Schitt's Creek (TV Series 2015–2020) Poster


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Stick with it, and you fall in love with the characters
misscharlietaylor22 November 2020
I must admit to really struggling to get into this show in the beginning. After Season 1, I couldn't work out why the reviews were so good, I just wasn't finding it that funny, and wasn't keen on the characters, but I knew I had to keep watching. I think the mistake I made was expecting it to be as laugh out loud as something like Modern Family for example. With Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy who have made me laugh so much with things like Best In Show and a Mighty Wind I was expecting the same thing. But then it just clicked, subtle jokes, characters that become more and more lovable each episode, and really touching moments which have made me shed a tear on more than one occasion. By season five I was feeling sad that there was only going to be one more season after this. This is so well written, and the first time I've seen Dan Levy in anything, and he is just brilliant. If you're thinking of switching off, don't, keep going!
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Pretty Funny!
Rob133129 September 2022
I've heard nothing but great things about Schitt's Creek for years but I still put off watching it for some reason. After reading the great reviews and ratings I finally gave in and watched it and so glad that I did because I absolutely loved it. It's just a flat out funny show, nothing really more to say than that. While it's not one of my favorite sitcoms ever it's still really funny and definitely worth watching. It's about a family the had more money than they knew what to do with but then lost it all over night. The only thing they retained was a small hillbilly town and they had to move there and the difference between their previous world and the world they live in now is what makes this so funny. There's a reason this show won so many awards and that's because it's freaking hilarious! Give it a chance and I promise you'll like it, it just might take a few episodes.
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Hated the ads, finally watched it and fell in love.
jacob-s-hicks23 October 2018
Apparently not for everyone, but I can not get enough of it. I HATED the ads on Netflix, HATED!, but somehow I finally got around to watching an episode....instantly my new favourite show.

Cast is stellar, offbeat quirky humour is my jam. Main cast and side characters fit so well together, people you don't need a laugh track to tell you when something is funny.

The shared mannerisms between the Rose family are one of my favourite things about this show, you could almost believe they grew up around each other. Consistent story line, sweet heartfelt moments, genuinely funny at times, horribly cringey at others.

As someone who has never reviewed anything before, (was it hard to tell?), I felt compelled to share my love for this show.
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A granny crushing on David Rose! :)
backofthevan1 September 2019
I'm one of the many who, I admit, expected absolutely nothing from a show called Schitt's Creek, so never bothered to even have a look in. Well, I'm here to say I have never been more wrong about a television program!

Absolutely love this, and I feel sorry for those who don't get the abundant clever-but-subtle humour that has obviously gone straight over their heads and caused them to leave bitter, whining, negative reviews. Too bad for them, but it's their loss.

Schitt's Creek grew on me episode by episode, so much so that I binge-watched the first 4 seasons on Netflix over a weekend! Once in, I couldn't leave! It just gets better and better and I didn't want it to end. I am now watching series 5 and will be awaiting the sadly final series come January 2020 (I hope).

I read too many negative reviews from people whining about CBC nepotism and the fact that Dan Levy got a job on this show through his father, so please take note: Dan Levy is the creator of Schitt's Creek, so it could be said he gave his father this job. Together they put this show together, and by bothering to read the credits it's clear that Dan wrote and directed (I think) many of the episodes.

On top of that, he plays David brilliantly! His sweetness, fashion obsession, insecurity, need for approval and wit are so cleverly played. People complaining about Dan Levy and his facial expressions: Hello! Those are part of his brilliant performance as David. All the characters express so much with just a glance, an eyebrow twitch or the sardonic curl of a lip -- words aren't even necessary with actors this accomplished! Daniel Levy: you have brought joy to my heart with your writing and portrayal of David Rose!

Alexis Rose is annoying, dreadfully so at first. But she learns, she evolves, she grows as time passes. As does David. They are very believable as brother and sister, even sometimes displaying similar mannerisms and expressions. Such clever writing, acting and directing.

I have laughed out loud watching Schitt's Creek. I have felt delighted, annoyed, surprised, cringey, charmed and deeply touched. Season 4 episodes Open Mic and The Olive Branch brought tears to my eyes. "That" scene in Olive Branch I have rewatched about a dozen times and will watch again and again. (Avoiding spoilers here so not saying more than that.)

David Rose. I just want to put my arms around him, give him a big hug, tell him he's beautiful and good and right and that everything will be okay.

Love, love, love Schitt's Creek. Love the humour, the satire, the subtle jokes and the big, fat broad ones, and most of all I love the love. It's a beauty!
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Comedic Genius
pfeiffermcrae25 October 2018
I have yet to make it through an episode without laughing out loud and I'm already on Season 3 after finding this show two days ago. This is one of the best shows that I have ever stumbled upon. The characters are perfectly cast and each is relatable in their own way. I cannot say enough good things about this show. Plus, Stevie and David are officially my favorite TV duo of all time.

Watch this show!!
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It grows on you!
haoweenie26 March 2019
I had a hard time getting into it with the first couple episodes, but after learning about the characters it really gets good. I really enjoy it a lot. It's just a fun show to binge!! And Dan Levy (David)makes the show!!!
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One of the most SUPRISING shows ever!
stormslinger4 January 2021
I had skipped over this show several times and have heard people raving about this show. My wife and I started watching this over the New Years weekend and have to say....WOW. This show is amazing! The writing is absolutely brilliant, the casting is perfect and I haven't found an episode yet (halfway through season 4) that I haven't laughed in. The old Riches to Rags storyline works brilliantly because at first, the Rose's are disgusted by everything. Throughout the show, they discover new selves after opening up to the town, it's people and the support of the community only seen in small town life. They all grow from their experiences on the show and they become such a lovable family.

The humor in this show is sublime. It is well-timed, sarcastic, dark and hysterical. David Rose (dan Levy) is the character that steals the show for me. His facial expressions, retorts and self awareness makes for an absolute riot of a time!

Listen to the reviews on this show and give it a chance...It definitely will not leave you "Up Schitt's Creek"!!
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Simply the best!
kmichaels-062053 July 2019
"Schitt's Creek" is about love and humanity, told in an absolutely hilarious way. The show gets honest laughs and the characters become like family. It is simply one of the best comedies of all time. It is certainly THE most important comedy to have prominent LGBT characters (sorry "Will and Grace"). A must see. Creator/star Daniel Levy is a comedic wunderkind. With the show ending with its 6th season, I can't wait to see what he does next.
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I grew to love every single character
vivlet26 May 2019
With a title like "Schitt's Creek" you'd think that this show would be full of nothing but crass jokes. That couldn't be further from the truth. It's full of heart, and somehow this snobby, annoying rich family grows on you more and more with each episode. By the end of Season 4 I had tears dripping down my face because of how these characters have found love through immense personal growth. My favs are David and Moira, but even though I found Alexis mostly annoying, I grew to love even her in the end.

I'm so glad I had this recommended to me by friends who insisted I watch it, because I never watch these types of sitcoms otherwise.

Thank you Dan Levy for coming up with this concept! I listened to him talk about the development of this show through a podcast and I have to say, I hope he writes more shows in the future.
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Very Funny Contrary to the Negative Reviews
bmccallum44427 January 2015
I don't know why so many negative reviews have been written about this show. Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are classics and it's great to see them back working together. Eugene's son is hilarious and I find their over the top impressions of each of their characters to be spot on. The actress playing the daughter in particular is demonstrating how I see the attitude and behaviour of a lot of the young people today- shallow, vacant and self absorbed. I find this show to be clever yet silly at the same time. Read between the lines and stop expecting this to be like every other tired sitcom out there. I find this show to be very refreshing and I look forward to seeing more episodes. I have never taken the time to do a review before on IMDb but because of the negative comments I felt I had to say something as I hope people will open their minds and give it a chance.
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A sweet, slow buzz; I love it!
anon99991 February 2015
A killer cast mixing vets with fresh faces, Schitt's Creek is a great new cable comedy (although it airs on network TV in Canada.) The cinematography and production design remind me of Shameless; the sharp writing and unique characters remind me of Silicon Valley. The slow and steady pace reminds me of the Christopher Guest movies that O'Hara and Levy were in. It's a rich pedigree indeed. And it doesn't disappoint.

I was puzzled why so many people didn't like it initially, but I think I get it: with a title like that, some people must have been expecting something juvenile, and laugh-a-minute. Schitt's Creek is much much better than that.

The confidence on the part of the filmmakers is evidenced by the lack of a laugh track, and further, the musical score is used sparingly. It can be hilariously funny, but what really hooks me is that it has a heart and a sweetness that other shows might be afraid to show. There are no characters in the show that are unlikeable.

It favors character development over easy laughs, and it may take a while for people to catch on to it, but to me this is a sweet slow buzz, and I am addicted.

Can't wait for more.
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GoalDigs21 November 2022
A couple of years ago, a friend raved about this series but I didn't pay it any attention. Then I recall seeing glimpses from award season where they won 9 emmys, and I still didn't give it much thought.

Cut to a few weeks ago when this showed up on my list of series'. (I'm in Greece and we have a device that has every network, movie, series', television from all over the world in one, it's a bit hard to explain). Anyway, I thought I would give this a go and I was absolutely floored as to HOW good this is! Laugh out loud funny and completely my style of humour. I absolutely adore every character but I especially love the character Moira's amazing dialect, vocabulary, witty expressions etc. So funny!

My husband also got hooked onto this and we RARELY watch the same series', so when we put our little one to bed at night after a long day, watching this together is something we so look forward to!

We're on season four so far and I know I will be absolutely gutted when we finish the show, I don't think there is anything else remotely funny or brilliant. The last show I felt such enthusiasm for was Catastrophe with Sharon Horgan.

Huge respect to the whole cast for the brilliance they pulled off.
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If You Don't Like It, You Don't Get It
sapphiremoon093 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not a fake review.

I rarely write reviews, but was reading the reviews for Schitt's Creek and got tired of all the unnecessary hate. This is a solid show and certainly doesn't deserve the horrible 1 star reviews it is receiving. If you don't like this show it is because you don't get it. It is much deeper than it appears.

Let's start with the name 'Schitt's Creek'. Already you know the show is going to be a bit on the goofy doofy side with a name like that. However, that is not all it is. Sarcasm, wit, talent, and depth permeate this show by way of refreshing jokes and characters.

Have we seen a hundred Roland Schitts before? Yes, but this time he is played by Chris Elliot which makes all the difference. Far smarter than he looks, Chris Elliot's 'Roland' is a gem of a character especially when paired with his adorable wife Jocelyn Schitt played by Jennifer Robertson. Roland and Jocelyn Schitt have real heart. These two nail the small town couple who not only love each other, but love their town as well. (Speaking of love, pay attention because this show's main theme is love if you take the time to notice.)

Stevie Budd. Ah, Stevie. Played by Emily Hampshire, Stevie is your typical "over it" girl. She has seen it all, heard it all and is rather unimpressed with it all. Her personality is deeply dry, sarcastic, and sometimes dark. She is also very capable and is often the voice of wisdom and reason. With all that said, she is tough, but isn't callous. She is caring, giving, and is a wonderful friend. We also get to see peeks of her weak side, the soft center protected by the hard exterior.

Note: While Stevie is a great character, she plays the best off David. I hope the show brings their closeness back as she seems to have been put on a shelf after the Stevie/David hookup thing.

Now, onto the Roses. Let's start with Johnny Rose played by Eugene Levy. Alright, Levy is comedic gold. Always has been, always will be. Does he serve up the level of talent that we have all grown accustomed to in THIS show? Yes! Yes, he does, however he does so with restraint. What I mean is, there is not supposed to be a main character of the Roses. Each Rose is meant to shine as brightly as the others without the show playing favorites. Now, each viewer will have a favorite (mine is David Rose), but the greatness here with Eugene Levy's character Johnny Rose is that he isn't pushed forward. If Johnny Rose was made to be even a little bit more in the spotlight, he would steal the show for sure! That, thankfully, is not the case here. We get to know each Rose equally.

Johnny Rose is an interesting character. He has the hilarious without-a-clue Dad vibe that Eugene Levy is known for. Always very slightly confused, Johnny is completely loveable. He is by far the kindest and most down to Earth member of his family despite having been the most successful. His "let's make this work" attitude is a breath of fresh air amongst his ever complaining familial companions. He is a good man doing the best he can in a "Schitty" situation. Love him!

Moira Rose. First, I think it is important to state the obvious fact that Catherine O'Hara, who plays Moira Rose, is just as talented as Eugene Levy. These two actors have played alongside each other a few times, and it is always wonderful. The on screen chemistry of Levy and O'Hara is fantastic. I have no doubts as to why O'Hara was chosen to play the wife of Johnny Rose.

Now, with that said I must admit that Moira Rose is my least favorite of the Roses. Ugh, I hate saying that as I truly adore Catherine O'Hara, but because this is an honest review, I have the obligation to be 100% transparent.

Moira Rose was a daytime television star turned rich socialite. She has a slightly inflated sense of self which makes her descent into reality even more entertaining to watch. She is the Rose that has the hardest time adjusting to their new lifestyle. She is a very loving, supportive wife as well. (I do love this aspect of Johnny and Moira as they could have easily been given a bad marriage, which many people have, to showoff the success of the marriage between Roland and Jocelyn Schitt.)

Moira is intelligent, sexy, unpredictable, classy, and emotional. She is a very well rounded character with more heart than might be first guessed. She is a star of a character. My issue with Moira Rose is in the details, specifically her clothing and voice/mannerisms. Her clothing is unrealistic and way off character. It takes away from her class and sophistication. Her with collection is confusing. As for her voice/mannerisms, I find them to be off putting and distracting. I've never heard anyone speak the way Moira speaks, which makes her character feel false. If Moira's lines were delivered with normal conversational inflections, and her wardrobe was brought down a touch, she'd be a far more enjoyable character to watch.

Now onto David Rose. I LOVE David. Played by Eugene Levy's son Daniel Levy, David Rose is one of my favorite characters of all time. I say this with a love for Hyacinth Bucket from Keeping Up Appearances, Lucy Ricardo from I Love Lucy, and Basil Fawlty from Fawlty Towers. David Rose is hilarious! He could have a show all to himself. He is bold and brave, sweet and shy. A truly dynamic character. His repulsion at so many things never fails to bring a laugh. He plays well off of every single character on the show, and is often the character that is most relatable despite his over the top wardrobe (which, in this case, does work very well) and his confusion with normal life. His facial expressions, mannerisms, voice, and delivery of his lines is spot on. He changes so much through out the seasons in a truly charming way. While there isn't really supposed to be a main character, if I had to pick one I would say it is David. Daniel Levy really has followed in his father's comedic footsteps. I hope to see more of Daniel Levy in the future.

The youngest of the Roses, Alexis Rose, acted by Annie Murphy, is perfection. This character is, sadly, the most realistic of the Rose family. She is like so many "Instagram girls" out there. Selfish, immature, vapid, materialistic. Alexis is a disgusting human the beginning. At first, I could not stand this character and wished she wasn't in the show. However, as the show progresses, she has changed so much while still retaining her personality. We have seen her fall in love. We have seen her heart break. We have seen her work hard to better herself despite her situation. Alexis is perhaps the most simple of the Roses, but is definitely worth paying attention to.

All in all, this is a solid show with characters that are much deeper than they first appear to be. If you don't like this show, it is because you don't understand it.
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Very average
hawthornd8 December 2020
I really can't understand the 10/10 reviews. This series has some amusing moments but never a laugh out loud one. The acting is good but most of the main characters are simply not likeable. For me it harks back to 1980s American sitcoms with some added swearing and minus (thankfully) a laughter track. Bubble gum TV that you can have on in the background while you're doing your chores or playing with the apps on your phone.
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Such a funny show
Supermanfan-1324 December 2021
I just now finally got around to watching Schitt's Creek after hearing so many great things about it and I have to agree, it's hilarious. Levy and O'Hara are comedy legends and as brilliant as they are here it's not just them carrying the show like you would think. The entire cast is great, there's usually a weak link or someone who isn't as funny as the others when it comes to these ensemble shows (obviously there are exceptions like Seinfeld, Friends, etc. Where the entire cast is equally great) but not here, every single one of them is great and will make you laugh out loud. Every season is just as funny as the others, there is no drop in quality at all. The episodes are fast paced and so funny that they fly by. Schitt's Creek should be a must watch for any fans of sitcoms because this is one of the great ones.
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Love this show so much
jlieske-8560113 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is so enjoyable to watch. The acting is something else and really gives the show some spunk. All the characters in the town are so weird and unique in their own way. It is amazing seeing a wealthy family blend with the people of Schitt's Creek. The facial expressions and voices of the entire rose family makes me laugh every time. I also absolutely love the sarcasm from Stevie, as she continues to encourage the stuck up attitude of the entire Rose family. Very good show for laughing and casual viewing!
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lizs12897 March 2019
I love this show. I was given the heads up by the UK tv/radio listings magazine Radio Times, of all things. Fortunately, Netflix was gifted to us and we thought we'd give it a try. Well, once my other half and I started watching, we couldn't stop. We've watched 4 seasons in about 3 weeks or so. This should give some idea of how good this show is. The draw was the wonderful Eugene Levy but the other cast members are absolutely perfect, especially Dan Levy and his fabulous character David. I just love the way some of the cast appear to be desperate to giggle at some points, indicating to me they are having a ball. Great writing and performances. Must also mention Catherine O'Hara and the clothes and wigs! I hope Netflix show season 5 soon. Withdrawal symptoms have set in already! ,
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Even better watching the second time around!
Caribtony10 August 2022
Like some, the name seemed to "punny' (as Ted would say) to be good. The first two seasons more or less introduces characters of the show and we are taught and learn their idiocincracies. The plot lines are funny, and we get into the twists and turns of the setting and characters. By season 3 we are ready for story arcs and boy do they deliver! I've watched this series more than once, yet still the last two episodes leaves me an emotional wreck - bawling my eyes out and laughing at the same time! It's no surprise that the last season won so many Emmys and other awards. Highly recommend! Word of warning: you will get addicted to David and Alexis's twitches and gestures.....
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almost TOO funny
henryllama7 April 2019
Amazingly good series--LOVE all the actors in it!! but Eugene & Daniel Levy steal the series...with their humor & eyebrows...greatest series I've seen in a LONG while!! THE BEST SERIES ON TV!!
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David and Patrick are a couple for the ages-they are the crown jewel of this great show
CubsandCulture13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lot to love about this show but to me it is an all time great show because of the love story between men that is the emotional core of the back half of the series. Dan Levy-as actor, writer, director-really manages to tell a lovely, funny love story between men without any drama about societal homophobia. Even the coming out episode is devoid of the common dealing with homophobia tropes that crop up in mainstream LGBT content. It is such a refreshing creative decision to ground such a love story in a world better than our own. Schitt's Creek is a grounded fantasia on this point. The writing of Patrick, David is very authentic while not getting dark; there's not even a hint of tragedy. The relationship plays like a bunch of other sit com couples over the years. Their foibles are human foibles, not gay men's foibles. (For the most part, there's just enough specific dynamics between men to be authentic) And Noah Reid is the perfect performer to play off of Dan Levy.

As I said the series has a lot of other virtues. The Alexis-Ted storyline is both very funny and ends up in a different-but proper-place than you would have expected. There is a poignancy to bittersweet love story that doesn't work out but in such a way both characters end up in better places. Alexis' character growth is as well realized as David's and the conclusion of both their stories complement each other very well.

Indeed, I could go through every character and storyline; the show on the whole is exceptionally well considered. It may have a fish-out-of-water set-up of any number of other sit coms but it ends up being a compelling story of a family finding their best selves. It's also a celebration of small town life-something we need more of. In a lot of ways the show's heart is quintessentially Canadian. (The show could have taken place in the States and only a few passing references to curling and form of gov't set it in Canada)

And of course Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are their delightful selves. I maintain that Mitch & Mickey in A Mighty Wind (2003) are their best performances but the Roses are extremely close second. There is a reason why these two keep working together. It is wonderful to see two of their characters go through so much.

Technically the show is surprisingly polished for its budget. It's amazing how much wardrobe mileage they got for Moriah not to mention Alexis and David. (Hell Moriah's wigs alone!) There show manages to keep the visuals fresh. There is a classical assured visual construction throughout the series.

This is everything a sit-com should be. It is laugh out loud funny with most of the humor being deeply rooted in characterization. It shows a world like own but far better. It has dramatically compelling storylines that don't sacrifice laughs for believability and vice versa. And above all a cast and a set of characters that are impossible to not love.
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Not a bad show
johnc-8322628 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Used to watch Schitt's Creek while I ate breakfast in the morning. Found it funny/awkward enough to keep my attention but I could check my emails and not really miss anything too important. First 3 seasons were solid but after that about 80% of the show is about David and Patrick's relationship zzzzzzz. Would recommend as an entertaining way to pass the time or to have on in the background.
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I love this show!!!
samanthapalmese4 December 2020
The first season or two I didn't like this show that much. I thought nothing happened in the plot and it wasn't that funny. Season 3 and on I was obsessed with the show and I'm now rewatching. I think ANYONE could watch this show and enjoy it, just give it time. It's so funny and even better on a rewatch. The peak in my opinion is the Cabaret storyline in season five. I'm a huge theatre nerd and seeing theatre really help someone gain confidence made me soooo happy. Additionally, the character Alexis has some of the best character growth I've ever seen on tv. Everyone in the show is phenomenal and there's not an episode that I don't like. Schitts Creek is simply the best!!!
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Good not great
scottemigh5 November 2020
Schitt's Creek brands itself a sitcom, but it's not funny enough to be great in that department. It's at its best when it gets serious, but those scenes are few and far between. One of my biggest criticisms is that there's not a whole lot of character growth for Moira. She's a very over-the-top, thinly-written character. I loved all the other characters, though. Rarely did this show slay me. It's not funny enough for me to ever stop and watch a rerun in syndication. There's so much range episode to episode. Some are boring, unfunny, and immediately forgettable. But others are really funny and, especially in the later seasons, there is some real beauty to it. Where the show excels is in the characters, not the jokes. The vast majority of my laughs weren't from punchlines, but from the quirky little habits of the actors. The way they use their hands, and their facial expressions, and the way they feed off each other. The best part of the show is its representation of LGBTQ characters, and the normalcy with which it paints them. It's never preachy, or political. It presents queer characters like perfectly normal people, who live and love and form beautiful relationships. It almost exists in a future world, where we're past the issues of today. It's so refreshing to see gay characters given room to grow without persecution and hatred.
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Feeling generous at 1/10
cazechin-6909818 September 2020
I cannot understand how this can get 10/10 when all the characters are annoying and not funny, the jokes are lame, the acting is just plain annoying it's so painful to watch! Tried once, twice, three times- didn't change my opinion on it. Skipping to Season 3 in the hopes it will show justification for the show's following- NADA! Just as annoying and disappointing as the first episode. Don't even mention it in the same breath as Seinfeld, show some well-earned respect to the latter!
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Supremely Funny and Suprisingly Emotional
I was the most sceptical person going into the show but when the season progressed the characters got a great depth despite the quirky setup. The site is suprisingly Emotional that makes the characters much more relatable considering the situation they are in.
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