cast was great as well. I don't normally write reviews, but I would love to see more of this!
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Has potential, but...
Zen4165 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...there are some serious holes in story line. The premise, about a "climate refugee", Aaron/Ben (Sean Teale, very good in the role) trying to infiltrate the "super corporation", SPIGA, who is one of the major controlling forces in the US, is interesting and engrossing. He comes from nothing and manages to make the right (underworld) connections that allow him to do this risky feat as a sort of "mole" on the inside, who is using his position to locate a former friend/first love (played by Denyse Tontz) who's disappeared from the slums and off the map it seems.

Teale is flanked by some notable talent, like Julia Ormond as the upper echelon corporate heavy who's also, by chance, his mother in law. Dennis Haysbert lends menace as Ormond's fellow company baddie who acts as the enforcer. Allison Miller, as Ben's wife Laura, is perhaps the most sympathetic character to me, as a doctor born to the upper class who actually has a conscience where the less fortunate are concerned and struggles with it on a daily basis. Again, cool plot about what could happen when corporations take over after governments crumble and privatization and the almighty buck rule. That's the good.

I had issue with two things in particular. The first is how seemingly easy it was for Aaron/Ben to infiltrate the Spiga corporation. Wouldn't a highly technologically sound company like that have better vetting methods for people coming in? The other "Huh?" moment came when the show mentioned that 90 percent of the world fell victim to climate change and that the heartlands of the US were dust bowls while coastal cities like New York and Seattle were flooded, yet Canada, which is paraded as the place so many are trying to flee to is somehow immune to this? No mention of any disaster or upheaval or famine or whatever else the rest of the planet seems to be enduring. The show touts Winnipeg as some chosen place to flee to but, why wouldn't that area fall victim to the same climate hazards experienced in the lands to the south of it? No food shortage? No corporations making a play for dominance? Did the big oil companies there just disappear and not make a play like the mega corps did in most other companies? Did climate change suddenly stop at the borders? When France and Spain are mentioned as desert lands, it's hard to believe that wouldn't be the same for almost everywhere within similar latitudes, including Canada, where, by the way, privatization of certain govt. functions is already in effect, like in transportation systems, for instance. Also hard to believe that Ottawa would still be stably governed by the Prime Minister while most other nations bag out to private industry mega corps. No hate here for Canada, people, that's my family up there so I'm just making an observation or two so please chill. It's the holes in an otherwise interesting show that might need some more fact checking or at least better explanations for the curious folks who like a little science out here.
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Very Intriguing
chessd311 December 2016
I usually do not write reviews, but I find this show very interesting. It does not disappoint as a thriller and sci-fi action show. It is thought provoking, and I find myself watching episodes more than once. I do not do that with other shows. The cinematography is great when showing the advanced technology of the future. I find myself pausing the show to check it out. I cannot wait to see what is in store each week. I feel like some have misjudged this show. There is more to the main character's quest than taking down the corporations. There is a history that is yet to be revealed which is why I find it so intriguing.
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forgettable start
cherold3 August 2019
A couple of weeks ago I saw something about this series and thought; this sounds like just my thing, it's weird I never saw it. So I watched the first episode. And then I started thinking wait, did I see this already?

I'm pretty sure I did, but there is a blandness about the whole enterprise that means I could never be 100% certain.

The futuristic world is well thought out and brought to life with high production. The problem is the characters are bland corporate types, with a lead who is dull as dishwasher. One review said there's a specific reason he's so dull, that's it's integral to how the story is structured, but it still leaves me at the end of the first episode with nothing to make me want to watch a second episode.

Apparently a lot of people felt the same, since it only had one season.
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1st-rate production values of B-list drama
majic-517 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The production values on this show are top-notch. Good CGI, classy sets, and appropriately grungy slums. The plotting and acting, however, are strictly B-list. Sean Teale and Allison Miller seem to be giving their roles their best effort, but either it's not good enough, the writing's too stilted, or both. Haysbert's best moment is a feral glare at a surveillance camera, meant for Julia Ormond's eyes, but otherwise, he's wooden. It's fun to see Douglas Nyback get physically debased in exchange for some Red-Zone tech, but his young face (or heavy makeup) doesn't allow him to display the humiliation and seething anger such an experience demands. Ormond is the only one able to bring some subtlety to her role.

Some plot holes are just too big to be disbelieved. The ease with which Ben Larsen goes in and out of the Red Zone to visit Theo is one such example. Corporate surveillance would flag his comings and goings and he'd be questioned for their frequency. The corporate tech. that Ben takes to the Red Zone club in order to obtain his boss's blood would undoubtedly have an RFID tag to monitor its whereabouts, and Ben would have to have answered for that. As others have noted, the health of Red Zone residents seems too good for their squalid living conditions, and their superior tech. R&D is simply not plausible. Ben's father's suicide makes no sense. What parent wants to abandon their child in such a harsh realm, much less make a demagogic speech before doing so? In the latest episode, the defection of an Inizaga SVP is completely unbelievable. In a world where corporations have replaced nation states, employees would absolutely want to inculcate loyalty to their employer in their children from an early age, just as parents of today want to make their citizens' children patriotic; it would be seen as a sacred duty. For a senior Inizaga exec. to claim otherwise should have raised a red flag to Spiga execs as a pretense for a double-agent operation.

While I think the premise of this show is highly plausible, the execution is too flawed to enjoy the show.
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Excellent Show
mrs-4775413 December 2016
This show tells it like it is, hard hitting and the brutal truth. The way it portrays real life is mind blowing and will keep you on the edge of your seat, it shows the way people have to live in society in this dog eat dog world of ours.

It tells the way poor people have to live off the bread crumbs of the rich, heart breaking.

The way we are screwed out of our rights while the corporations get away with murder and brain washing of regular folks.

Any way you look at it it is chilling by its implications of society and real life.
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Underrated show with hidden meaning
laas-jaana1 December 2016
I saw the reviews online just few days ago, they were amazing and that was the reason I wanted to watch this. I did and it did not disappoint me. I believe it is too soon to tell what is it gonna be so therefor I cannot assume it is necessarily bad.

I didn't find it to be predictable, just a little bit but you cannot expect the show to be like Westworld, whereas Incorporated should be predictable knowing the plot and the main ideas.

I really loved the first episode, I am waiting for the second to see if my opinion would change or not. I believe the show has just started it's road on a really big story line. Most of the story lines are in very far future but this is set to a close future which is scarier.
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It has potential......
matthijsalexander20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Big names, big producers but the pilot was a bit disappointing. I'd rate it a 6 with potential to become a 7 or 8, but equally the possibility of slipping into oblivion and eternal #fail status.

Though I had no problem switching the pilot off and walk away, something I normally never do, the show has boatloads of promise. It has everything for a good story. It has an endless amount of layers to play with. Future, green zone, red zone, divided nation, seemingly bad corporation, love, drama, futuristic gadgets.

Actors are a mixed bag of good and so so. The main problem is the lead actor (for me), not convincing enough.

Visuals are great. Some of the gadgets used we will surely have in the future. I hope they don't go overboard with it. The first mistake they made was the injection on the toilet that served as a 'bowel control device' the next day. That situation could have been handled differently and a bit more creative. I found it too easy, and the situation too predictable.

I'll keep watching and hope it becomes better as it continues. I hope gadgets won't be the answer to every problem and that the emphasis will be on the 'human' aspect.

You can surely see professionalism behind this (and a bag of money). It doesn't lack for creativity.
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Intriguing plot but can't maintain it - spoilers!
Battlestar-Baltar15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Incorporated - set in a dystopian future, where corporations are all-powerful institutions and loyalty to the company is the new faith in god. Humanity is divided into modern green-zone areas controlled by corporations and the rest of the population living in poverty outside of it. Ben Larson, our protagonist, lives a good life and is a rising star within the mega-corp Spiga, but he's not the man he seems to be - a dark past and the motivation to free his old love drive him.

This sounds familiar and isn't the most original story but it does have its lure. The whole series has a high-quality look that is coherent and they managed to field a halfway decent cast, in particular actors like Dennis Haysberg or Daymon Herrimon helped it a lot. The entire underlying theme of humanity, greed and lack of morality is interesting and not to hard to tie to current developments in the world.

For me the intriguing plot and the dystopian future are always the interesting part but what turned me off is the sheer stupidity of the characters. Ben Larson is depicted as a genius, maybe on a tech-level, but his plans are usually pretty simple and easy to look through, without luck he barely manages to achieve anything. It's also hard to believe in a society where everything is monitored and the corporation has to abide no law besides its own regulations, that it wouldn't be hard to track movements or conversations.

Besides that what bugs me most was the lack of relatable characters and their inconsistent decisions, especially in the second half of the season. Ben is reckless without the need for it and inconsistent, Theo's development is simply beyond me because it simply doesn't make any sense, nor does it help the story except for setting up Ben with more strings attached. The entire main plot revolving around Ben's motivation - Elena and her rescue - gets hyped up but then disappoints in every possible way. I didn't expect a happy end but this dialogue was just uninspired and the new direction it took seems too artificial. Although I like Laura's general progression, the entire clinic plot is meh and completely reverses the previously established "evil, ghetto-like, malevolent" red-zone narrative. On the plus side, Julian and Laura's mom are a very pleasant surprise and would've been a good driver for the second season.

So what do you get? A high quality dystopian corp-focused TV-series, that takes itself a little bit too serious and can't uphold its own expectations of being clever. Besides that, if you're willing to overlook the contradicting narrative and loopholes within, you'll have some enjoyable hours of SciFi.

For me it's a 6/10 - enjoy!
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Best New Show
shannonoverstreet20 December 2016
Incorporated is an excellent new series. Allison Miller and Julia Ormond are delivering outstanding performances. Sean Teale is very easy to watch and is gives a very believable character portrayal. The story line is unexpected and combines dystopian, lost love and social/psychological reaction themes seamlessly. The writing is tight and tantalizing by revealing bits of information that are not explained right away. The plot has many twists which keeps the story fresh and engaging. There are no holes in the story where I wonder "what sane person would do this." I enjoy how the series studies motivations and how people react to adversity. The interaction between the maid and Laura is exceptionally interesting and created an opening which I am looking forward to seeing. Recommending this series to everyone I know. I will continue to watch.
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High quality mediocrity.
unikorn-6790520 March 2022
This is very typical cookie-cutter stuff which can be rather shallow and overstimulating though the concept and visuals really bring it into something that is entertaining.

I would say it's a realistic view of power hungry mega corps and dystopian futurism. So that's a pretty intriguing ride yet nothing really stands out as again this is pretty formulaic stuff with mediocre acting. Yes, it does have an action/thriller vibe sometimes which it does pull off but it can be a bit jarring and one note.

If they slowed down a bit so we could go a bit deeper this would of been more interesting but I would suggest a view if your interested in those genres or topics.
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One of the best SF TV shows ever
Amadio9 November 2017
SF series take a variety of forms; Battlestar Galactica (space opera), Star Trek original (action), West world (robots vs humans) and many others. Incorporated takes a dystopian future, combined with a high-tech world, and human intrigue. It is truly excellent. The futuristic details in Incorporated lend it a ready air of believability; in-body tech, driverless cars, mind-reading machine, corporate warfare, all contrasted with poverty, climate refugees, and people doing anything to get by. Each character is made clear, their motivations explained, their actions understandable even if nasty. People are believable and it's easy to love and hate them. Well written, well filmed, intriguing, exciting, dramatic, Incorporated is also subtle and complicated with details revealing much, if not at first. Maybe too subtly for some viewers. Inception meets Cypher (2002, Jeremy Northam, Lucy Liu). Sadly, the powers that be have decided not to renew for a 2nd series. Viewing figures were low, I really cannot understand why. If you like your SF tense, believable, and thoroughly engrossing you can't do better than Incorporated.
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Interesting Show but Predictable.
dsmith606826 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A future where governments collapse because of too much debt, too many promises, and too little delivery certainly seems plausible by today's standards.

Corporations taking government's place has been worked in the Sci-Fi realm with better results.

But it follows the same old Hollywood playbook that Hollywood has been using since the 1930's: 1. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 2. Corporations are inherently evil trampling over everyone in their path. 3. Rich is bad, poor is good.

A reworking of the plot line could have made a great series that was renewed.
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No more truth !
gherota7 March 2018
Yep folks , someone upthere , pull some strings and canceled this really good show... Why ? well, maybe because it did show an alternative truth ( hmmm... where did i hear/read that ? ) ? My healthy side of paranoia ( refined reality ) tells me that this REALLY GOOD show was about o open some eyes , and certain people do not like that. So, no matter the quality of acting, directorship, CGI, writing or cinematography, all top knoch , just let's get rid of it... too dangerous for a prozac nation. Let them enjoy " Cirque de Trump " it's for free now... They'll pay the price later. Shame on you Sci-Fi , you just killed a very good show .
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Typical Brainwashed View of the Future
t_kirk-13 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode introduces the viewer to a vision of a class divided world, advantaged and disadvantaged, with all the predictable outcomes, prejudice, privilege, exploitation, etc. Heavy handed preachy writing include typical progressive premises: inherent unfairness of borders, Americans getting their comeuppance for immigration policy, anti- genetic engineered agriculture, negative depiction of corporate culture, and stereotypical characters acting in stereotypical ways.

Had the writers chosen to be a little less obvious about their desire to propagandize, the show's concept, viewing a future world adapting to climate change, has some potential. But as it stands it's just another badly written SyFy series not worth spending time watching - unless of course, you buy the propaganda the writers are peddling.

On the positive side, Some of the technical imagining is interesting.
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Takes the evils of unfettered capitalism to its natural conclusion....
s32761693 March 2017
Incorporated works because it takes fundamental truths of modern, capitalist life and leads them to their natural conclusion.

This series is one set in a dystopian future but unlike many of its peers, its a very believable one, because its not far removed from life as it currently is, with society increasingly dominated by global corporations.

It takes the current problems caused by rampant, unfettered corporate capitalism and projects what they will look like as the 21st century steadily draws to a close. Massive global warming causes desertification, concentrating power in the hands of a small number of elite corporations and their scheming minions. Corporations own and control food and water supplies, medical care, determine social and economic status, creating overriding extremes of poverty and wealth.

The story line is not only very plausible but its backed by a classic tale of poor boy makes good not for lust for money but out of a nobler emotion, love.

The acting is excellent helped in no small part by terrific storytelling and narrative. There's so much to like here, any flaws that do exist are rendered inconsequential. A rare gem of a series in a television marketplace crammed full of mostly unremarkable series.

Nine out of ten from me.
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