88 Reviews
Ann Coulter? Mark Cuban? The Hoff? Geez!
OK, you don't expect much from these films, but at least they could get the President right. Tim Russ would have been better as the President than as a General. Ann Coulter as Vice-President? Come on, that is really science fiction.

I was forced to watch this as it was filmed in Orlando.

Sharks dropping on the Daytona 500; hat is a race I would watch.

The worst part of watching this movie is that it was on Syfy. Stupid tweets like "Best movie I have ever seen," and even worse commercials.

And the ending - ugh!

Please tell me that there won't be another.
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Oh Hell No, What Are They Doing?
dailydoseofnopes22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
While I enjoyed Sharknado 2 more than the original I can admit that I'm one of the fans that didn't ask for a sequel. This one suffers from sequel-itis and it's obvious since Syfy is basically milking this into franchise.

The film has a very uneven pace mostly due to trying to shoehorn in celebrity cameos, it was cute and funny in the second one but gets annoying in this one. The story this time is about preventing various storms on the east coast from merging together and creating a "Sharkicane" and preventing the end of the world. Which is almost the exact same plot as the last movie Most of the characters are introduced just to be killed off as fast as they're introduced with the exception of David Hasselhoff.

The kills and action are serviceable as best and the self referential humor is still there. The ending takes place in outer space which begs the question what really is there to do in the next movie. The closing scene itself is just sequel bait (obviously since they already announced Sharknado 4) getting people to vote on the fate of Tara Reid's character by using a hashtag. It would have been a good twist to kill off a main character definitively in this movie.

I hate to see this end up like the saw or paranormal activities movies where they wear out their welcome. To quote Mark McGrath from the last movie "You just jumped the shark."
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Third time hasn't the charm
TheLittleSongbird3 August 2015
The first two Sharknado movies were not great and had a lot wrong with them, but they were guilty pleasure fun as long as not taken seriously. Sharknado 3 however was a let-down, it lacks the fun and charm of the first two as a result of being too self-aware and trying far too hard, really wanted to not take this seriously and view it as a guilty pleasure but it was just too amateurish and tired.

Sharknado 3 does start off great, with a thrilling James Bond-like opening credits sequence and the hilariously over-the-top sliding across the floor scene. Ian Ziering is likable and charismatic in the lead role, he plays it straight but still looks like he's having fun with the role, and Matt Lauer and Al Roker return and are amusing. The soundtrack is energetic and eerie enough, and there are a couple of reasonably fun death scenes, got a good chuckle out of Jerry Springer's.

Very little else works however. The rest of the acting is not very good at all, with Tara Reid being every bit as unspeakably awful as she was in the first two movies, her facial expressions look so expressionless and very forced in the few times she tries, her line delivery is mechanical and she constantly looks ill at ease. The dizzying amount of cameos and the quality of them are nowhere near as entertaining as before, not just the too deadpan approach but also that they're poorly written and feel too random and brief. Mark Cuban is incredibly annoying and like Reid shows no acting skills whatsoever, while on the other end of the spectrum, Frankie Muniz is lightweight to the point of being bland and David Hasselhoff is wooden.

Even for low-budget, Sharknado 3 is very shoddy stuff, the scenery is pretty good but the movie is shot in a very rushed-looking and drab way, editing is sloppy as well as choppy and the shark special effects are typical dreadfully artificial Asylum/SyFy fare. Regarding the shark attacks and death scenes, there are a few decent ones in the fun factor (Jerry Springer, Frankie Muniz) but on the most part the unintentional silliness comes at the expense of thrills and suspense, which are nowhere in sight, and while fun at first the unintentional silliness generally gets tiresome. The movie is directed flatly, the energy and enthusiasm this time around in the pacing is missing and there are too many cardboard characters that are difficult to give a toss about. The first two movies had some great funny lines, but the script here contains nothing remotely amusing or memorable and instead feels stale and tiresomely cheesy. Say what you will about the second Sharknado movie being a re-tread, but this movie is much more so, and with none of the fun, charm or energy of the previous two outings, with the Universal Studios scenes going on forever and leading nowhere. It's further not helped by trying too hard being dopey fun and in the process taking itself too seriously with everything played straight and overly-deadpan, that any life is sucked out.

All in all, the third movie in the Sharknado franchise has its moments but is very lacking on the whole this time round. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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And They're Back...
Michael_Elliott22 July 2015
Sharknado 3 (2015)

** (out of 4)

Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) is at the White House receiving a honor from the President of the United States (Mark Cuban) when another storm comes in carrying more sharks. After the attack Fin plans to make it to Florida to meet his pregnant wife (Tara Reid) and her mother (Bo Derek) but of course a bigger storm with even more sharks is brewing.

SHARKNADO pretty much came out of no where and did got moderate ratings but it set social media on fire and eventually became a cult film. Obviously a sequel was to follow and with its big ratings we now have this third film in the series. I think the biggest problem with SHARKNADO 3 is that they made it campy, silly and stupid on purpose and this really isn't how cult movies work. No, PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE and other "so bad they're good" movies work so well because their directors tried making something great and fell short. SHARKNADO was an attempt to make a serious film but it failed.

With the two sequels going for straight camp, the films aren't nearly as entertaining and I think the entire scenario is getting a little tiresome. After all, there's really nothing that happens here that we didn't see before. You can only see sharks falling from the sky so many times and the same could be said for a chainsaw ripping them up. For the most part the film remains slightly entertaining simply because of how dumb it is. Ziering and Reid offers decent performances and of course there's some wink cameos throughout. David Hasselhoff plays the father and we even have Cassie Scerbo and Frankie Muniz. Bo Derek is looking amazing at her age so it was nice seeing her here.

SHARKNADO 3 is a bad movie but it's one of those on purpose. Fans of the first two will want to check it out but lets hope they do something fresh with the next one.
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More nonsense brought to you by those who can't keep a straight face, Twitter, and Pizza Hut
StevePulaski23 July 2015
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! is a film made by people that evidently crave more and more attention for a project that, with each and every installment, gets less and less entertaining. Between the incessant promotion for the film on Twitter, resorting to plastering tweets and feedback from the common people during the film's commercial breaks, and the repeated emphasis on product placement and promotional tie-ins, Sharknado 3 is a sorry excuse for a film that, for now the third time, fails instantly for trying to pander to the dumb crowd and continue to harp on a concept that's been dead in the water since the first film.

The story of Sharknado is a rather interesting turn of fate. I recall reading an article months before its SyFy premiere was even a foreseeable option of various films at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival that were up for sale. I was particularly scoping out the ones that looked rather lackluster and, sure enough, Sharknado's poster was featured in the article, boasting its trademark image with the tagline "ENOUGH SAID!." I rolled my eyes and thought little of it until I began seeing a great deal of social media buzz for it upon the announcement that the film would have its North American premiere on the SyFy network. Sure enough, thanks to brazen advertising and an emphasis on the stupid, the film became a runaway hit and a pop culture footprint was made.

The original film was somewhat tolerable, for it was a fresh idea, but was irritating because you could tell from the very beginning that nobody involved in this film wanted to make a film that was the least bit serious or competent. They wanted to create a self-aware film that was well aware of its stupidity, drape it in purposefully poor special effects, and top it off with a plethora of cameos to become a film that was doing nothing trying to garner unworthy attention. The fact is, however, many of us paid it what it didn't deserve and now we have a second sequel and a third one in the works.

This particular film revolves around Fin and April (Ian Ziering and Tara Reid), this time, fighting off a sharknado that is pulverizing the east coast, particularly Washington D.C.. Fin, upon being awarded the Medal of Honor from the President of the United States (Mark Cuban), winds up trying to protect the president during the deadly twister. Finally, Fin heads to Universal Studios in Orlando, where a very pregnant April is vacationing, to try and fight off another sharknado that is destroying the city at the same time yet another sharknado is terrorizing Daytona during the Daytona 500. These storms eventually mold together to create a large, ostensibly unstoppable sharknado that can only be taken down by Fin, April, and Fin's old friend Nova (Cassie Scerbo), as they decide the only way to potentially stop it would be to go into space.

The chaos in Sharknado 3 starts early and rarely lets up, and at about ninety minutes, like its predecessors, the film becomes dreary and repetitive quickly. We get the momentary smirk when we see familiar faces like David Hasselhoff, Penn Jillette, Robert Klein, Jerry Springer, Anthony Weiner, Ann Coulter, Frankie Muniz, and even Michele Bachmann upon many others get their brief moment of fame, but these inclusions are just another ploy for the film to continue to garner unworthy attention. The monotony sets in faster than the skies can darken for an imminent sharknado, and the result is a redundant film that still is more or less giggling at itself and its concept while we should be sitting with a headache from all the eye-rolling we've done.

Sharknado has become less a film franchise and more of a marketing-rich opportunity for corporations, but mostly social media, and that fact is glaring when the film doesn't even end on a complete note and leaves a character's fate (and, to be honest, the future of an actor or actress's career) up to social media. If we had to get a Sharknado 3, could we at least have gotten one that wasn't so insistent on beating a one-note joke into the ground and one backed by a director and writer that wanted to create a decent film instead of a desperately unfunny and pathetic marketing trope?

Starring: Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, Cassie Scerbo, Frankie Muniz, Bo Derek, Mark Cuban, Ann Coulter, and David Hasselhoff. Directed by: Anthony C. Ferrante.
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What an utter load of crap !!!
p-jonsson24 July 2015
I am almost ashamed to admit that I watched this movie. After all I knew that it was going to be a bad movie. There are mitigating circumstances though. When my youngest son saw that SyFy were showing this piece of crap yesterday evening he absolutely wanted to watch it. I said okay and since I usually watch a TV-show or a movie with the kids in the evening I sat done with them to watch it.

I was not really prepared for the level of crappiness that was going to be assaulting me senses. I thought that, since they managed to get funding for a third movie, that there would be some qualities in the movie that I could consider mentioning in a positive context. Well, if I should try and bend over to find something positive to say then the hash tags that where displayed in the lower right corner of the screen was occasionally somewhat funny.

For the rest however, it is an utter load of crap. The acting is more than lousy. The special effects are generally crap. Story? It is incoherent, ludicrous and must have been dreamed up during influence of forbidden substances. It jerks all over the place from Washington to Florida and finally into space. Sharks on a space shuttle? The entire movie is so unintelligent, dumb and lousy that it is not even entertaining as a comedy. Even if you try to put your brain in park you are assaulted by such an amount of garbage that you can feel your gray cells trying to escape your body. I probably killed more gray cells watching this movie than in a week long drunken binge.

What astounds me is that some people seems to believe that this movie should have a 10 out of 10 rating. That is even more unbelievable than the level of crappiness of the movie itself. This is a solid 1 out of 10 stars movie if any movie have deserved such a low rating. I do not often rate a movie that low. There are usually something in the movie that bounces it up to a 2 or 3 star rating. Not so with this one.
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Mediocrity, celebrity culture and product placement masquerading as "tongue in cheek"
gramparsonsblackula8 March 2016
I'm a fan of bad movies, the kind you'll find being made fun of on MST3K. This is a different kettle of fish. Maybe i'm too cynical, and i'm also not a fan of reality TV and celeb culture, but this is the lowest base "entertainment" you'll find next to Big Brother or Geordie Shore. If you're fond of countless cameos by z-list celebrities and hour long adverts for Universal Studios and Subway, this is your film. It's pretty pointless to tear into the bad acting, story, script, etc, because that's what the makers of this were going for. It's a cheap film, made for people who browse on their phones while its on. A reflection of the sad times we live in. If, and i hope this counts for most of you, you're sick of the lazy, mediocre films being shovelled out by Hollywood (i'm looking at you Transformers 4, Furious 7, Jurassic World) then skip this, maybe send a message to the production companies that we'd like to be entertained and not insulted.
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Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!
allmoviesfan2 December 2022
Sharknado 3? Oh hell, yes! Ian Ziering is back as Finn Shepard, hero of our generation (unless you're a shark raining down in a sharknado, I guess) and noted slayer of sharks from coast to coast. Finn is getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom from a POTUS who looks suspiciously like Mark Cuban, whose VPOTUS looks suspiciously like Ann Coulter. It's either good or terrible timing for the White House that Finn is around because a Sharknado hits the capital, doing massive damage to a lot of landmarks. And there is some outrageously obvious Subway product placement. Elsewhere, Finn's partner Tara Reid is pregnant in Orlando. All of that pre-credits!

Surely the people working on this film from Ian Ziering down know that it's a load of rubbish, and are nodding and winking to the audience? They have to be, right? The franchise has somehow become a big part of pop culture, with all sorts of people lining up to play big or small roles: David Hasselhoff, Bo Derek the NBC pair Al Roker and Matt Lauer. I guess it's now cool to be seen in these films?

Same story, basically. Just more sharks. The very definition of dumb fun!
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Sharknado 3 pretty much jumps the shark
marshalphipps13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go yet again, sharknado fighter Fin Shepard is in Washington, D.C. to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom from the president, another sharknado strikes, devastating the nation's capital. Fin and the president work together to defeat the sharks, and the storm unexpectedly subsides. This time is mainly set at Universal Orlando, what I wasn't expecting was Twister...Ride It Out making a cameo which was a nice touch, sadly it was closed not too long after Sharknado 3 aired.

The film has a bumpy pace mostly due to trying to squeeze in celebrity cameos. The story this time is about preventing various storms on the east coast from merging together and creating a "Sharkicane". Some of the characters are introduced just to be killed off as fast as they're introduced with the exception of David Hasselhoff.

The kills and action are OK and humor is still there. The ending takes place in low earth orbit (which was completely insane) which begs the question of what is in store for the next installment that was quickly greenlit. The closing scene is just sequel bait (obviously since they already announced Sharknado 4) getting people to vote on the fate of Tara Reid's character by using a hashtag. It would have been an interesting twist to kill off a main character definitively in this movie.

This movie is a signal that the Sharkando franchise has overstayed its welcome, the first 2 movies are OK, in short this movie has jumped the shark.
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The c.g. is bad, the story is ridiculous, the acting is cheesy but the movie is fun
sweeeetmikey12 August 2015
SHARKNADO 3: OH HELL NO! review by Mike Smith In this 3rd installment of the Syfy original trilogy, Sharknado, a monstrous tornado unleashes ravenous sharks from Washington D.C., all the way down to Orlando Florida. It's up to Fin Shepard and his friends and family to save the day....again. I highly enjoyed the over the top cheesiness of the Sharknado franchise, but this one jumped the shark. The movie is outrageously ridiculous but it's a fun ride. The movie knows what it is and doesn't take it's self serious. One thing I loved about this Sharknado is the list of celebrity cameos. David Hasselhoff, Frankie Muniz, Bo Derek, the awesome Michael Winslow, Ne-Yo, WWE legend Chris Jericho, Bill Engvall, Jerry Springer, and the list goes on! The c.g. is bad, the story is ridiculous, the acting is cheesy but the movie is fun. Yes all 3 movies blend together and the movie is forgettable. If you like B movies then you may enjoy this as much as I did, but this movie isn't for everyone. I really hope that there are no plans for a Sharknado 4 because I think this film really pushed the franchise as far as it can go. Cheers and remember life won't suck as long as there is a good B movie to watch. 6.5 out of 10 Edited by Samantha Locke
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Sharknado Laughs!
wes-connors23 July 2015
As storm clouds gather, chainsaw-wielding Sharknado hunter Ian Ziering (as Finley "Fin" Shepard) runs to collect an award from the US President. A "Sharknado" hits town and destroys many landmarks in Washington, DC, including the White House. Escaping the "worst sharknado" since the first one, according to the NBC-TV news anchors, Mr. Ziering escapes. Ziering looks very muscular; he must work out. Meanwhile, his sometimes wife Tara Reid (as April Wexler) is in Universal's Orlando, Florida amusement park. She is pregnant and receives motherly advice from mother Bo Derek (as May Wexler). Insert the "still beautiful" notation regarding Ms. Derek, as needed. As the sharks thicken, Ziering re-encounters partner Cassie Scerbo (as Nova Clarke), who is hanging around with mechanic/bodyguard Frankie Muniz (as Lucas Stevens). Ziering and the "Sharknado" head for Florida and all hell breaks loose...

Syfy's "Sharknado" disaster TV Movie series is officially getting long in the tooth. The first two were much more fun.

"Sharknado" (2013) used humor to effectively poke fun at itself. "Sharknado 2" (2014) acknowledged that, connecting with viewers who watched the first one to have fun. All were directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, who may be hampered by formula demands from the studio. This one retreads old material (from various disaster films) and loses much of the "laughing at itself" appeal so prevalent in the second movie. New is an interactive chance for the viewer to "kill off" a leading character. This gimmick was used by DC Comics' "Batman" (#427, 1988). The "Sharknado" character in question doesn't do much, anyway. The music is up to par. David Hasselhoff is a promising, but unimaginative addition. A former "Malcolm in the Middle" child star, Mr. Muniz catches the "Sharknado" spirit perfectly; he is the best supporting actor. The movie's most grievous error is not serving Ann Coulter a richly deserved fate.

**** Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015-07-22) Anthony C. Ferrante ~ Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, Cassie Scerbo, David Hasselhoff
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If they can do this with a straight face it deserves a 10
martinj91824 July 2015
Entertainment, right? That's what this movie is. OK, maybe sharks can't actually swim and attack in the air instead of in the water but who cares? And, isn't the best tool for saving a city from incoming sharks a chain saw? And, don't you think it would be interesting to watch an actor say his lines as a shark consumes his body up to his waist? And, wouldn't Al Roker and Matt Lauer be the ones reporting these incredible events on TV? Of course! The earnest enthusiasm and seriousness of Fin, the leading man and world's best shark killer is a wonder and he keeps his serious demeanor throughout. The best part of this delightful piece of nonsense is that ALL of the characters manage to perform with a straight face instead of either busting out in laughter or throwing up. This, dear hearts, is pure FUN!
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Sharknado 3 Review
keithlovesmovies28 July 2015
Fin (Ian Ziering) and April (Tara Reid) are now remarried and are expecting another child. After a trip to Washington D.C. to receive a medal from current president Marcus Robbins (Marc Cuban) for his heroic actions during the events in the first 2 films, another sharknado strikes destroying the capital. Fearing that his family is in danger, he heads to Orlando. What he doesn't know is that a sharknado is following him while another is attacking Orlando. Now he and those he runs into on the way to Orlando must work together to try to stop the sharknados before they combine to form a sharkicane with the potential to destroy the entire East Coast.

I'll get right to it and say that this movie is terrible but that's not the point here. Everyone probably knew this coming in so I don't think that I'm surprising anyone. The acting is bad, the special effects are bad to the point that they are laughable, and the story doesn't make any sense. I am aware that this movie is called Sharknado 3 so I wasn't expecting anything scientifically accurate. Sharks in space people!!!! I saw some things in this that made me question myself but like I've said, this film is called Sharknado 3 so in order to enjoy it, you just have to suspend belief and accept what you are being given. My favorite thing about the film is all the random shark kills in all their "semi-gory" glory (this is a TV movie so they can only go so far). You'll also be surprised by some of the people who get killed (no spoilers). Common sense would normally dictate not watching this but if you give it a chance you'll be pleasantly surprised and perhaps entertained as I was. I've seen the first 2 films and I enjoyed them a lot and I think that this one is the best one so far.
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It's becoming too self aware of its own legacy.....
FlashCallahan25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sharknado. You don't need a concept, script, story, or even an explanation to sell a film with a name like that. Like Snakes On A Plane, the title explains it all, the title sells the film.

The first movie was a bit of stupid fun to be had with friends while under the influence of something, and that's what the films intentions were. Then it became some sort of strange phenomenon, so the second was made, and the references became more frequent, and the cameos more elaborate, and in the narrative of Happy Days,my hey jumped the shark with the franchise.

With the third instalment, they throw everything at the screen, and see what will stuck, but while watching this nonsense, however entertaining the film is for all the wrong reasons, you know they are really desperate to go one better, which ruins a lot of the fun that the original had.

Story wise, there's just another Sharknado happening, and the bloke from 90210 has to save an even more haggard looking Tara Reid and their daughter from the Jaws (ahem) of death. And along the way, there are cameos galore, from wrestlers, to Jackie Collins, to Lou Ferrigno, to even bloomin' JedWard, and it's just same old same old for the film.

But then, David Hasselhoff turns up, and it ends in space...........that's right, space.

And it doesn't know what to do, the laughs become non-existent, laser chainsaws are introduced, and it all ends with Tara Reid giving birth whilst inside a shark, but the baby coming out of the shark.

You just read that right.

It sounds bonkers it should have been a wonderful, stupidly bonkers experience, but it's really spluttering with its effort, and while there are some flashes of genius, it's become too self aware to be as enjoyable as it once was.

But hey oh, the fourth one is being made, so they may step up a little bit.

Doubt it though.
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4/10 I am been generous OH HELL NO NO NO
mbgdowska25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Hell No Not another Sharknado movie. On the QT there will be 4 and 5 consecutively made. IMHO. My partner asked me why I watch these type of movie? I do like the lamelessness and cheesiness. But this movie is like a miniseries. That is what keeps me watching the sequels. Spoiler--- Reid's character has a bun in the oven in S3. ahhhhh! So you know she's going to survive this movie at least. Shark movies I am addicted to. I have seen every shark movie ( to date). Have seen a few decent "sharkies". Sharks In Venice, decent movie. Deep Blue Sea, awesome. Sharknado franchise is slightly above par but I wouldn't cry when the Sharknado franchise finally ends...we hope soon.
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Oh hell yes!! Z grade movie camouflaged as a B
grandhir26 July 2015
A seriously top notch B (Z?) grade movie. I watched this movie as my family was out of town and never laughed so much watching a movie. I am not sure if it's cheesy lines by the legendary Ian Ziering (aka: Fin Shepard) , David Hassellhof, Mark Cuban or the tweets. That was a tough choice. Some of the tweets read: Fin Shepard for the president 2016 or I want a golden chainsaw!!! OMG. As expected the cast if awful. Pretty boy Ziering should have retired after Beverly Hills 90210. We all know what a great actor Hassellhof is. Tara Reid used to be hot. Now she is just flat out old. The saving grace when it comes to the cast is Bo Derek and Cassie Scerbo as Nova is smoking hot. Will I watch Sharknado 4? Probably will because SYFY has cheesy B grade movies but that also means that there will be several B grade actresses exposing a bit too much . So, I am all for it.
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This franchise is quickly losing its charm and fun...
RevRonster29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This whole franchise has been built on the ridiculous after it accidentally won the hearts of pop culture enthusiasts all over—not too shabby for what was suppose to be another dud that The Asylum and Syfy were trying to push out and fill up time on-air. However, there is a limit and if the second one wasn't pushing towards that limit, this one definitely did.

The second one defined itself nearly entirely on the premise of "Who will cameo next?" and that formula returns…except this time they've clearly hit the bottom of the barrel as you get Frankie Muniz in a weak role and the likes of Mark Cuban, Michael Winslow, Chris Jericho, Ann Coulter, Bill Engvall and a whole bunch of other has-beens or 15-minuters desperately clinging to fame. Once or twice there's a cameo that is amusing but for the most part it's kinda sad.

The saddest part, however, is how the film won't even try to actually have a somewhat coherent (or as coherent as the "Sharknado" films can get) story. At least in the first two the films had a conflict the crew had to overcome and while there was a ton of filler in order to make it to a feature length, the film tries to have some sort of plot threads that connect each sequence. This time around that isn't even attempted and the film just is racing to get to its next spectacle and they are never good ones. In fact, they quickly fly off the rails and the film heads into space…and essentially leaves the fourth one—the one where the fate of April (Tara Reid) hangs in the balance over a campaign on Twitter—with nowhere to go. In fact, this one was so tedious and lacking in the fun factor that the previous two had that I fear what The Asylum and Syfy will do in order to keep beating this dead horse.
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This Time…It's Pathetic
thesar-211 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This "movie" truly makes you want to hate life and deserves very few words or time wasted on it.

I will say, the first was one of my favorite types of films: unintentionally bad, or so it seemed. Part 2 was a little more aware, but somewhat watchable for what it was. This absolute abomination proves the terrorists are winning and I had the unfortunate coincidence of watching it on 9/11 to drive that point home.

Oh, How Did This Get Made? podcast…please stop doing these. I only watched this because you covered it and now I feel like dying a slow, painful death with a thousand spiders keeping me alive long enough to see their young devour the rest of me. THAT would be a picnic compared to what Satan produced here.
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Oh Hell No!
pichettemax7 May 2019
This movie is a legit trash fire! Me and my friends decided to watch this trash fire of a movie one night for s**ts and gigs but that movie turned out to be just s**t! It contains terrible acting, crappy cgi, a pointlessly high kill count, and over all a useless story. Don't waste the hour and a half of your short life watching this crap heap. (I made the mistake for you).
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It's definitely just as bad, maybe worse, than the others!
Hellmant6 August 2015
'SHARKNADO 3: OH HELL NO!': Three Stars (Out of Five)

The third installment in the popular Syfy B movie series 'SHARKNADO'. This one has Fin Shepard (once again played by Ian Ziering) trying to stop a tornado of killer sharks, which stretches from Washington, D.C. to Orlando, Florida. Tara Reid, Cassie Scerbo and Mark McGrath also reprise their roles, from earlier films. Frankie Muniz, Ryan Newman, David Hasselhoff, Mark Cuban and Bo Derek join the cast; which also has returning cameos from Matt Lauer and Al Roker, plus many new ones (including notorious conservatives like Ann Coulter and Michele Bachmann). It was once again directed by Anthony C. Ferrante and written by Thunder Levin. The film is bad, really bad, but so are the others and it should please fans of the series.

While Fin (Ziering) is receiving an award from the president (Cuban), in Washington, D.C., for saving Los Angeles and New York from sharknados, in the first two films, another sharknado hits the capital. This one is even bigger than the previous shark storms, and it stretches from Washington to Orlando, Florida. Fin's wife, April (Reid), is at Universal Orlando; with their daughter, Claudia (Newman), and April's mother, May (Derek). Fin, once again, tries to save his family, and the world, and stop the deadly sharknados for good. He finds help from an old friend (Scerbo) and his father (Hasselhoff).

The movie is filled with really bad acting and cheesy dialogue; it also boasts a ridiculously nonsensical plot and laughable action scenes and gore. That's all part of the fun though! People love these movies; including all of the celebrities willing to do cameos (like George R.R. Martin and Penn and Teller!). I think this installment is almost as good as the others, it's definitely just as bad; maybe worse. I enjoyed it.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: https://youtu.be/ItzCr1Etfyo
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uh hell no, don't watch
vidafuera1 September 2015
i can't say how i'm feeling right now after watching this awful movie. with a strong story line, largely based on poor graphics and direction. looks like writer was alien or from out side the world. A man going to White House, have protocol but can't clear the router, instead longing and opening door, he just climbs off the sunroof and jumping on others car and driver don't even spit a word on jumping on his car roof. American president doesn't even look like anything nearby presidency, actually pulls a shotgun out and shot moving sharks in air. what a aim he got and how trained he was, was he special ops agent or black ops? or he was just running a arm training center. can't say anything.

Moreover, very very poor graphics. can't figure out why this movie got so many good reviews like 10/10, whereas this got nothing but bunch of idiots trying to act.

Dialogues are super un-natural, expressions and dialogues don't meet on ends. Finale Verdict: don't watch this movie, just a waste of time and money. maybe this director need to work more as extra to see how things work.
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A complete riot!
rocknrelics3 August 2015
The first two films were simply rehearsals for this completely over the top,wonderful piece of fun.

This is all I wanted the first two to be and more,it's just so full of action, in jokes, humour,load's of knowing cameos,and that's the joy of this film, everyone knows it's ridiculous,but they're having a ball, and so does the viewer if they allow themselves to.

I have to say, I think the people who don't enjoy this movie must have had a sense of humour bypass,it's just such fun,and likable.

I noticed that all three films have been released in 3D in Germany, so have ordered them,and can't wait to watch this instalment in particular all over again.

Highly recommended for fans of funny,camp,kitsch humour.
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Sharnado jumps the shark in an epic B-grade cheese fest
juneebuggy17 August 2015
Summer wouldn't be complete now without another addition to the awesomely bad Sharknado franchise. This is definite junk food for the brain, the ultimate in guilty pleasure and I enjoyed it just as much as the first 2 films.

Ian Ziering is back as Fin Shepard, giving his all and kicking shark ass all over Washington D.C and Florida as the entire east coast comes under threat from shark infused storms. Its a kind of Shark-apocalypse, a perfect storm of blood, teeth, missing limbs and epic B-grade cheese moments.

Tara Reid's (now pregnant) character returns, (still awful) along with a ton of cameos including Frankie Muniz, -that's gotta hurt, Bo Derek, Mark McGrath, Chris Jericho, Mark Cuban, the GMA team, and more. Would it be too spoilery to say all the cameo roles get eaten? Its funny.

This time around we also get David Hasselhoff, I mean it was only a matter of time until he showed up wasn't it? He plays Finns father, a retired space shuttle captain, and provides the best line from the entire movie. "Sharks. In. Space."

Yes this third installment jumps the shark literally (sorry) when it heads into zero gravity. I think that may have been the point though. The ending involving Tara Reid was so over-the-top it was beyond epic. 7/22/15
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How low can you go? ... Oh Hell No!
kosmasp26 March 2016
Even fans of the "original" 2 movies are finally getting fed up with it. I thought it might finally get better, it actually felt like it only could get better. But the only department you might say this gets better, is in the cameo department. It's still taking itself too seriously, it's still playing the humor the wrong way. Even one scene reminiscing of Monty Pythons Dark Knight ever hits the (comedy) timing it needs too and stays silly/annoying rather than funny.

There's also a political agenda here, which while not hammered home is still there. You can make of that whatever you feel like, it will depend on your own political orientation too. Putting controversial figures isn't really new, what you make with them or how you deal with them is - again taking itself too serious and trying to make those people seem cool too hard, which just isn't working. Watch Lavantula instead
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total crap but that do we all know
trashgang2 June 2016
Where as part 1 was watchable because it was made in a time when megamonsters took it up against other monsters or humanity we are now in another era and if you watch this entry you see that it is a campy flick.

The problem I had this time was the fact that it was to be honest a promo flick for Universal Orlando. The effects used in SyFy flicks are of course those from a 50 cent shop. It's terrible. Sharks look giant in the sky and once they eat people they are just smaller. Of course it's all crap that you watch and that's the strength of this low budget franchise and admit it, they are cleaver those producers. Bringing in Bo Derek and The Hoff of course is another reason to watch it. And they do know how to attract the male viewers bringing in Cassandra Scerbo as Nova looking sexy and even walking around in her underwear.

It's full of continuity faults and whatsoever (tornado's going on and trees doesn't move for example). One shot it's raining, next shot it's dry at the same place (the underwear scene).

It's sad to see the decay of Tara Reid, once looking gorgeous and building up a career, nowadays looking like a drug addict. So sad.

I know that part 4 is on it's way, I will have look that's for sure but be aware, it's utterly crap.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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