Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game 2020) Poster

(2020 Video Game)

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Cyberpunk 2077: Masterful storytelling hold down by its flaws
Mallario26 December 2020
TLDR: 83/100 (probably going up after patches similarly to The Witcher 3)


Cyberpunk 2077 was among the most highly anticipated games in history. Its brought to us by the same developers of the Witcher games which, in addition to the casting of Keanu "Breathtaking" Reeves, is probably what made this game as hyped as it was. With all this hype this game was destined to be a failure for some, for me however it was probably the best gaming experience I have had all year. Despite the amazing writing it is just average in some of its "RPG" parts, this did not hinder my enjoyment much, but it might lower yours significantly.

Story and Characters:

Main Story:

Cyberpunk's Main story (around 25 hours) is relatively short, especially when looking at the Witcher 3 with its around 50 hours. The biggest weak point of the story is the first act. It mostly just serves as setup for the main story and introduction to the world, this is also where your chosen live path only ever plays a major role, which is somewhat disappointing. After this pretty generic 3-4 hour long introduction the story jumps to its high point and stays there for its entire run, it's an incredible story where you as V get to decide how it plays out. Once starting the second act you will stay at the edge of your seat throughout the entire journey. The ending is an emotional banger, and it does not really matter what ending you get, V's fate is always a punch in the gut, always fitting with the classic themes of the Cyberpunk Genre and the World of Night City. Another detail i find fascinating is that the name of every quest is the name of a song and said song matches the tone of the quest pretty well. Chopin for the final was such a fitting choice.

Side Stories:

The side quests are where Cyberpunk truly manages to outdo most games I have played prior. If you read this right now and have yet to play/finish this game, go play through the side missions even if they seem meaningless at first most develop into mind-boggling stories that show what kind of bleak future for the human race is prophesied here. The side quests always end with though moral choices, they also further the understanding of Night City and how AI "lives" in it (Delemain quest line or "Coin Operated Boy") to a disturbing look at Night City's politics in "Dream on". Not to even mention the more personal quest that are equally as amazing, especially the four main ones with one romance option in each (depending on the gender of your charatcer).

Those often surprising developments lead me to always do every side quest. You never know if the basic "kill x" side quest you just started develops into the best quest of the game. There is also some foreshadowing in some side quests, adding greatly to the replayability of the game.

The Side quests also majorly influence the endings you can achieve, doing some side quests will open up 5 more possible endings. You are free to rush, only playing the main story, but also can experience the game in its entirety and get something totally different as a ending.


The Characters are the heart of the game. The story is great and raises interesting points regarding AI, our possible future and body modification, but the characters in this grim world are what makes the ending so emotional especially with what happens while the credits roll.

However, V, is the in my opinion worst written one. The 3 live paths did introduce you to him but never really gave huge insights to any bits of his past. Every other character is believable, and you get to know them greatly, from goals, past to personal struggles you get to know everything about the people living in and around Night City.

The Characters of Cyberpunk 2077 are more than you might expect at first glance, the most prominent example here is clearly the man, the myth, the legend Johnny Silverhand. He is also the character most prominent throughout the story and the one that undergoes the most surprising but amazing development. The others are not much different though, they all are so well fleshed out and developed that once that ending hits, it really it's hard.

Gameplay and Sound

Combat with balancing issues Its all up to you how to approach a mission, you can just run and gun, hack the enemy into killing himself or bring out your blades from inside your arms. Across the board everything here is pretty average and not groundbreaking in any way, the game is clearly not about the combat and more about the story, the amount of variety however does make up for it. A huge problem for the combat is that the different aspects are not that well-balanced in my opinion. Melee and Hacking/Stealth feels way too strong. Another problem is that missions turn from hard to very easy in no time at all and even turning the difficulty to the highest level does not make them more challenging.

Leveling up:

They handled the role-playing features very well in my opinion. There are attributes and perks. Attributes are here more major while perks are more specific. The Attribute points are sparse, and you can't get all maxed out. That further increases the replay value since you can't get your Attribute points back. Always trying different builds will be one of the main reasons to replay this game.


The pretty average gunplay gets compensated here. The Gun sounds are what makes the combat fun pair that with the banger that is this games soundtrack, and you will have fun just shooting up some cyberpsychos. The Voice acting is also top-notch.

The AI Its just bad. Nothing more to say, it surely is a downgrade from games that came out a couple of years ago.

The World: Night City

Open World: Atmospheric but not the next GTA CDPR's worlds were always about stories and not about you interacting a lot with it. What you experience in this game you experience in the quests, not in any side activities. There is not much interaction with the world. Its mostly a stage for the characters to play on. You have an apartment, but it does not feel like "home" because you just can't do anything with it. Just don't go in it expecting it to be a Rockstar game, because it is not. However, the atmosphere in Night City is amazing, driving through the rain as never been better in any game i have ever played. Its also very detailed, you know by looking around in which district you are, what people live here and how they live.

Visuals Its stunningly beautiful. My old GPU really surprised me with how good games can still look with it. The Photo mode also is a great addition to really capture the beauty of Night City. Its not well optimized though, it does run relatively smooth but dips below 40 fps at times. Even on moderate settings.

Technical Problems

It seems the ones i had were relatively mild but still decreasing the enjoyment to some little extend.Especially when i had to reload just because i got stuck with a quest which happened at least 3-4 times. Technically speaking its clearly a mess but the same was Witcher 3 and look how that turned out!

Wrapping it up Despite all the flaws that this game indeed has. The miserable AI, the lack of interaction with the world (even The Witcher 3 had Gwent) and the balancing issues, just to name the biggest ones. It has Groundbreaking characters, themes and stories to carry the game. Pair that with the beautiful world that is Night City you get a Breathtaking game that is worth every penny i paid for it.

The games foundation is superb, it just needs some more work and neat extra features and its a contender for my personal top games of all time.
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Great game except for one little thing
andersondavidthomas10 December 2020
I'm aware that I'm playing it on the Xbox One and my processing power is not up to where it should be for that seamless experience. This game is meant for Next Gen consoles, which is a struggle since not everyone can afford or even get a new system with them selling out like crazy. Gameplay wise the exploration and depth is fantastic and the blurriness of an Xbox One vs the new systems, is distracting but not a deal breaker. What is frustrating is how many times I've crashed and have had to redo missions but that also gives a fun change to approach the same mission in a new way. It's a complete, polished, and super detailed game but I wish it would run better on Xbox One and PS4.
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A great game with a terrible release.
kobemackenzie13 August 2022
Cyberpunk had one of the worst releases of all time. It had so much bugs and glitches that it was barely playable. But after a while majority of it was all fixed and that was when I got it. And after playing thought the game it's not that bad it's has a compelling story with some Beautiful graphics the open world feels alive and the combat is not that bad you basically become an unstoppable killing machine by the end of the game. Keanu Reeves was one of the best parts of the game he is with you all though out the story. The game also has it's own choice wheel where you pick what your character says and the choices you pick will affect the story as a hole. The game has about 6 different endings so there is always a reason to replay the game. There is tons of additional content to do after the game with tons of side quests and collectables to find. The game also lets you select your origin story and that will make different characters react to you differently and you can only meet certain characters depending on your origin story. Overall the game is not bad it just had a bad release I would recommend to play it now as the game is not that bad anymore.
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figginsjoshua27 December 2021
For me, this game has completely redeemed itself.

From playing it at launch I was thoroughly disappointed. With all the glitches and bugs I just kept forcing myself to enjoy it, but I've given it another go on Xbox Series S and it is like a brand new game. I feel like this is what the game was supposed to be like when it first got released. The graphics are smooth, no bugs/glitches; you get the odd visual glitch where something won't render in but for me that is very rare. I'm loving this game at the moment and I'm starting a brand new save for the third time now. Give this game the hype it deserves.
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The Best Game I Have Ever Played
PossessedLamp14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It had its rocky start, but now, it has a lot less bugs and had a major graphics update. I played on Ps5, and it worked amazing. On to the actual story and game, it is amazing. You are immersed in the world of Cyberpunk, with the neon lights and tall buildings, never knowing when you're going to run into trouble. The story is beautiful, with characters that you actually care about and choices that impact what happens, whether someone dies or not, or whether you die or not. The cast is also amazing for this game, giving the characters life. Combat mechanics are great, and being able to mod yourself with cyber-ware is one of the coolest experiences I've seen in a game.
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mikevestering28 September 2023
This game is not just a game to me. The world feels alive and so does every character in the story and side stories. Truly alive and fantastic. I've played countless games in my life but this experience changed my life. I changed my life path in real life due to this game. I know it's just a stupid video game how can it be so amazing?! Yeah I have no idea. I can't put it into words but this is such an immersive and mature game. It is funny and emotional and real, raw and deep. I love being in the world of this game. I love replaying this game which I never do usually. This game makes me feel things and that is quite an accomplishment trust me :). Every inch of this game and its world is interesting to me and playing through the story doesn't feel like you're doing missions like in most games but it feels like a natural progression and unfolding of a complex and unprecedentely deep narrative. There is also such an incredible feeling of evolution in the story; once you think you know what the stakes and direction are going to be the game throws something completely unexpected at you which changes your adventure and investment in this new adventure. In short: this is my favorite game out of all of the games I've ever played.
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yorkypro10 December 2020
This game is.... well, AMAZING. The wait was worth it, even though it did kinda suck... We have great graphics with an overall great story (and Keanu Reeves which is just another plus). Thus far I have no complaints.
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I wish they delayed it further back
jacobaanes13 December 2020
CyberPunk 2077 is one of the most immersive games I've played in the past year, it is also the buggiest game I've played in a long time. The game doesn't feel finished, it has pop in issues, cars blowing up for no reason, I can't see my own guns half the time, I've seen more trees in the game than I have in real life, that is exaggerated but I can see trees across the world from me as they exist on this plane of sight that is jaw dropping in it's stupidity and also in my 25 hours of gameplay I've experienced 5 crashes. I'm amazed as to how a game can be in development for so long and turn out this way and I can't recommend it at the current $60 asking price for PC. I can't imagine what it's like on console. I would pass until they've fixed the bugs and issues that are in the game.
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Better than I expected and hoped
artemiyovod10 December 2020
Just imagine, waiting for the game to come out for eight years, and when it does it exceeds all your expectations. There was an indescribable feeling when I just turned it on. Honestly, I actually cried. This is exactly what I wanted to see. Incredible graphics, vast opportunities for the customization of your character, global detailing of the smallest and seemingly unnecessary objects, comprehensible gameplay and of course THE DIALOGUES and their INFLUENCE ON THE GAMEPLAY. At moments moments like this, you understand that you have not waited for this game for so long in vain. There have not been such a number of innovations in a single game for a very long time. This is the new generation Half-life. New engine, awesome visuals, brilliant plot. On the downside of things the game is still pretty raw, since it just came out. But, I believe, gradually, the developers will fix everything, so you shouldn't worry about that too much.
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Excellent story/characters/quests, flawed sandbox
petra_ste13 December 2020
I'd put the Witcher 3 up there with my top ten games of all times, a serious contender for the best written RPG I've ever played, competing against Planescape: Torment and Knights of the Old Republic 2.

After the triumph of Wild Hunt, the hype for this new release of CD Projekt RED was insane, which is leading to strongly mixed reactions. Eight MILLION preorders is an incredible result; however, a certain part of the fandom seems to be receiving this as well as the last season of Game of Thrones, churning out scornful memes at impressive speed.

I've read console versions have important issues in terms of visuals and stability. On my PC no complaints on the matter, the game looks neat and I've encountered no major bugs.

More than a cyberpunk Witcher 3, however, this feels like Deus Ex: Night City.

Writing is typically fine, both in the main and secondary quests, with memorable characters and solid dialogues anchored by strong voice acting. CD Projekt RED has a knack for creating NPCs far more interesting than the usual quest-delivering puppets.

What doesn't work? Well, the open world sandbox element of the game lacks immersion and feels rushed compared to, say, Red Dead Redemption 2, which came out two years ago. Night City is vast and looks impressive (I particularly like its verticality) but kinda feels empty, because NPC (and vehicle) AI is lacking and, well, there's not a lot to do other than quests. Some features reek of cutting corners, like the awful police AI: when a crime is committed a bunch of angry cops will spawn behind you like law-enforcing, trigger-happy ghosts and start shooting. It's so rough compared to the sophisticated reactions of lawmen in RDR2.

My advice: if you liked, say, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and want to play this on PC for the story and characters, Cyberpunk is strongly recommended. If you crave an immersive sandbox cyberpunk experience ("GTA 2077: Blade Runner"), wait for new patches and see.
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A technical Disaster on Consoles
felixn-2954810 December 2020
Playing it on PS4, i decided to buy it for PS4 because i was hyped like never before, but i have should waited for PS5, it's unplayable, it feels and looks like a 10 year old game... i will wait for the free Upgrade to play it...

P.s.: sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker, but wanted to write it in english to reach more people.
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Changed my mind :) After negative review
leonidasoriginal6 November 2022
Uh, man do I need to take back my words. After writing negative review a took time to play through again and noticed what made me loose track of the game story. After secind play I've noticed you need to follow certain "rules". For example - if you want one route you need to finish specific quests and stick with a certain path. If you jump from mission to mission things can become unlogical and detached in terms of story. Game is good, much much better than I first thought. No matter the ending (except the pistol one), all endings are interesting. You just stick with one storyline, don't jump here and there, and it will make sense. The game is both straight forward or chaotic since everything is there for you to play but if you for example stick with Panams track or Rouge, you get logical storyline.
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A savage reception that needs a fairer perspective - credit where it's due
seanoff27 January 2021
Its a crying shame that the release of this game was faced with so many bugs, problems, issues and mess ups that detract from the sheer brilliance of this game. I've been blown away by Cyberpunk 2077. I was fortunate not to experience many of the issues that other users have had, only minor, comical on occasion, mishaps, but despite this I was enthralled by its virtues throughout. I didn't get too bogged damn in the usually monogamy of the filler content standard in games such as this, delving instead into the storyline and was hooked immediately. Got to say, this was written like nothing I've seen on TV, games or many of the movies that get so much hype today - exceeding them all, truly masterful. Acting by the cast is spot on. I'm not exaggerating at all, the story, characters and script of the main story line (and associated side quests) are phenomenal. What a reward to see the less bleak storyline finales play out because the bad, twisted and quite frankly horrifying epilogues chilled me to the bone. I'm gutted that the developers (and co) were pushed for completion so recklessly, resulting in commitments that didn't allow for the end user experience promised. Gutted mainly because the subsequent reception generally ignore or detract from the amazing wonders Cyberpunk has achieved. I was fortunate; my experience was epic. The gameplay, sound, the pace superb, the depth of character development, the investment of the numerous people that cohabitate the rich world of night city really left me moved and satisfied with the experience. The things they did get right are incredible. I spent hours marvelling at the intricacy and sheer ambition of the cityscape, the raunchy ads that give a disturbing possibility of the status quo to come, the dystopian savagery of one very possible future the next generation may experience. I'm blown away by this title. What an experience. I truly hope all the hardship the development team has faced eases and is replaced with the respect and credit they deserve.
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Loved it!
Morejambo5429 December 2020
I played this game on release after waiting through its many delays and was happy with how it turned out. For my first time going through the game I chose the Corpo life path which was very enjoyable. My main complaints about the game are the dialogue: each character talks a lot about fictional technology which can really make conversations feel long and boring, the combat: it isn't bad, it's just mediocre, the range of weapons is great the ways you can use them is as well, the hand to hand combat is dreadful(probably the worst in any game ever but it can be avoided), the bugs: now, this is everyone's biggest complaint but personally I haven't seen any game breaking bugs yet and I have played through the whole game, I have only had some minor bugs that I can laugh off. Right, the good parts of the game is definitely the story. I adore the story, it's so interesting and the fact that it can change for people is incredible, it makes the game very replay able and my ending was so satisfying. The start of the game is also great and gave and great feel for it. The middle part was alright, there was some speed bumps which can be expected when squeezing in a lot of information in a limited time. The characters are also amazing. I've heard some people say that Keanu Reeves character, Johnny Silverhand, was dry, but I loved the chemistry between him and V. The other smaller characters where great as well, especially Jackie. If the game was released without any glitches it could have been one of the many greats! 8/10 get past the frame rate and bugs and simply play for the story and characters.
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Worth the wait
joshj-5105510 December 2020
The game was definitely worth the wait, plays and looks really good and the storyline is written really good huge props the CD Projekt red
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I will stick by this games side until the day I die
zanderxpeters27 July 2021
Let's get one thing straight, yes this game has bugs and glitches. But that's what updates are for, to fix things. Do you think CDPR wanted to make a game full of bugs? I mean look at Fallout: New Vagas, Skyrim, and hell even the first Red Dead Redemption has many bugs. The people who worked on this took 8 years out of their live to give you entertainment they put their heart and soul into it. They didn't take the short cut like Anthem or Mass Effect: Andromeda. Give this game a chance. If you look past the bugs you'll get an incredible game with an amazing story, stunning graphics, great characters, fun combat, and a blood pumping sound track to listen as you drive in night city. The game isn't in the best place right now. But CDPR will fix it. It even might pull a "No Mans Sky." I don't care if I'm the only person to say this: I love this game.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Could Have Been Something Special But Its Still Pretty Good Despite the Bugs
CANpatbuck366414 January 2021
The potential Cyberpunk 2077 had was amazing. Between the marketing material, how amazing the world looked and the hype somehow reaching another level, I pre-ordered and even bought the strategy guide. If you've been following the game, you know how things went upon launch. It was a complete horror show between the backlash from the community and all the memes and videos with some truly mind boggling glitches. CD Projekt Red's stock tanked and the game earned some special company with the infamy it created (Cyberpunk 2076 anyone?). Is it still worth picking up despite all the issues? I would say yes but with a few caveats that I will list below.

Are the glitches and performance as bad as you've heard? Yes... Unfortunately they are. I was beyond excited and despite reports of the game being a buggy mess... it only delayed me playing it for a few weeks. I still was tempted enough to fire it up. It crashed on me several times and key components like environments and certain characters took minutes to render instead of being ready instantaneously. I got caught in buildings that were broken enough to let me in but the doors wouldn't open to let me out and I fell out of the map a few times. The phone segments and the driving were the worst. But as much as I could continue to just list flaw after flaw, I did just get used to it and accept it. The game is good enough to overcome and after a trial by fire period, it became an almost non-issue. It was worth it in the end but I can't blame people for being upset or returning the game.

I want to get the negatives out of the way so I'll just touch on how the gameplay was overhyped. 2077 was touted as the revolution in open world RPG gaming, as the true game changer and it didn't have nearly as many features as it was advertised to have. It does have excellent elements in it but between building up your character, the missions or how interactive the world was, I had seen most of it before. With the futuristic environment, it was in some pretty packaging but most parts were familiar instead of awe inducing. It was still entertaining but it wasn't something that re-invented wheel for a sandbox mercenary game.

Getting to what I did enjoy about the game, Cyberpunk does have an involving story to tell. You get to pick V's origin story (another game element that didn't matter much in the end) but his journey through his ups and downs in Night City has a lot of fun, a ton of action and some surprisingly emotional moments. While it does start with the big heist gone bad (a familiar plot beat if you've played one of these types of games before) but between his relationship with Johnny Silverhand (a fun but vocally stunted performance by Keanu Reeves) and joining up with characters like Panam, Judy, Takemura and River, there's lots to explore and enjoy with their missions and their interplay. The game has a colourful cast of characters and while the main campaign is surprisingly short, with the side missions, gigs and cyberpsycho attacks, there's more than enough content to keep you busy in Night City.The characters actually develop and change with the beats of the story, V's love/hate relationship with Johnny and their dynamic might have been the most unique element of the game. How you can affect the game's story also had an impact. It was cool to be able to take different directions, talk my way out of conflict and pick how to deal with potential friends and enemies throughout the game. While some games champion choice as part of their narrative, Cyberpunk does back up that claim. You can fail missions and the story will keep going, save a life here that can benefit you later or sneak in and out of a compound without having to touch a weapon. You can play it your way and while that's not a entirely fresh idea, it is executed well here.

For all the graphical and rendering issues, this world still is beautiful when the game functions properly. Going from district to district, each part of the city is fun to interact with and has fun stylistic shifts. There's a huge disparity in Night City of who lives and works in each area, you can go from the City Center to the Badlands and the environment is completely different. You also have some cool designs from some of the gangs, the maelstrom gang being flunkies who go beyond normal cyber modification to the animals who reject the same modification and become steroid toting hulk knockoffs. There's a lot of variety in the game and you can tell there was a ton of hours put into re-imagining our world in this neon dystopia lens.

Despite all the hate and the problems, Cyberpunk is still a game worth spending your time on. The story, characters and the world are worth the investment even if the game was released too early and needed to be cleaned up. I don't blame fans for being outraged, not everyone can afford a top shelf PC or a next gen console (which at this point in time is not readily available either, so if the game is primarily sold on the older systems, its reasonable for people to expect it to work). While games are rarely glitch free these days, these types of bugs are pretty hard to explain away. Give it a shot with some lowered expectations, maybe wait until they've released some of the patches to improve your experience and hopefully you can get it at a lower price point. Unless you've got some impressive gaming hardware, in that case go nuts.
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A game that could've been huge.
doesitactuallymatter15 September 2021
Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that was obviously conjured up to be a huge platinum, AAA hit and that, for not totally clear reasons, it fell very short of achieving that.

The best way I could describe it would be this: imagine that the game was very well thought-out, a lot of resources and creativity put into it to make sure good ideas were concepted and developed, a very solid base laid out in terms of the overarching structure and design of the whole product but that, at some point, the budget was pulled from the game and developers ordered to wrap it up for deployment in the cheapest, quickest way possible with whatever resources they had at the time.

The whole game and most individual aspects of it feel wide but not deep. Everything about Cyberpunk 2077 feels fine but very few things feel fully realized.

Let's take Night City, the actual place the story takes place in, as an example. When you are in the outskirts of town and you look at the city from afar, it looks majestic. When you get close to that cityscape and look the faces of those very same buildings from a close distance, things start to feel off. When you are down on street level and look up towards the tall skyscrapers all the way from below, it looks amazing but when you actually want to climb or interact with those skyscrapers, you're denied of that. At first glance, everything is nicely-modeled, detailed, realistic, intriguing and inviting but on closer inspection, disappointment takes the wheel. Even the initial quests and introductory areas really conjure up the notion that you're in a vast, unexplored world that's alive and that has a ton of things to see and experiences to enjoy. A few minutes later, however, when you actually walk down the streets of the town and are left to free roam, everything feels incredibly generic and empty. In the first firefight, the level layout is engaging, there are many tactics to approach it and there's a sense of imminent danger. When bullets start flying, you can shoot pieces of plaster and concrete off the walls really allowing you to appreciate a sophisticated and promising physics systems that would make any battle much more interesting and satisfying. Yet all of these promises get diluted very quickly and the rest of the game has nothing to do with the initial impressions.

It's hard to put a finger on what exactly creates this disappointing vibe. Whatever the cause, I take a look at the game world and it's very clear that this was set up to be a huge game with a lot of content and high quality subsystems but for some reason this vision was left unrealized. All pedestrians do one thing: walk in a straight line, 90% of the buildings you can't go into, as if they were made of cardboard, highways and avenues are, at times, populated with only one or two cars and so on and so forth.

This phenomenon also trickles down to the actual missions and gameplay content. Most side-missions are just 'steal that', 'hack this computer', 'kill this NPC' and they become stale, repetitive, very easily. Also, they have pretty much no impact on anything tangible other than the self-contained experience of completing that mission. Dialogues? More of the same: most conversation choices are absolutely irrelevant and seemingly penned in as an after-thought to create some illusion of player interaction and choice. Even on missions where you are required to do things stealthily, if you don't, the only consequence is the quest-giver saying "hey, you're a disappointment" but rewarding you (albeit with a bit less money) for finishing the mission and calling it complete regardless.

Character development? Same deal-o. Yes, there was clearly some thought put into romance routes with different characters but all those scenarios feel like sketches of what they were meant to be. You can romance a character, have sex with them and all but confess your love for them and a couple hours later they are with you on the phone speaking distantly as if you had just met. Skill trees and character customization? Yup! There's like 10, 12 different skill trees and, save a few notable exceptions, they sure as hell don't feel like they mold or specialize your character into anything separate from any other character.

Let me beat the proverbial dead horse for the last time: there's this quest, right? One of those staple secondary questlines in modern RPGs you are introduced to very early on in the game, a pursue-at-your-own-leisure type of deal. We all know the kind. In this particular one, you have to fight a bunch of different opponents in street fights and, eventually, reach a big bad boss. When you finally beat him, nothing really happens. Yes, you are given some money. Yes, one NPC says "hey, good job!", but that's it. Even the NPC that hands you the quest and keeps tabs on progress through it all says absolutely nothing at the culmination of it. It's so abrupt and anticlimactic that a lot of people took to Google in search for answers having the same thoughts: "the quest must have bugged out" or "there must be a glitch where the dialogue for the finishing of the quest didn't trigger". But no: it's just the way it is haphazardly implemented.

There's definitely a pattern: the foundations for most aspects of the game are great and solid but something happened along the way and Cyberpunk 2077 became a rushed, unfinished, empty product instead of an honest labor of love. By the way, this company clearly knows how to make a hugely successful, beautiful game: they've done it with the The Witcher series. It's clearly not a matter of expertise or know-how. What's also clear is that the game was going to be bigger and better than what we actually got.

Having said all this, I still believe you should play this game through, at least once, if nothing else, for the main story.

From a technical standpoint, we all know the release for this game was awful and unplayable for some people, but as of today, in patch version 1.3 the game is playable. It still is glitchy and frustrating at times, but it's stable: just had literally two crashes in more than 60 or 70 hours of playtime and I could finish all content in the game without having to do crazy workarounds to finish missions (okay, maybe once).

Incomplete as it might feel, what's present in Cyberpunk 2077 can be fun. Depending on the playstyle, the basic gameplay loop can be pretty rewarding for quite a few hours, particularly if you can jive with the main narrative from a storytelling point of view.

Speaking of the story, I would venture to say that the main selling point of the whole shebang is the plot. It's interesting, it's more or less well narrated and structured and the interactions between the main cast and the world around them are, for the most part, compelling enough to leave you hungry for more. Hell, I'll say this: Keanu even had me in (very manly) tears a couple of times.

Now for some hyper-specific personal recommendations that most people will hate, but hey, who's writing this review?

1) Play the game in Japanese with English subs.

Don't ask me why, but it works. I never do this in any game, but there's something about the general aesthetic of Cyberpunk 2077 that lends itself to this. Feels much closer to the anime Akira and Ghost in the Shell than Bladerunner and Total Recall. It just makes the whole experience feel much more natural, engaging and immersive than hearing the English voiceovers.

2) If on PC, get the mod "Muted Markers".

Default loot visibility is weird and annoying, since you have to constantly be spamming your scanner for item markers to pop up and, even so, it glitches out and you might miss important loot. This mod fixes this and is the #1 quality of life improvement I can think of.

2b) If on PC, also get the mod "Annoy Me No More".

Removes fall damage (come on, people have cyberlegs and can telepathically hack into stuff but they die if they drop from a 20-feet-high ledge?). Other very good quality-of-life fixes that you'll probably want to install are bundled in this very same mod as well.

2c) If on PC, also get the mod "Holster by Tap". Whoever designed the holster/weapon cycling for the PC version was a sadist.

3) Play a Netrunner.

The whole playstyle revolves around hacking people and devices while remaining more or less away from the action. It starts out a little slow and it's a bit gear-dependant, but, after a while, the way you can control and dominate multiple enemies instantly and safely with quickhacks becomes pretty fun and unique to this game so it's probably something you want to experience to some extent in your playthrough.

4) Play a time-stopping Samurai.

Grab a katana, the Qiant Sandevistan Mk. 4 "Warp Dancer" cyberware (don't punch Fingers!) and 3 Sandevistan heatsinks. This is one of (if not *the* most) fun builds in the game. If on PC, there's an essential mod that really fixes the mechanics in this build to what it should've been by default: it's called "Better Melee". It contains not only fundamental fixes, but it there's also a module that gives Mantis Blade functionality (basically a leap-to-enemy attack) to any melee weapon, which makes katana builds super fun. Very highly recommended.

4b) If on PC, get a trainer that has a 'no cooldown on skills' option.

Being able to use your Sandevistan to time-stop constantly, combined with the "Better Melee" addon turns you into an anime Samurai. Freezing time, rushing a room slashing through and leaping to every enemy and thawing time to watch them all get dismembered simultaneously is oh-so-satisfying.

6) Play a knife-throwing ninja.

By default, the knife-throwing system is ridiculous and unusable, but if you're on PC you can get a mod called 'Enhanced Throwing Knives' that makes knife-throwing absolutely viable as a build and while the stealth shenanigans are not great in the game because of AI and the skill tree, it's still fun and a decent option if you prefer a less direct approach.
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The Best Comeback in Gaming Since No Man's Sky
cchenders4011 November 2022
At launch this game was a 3-4 out of 10. Now it is without question a 10. If I am looking at the game in its current status it is one of the greatest RPGs of all time. It has had a no man's Sky level come back. It is a most play. The story and characters are amazing, night city Is dense and immersive, the missions are so fun and clever, driving is fun, and combat and stealth are addictively goood. I can't praise this game enough, play it!

There are also many amazing branching story lines based on your choices with fairly different endings. I've never played anything like it with such a unique and personal story.
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It is playable and there is nothing completely broken, but it is also a huge buggy mess man
EasternZZ11 December 2020
(REVIEWS AT LAUNCH) Honestly there isn't really a big thing that separates this game from other first person shooters. This isn't WITCHER 3, which had a huge lore and amazing world building to it. Witcher 3 has elements of other stuff but it is mostly its own thing in terms of weapons, magic, and story.

Cyberpunk 2077 is basically Matrix mixed with Deus Ex, mixed with Bladerunner, mixed with Butcher Bay, and a little bit of Witcher 3's level system.

The shooting is fine but I prefer Rage 2's shooting system. The one thing people will say about this game AT LAUNCH is the funny and sometimes gamebreaking glitches that happen. An example is; I plugged myself into a machine to hack it and then I froze and couldn't do anything, I've seen cars float in the air, dead bodies buried half into the cement ground, dead enemies disappearing after dying, enemies who are alive but just stand there looking at you, enemies getting their limbs stuck on a door and they begin convulsing, enemies who can disappear disappear underneath cars and get stuck there, and so much more.

Oh boy, CD RED will probably fix these issues but yea, most people are right when they are talking about the problems. THIS GAME NEEDED ANOTHER 6 months - 12 months of development time. Honestly it should had never been released for PS4 & X-Box One because those are basically unplayable slideshows. This is a PC review using a GTX 2080S.

The graphics are a mixed bag, the lighting, guns, and cars look good enough, but MY GOD the characters faces are a blurred mess. It seriously look like early PS3 faces. The characters tattoos are a huge ugly pixilated mess. It is unbearable to look at. The textures on the wall, candy machine, items in shop, posters all over the cities, and newpapers are completely horrible. It looks so pixilated.

Overall at Launch I would say it is still a 7/10 because the world is big enough and the shooting is decent, just have a camera nearby because I have been taking pictures of glitches to show people.
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Hououin_WalterKyouma11 December 2020
Medicore storyline,cheesy dialogues,horrible designs,this game doesn't even come close to top tiers like gta,skyrim,witcher,dishonored,bioshock,red dead...

complete nonsense gameplay mechanics,even GTA San Andreas from 2004 has better physics,npcs,shops,police A.I,gangs,bars than cyberjunk 1977.

Congrats cdpr,you guys have achieved most overhyped game in history
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A real work of art.
berglund30312 November 2022
This review is odd. I can honestly say this game is still broken in some ways. But story wise this might just be 10/10. I played it when it was releaced, from start to finish (including 99% of extra. The game in the beginning was not that bad. People where abit to harsh. This game is huge. Every thing looking hella good. Already on release I would have gave it a 10/10. So now (if anyone is reading this)... I just played thro the entire game again. Diffrent character also a female (was a dude last time). The thing with this story, its so amazing that you make your "own" choices and the choices change the game and how it feels. Alltho you can say its all scripted, yeah ofc it is. But it does not feel like it when you play. The beginning of the game is kinda odd and feels abit rushed but thats only like 1% of the game. If you have not tryed this game and only heard the bad things its perhaps hard to understand but to me: This is one of the best games I have ever played, if not the best "Story based game" I have ever played.

Maybe I will comeback in a few years and try it again. But from my 2 times playing the entire game (160+hours ingame). I can only say that this is one hell of a game. Story wise nothing comes close. Thx for reading my ramble. Have a nice day/evening/night choom.
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laxcheezit12 December 2020
This is a REALLY great game, it just has a lot of bugs. But it has a huge support team to make patches to the game and sort all of them out. Anyone who is complaining about this game is talking about the bugs and glitches, but literally every major title has that problem for a while. GTA 5 still has it, RDR2 had holes in the world you could fall through, Fallout is just... Fallout. This is a great game you will LOVE to play, just wait a few months for the bugs to be hammered out. If you don't believe me, go watch a streamer play the first few hours of it, it is a great game, just a bit glitchy.
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Most People hate this game mainly for fixable bugs and performance issues, and ignore every other positive thing this game has
wwwwqqqq15 December 2020
First thing I have to say... If have an old gen console DO NOT BUY IT, it's much better in current gen and PC, don't waste it on old gen.

the game has an interesting main story with a lot of replayability and one of the best side quests I've ever seen in a game, the driving is a lot better than what I expected and the melee combat is not bad at best, hacking enemies and objects are really fun, i just wish we had more quickhacks, ranged combat is also deep and has a some good RPG elements, the skill trees are just bunch of passive abilities, unfortunately not enough action abilities, the AI is... meh, they need to work on the AI before releasing any new DLC, also why the hell can't i change hair and facial hair after making a character???

Overall the game is a must buy and if you can't ignore the bugs the game currently have, keep it under the radar for future updates, because the same thing happened to The Witcher 3 on launch and look at it now
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You can literally live in it
Turanic14 December 2020
I am 36 hours into game, on PC... What does it have to offer? Decent main storyline with Keanu Reeves quite often commenting on the choices you make... There is a truly huge amount of fully animated, voice acted side quests with missions ranging from stealth and small army encounters to chasing ai cars .. In most missions you have multiple ways to approach your enemies... Decent real time combat , I am focusing on ranged weapons, but I know you can focus on melee/implant combat if you wish... Hundreds of abilities to choose from, upgradable weapons, charcter implants, stats , you really have a huge choice for your character build...
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