98 Reviews
~~Amazing Movie, shows you the events after the war, and sets up the Boruto movie coming out on October 10th~~
Shengalang14 August 2015
Out of all the Naruto Movies that I've seen (I've seen all of them), I rank this one the highest among the "Must Buy" list. Why? Because it's the only one that actually develops the overall story-line. Events that occur in this movie will have direct impact on the overall plot to come in the next movie or manga. You can't say the same about any other Naruto movies such as Blood Prison, The Lost Tower, and Bonds because they offer nothing to the overall story- line. For example, the situation between Naruto and Hinata in this movie will explain the events that happen in the future of the main story. This is not the only example of course, but I just wanted to give you a minor example of what I meant without spoiling anything. In any case, the movie is more like a sequel for the Fourth Shinobi War more than anything. The beginning of the movie shows you the technological advancements after the war as well as how all the characters are doing. The rest of the movie sets up events that happened to Naruto and Hinata while setting up the upcoming movie Boruto that comes out October, 10th!!!
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A beautiful conclusion!
adikelkar26 January 2021
People might have polarizing opinions about this movie, but for me personally I don't have a problem with how they have shifted the overall narrative of Naruto from action to romance, though this film is not at all short on action. Looking at the chronological order, the events in this story occur after the war just before the final 4-5 episodes of Shippuden which has the Naruto wedding arc. Hinata is a girl I have rooted for since the Naruto season 1 days. She loved the least cared about boy in the class from the very beginning and ends up with the strongest man in the 5 nations and a war hero. I also love how Naruto matures over the course of the movie; being the usual goofball who is too dense to understand Hinata's feelings towards him but realizes it after seeing her dreams and hopes how her love is pure and unadulterated ever since they were kids. Every guy should have a girl like Hinata by his side and this movie is a testament to that! For those who have seen Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, I would definitely recommend this movie and for those who haven't, I would 100% recommend watching Naruto and Naruto Shippuden and this movie! Its a beautiful end to a beautiful saga and even though Boruto in ongoing, I am sad to see this story end!
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A great send off to Naruto's journey
inuyatta26 February 2015
If you're like me, you've been following the story of Naruto almost from the beginning, and you're in it 'til the end. Well, here it is: And it's a beautiful end, especially given how hard it was for our hero growing up.

Every bit of this film was crafted with loving detail, from the beautiful (if barren) landscapes to the nostalgic instrumentals that helped to narrate the beginnings of the story. Our characters have grown into wonderful, capable adults and the story does a decent job of tying into some of the unresolved plot threads left over from the manga.

The only real con is how many characters fight scenes were fairly short or excluded altogether (probably due to time constraints and to keep the narrative focused). The film is not lacking for action, but it's not as evenly distributed as it could be--however, this film is about Naruto, so it is natural that the hero receive the majority of the focus.

The characterization and plot were painstakingly revised and re-revised by the original creator, Masashi Kishimoto, and it shows--it shows so beautifully how our favorite characters have matured into adults, leaving an unbiased audience feeling a little wistful at the realization that these babies are no longer babies!

Please, if you were ever fond of Naruto at any point in your life, do yourself a favor and watch this movie so you can see his long deserved and well-earned happy ending. It's not only satisfying, but it helps you transition over to the next part of the story which should be coming soon.
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I wish it was 4 or 5 hours long! Naruto & Hinata forever!
abhibnlcs22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie finally delivered what many fans have been waiting for years. A true love story and a final expression of love from Naruto to hinata.

I really wish it was longer and we'd seen more time of when hinata and Naruto were finally together.

For Naruto fans : this is perfect send off movie to the character we love and cherish. Our hero finally got everything he deserved. When he kissed Hinata, all I could think of were Kushina's last words to Naruto. Minato & kushina must be so happy.
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Kishimoto is awesome
uzumakinaruto-6068715 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first screenplay by Masashi Kishimoto the writer of Naruto Manga. The movie is about how Naruto Uzumaki finally falls in love with Hinata Hyuuga and at the same time realizes how much Hinata has loved him ever since they were small kids. The movie shows the deep bond the two share and is among the finest anime movies of all time. For Naruto fans the movie is an amazing experience which is filled with great action sequences featuring Naruto in Kurama Mode fighting Toneri, Naruto defending Hinata from being kidnapped and many more. There are a few funny moments as well but the movie is basically a love story that most fans had been waiting to watch. The soundtracks in the movie are truly beautiful. For those who haven't followed Naruto in the past, there are a few things that they may not understand but the movie is still quite enjoyable. For hardcore Naruto fans this movie is bound to leave them emotional(some with tears) and wanting more. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did.
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billyrosehag11 December 2017
Naruto as a whole has a very special place in my heart. Having followed it and the incredible journey that both Naruto and the rest of the cast has made during the last 15 years has for the most part one filled to the brim with joy, anger and tears. Sure, the quite large amount of fillers that has plagued the series has quenched my thirst for more Naruto from time to time, but when the filler arcs reached their end and the canon episodes began once again, never did I not feel the urge rush right back. I have watched him and the rest of the ensemble grow up right along myself and my non-anime, actual real friends. That sort of commitment will undoubtedly create some sort of bond. Conflicts has sprung to life and ended, sometimes they ended up happily and sometimes the didn't. At the center of all conflicts, the main event, the main plot has although pretty much remained the same for the duration of the series, I am of course referring to the rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke. When Shippuden reached its end, that feud finally came to a close and in a quite beautifully way if you ask me. And although most other plots was resolved by that time, one still remained. The unspoken love that Hinata felt for Naruto. That is was this movie is about, to at last see this subject come to fruising. As the Title suggests, this movie marks the last chapter of Naruto's journey as the main character, it is also the first of the Naruto movies considered to be Canon which is about time if you ask me. Come to think of it, The title is in my mind a pretty stupid title. I would much more prefer it if the changed it to "At last" instead, since it carries a lot of "at last" moments.

In many ways, this is more of a romantic movie than a action oriented one. Sure there are fighting sequences spread out across the two hour duration, there is a villain, but sadly he was profoundly underdeveloped and his motivations were nearly as bad The Thousand Years of pain technique is strangely effective. But all that stuff is just a backdrop for the main focus, which is without a doubt the love between Naruto and Hinata. However, the way it plays out differs for the two characters. For Hinata, it's all about finally mustering the courage to tell Naruto how she truly feels while Naruto comes to the realization about Hinata's feelings and therefore needs to evaluate how he in turn feels towards her. These sections of the movie is when it shines the brightest while the actual conflict remains quite generic, stuffed with anime tropes.

Since it shifts focus in regards to the other movies, At Last has a different tone. It has a more dream-like feel to it, almost surrealistic, striving more to visualize how Naruto and Hinata perceive the world as they contemplate their emotions towards one another. As you might imagine, this gives the movie a slower and gentler pace compared to both most of the series and the rest of the movies. It is for the most part refreshing to behold, but sometimes these moments outstay their welcome and as such, invite restlessness and boredom.

It would have been easy to make Naruto react in his often childish ways, but I am glad to say that they have allowed him to process these emotions and revelations in a mature way while still retaining what makes Naruto Naruto. The growth that he goes through is done in a very convincing and satisfying way and is definitely the highlight of the film.

Another aspect that I liked but that also exposed one of the movie's biggest faults was the fact that the movie almost gives Hinata as much screen time as Naruto. I would like to change the title a tad more and instead call it Naruto and Hinata: At last, which is good as a romance is very seldom a one way street. This does however lead me to my biggest BUT. Giving Hinata more screen time is a great move, but it is not utilized in a good way. Hinata's greatest moment in the series is easily when she leaps to Naruto's rescue mere seconds before he would meet his demise at the hands of one of Naruto's greatest villains, Pain. At that moment she stops being her usual scared self. She stands proud and is certain of what she must do. Her words and actions does not carry even an ounce of insecurity. In short, she's badass. This movie presents a great opportunity to show of more of that badassness. To show us how Naruto comes to see her, as this incredibly strong and selfless person who is willing to sacrifice all for the one's she cares about. regrettably, none of that comes to pass. She remains a damsel in distress from beginning to end, incapable to do anything but wait for Naruto to come to her rescue. If not for this rather important factor, this movie could have been so much more. If Hinata instead got to show her true strength, if it let her save Naruto instead, Naruto and Hinata: At last would have been great instead of just good.

I watched both this and Boruto: The Naruto Movie last night, beginning with this one, and as the credits rolled began to roll I came to the conclusion that this was the best Naruto movie I had seen thus far. The Animations were top-notch, the music both grand and befitting. This movie marks the end of and era and the birth of a new, hopefully the next generation of stories that unfold in the Hidden Leaf village understand that Damsel in distress is a thing of the past.
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Great movie, but the real magic is in the pages of the novel!!
raraja-276166 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The novel of this movie provides more explanation. It's beneficial to both watch the movie and read the novel since it's canon and written by Kishimoto himself.

In the novel, Naruto fully expresses his love towards Hinata which I didn't fully perceive while watching the movie. After reading the novel, I understand that the author made Naruto's feelings towards Hinata very clear and it's evident that both characters are made for each other.

If you don't like how Naruto and Hinata's love story was written, try finding other things that make you happy. To me, this storyline is the best romantic tale from Kishimoto. He keeps it going throughout the series. Maybe you didn't get it because you never really tried to get it.


Kishimoto begins developing Naruto and Hinata's love story right from the start, when they're very young. Hinata gets bullied and Naruto steps in to protect her. There's also a scene where she's crying at night and Naruto comes to comfort her.

This kind of deep connection between them isn't something you see often in the show. They meet when Naruto doesn't have any friends, literally no one and they're still kids. From these early moments it's clear that Kishimoto didn't lie in his interviews when he said he decided Naruto and Hinata would end up together right from the beginning.


If you pay close attention to the entire Naruto series you'll notice that Naruto has had several significant fights, such as with Neji, Pain, Obito and Madara. But without Hinata, he wouldn't have been able to overcome these challenges. Kishimoto continuously develops their relationship during these crucial moments.

In these instances, Hinata is the one who truly inspires Naruto like no one else can literally no one.


Before the Neji fight Naruto was extremely nervous. He couldn't sleep the whole night. But in the morning Naruto opens up about feeling like a failure to someone for the first time in his life, which is a big deal.

If you pay attention you'll notice that Hinata is the only person Naruto feels comfortable being open with. Naruto regains his confidence after Hinata's speech about proud failures.

In the manga you'll notice that Naruto is blushing at this moment. However, in the anime they didn't animate it.


Naruto releases 6 tails in a snap just by seeing Hinata getting killed. It is clearly stated in the manga that it is the worst feeling he ever feltb(He only got 4 tails because of Sasuke.)

Naruto is horrified and devastated by the thought of Hinata. In his rage he clutches his chest and was willing to give up and unseal Kurama.

After he gets back to Sage mode, he later takes a huge sigh of relief knowing that Hinata is safe. Later in CH 490 in manga he says that the reason that he went kyuubi mode was because of Hinata, only Hinata.

Naruto may feigned indifference because he felt bad about Hinata protecting him instead of the other way around but later on he thanks Hinata for saving him against pain. (This argument is used to counter the argument that he ignored her.)

Madara and Obito:

Naruto intimately holds Hinata's hands to his face after almost losing his way as a ninja following Neji's death. It's a remarkable moment because Naruto for the first time was on the brink of giving up entirely to the enemy.

Hinata snaps him out of his sadness reminding him of his Ninja way and encourages him to stand with her. Even Obito feels emotional at this moment lol. Naruto thanks Hinata for being by his sideband they hold hands in front of everyone.

(What supported Naruto through his heavy sense of loss was the deep love of Hinata who had always been by his side, focused on him - written by Kishimoto.)


Naruto expresses to Hinata that he really likes people like her. After her proud failure speech.

He cheers for Hinata when she's afraid of Neji showing his annoyance towards Neji for taunting her.

Naruto makes a BLOOD oath for Hinata, fighting for her honor.

Throughout the fight, Naruto constantly thinks of Hinata. In the manga, after defeating Neji the first person he looks for is Hinata although this wasn't animated.

(Naruto fights for Hinata's Honor. Her Ninja way inspired Naruto as he declared that he would win - written by Kishimoto)

EP 426, Naruto senses Hinata's distress in Infinite Tsukuyomi without hearing her voice. He rushes to help her without either of them saying a single word. Naruto hear Hinata's mental call isn't it cool?

Naruto like "yo, sasuke that be my wife calling" LMAO


In the Kakashi Shinden novel. Their bond deepens to the point where Hinata even helps Naruto pull pranks on Kakashi.

In the Shikamaru Shinden novel, Sakura tease Naruto about Hinata cause they are getting closer even she could sense something happening between them.

Indeed, Kishimoto's explanation in the novel Naruto's love for Hinata wasn't sudden as many people say but rather a realization that had been growing over time.


Here are some thoughts of Naruto in the novel that you won't find in the movie until you read the novel.

1. The way Hinata feels about me this means she lo-lo-lo.

2. Were all those part of my memories? No, I don't think those are just ordinary memories. And so about Hinata, does that mean that I also.

Naruto turn red when he looked at Hinata.

3. After seeing Hinata knitting scarf, Naruto quietly removed his own scarf made by his mom and hide it.

4. Hinata was smiling like a flower. To Naruto, it was a kind of happiness he was feeling for the first time.

5. The sense of happiness he experienced in the hours of that afternoon with Hinata it was like a sweet and sour, light-headed overjoyed feeling that Naruto had never known until now. It wasn't normal. It was a special happiness.

6. Naruto sat next to Hinata on the stone floor. Naruto was in awe of Hinata's face. He felt the impulse to trace that beautiful outline with his fingers.

7. Hinata shyly hide her exposed armsnand her expression as she blushed and caused Naruto's chest to tighten.

A-anything is fine I have to say something! I've got to say something! Naruto thought.

He had to put his current feelings, his emotions, his thoughts, all into honest words and going to confess to Hinata.

8. Naruto felt like he wanted more time. If the world ended like this he would lose his chance to confess to Hinata. He just couldn't bear to die with these feelings hidden in his heart.

9. Shikamaru had noticed that Naruto and Hinata were rapidly getting closer. Naruto falling in love.

10. Naruto looked into Hinata's eyes. Her pure white pupils were wavering. He took a breath and all at once, finally he confess to Hinata. (I shorted everything here cuz this is the best moment and I don't want to ruin your fun.)

11. He had known since long ago that Hinata had said she loved him. However, Naruto had confused Hinata's love with the kind of "love" as in "I love ramen" or "I love shogi" He must have caused her so much pain. Perhaps now he was receiving his punishment for the long years of being dense that was how Naruto felt.

12. Naruto was in a critical state. Hi-Hinata Hinata ttebayo! The incoherent mutterings that Naruto occasionally blurted out were of Hinata and nothing else.

13. Naruto explained the situation to Sai and Shikamaru. The scarf that Hinata knit for me. It burned up. And when I saw that I felt pathetic like my bond with Hinata was destroyed along with it. Silence fell between them.

14. Naruto thinks he is worthless. Naruto didn't move. A tear ran down Naruto's cheek. (Naruto crying here)

15. The person whom I truly loved was in there. Hinata, this big idiot finally gets it, wait for me, you've always, always loved me, and as a man, something I have to say to you Hinata! I swear I'll bring you back!

You'll never find these valuable insights in the movie but rather in the novel written by Kishimoto himself. That's why you may have some questions after watching the movie but after reading the novel I don't think you will have any.

I copied a lot of things from online forums to give you a brief explanation. Also, here are some valuable points you've been seen by reading the novel and entire series:

1. Naruto never confessed his love for anyone directly except Hinata.

2. Naruto never showed his weaknesses and failures to anyone except Hinata.

3. Naruto never cried for any other girls except Hinata.

4. Naruto never felt romantic feelings for anyone but Hinata.

5. He lost hope several times but he always regained it because of Hinata.

6. Naruto didn't have any friends or relatives who cared for him during his childhood except for Hinata even before Iruka.

7. Naruto never felt worthless but in novel, after losing Hinata felt worthless.

8. Naruto deeply regretted and called himself an idiot because he didn't understand Hinata's feelings earlier. That's why he's getting punishment.

9. Naruto can hear Hinata's mental call even without her uttering any audible voices.

10. Naruto never kissed any other girls while fully conscious and of his own will, except for Hinata.

Kishimoto clearly created Hinata solely for Naruto and Naruto for Hinata, developing their relationship from the very beginning and slowly. Few never seem to get it. Kishimoto always intended for Naruto and Hinata to end up together and Sakura was just added according to him - to spice things up.

He definitely trolled readers and aimed to be unpredictable like Naruto. If you notice the purpose of his narrative as author, you'd realize that Naruto and Hinata were meant to be together from the start.

Also, Kishimoto said in his interview that Hinata is not like an ordinary heroine who stands by the main character's side. She is the type who watches him from shadows.

Aww thanks for reading that long. Finally, I was happy cuz my boy Naruto got the best girl who would die for him without hesitation and has loved him from the start when others didn't give him any value.
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QringeEmperor14 December 2019
Believe it, this is an awesome movie. Watch it now.
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The movie was allright
sanjusupercool131 December 2017
Not bad , not really good . Positives first - Amazing voices behind these characters as always. Beautfiul animation great action scenes Character driven stoey which wass great as the characters of Naruto are top notch. Disadvantages Not a great story overall Really bad background music Te story is focused on hinata and Naruto , while i think they are cute together , i dont think hinata is a n interesting enough character Overall i would recommend Naruto fans to watch it just to visit these characters but dont expect much.
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A Well Matured Movie
adzandroid7 December 2015
I know I'm quite late to review this movie, but as says- "Better late than never. Well, i still can't stop thinking about this film. I never expected the movie to be this great. I was completely overwhelmed watching this movie. I'm a big fan of "Naruto" series and this movie really knows how to keep up the expectations.

If i talk about the story than it was Awesome, you never always get to see an anime movie with such strong and potential story background. The Concept of kidnapping the younger sister of Hinata was something new to watch and was a visual treat. The Movie Keeps evolving better and better in terms of Maturity.

This Movie personally revolve around the connection and romance of "Naruto and Hinata". If i were to talk about the "Romance" in this movie than it's something unusual. Even the romance in this movie comes with maturity. They really did balanced the romance in this movie, and i personally liked the romance of this movie. This Movie shows how naruto ends up with being "Hianta". The Movie might be too slow but it's fun to watch and not a single point made me bore. Eventually, I personally love 'Hinata' rather than 'Sakura', so it was a bit plus point for me.

Even the fighting sequence was maturely executed and even the small cameo fighting sequence of "Kurama" was great to watch. Naruto has changed a lot in terms of fight-hing sense.

Overall- I would definitely recommend you to watch this movie. It' a well matured executed movie. You'll be definitely surprised to see the "Newly Grown Naruto".
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The last of its generation
jaysshukla20 September 2021
The Last : Naruto the Movie is all about NaruHina. I think the movie is alright. The animation is beautiful, the fight scenes are choreographed well. It is because of the romance element, that the movie feels dragged but I am satisfied with the characterization of Naruto, Hinata and Toneri. Sasuke fans may feel disappointed but even in his barely 1 minute of screentime, he managed to make an impact just like any other major characters. The ending credits should not be missed. You feel like Iruka how far Naruto has come when you watch the wedding footages of Naruto and Hinata and all other characters with the exception of Sasuke being their attendees. You would also easily notice Hanabi holding Neji's photo. Even the mid credit scene of Sasuke and the post credit scene of Boruto and Himawari should not be missed. The Sukima Switch's song Hoshi no Utsuwa make these scenes look even more beautiful.

A must watch movie for the Naruto fans.
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words cannot describe how great this movie is
obey-danielles-motto13 October 2016
The Last: Naruto The Movie (2014) The Last: Naruto The Movie was produced in 2014 and was made at a studio called Aniplex. Currently the Naruto series has 8 movies in total. This movie was directed by Tsuneo Kobayashi, who has produced and filmed other popular anime movies and shows such as: The Twelve Kingdoms (2002-), Montana Jones (1994-), and Drunken Angel (1948). Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, wrote the script and screenplay of this movie. Naruto has many popular voice actors such as: Junko Takeuchi (Naruto Uzuamki), Nina Mizuki (Hinata Hyuga), and Jun Fukuyama (Toneri Ôtsutsuki). The Last: Naruto The Movie takes place two years after the Fourth Great Ninja War has ended, but now the ninja world faces a new threat. The moon begins to descend towards Earth threatening to wipe out everything on impact. During the commotion, Hannabi Hyuga, a fellow shinobi and Hinata's kid sister, is kidnapped by the alien, Toneri Ôtsutsuki. It is up to Naruto Uzuamki and 4 of his fellow ninja comrades: Hinata Hyuga, Sai, Sakura Harino and Shikamaru Nara of the Leaf Village to destroy and extinguish the approaching threat. Even though the film is about the 5 Great Ninja Nations coming together to exterminate the incoming threat, the film mainly gives an in depth conclusion on the relationship on the Naruto's love interest, Hinata Hyuga. I have always been a Naruto fan and I have watched it since I was in elementary school. Many fans have been waiting for a movie that concludes what happens to the village and how the characters mature into their adulthood and how they have become stronger as shinobi. It is a beautiful ending, especially given how difficult it was for Naruto growing up as an orphan child. Every bit of this film was crafted with devoting detail, from the beautiful landscapes and sceneries to the nostalgic instrumentals that helped to narrate the story and bring it all together. Our characters have grown into brilliant, capable adults and the story does a fantastic job of tying up some of the unanswered plot threads left over from the manga. Although the fighting scenes were fairly brief, they were filled with much action and were highly anticipated. The fighting scenes, also, came together so gracefully and the background instrumentals made it come together as well, but the fighting scenes weren't as evenly distributed as they could have been. The film is supposed to be about Naruto, so naturally the hero received majority of the focus. The characterization and plot had been modified by the original creator, Masashi Kishimoto, and it beautifully shows how our favorite characters have matured into adults, leaving the audience to come the realization that the characters we have come to know and love, are no longer young and reckless children. If you were ever fond of Naruto at some point in your life or if you want to see a great love story, do yourself a favor and watch this movie so you can see his long deserved, happy ending. It's not only satisfying, but it helps you transition over to the next part of the story. This film did a fantastic job balancing out its formal techniques and thematic content. The film took a little over a year to make due to extensive editing and cinematography, but it was worth every painstaking moment. The counterpoint or background music played a huge role in the making of this movie. If the scene is supposed to be sad, the music would come to ensure that you felt that way. The lighting also played a critical part in the film, as well. The lighting made characters seem bigger than they actually were. It gave the allusion that the character was superior to everyone else. The Last: Naruto The Movie has many genres such as: action, romance, comedy, and adventure. This film does a fantastic job with bringing all of the sub genres together. The graphics came out to a beautiful finish with a great plot.

This film can be described in many words but the word that comes to mind is simply beautiful. It received 7.8 out of 10 on IMDb but I believe it deserves a 10 out of 10. It was a master piece. This film also stood out among the many other Naruto films with the graphics, developing the characters, and the action was all amazing. It shows how they have grown, changed and matured, stirring at the hearts of the many Naruto fans that have watched it from the beginning to the end. Words alone could not describe this film's beauty. I strongly recommend this movie to Naruto fans and even the people who have never seen Naruto before. It is a film you should not miss.
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Christmas Ninja Iron Sky
siderite14 December 2015
I will rate this as average, as I have to compare it with all the other Naruto movies and series and manga. That is, with something silly to begin with. However, I thought a lot before reaching this conclusion because, while the serialized manga/anime was entertaining, this was merely... melancholic. You know, like the last bit of a thing that you used to love, so you have to love it by force.

The story is the classic "overpowered villain threatens something Naruto loves, so he gets his ass... convinced that he was wrong all along", but they kind of ran out of villains, so they used Moon ninjas! I kid you not! And all the while having this really soapy romance thing between Naruto and Hinata. And you get all those clichés about protecting and not giving up and how if you are a girl you are pretty much helpless when faced with the real villain.

Bottom line: it was a way to reminisce about something that in the end I only read as manga, but was very entertaining to me, so I don't regret it. But moon ninjas?! Come on!
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horrible movie'
anikas929 December 2014
horrible movie. road to ninja was popular because it gave time to all characters, and we got a sense of team 7 again (somewhat). the manga was originally about team 7, this movie just took that away. i like naruto and hinata together, really but they should have given the other couples some screen time too instead of leaving them hanging. i mean, even ten minutes each ? sasuke and sakura at least deserved some screen time, they're the main characters aside naruto, and the fans die to see team 7 moments again in combat since we haven't had those animated since narutos first season.

ALSO they really should have given us some team 7 moments since this was the last movie we would get to see those. everyone loved the last moments of team 7 in the manga, that's what people like. TEAM 7. not naruto and hinata love throughout. they could have taken it side by side... naruto, hinata, sasuke and sakura in combat. that would have been epic, and would have addressed all the fans out there. Be is team 7, sasusaku and naruhina. that would have been an epic movie.
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Kishimotos Work at its finest!
jessehenare30 January 2015
Beautiful is the only word that can come to mind when thinking of this film. It was a master piece, and it was written by Kishimoto himself. This film also stood out among the many other non-canon films that have been produced, adding a bit more than your usual jam packed action. Believe it or not, but this is a story of Love, presenting the birth of the bond between Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga. It shows how they have grown, changed and matured, stirring at the heart strings of the many Naruto fans that have watched it from start to finish. Words alone could not describe this films beauty, so I will say no more. What I will say is, I STRONGLY recommend that all of you fans of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden watch this. It is a film you should not miss.
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So-So Film Plot, Yet Gives Kishimoto's Work Fine Closure
valen06021 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Since 1999, Masashi Kishimoto introduced to Japan and eventually many outside countries the world of Naruto. With an Anime adaptation debut in 2002 that spanned so many episodes in the last decade, including various movies that have released spawning from the TV show's success, there comes a time for a renowned manga/anime series to have some proper closure. Fortunately, I managed to catch 'The Last: Naruto the Movie' during its limited release run at a local art house theater and I have to say it starts off splendidly with the characters several fans would already know since the show's humble beginnings.

The film takes place about two years after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War conflict, where Naruto and his former comrades have matured since. While Naruto is now well-liked among his peers and (humorously) many female admirers over his heroic efforts, he has one more mission to take care of when his village is threatened and his love is captured.

Ever since I can remember, I've followed the Anime throughout its first series and have barely caught up on its second series Shippuden, but after cluing myself in plot-wise, I know that the romance subplot between Naruto and Hinata was usually hinted upon frequently and became clear during the Fourth Great Ninja War arc. While the movie gets off to a great start by introducing the characters having matured physically and mentally (even with some funny moments that were pretty laughable), story-wise it felt lacking since the villain felt more like a generic "filler" arc character that is easily disposable and not as memorable as the true villains like the Akatsuki were. For several fans who have shipped for 'NaruHina' since day one, they finally get what's coming to them during the movie's promising climax. The action sequences were pleasantly animated and complex at the same time, but what I found really disappointing was Kakashi and Sasuke not being featured that much in the film, let alone any true Team 7 moments, but I'm undeniably grateful they've given the whole subplot between Naruto and Hinata decent closure, especially when it's accompanied by various audience members loudly cheering and applauding to their romantic ending.

To be fair, I wouldn't call myself an avid Naruto enthusiast, I'm more of a casual fan who likes to see loose ends being tied up and having various conflicts resolved. I'm aware the movie has several flaws and not at all perfect, but after an impressive 15 years, Kishimoto sure tied up one loose end in particular and I loudly applauded the way the movie ended.
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There's good news, and then there's bad news...
shannonigan-201992 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie was AWESOME, but I'm realizing that I have many questions about it. It was 70% Good. 30% bad. The movie was like an hour and a half, and I promise you Sasuke was in there for less than 30 seconds. Kakashi maybe 5. The only main characters in the movie were on the poster, so we couldn't see how everyone else was doing. Some characters didn't even show up like Shino, others like Tenten, Kiba, Konohamaru, Gaara, Temari did but they were just background characters and maybe said one word or one line.

Hinata and Naruto love story was kinda stupid because Naruto found out she liked him instead of her telling him, I won't say how, and he just automatically fell in love with her, like stuff like that doesn't even happen, they concentrated on that more throughout the movie than anything else. And then there was this advancement of technology that was outrageous. People taking pics with cellphones and such.

No Team 7 action which I was kinda expecting and hoping for since all 3 of them were on the poster. But nope. Music soundtrack was good, and the fighting scenes were awesome.

The villain was a beautiful man but he was so wimpy and wasn't worth being a villain. Shoulda had someone like Madara up in there, movie would have probably lasted a little longer. Villain didn't really put up a fight, when he got punched into a wall, he left and retreated into the moon promising to not bother anyone. Wimp.

It was fun watching it with other Naruto movie goers but, overall, the movie could have been so much better, and a better plot. Moon PURPOSEFULLY falling towards earth was silly.
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kevinkkurian-8845331 May 2021
One of the film on the planet Best story structure Must watch A treat for Naruto fan.
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The Goods and The Horribles
wacka10824 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly the only reason I'm giving this movie a 6 and not a 4 or 3 is because: 1. The romance. I was originally a NaruSaku but ehh whatever lol. If you think about it THE ONLY PERSON THAT WOULD MARRY SASUKE AFTER WHAT HE HAS DONE AND PRODUCE HIS OFFSPRINGS WOULD BE SAKURA! NO ONE WOULD MARRY THAT LUNATIC! And the only reason IMO that Sasuke even "slightly loves" Sakura is so he can revive the Uchiha clan by producing children. Well ANYWAYS the romance was cute. 2. The humor. I honestly have to say I never laughed that much while watching an anime ever. Shikamaru and Sai and Choji had the funniest jokes ever haha! Also Kurama was HILARIOUS! The facial expressions had me dead laughing haha! Shikamaru's smart remarks were also funny!

Anyways the reason this didn't get a 10 was:

1. The villain, Toneri. He wasn't a "LAST MOVIE" villain. He honestly could've easily been a "filler" kind of villain. Maybe during the Hinata fillers that recently occurred. For the movie they should have had a more serious villain. Toneri was just not fit for the task.

2. The story line of the movie and the plot was just bland. I mean really? Fighting on the moon? C'mon Kishimoto... What were you thinking?

3. Another thing was the henchmen of Toneri. They were shooting Ki Beams like they belonged in Dragon Ball Z. Like c'mon. If this movie is "The LAST" Movie why would you bring in this whole new thing? Yeah they're from the moon but seriously? Ki Beams?


Sai: 50mins

Shikamaru: 40mins

Naruto: 40 mins

Hinata: 40 mins

Red Scarf: 40 mins

Sakura: 30 mins

Choji & Ino: 15 mins

Kakashi: 10 mins

Konohamaru and his team:2 mins

Rest of the Kages: 2 mins

Tsunade: 30 seconds

Random Girls that have a crush on Naruto: 10 mins

Yahiko/Pein (NOT EVEN PART OF THE STORYLINE): A good min


Like what the heck? Seriously that Rasen Shrunken was curving in a full circle killing 10- 20 villains.....no friction slowing it down? Nothing? No blowing up like how it usually does when it reaches its target?

6. Sai OVERUSED his drawing jutsu....like OKAY WE GET IT...YOU HAVE SCROLL BEASTS!!!!

7. Naruto's new hair and look was **IMO** weird. I wanted this Nostalgic feeling while watching this movie. Not just to get used to this new look.

Overall I would've like The Movie to either have a BETTER Villain or no villain at all. IMO I wouldn't have minded watching a movie with no villain and just showing us how the Ninja World is now and how the characters have developed. Honestly I was falling asleep in the middle of the movie due to lack of an interesting plot. It's worth watching and i might even watch it again but honestly overall I KNOW Kishimoto could've done WAY better.
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The Last Great Anime Movie - Kishimoto
gamesoft3324 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A masterpiece of a great story Manga, quality animation, music, and a good plot

I do not know the people who hate the ending naruto, about NaruSaku, if you look at the entire series Naruto you will understand why he chose Hinata, though Naruto likes Sakura as a child, but when in Shippudhen, Sakura says she loves Naruto, but Naruto refused sakura, because he knows Sakura loves Sasuke, it can do you mean that he is no longer like Sakura

The Last Naruto the Movie is a romance movie that is extraordinary good, storyline, fight scenes, moments, the quality of its animation, and especially Hinata, the story of the film is adapted 2 Years after the Fourth Ninja War, tells the story of the end of the plan's Due Toneri .

Naruto known to be very sensitive, and attention to his friend, but he was very insensitive about LOVE, he can not feel someone who always followed him, always loved him more than anyone else, while Naruto child, living alone nobody cares about it, then it's a sweet girl understand, she is Hinata

Hyuuga Hinata feeling is very strong with Naruto, he is the first love and last love Hinata

Hinata, he had sacrificed so much for Naruto, which ultimately makes Naruto fell in love with Hinata,

Villain figure in the world of Naruto, not really as a villain, like Madara, Obito and Pain, the villain in the film was only made to build a story that how Hinata loves Naruto, Toneri very well as a Villain, running his role to be able to make Naruto became aware love Hinata
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the last isn't the best
jawneyfloros19 November 2018
Review: I enjoyed this movie because it finally brings Naruto and his love Hinata together. The direction and screenplay are both pretty good. The casting and acting are both pretty good also. All in all I would give this three out of a possible five stars.
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Excellent movie
fullmetalitachi4316 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie three times in Australian cinema so I believe I should write a review.

The animation for The last movie were absolutely spectacular, especially during the fight scenes.

The music was brilliant, orchestrated versions of the old Naruto/Shippuden soundtracks emphasized at the right moments. With the final battle being a remix of the original song as per the "Naruto series"

The plot was based around Naruto's love life with Hinata, which was really needed to give closure to the series. The ending of the Naruto series finished the fights within the village system perfectly, the fact that they focused on the love life in the movie gave it a great touch and a new sense of character development.

There was a brilliant mixture of battle and character development with a touch of reality to their human nature. They brought back the humor that makes Naruto the series we know and love today with Sai cracking jokes for almost every line. The development into the hyuga clan and to finally discover the origin of the Byakugan. The movie ends with a flash forward to the new series set to take off this year with Naruto and Hinata's children to take the lead. Coming to the understanding of where the Byakugan originates from and the power of that linage really sets the scene for one powerful kid.

Overall would see again and will definitely own on blu-ray!
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Naruto Shippuden the last good movie but a lost opportunity
pe_ep10 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the general idea of the movie, of course we needed a final movie with Sasuke and Naruto in a epic fight to close Naruto Shippuden.

The things I like The idea (place, bad guy, the motivation and other things) for the movie is excellent taking in mind how the manga ended.

The Naruto and Hinata getting together needed something like this for the fans, and to open the road for Boruto.

The fights are well done with good dynamics and beautiful drawings.

The credits really well done don't forget to watch.

The last clip after the credits makes you want a Boruto manga.

The things I didn't like the 2 thing i didn't like was how relationship between Naruto and Hinata develops, and that Hinata, in this movie that is made for development of his character didn't grow.

What I mean is that the movie should begin with the shy Hinata that can't speak with Naruto, and make them become more close and friendly through the movie, at same time Hinata should become more comfortable with Naruto and show her true power, and because of this Naruto Acknowledge her.

Hinata needed to have a moment to prove herself and the others in the final fight (of course Naruto should fight the final part).

The end should have been Naruto and Hinata been friendly going out of the moon with some comedy from Hinata's sister, and then the narration from Sakura meanwhile some clips without audio of Naruto inviting Hinata to some ramen, walking together, been playful ( Hinata still shy but able to talk to Naruto), and ending with a kiss.

This way the movie is not to romantic ( some times slowing the pace of the movie) and avoids the jump from been not even friends to be in love so instantly.

At the end not excellent movie but a good one, if you're a fan you need to see it, if you're not fan is OK, but you should start watching Naruto I bet you'll love it.
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Bad Plot, Unrelated Movie From Manga
starysky78 December 2014
OK guys so here i am going to be honest with you. First of all YES i hated the Last Movie. My friend from japan gave me the recorded one and he himself hated the movie. So first the movie is totally focus on two thins and they are, Scarf and Hinata? Who is Hinata by the way? I don't remember her being the main heroin or what so ever. The movie is a total failure. Also many Japanese people are disliking the movie. And my friend also told me that the only reason they sold out is that they didn't let people know the movie is solely based on Hinata and when people cancel their reservations they didn't gave them Refunds. That's very LOW of them. I mean this is a fraud! You people played a big game guys. My Friend was really frustrated over that.

No Back on the movie, so there is nothing to like about movie and Naruto is now Officially over for me because not only i hated Sasuke and Sakura's worse couple at the end of manga but now the anime is also changed from Shonen to Shoujo. By the why who even like Hinata? I mean i don't like Sakura and karin and Hinata was OK but the main thing about anime was never Romance but now they gave a movie completely based on Romance and with no link to original story even the characters don't even seems that they are from Naruto. Every thing got changed in the movie and now after fifteen long years we are told that Naruto never loved Sakura. That's a Big Laughing stock! Seriously i never saw a writer like Kishimoto who would ruin his own Story.

Not only the Manga ended with bad couples, the movie is also no less! My personal opinion is who ever is liking this movie is a Hinata Fan Only because its all about her. How lame!

Well whatever happens i did not despise Naruto with Hinata but they changed every thing for them and that's really sad. I was first just mad over Sasuke and Sakura's Couple because that's the most hated couple no matter what people say. They don't even make sense but now Naruto and Hinata is also not looking good.

Well my personal advise is: do not see the movie if you are a real fan of Naruto not Hinata!
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shonise_boyd-hawea31 January 2015
Written and directed by Kishimoto himself, this movie was just beautiful. I never expected this from a popular Shonen anime, let alone Naruto. It had a bit of everything, action, comedy but most importantly the simmering romance between Naruto and Hinata which the fans have been waiting for for years. It fills the gap between chapters 699 and 700 and highlights how Naruto has matured from an obnoxious kid striving to be Hokage to a mature young man who finally sees whats always been right in front of him.

I highly recommend it all you Naruto fans - its definitely worth watching.
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