292 Reviews
Give into the Cuteness
Jared_Andrews11 August 2017
First of all, recognize that this is a children's movie. So, a completely coherent plot isn't even the icing on the cake. It's more like one extra and very beautiful icing flower on top of the icing on the cake. What I'm saying is not all kids' movies totally make sense, so don't get too mad at Boss Baby for not totally making sense.

The standard movie of this ilk is littered with inconsistencies and overlooked logical flaws. In that sense, Boss Baby is a standard movie.

In a much different sense, Boss Baby is far, far from standard. It's brimming with creativity and bold stylistic choices. Not everything works, but enough does to justify the attempts.

The creative dynamic comes from the nature of the storytelling. The movie unfolds through the wildly inventive eyes of 7-year-old Tim. His boundless imagination makes him a questionable narrator, like Amy Dunne in Gone Girl, except he's not a psychotic murderer.

At any moment, Tim can suddenly morph into a ninja (to give one example) and his perceived world morphs accordingly to fit his current fantasy. This creates a number of whimsical and forceful action sequences that will mesmerize children and should keep adults at least mildly amused.

Digging a bit deeper, the movie is really about the love between brothers. Well, that and the obvious yet still funny metaphor that babies are really in charge. The brotherly moments work surprisingly well for the most part. They even elicited in me some of the intended emotions during a few key scenes when the baby realized that Tim cared for him and vice versa.

Despite being completely predictable, these moments are still touching. Maybe it's the cartoon cuteness or maybe the filmmakers tactfully achieved something here. Either way, it works.

Overall, I came away more satisfied than I anticipated, partly because I accepted Boss Baby for what it was. Your kids will enjoy this movie. If you relax your critical analysis, and most importantly give into the cuteness, you may enjoy it too.
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DreamWorks has always favored frivolous humor over meaningful insight
rachaelblakeegypt15 April 2017
DreamWorks has always favored frivolous humor over meaningful insight. They aren't Pixar. This isn't necessarily always a bad thing as they have had some solid hits in the recent years. Kung Fu Panda remains my favorite of the series from the studio. With The Boss Baby, their signature humor remains intact. I laughed quite often in the early stages of the film. Alec Baldwin is hilarious voicing the baby at the center, however, while I admire DreamWorks for getting ambitious with the concept of the film, it is almost so high-concept, that the core audience will be completely lost and the adults will shrug at how convoluted the many twists in the plot are. Still, The Boss Baby is frequently bouncy and frenetic and will entertain the kiddies, even if they don't get all the plot points. In the end, however, the need of the directors to pile on a thickly saccharine ending that keeps rolling on, makes the film end rather disingenuously.
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A pleasantly surprising romp
danjamz23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite coming across in the trailer as a movie about babies, for babies, The Boss Baby has more than enough wry humour to entertain adults too. A lively romp of a movie, this tale of a managerial baby sent undercover feels much like an extended Looney Tunes - which is not bad thing. Plus being fast-paced has the benefit of effectively distracting from the fact that the makers haven't been quite as effective as rivals Pixar in creating an emotional core to the story (see Up and Wall-E).

The Boss Baby is no animation classic, but it is surprisingly fun, not only for kids, but also adults and especially those who are parents. If you are a fan of lively animation, The Boss Baby is well worth catching; plus for once, the best bits aren't all in the trailer!
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Lots of fun for the whole family
Gordon-1113 April 2017
This film tells the story of a seven year old boy, who has very busy but loving parents. One day, his parents bring home a baby boy. He gets intensely jealous from sibling rivalry, until he discovers that the baby can talk and is actually working for a company.

"The Boss Baby" is a really fun film for the whole family. The baby is super cute, and everyone will fall in love with the baby in an instant. The sibling rivalry plot is convincing, then the fantasy kicks in. The jokes are funny and family friendly. Actually everything about the film, from the plot to the characters are likable, fun and cute. I was very entertained.
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This Movie Is The Boss At Being Clever And Adorable
rgkarim1 April 2017
He's cute! He has got a big head! And he is in theaters this weekend. He is the Boss Baby and his movie is the focus of this review. Hi fans, Robbie K is back again with another review, and this time on the latest animation movie to hit the silver screen. What does this animated feature film have in store? I'm happy to share some thoughts on the subject, so why don't we get started shall we?

LIKES: • Good animation • Cute • Unique Twist on a story • Incredibly Fun • Funny and Clever • Movie References

Summary: As you saw in the trailers, Boss Baby is another example of how incredible our animation technology is and this time it is wrapped up in a cute as a button package. This film may be one of the most adorable animation pieces to hit this year, and many will fall in love with the whimsical charm of this film.

Now that we have the obvious wrapped up let us get to the real gold of this film. It's difficult to find a unique twist on a story, but the risk taken with Boss Baby's story was well executed. The tale has many layers to it involving adapting to new family members, pursuit of your dreams, and of course what is better babies or puppies. With surprising detail and character development, the story is very entertaining and fun as baby and brother try to stop the dastardly puppies from taking over. And the best part is… the whole adventure is fun and fast paced, with seldom a boredom moment in this fast-moving flick.

Let's hit the comedy now. Boss Baby again excels in this aspect providing a variable mix of comedic styles to entertain all ages. Young (and young at heart) will enjoy the simplistic comedy that involves the characters dropping mindless (meme-worthy) one liners, various screams of fear, and dopey run-ins with a wall. The real comedic diamonds though are the cleverer puns, one-liners, and adult references hidden in this movie. Alec Baldwin's sarcastic delivery and edginess worked for me, adding just the right touches to maximize the laughs. Yet, I'm a sucker for all the movie references integrated into this plot and how key they were to the adventure. And if you are nerd like me, you may get an extra thrill keeping your eye out for the next reference.

DISLIKES: • Predictable • A bit of a stretch • A little preachy at times • More Babycorp use • Better Editing

Summary: Despite how much I enjoyed the story, much of it is still predictable. Boss Baby has some surprising twists, but no manner of fun, can hide the blatantly obvious ending that is to come. While predictability is difficult to avoid, Boss Baby could have tidied things up a bit to give the finale a little more flare. In addition, they could have worked hard to not be so preachy near the end about the importance of family and all that lovey-dovey mush that animation films do all the time.

Let's talk about some developmental issues I had with the movies. First off, the movie has moments that are a bit of a stretch. Yes, I know this movie is ridiculous and a stretch to begin with, but hear me out. Boss Baby's adult cast are a bit idiotic at best, somehow not hovering over the newborns to hear them speaking. If that wasn't enough, some of the more dangerous stunts involved were also not as "noticeable", which after some point should have been discovered. Although fun, this ridiculousness didn't fit so much into the grand scheme of the plot. Next up is Babycorp, the organization the boss baby works for. This large plot point has dramatic build up and gets a large sequence to explain the wonders of this magnificent corporation. Yet after that, the film fails to deliver more on the potential plot points that could have come with it. Had the trailers not built up the baby vs. puppy rivalry as they did, I could have let this go, but with all the advertising I would have liked to see more of this.

Finally, the editing of the movie. Boss Baby has a lot of great parts that foster imagination, love, and all those positive qualities we love in an animated movie. However, much of these moments were not necessary, often just extending the run time under the guise of character development. While I don't think they needed to eliminate these parts (after all it is only 90 minutes), they certainly could have altered these scenes to be a little more relevant to the adventure.


Despite all the lower scores, Boss Baby was an entertaining spectacle that is fun, funny, and clever at many points. This movie is certainly adorable and is the perfect family film (for all ages) to hit the screen this year. Yes, it is simplistic and silly, and doesn't have as much magic as a Disney film, but it's nice to have unique, story that doesn't involve making a political ordeal out of it. This reviewer recommends this one for the theater for group outings and those with kids, but definitely check this one out when it hits homes.

My scores are: Animation/Comedy/Family: 7.5 Movie Overall: 6.5
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Not as Bad as I Thought But Still Not the Best DreamWorks Film Out There
Clank_Zoka9 April 2017
After I saw the trailers, I knew this would be the Rugrats/Baby Geniuses and Look Who's Talking movie from DreamWorks despite being based off a book, I went In expecting It to be average AND......I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.

It's not Trolls level of Unnecessary and way too hip and modern, the film plays like a Disney cartoon from the 50s and 60s, the way the animation looks, the setting of this movie, the music and the plot, It feels like a cartoon but turned Into a movie, with that said I actually liked the movie and what It offered.

The animation has that Storks look (despite the Idea being similar to that movie), It has a cute look to It, while It does have different styles when Tim goes Into his Imagination worlds where he's a pirate, explorer Etc, It makes It relate able and Interesting and even the moral (which I won't give away but I think anyone can guess what It Is) can relate to most kids who watch this movie, sure the movie makes no sense and It's very cartoon, but It does have a good moral.

The characters are pretty fun and well voice acted, Alec Baldwin Is great as the title character, the kid who voices Tim Is pretty great too, but the rest of the characters are pretty funny too.

But the movie does suffer from a simple but predicable plot, pretty obvious toilet, fart humor, It does have adult humor but It does comes off as obvious as well despite being funny.

So yeah, the movie's...an improvement from Trolls, It's on par with Home In the pretty good category, but It's not the best from DreamWorks, hopefully Captain Underpants will Improve from this movie.

I'm giving Boss Baby a 6/10.
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What the world needs now is love, sweet love...I did like Boss Baby
Humphreywashere2 April 2017
I saw this move with three children, 8, 7 and 3 years of age. They all wanted to see this movie rather than watch 'Beauty and the Beast'. When given the option, it was a uniform cry of "boss baby, boss baby". So off I went. I thought it would be awful. There were single male and female adults of all ages in the audience, as well as parents with children. My 3 year old laughed a lot in the beginning saying "boss baby is funny". After that, she got a bit lost and restless, but got settled again in the second half. The others were focused throughout and said they liked it more than than the 'trolls movie'.

I laughed a lot. The reference to other movies and adult themes was very clever and funny (ie Matrix, Elvis impersonators, etc). The Boss baby character is hilarious. I loved the reflections on parenthood, feeding the baby, dummy sucking, milk bottles, diapers (nappies), vomit, lack of sleep, etc. Sibling competition for parental attention is demonstrated well. The new baby is always the 'boss baby' in any family! The story made me wonder- was it all the child's imagination? The ending was heartwarming and overall, this movie was a nice surprise.
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Goo goo ga ga
lockoffmydad20 June 2018
This movie has as much entertainment value as reading the title of this review.
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Breathtaking cute!
ElliesWonder13 April 2017
Pro:Cute. Con:none

SO ADORABLE. I am money worshipper (just kidding), love baby boss's expensive suit and watch, love all money throwing, and handle things with tickets.

The mature voice of baby boss and his baby body full of millions of stark contrasts! Just like the little gangsta fox from Zootopia. Also the ending screen is so cute, new baby boss coming!
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Fun And Entertaining
stevendbeard1 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "The Boss Baby", starring the voices of Alec Baldwin-Rules Don't Apply, Mission:Impossible_Rouge Nation; Lisa Kudrow-The Girl on the Train, Neighbors; Jimmy Kimmel-Jimmy Kimmel Live!_tv, The Man Show; Steve Buscemi-The Ridiculous 6, The Big Lebowski and Tobey Maguire-Labor Day, Seabiscuit.

This is a funny animated movie for the whole family. Jimmy and Lisa are the parents of a 7 year old child who has gotten used to having all of their attention directed towards him. Things change when a new addition to the family shows up, Alec. But, there is more to Alec than meets the eye, and it's not just in the way that he likes to wear a suit. Tobey is the narrator of the movie and also voices the adult 7 year old child, Tim. Besides the conflict of the two brothers fighting for the attention of their parents, there is a separate plot line about Steve trying to get people to be more puppy enthusiasts instead of having babies-it involves creating a new breed of puppy that never grows up. FYI: There is a scene after the end credits start and one after the very end of the credits, too, so you might want to stay. It's rated "PG" for some mild rude humor and has a running time of 1 hour & 37 minutes. I liked it enough that I would buy it on DVD.
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Deserves a Razzie
cdxlii20 January 2018
The only two thing you need to know about this garbage movie is that it's a) absolutely obsessed with baby ass to an uncomfortable degree that is neither funny nor watchable b) it has a blowjob joke between a 7 year old and a baby. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that somehow none of the people who worked on this asked themselves if this would be a good idea. So here we are.
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Really loved this film
risinghouse3 April 2017
I really enjoyed this film. It was imaginative, fun and just thoroughly entertaining throughout the whole time I was watching it. It had some actually genuine heartwarming moments that didn't feel manufactured like some other animated films I've seen in recent past. The animation was also just gorgeous. I really loved the look of the film, I thought it had a really nice aesthetic style and felt like a classic piece of animation that if CGI was around in the seventies, it would've looked like this. All in all, I personally loved this film. If you want something that's just plain fun, bizarre and imaginative- with a touch of warmth- I'd say check this flick out. But if you're looking for something with more of a concrete plot and a straight forward narrative, you probably won't find that here.
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A great movie
monstermayhem3215 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit that despite my initial doubts about the film, I will say that I was surprised how enjoyable the film was and having good values of family and brotherhood. The story deals with seven year old Tim who enjoys a happy life with his parents Janice and Ted. Tim's life changes when gets a baby brother who turns out can actually talk and works for a company named baby Corp which has babies with adult minds. Boss baby and Tim at first don't really like each other but come together when they realize how much they start to care for one another and attempting to foil a plot from puppy comthat wants to replace the love of babies with pets.
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No spoilers, just a warning
knnknn24 June 2017
I will down-vote every movie that normalizes violence against male genitalia (in this case the young boys').

I never saw an animated Hollywood movie that made fun of or considered it appropriate for a family movie to show how women or girls are kicked between their legs.

Typical anti-male Hollywood trash.
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Awesome movie!!!
NoahAndersen84525 March 2017
The Boss Baby is an excellent movie for kids and a great movie for families too. When I saw the trailer I REALLY wanted to see the movie and I felt like the happiest person on Earth when I saw it. The movie has funny characters, babies, and more things that would make anyone laugh. Most of all, I enjoyed the movie because of the relationships and jokes. The Boss Baby is sure to make brothers and sisters get along.
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Simple generic animation, but I really like how the story was told.
subxerogravity1 April 2017
When I first herd about The Boss Baby I did not think I would like it, despite the trailer showing me just how funny Alec Baldwin was going to be in it. It just did not sound like the best animated feature Dreamworks could possibly do, but as it turns out, Boss Baby is real enjoyable, mostly because of the story over the animation.

Baldwin plays The Boss Baby, a middle management exec for Babycorp (That delivers babies to the world), sent undercover as Tim's brand new baby brother, in an attempt to stop puppies from cornering the market on cute, (Which has decrease the production of infants) by stopping the manufacturing of the ultimate Puppy.

What's so good about The Boss Baby is how they work it in that the purpose of the film is Tim using his imagination to adjust to a new baby coming into the house that he once alone had the love and attention of both parents all to himself. A very uniquely done animated film, if not the best animated film. Just a great children story on children. Reminds me of Pixar's Inside Out.

Very funny and entertaining.

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beyond my expectation
dongchenxi2 April 2017
This movie is much better than its score shown in film website,it deserves higher score. i decided to watch this movie in cinema since i saw its trailer online,it is quite cute and attracting trailer.But when i search it in IMDb, i found it is only 5.8? That 5.8 stop my step into cinema,and i start to find alternative movie to watch, and i found "ghost in the shell", and i watched its trailer, a bit embarrassing and awkward,and i can strongly feel that the movie lost the main spirit of the original animation,but i saw it has nearly 7 point in IMDb. So, i decided to ignore the score and go for the boss baby, and i am quite enjoy the boss baby,family, love,humor...i quite like it.
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bkrauser-81-3110642 April 2017
"Put the cookie down! Cookies are for closers." It seems this entire movie is created around that one joke. I mean, has there ever been any question that anyone other than Alec Baldwin could have sold the high concept of a cutthroat, suit wearing, and management oriented baby? What other voice would have struck the right balance between referentially satisfying and patently absurd? Gary Cole? Of course the film's reference to Baldwin's character in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) is twenty-five years old and at times that's how stale some of the film's gags feel. Luckily for the movie and its intended audience, the premise is grounded in its sweetly irreverent narrative told from the perspective of a seven-year-old boy.

Timmy (Bakshi) is a stereotypical cartoon movie child. He's precocious, easily identifiable, humorously naïve, charismatic and imaginative to the point of coming up with elaborate hijinks on the fly to further the plot. In fact, the only difference between him and Elliott from E.T. (1982) is he actually gets all the attention he craves from his doting parents (Kimmel and Kudrow), complete with a regular five story, four hug and one song bedtime special. That is until The Boss Baby (Baldwin) arrives with his briefcase full of memos on a mission from the aptly named Baby Corp. After a time squabbling, Timmy and the Boss Baby team up to uncover a mass conspiracy involving their parents' employer, a late addition villain (Buscemi) and puppies who have apparently been stealing all the love.

The inner-mechanics of Boss Baby's world is riddled with holes, pacing issues and confusion but because the entire story is being told by an adult Timmy (Maguire) recollecting his interpretation of events, it never seems to matter. It rather allows the film to truly revel in some creative slapsticky moments of goofy fun young children are primed to enjoy. There are plenty of Loony Tune-esque chase sequences, quickly-paced flights of fancy, playful sight-gags and plenty and I mean plenty of butt related jokes. It may prove a little repetitive for attentive parents but considering the prime demographic is going to be darting back and forth between bathroom-breaks it's not like parents of young children will mind.

Of course telling the entire yarn from Timmy's POV proves a double-edged sword at times. The film goes through great pains to deliver the stakes needed to elevate its one-joke premise. But since the emotional arc of the story is all but written in stone from the first act, all of the tension feels hollow and redundant. We're seeing what amounts to a holiday free A Christmas Story (1983) with a talking baby. Yet while that movie ruminates on "an interesting Christmas" this movie asks; "will our two heroes wind up being brothers." Bereft of any real consequence, The Boss Baby winds up being a mildly entertaining family-oriented feature with a couple of good sigh-gags and some pretty outdated jokes. The larger message is just uncommon enough for tacit approval though I'm a little worried some kids might figure out alternative uses for baby bungee bouncers. As a younger brother myself I'm surprised I lasted this long with my siblings in the house.
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What is so funny about this movie??????
williamdorval31 May 2017
Boring and violent for kids. I cannot recommend a film that green lights violence against boys. When did kicking a boy in the groin (that could kill him) become funny? Is punching a woman in the breasts hilarious? This disgusting example of violence to males is teaching a new generation of children that a groin kick that can kill a boy is hysterically funny. So why do they preach you never, ever hit a woman - another shining example of Hollywood's sexist hypocrisy. Garbage film, Bad script. Alec Baldwin of all people should know better than participate in this kind of male bashing.
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"The Boss Baby" is pretty creative and a lot of fun!
dave-mcclain31 March 2017
I learned something important about children right after my newborn baby girl came home from the hospital. That first night, she slept like… well, like a baby. My two-year-old… cried like one. He was uncharacteristically restless, up and down all night, while his sister seemed perfectly content (for that first night anyway). Having a second child in the home is tough to get used to – especially for the first child. To that firstborn, it can suddenly seem like absolutely everything has changed and that the new arrival is now more important than anything or anyone else. When the new baby suddenly seems to be getting all the attention and when his or her every cry is answered immediately and every whim is catered to, that baby can seem to be… the boss. It's that phenomenon, which parents with more than one child know so well, that formed the basis for a 2010 children's book by American author/illustrator Marla Frazee, and the animated feature film that the book inspired, 2017's "The Boss Baby" (PG, 1:37).

Tim (voiced by Miles Bakshi) is a typical 7-year-old. He has an active imagination, he loves to play with his parents and he's happy. He's happy with the way everything in his life is. Right now. Today. But that all changes when his parents (Jimmy Kimmel and Lisa Kudrow) step out of a taxi cab, enter the family home, and introduce Tim to his brand new baby brother. Tim quickly feels neglected. For example, his former bedtime ritual of both of his parents coming to his room to read him stories, sing him a special song and hug and kiss him goodnight turns into both of them running up and down the hall towards the baby's room and then passing out from exhaustion on the livingroom couch. But not only does Tim resent the new baby, he becomes suspicious of him. That baby doesn't seem to be acting like a regular baby. Tim thinks the little tyke isn't who he seems to be. Tim thinks that baby is up to something, and… Tim is absolutely right! He catches his baby brother talking – talking in complete sentences – on a (toy) telephone! Tim confronts the baby and the baby answers him! This Boss Baby (voiced by Alec Baldwin) tells Tim that he's on an undercover mission for Baby Corp., the company which produces and distributes babies all over the world. Baby (whose actual name we don't hear until late in the movie) demands Tim's help, promising that once his job there is done, he'll leave Tim's house for good. Tim's parents work for Puppy Co, which is developing a new kind of puppy that will cut into the amount of family love available to babies more than any previous puppy model before it. With Tim's help (and the help of other babies – voiced by Conrad Vernon, Eric Bell Jr., ViviAnn Yee and David Soren – whose parents also work at the company), Baby plans to infiltrate Puppy Co, find out what they're working on, and stop the company and their CEO (Steve Buscemi) from turning any more baby love into puppy love.

"The Boss Baby" is pretty creative and a lot of fun! Screenwriter Michael McCullers (the scribe of the last two "Austin Powers" movies, "Baby Mama", "Hotel Transylvania 3" and "Shrek 5") successfully expands the premise of Frazee's novel to make it worthy of a feature film. Director Tom McGrath (helmer of the "Madagascar" movies and "Megamind") makes sure the screen is filled with colorful, imaginative and enjoyable scenes to propel this childhood adventure to its very satisfying conclusion. The talented voice cast delivers solid performances and the computer animation lives up to the high standards that Movie Fans expect from DreamWorks films. The story is a throwback to earlier styles of animated kid adventures, reminding me of "Toy Story" and similar older movies). The result is a film that's mostly kid-friendly (with just a little coarse language and a bunch of toilet jokes and shots of baby butts) and may even make parents feel a little nostalgic for movies from their childhoods. "The Boss Baby" is pretty boss – and is great fun for the whole family. "A-"
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The Boss Baby: Predictably quaint
Platypuschow30 August 2017
Alec Baldwin stars as the titular character of this much hyped Dreamworks animation and though it's not exactly going to blow anyone away it's an entertaining fluff piece.

Predictably sappy, following the usual tropes of the genre and with the type of humour customary for these types of movies you can do a lot worse with 90 minutes.

One thing I liked was just how much adult humour they got in, that kind of lightweight stuff to appease the parents watching these kind of films with their kids.

The only shocking thing to come away from this is the fact the sequel isn't available until 2021! Fun stuff but don't expect any surprises.

The Good:

Quaint in that predictable way

The Bad:

Quaint in that predictable way

Things I learnt from this movie:

Puppies are evil

Babies coming from women's vaginas is a false rumour (Never did sound right)
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Subliminal and Pedophilia References
christine-362009 August 2017
This movie is one piece of work.

Im highly sensitive to hidden messages and symbolism and let me tell you that this movie goes beyond trying to normalize a corporate world. After the intro, i was already sort of bothered by some of the "humor" within the scene. I hadnt said a word to my husband about my concern when HE himself looked at me dead faced and said "there is aaaallloottt of subliminal s*** going on here." As we continued to watch, one reference after another and even action was just blowing us away. How could any of the creators be OK with this kind of humor thats supposedly aimed at children? Its sickening and down right desensitizing to young minds. There's nothing OK with subliminal messages suggesting sexual acts between a grown a** man in the form of a baby and a prepubescent boy. There really is something going on within the entertainment industry and this movie very well suggests that.
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Fun, lighthearted with extraordinary performance from Alec Baldwin
rannynm24 March 2017
Dreamworks' The Boss Baby, is an extraordinary, fun and lighthearted animated film based on an award-winning picture book by Marla Frazee.

7-year-old Tim (Miles Christopher Bakshi) had the perfect life and the full attention of his parents until one day, a new arrival took it all away and became the Boss of his family. Tim and Boss Baby face sibling rivalry, trying to both win the affection of their parents. Much to Tim's surprise, the two bond when they join forces to uncover the evil plot of the CEO of Puppy Co. And in the midst of it all, Tim and his new brother Boss Baby (Alec Baldwin) learn the true meaning of the love of family.

The Boss Baby is fabulously directed by Tom McGrath, who you might recognize from his work on all three Madagascar movies and Megamind. He says that the movie is partially an apology letter to his own brother for all the grief he put him in when they were young.

My favorite character is Boss Baby. Alec Baldwin voices this character with great panache. His witty personality mixed with a take-charge attitude bursts through the screen. I feel that Baldwin's voice talent in this is one of the key reasons this movie shines.

My favorite scene is when Tim and Boss Baby work together to sneak into Puppy Co. and attempt to steal the secret file. Watching a working large scale replica of one of my favorite games when I was young (Mouse Trap) was particularly fun. Also, there are many toys from the 70s and 80s included which I enjoyed. Several times I found myself times trying to find them in the scene. There are so many magical moments throughout. As an only child, it's funny that there are times the movie made me want to have a brother and, other times, I'm happy to be an only child.

The Boss Baby is an enjoyable film safe to keep you and your family thoroughly entertained. Director Tom McGrath states "I want this movie to draw you in and make you move to the edge of your seat, not pull away from the screen" and I believe he achieved that goal. It is rated PG for mild humor and I recommend it for ages 6 to 14, although the whole family will enjoy it. I give this film 4.5 out of 5 stars. It opens in theaters nationwide on March 31, 2017 so, go check it out.

Reviewed by Tristan T., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.
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This baby's a nice surprise
Mr-Fusion24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's another shining example of marketing gone wrong. That "cookies are for closers" line that was in all of the trailers for "The Boss Baby" made it seem like an obnoxious kids movie, especially one that shamelessly mines one of Baldwin's greatest lines for cheap laughs. I dreaded this movie for that very reason, and the line (as delivered) actually comes off rather organically. It's no big deal at all.

I liked this movie more than I thought I would, that's for certain. Despite the character designs (those dilated pupils get old quick) and a sticky-sweet ending, the theme of first-born displacement is pretty touching. And the LSD-inspired humor in a baby's love for its binky was surprisingly inventive; also surprising is the comedic value in a wizard alarm clock. Seriously, the laughs come when you least expect them.

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JoelMatsui2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is a bit transparent with its easy predictable plot and holes. There way are too many unexplained but though weird events that happened which makes it hard to watch. For example: Why is the baby dressed and well delivered by a taxi? How come that the parents never found out about the true existence of the Boss Baby even though the clue's were too obvious.

I know it is an animated comedy, but there are still way to many errors for an movie that had the potential to become something way better than this.

Computer and editing work is great, sound and music is mwua, but I just don't really like the plot and its fly blown humor.
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