904 Reviews
good with a couple of problems
SnoopyStyle5 June 2016
En Sabah Nur is Apocalypse, the first mutant who ruled ancient Egypt until he was entombed. It's the 80's. CIA agent Moira MacTaggert goes to Egypt and witnesses his emergence. He recruits his four horsemen Magneto, Storm, Psylocke, and Angel giving them greater power. Meanwhile, Raven recruits Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler from an East Berlin fight club. Alex Summers brings his younger brother Scott to Professor Charles Xavier's school. Quicksilver arrives at the school just in time to rescue almost everybody from an explosion but Professor X is kidnapped by Apocalypse.

I really like the first half. There are some good introduction of the new characters. It's working fine for the most part. It hits the pinnacle with Quicksilver's rescue which is funny and exciting. It is visually dynamic and a joy to behold. The rest of the movie feels like a long slow slide into mediocrity.

The most troubling problem for the continuing franchise is the use of Mystique as the leading X-Men. That character has never been in that role. JLaw is struggling to put out the intensity to match the central part. She and her character is not up to the task so far. It's also funny that her powers is to not be JLaw. The other problem is Apocalypse. I hoped for better but his mega-destruction is underwhelming. It's a lot of bland and his powers are nebulous. I actually think it would have been better to allow Apocalypse to be a two-parter. As an one-and-done villain, he isn't allowed to be anything more than a monster of the moment. With a lower level of power from him, it could be more compelling to struggle for the soul of each horseman. As it stands, the character Apocalypse is nothing special.
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Wasn't Great but Still Deserves a Watch
NDbportmanfan3 June 2016
X-Men Apocalypse takes place in the 1980's, 10 years after the events in Days of Future Past. A god-like mutant has awaken and wants to destroy civilization in order to regain his rule. The X-Men must stop him before he becomes to powerful.

I simply didn't find this story to be particularly interesting or believable compared to the other superhero movies in recent years. Apocalypse didn't look or feel all that powerful even though his powers would indicate he was. He was shorter than some of the mutants when in the comics he is a giant and didn't need much assistance. The gathering of the horseman was also kind of sad as he felt like he just picked up the first four mutants that he saw. There was nothing special about them, they each said I will join you but that is about it. Apocalpse is the kind of villain that you make into two movies, like what Disney is doing with Thanos. The first movie could have been used for Apocaplse to acquire his army of followers and the second could have focused on the battle and how the X-Men will respond to the situation. I guess that is why they are not doing that as the two would look similar. I personally don't think we needed another end of the world X-men movie given that we just got one. DoFP just seemed more intense of a situation which also lead to my mediocre interest in this battle.

The scenes that didn't involve Apocalypse were for the most part quite enjoyable. Most notably the Quicksilver scenes as Evan Peters once again steals the show. The new actors also did great in their roles and had good chemistry with one another. Of course, this may be my own personal problem but again I find Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique to be just bland. The lines she spewed just lacked emotion and her one liners fell flat. I am glad that this was her last movie.

I didn't enjoy the movie as a whole but the parts that I did like made up for the fact that it is just rather mediocre. I still recommend seeing it just be warned. 7/10
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X-ceptionally flawed...
Chalice_Of_Evil7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie's all about 'out with the old/in with the new', starting with James McAvoy taking over Patrick Stewart's voiceovering duties. In ancient Egypt, En Sabah Nur's old/dried-up body's getting the boot as his consciousness is transferred into a new vessel (Oscar Isaac). Evidently, protestors are just as annoying/much of a nuisance back then as they are today, wanting to disrupt the Four Horsemen of the Apolcaypse's ceremony as they endeavor to protect their leader...but because they suck, they're easily defeated (even whilst possessing neat powers such as folding people like origami). Luckily, good ol' reliable Death manages to place a protective shield around Smurfpocalypse (after the transfer's completed) before he's buried underneath rubble until future idiots inevitably revive his blue arse.

While some may've loved the journey-through-human-history that makes up this movie's opening credits sequence, I myself found it a bit much (everything zips by SO fast you can hardly follow what's appearing onscreen). The WTF-ery begins with a young Angel (no, not the dragonfly-winged-one-played-by-Zoë Kravitz...she *dead*, remember? The *other* one) CAGEFIGHTING young Nightcrawler (yes, REALLY. I guess DoFP's timey-wimeyness is to blame for why Angel's completely different to The Last Stand's version) until human-looking Raven/Mystique (clearly J-Law renegotiated her contract to have her appearing in blue scaled back), wearing a booby purple dress, liberates her fellow blue mutant after Angel's wings get singed.

Unlike her First Class introduction, Moira MacTaggert's (returning so the issue of Charles wiping her memory can *finally* be addressed) the MOST-clothed she can possibly be as she witnesses worshippers revive Smurfpocalypse (told ya!), causing an earthquake everywhere, which leads to Erik/Magneto (who's laying low/living regular-person life with a boring wife and kid) saving a colleague at work by using his power...and soon the cops are after him. In a scene mirroring his own separation from his parents, Erik's daughter displays her power (summoning birds to attack). His obviously-doomed-from-the-start family prove super-unlucky, both getting offed with a single arrow (the cops were actually smart enough *not* to have any metal on them...though that doesn't do them much good, since Erik takes them all out using his dead daughter's necklace).

Erik's not the only one having a sucky day, as young Scott/Cyclops unintentionally manifests his powers at school...giving it a new sunroof. The WTF-ery continues with a young Storm (just when you thought her hair couldn't get worse...she's got a mohawk), who's a thief, taking Smurfpocalypse HOME with her like he's a stray dog (despite witnessing the messed-up stuff he does to people), introducing him to TV...which is how he 'learns' about humanity, and she's the first in his recruitment of a new Four Horsemen, soon followed by Psylocke (the sum-total of her unexplained powers we see is a glowing pink sword and whip), Angel (whose burned/broken wings are replaced with new blade-shooting metal ones. They should've named him 'Archangel' to avoid confusion with the previous versions) and Magneto, who's now p.o.'d at the world after his family's demise.

Meanwhile, Scott's brought to Xavier's school by his older brother Alex/Havok (who, like Storm, sports some seriously questionable hair), he meets young Jean Grey (GoT's Sophie Turner, only succeeding about *half* the time at sounding American. Two things you can always rely on from the X-films: dodgy hair and accents) and then, along with Nightcrawler and Jubilee, they go to see Return of the Jedi...which leads to the writers' attempt at self-referential humour regarding movies (was Jean's line about how 'the third one is always the worst' intended to warn us about *this* movie's quality?). Fortunately, they're away from the X-Mansion when Smurfpocalypse and his B-team of Horsemen invade. Unfortunately, foolish Havok (not listening to Charles) gets himself/the X-Mansion blown up.

Fortunately, Evan Peters' Quicksilver happens by at the exact right moment, rescuing everyone (well...except Havok, of course, who's no longer needed now Scott's around). Clearly this slow-mo/super-speed sequence is intended to replicate the one from DoFP (which, unlike most, I wasn't particularly impressed by). Prior to Havok's immolation, Charles ordered him to 'wreak havoc' (in a rather forced attempt to have their own "Hulk? Smash." moment), destroying Cerebro when, once again, the villain intended to use it for EVIL (by now Cerebro's about neck-and-neck with the X-Jet for which one's been sabotaged/destroyed the most). When that fails, Smurfpocalypse simply has his Horsemen kidnap Charles (so he can amplify his power/connection to everyone and control them). They then proceed to mostly stand around/do nothing until the film's climax.

Sadly, Mystique doesn't kick much butt (just gets strangled), so it's up to the new crew to handle the Boresome Foursome and Smurfpocalypse, who is the only real match for them, growing HUGE at one point during a Battle-of-the-Minds with Charles, thoroughly thrashing him after a failed attempt to make him the new vessel (causing his hair loss in the process...as apparently baldness is a prerequisite for the role) until Jean *finally* lets loose her 'Phoenix Force', making short work of Smurfpocalypse (maybe next time LEAD with that!). Angel's dead, Psyclocke skulks off, and Storm's welcomed into the X-Mansion (despite aiding the enemy), which Jean rebuilds with Erik's help (the last exchange between him and Charles is just their dialogue from the end of the first film being reused/recycled), then Mystique gives a pep-talk to the newly-formed team of young X-Men now dressed in what resembles their comic-book costumes.

Speaking of costumes, Olivia Munn looks good in her boob-windowed outfit (oh sure, NOW you go for comic-book accuracy!), but like the majority of the new actors (whose performances range from average to pretty bad, while the returning actors seem to have lost enthusiasm) in the movie, her character's hardly developed. While nobody can ever equal Alan Cumming's Nightcrawler, I felt Kodi Smit-McPhee did the best out of the new additions taking over previously-established roles. Despite the film's attempted 'epic-ness', it mainly feels like a bunch of random/questionable ideas (including extraneous Wolverine cameos) thrown together. Oh well, if nothing else, at least they gave us plenty of boob...I mean blue!
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0U12 February 2020
Suffering from bizarre narrative choices and weak character development, X-Men: Apocalypse is an otherwise passable and occasionally great installment of the franchise, mainly due to the continued strong performances and glorious action set pieces.
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A Gripping but Flawed X-Men Movie
TheFirstExecutioner6 June 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse is the sequel to Days of Future Past and takes place about a decade later in the '80s. This movie entertained me from start to finish and I can't say I was ever bored. But there are a lot of things I was not satisfied with while watching. Starting off with the good, Magneto and Professor X continue to be the best parts of these movies. Michael Fassbender as Magneto is amazing and he has a really emotional scene towards the beginning which got me locked into the film. James McAvoy is also great as Xavier. The internal battles inside Xavier's head were riveting. I really liked the new cast of the younger X-Men, like Jean Grey, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Cyclops. Quicksilver has another awesome scene just like the previous movie. The action is handled very well for the most part. The first half of the movie is terrific, but the second half brings it down. Apocalypse as the villain was OK for me. Some scenes worked well and others didn't. I was always skeptical of Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse and I still don't think he was the best choice. He is just like Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor for me. Apocalypse is also a small mutant compared to the others for some reason and he's just another villain who is obsessed with destroying the world, and his motivations are thin. Jennifer Lawrence was a boring Mystique. She just seems uninspired throughout the run-time and becomes tedious since she uses the personality over and over again to play the character. Some mutants were completely wasted here with Psylocke and Angel. There's an entire sequence in a secret lab and it seemed there for only one reason: the cameo of a specific person. While it was fun to watch, it didn't do much of anything for the story in the long run. The entire thing could have been removed and the movie would have been the same. The final battle felt underwhelming with the whole global extinction. The problem is they don't show any civilians dying; it's just buildings coming apart, making it hard to care about the situation. Overall, X-Men: Apocalypse is a disappointing sequel to First Class and Days of Future Past. But it is not at all a bad movie. Magneto and Professor X are once again great, Apocalypse is a mixed bag, the pacing for the movie is all over the place, and the dull second half just brings the film down from the really good first half. X-Men: Apocalypse gets a B-.
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X-Men Apocalypse may not be the best X-Men movie made but it is still enjoyable if you're an X-Men fan!
daviddevilliers5410 June 2016
I loved all the X-Men movies, including X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I was so hyped when I heard they were creating an X-Men movie with Apocalypse in it. I have always loved superhero movies about the end of days. I will say specific parts that I loved and thought about this film and how I would recommend it.

How good is this movie? It may not top the previous X-Men movies but that doesn't mean the movie is terrible. It is all based on opinion. Don't be scared to see the movie all because critics are making this movie look bad, go see it for yourself for your own opinion. You decide whether the movie is good or not. In my opinion, it is actually good. Not great, but good.

Are the younger versions of the X-Men in this film? Yes. We have a younger version of Cyclops, Jean, Nightcrawler and Storm. We also have many amazing recurring members from the previous movies such as the young Professor X who was amazing, a slight older Magneto, Mystique who is also a little older and Beast who is still young as ever. And yes, Quicksilver returns and tops his amazing scene from X-Men: Days of Future's Past.

How is Apocalypse the character? Honestly, I feel that Apocalypse was a little weaker than his comic version. If he was CGI like Thanos from Guardians of the Galaxy, he would've looked more threatening and tyrannical. I could basically compare this Apocalypse to a wimp who cosplays as Apocalypse with really good make up. His role is almost similar to Ultron.

Is Wolverine in this? Yes! He may have a small cameo but it is a damn excellent cameo! When Wolverine enters the screen, the film basically transforms into an R-Rated action scene. Now that is who Wolverine is. It is also based on the real weapon x origin of Wolverine. He acts like a wild animal and slashes anyone who gets in his way and even this guy who begged Wolverine for mercy got his face ripped off!

How dark is this film? It is actually pretty dark. There is a lot of death and depressing moments you will feel. We also get more connected with Magneto and why he hates humanity so much. It almost felt as he was the main antagonist in this film. We see his past and his present and why he turned into a dark and yet powerful supervillain. Also, the way Apocalypse murders people is pretty brutal and frightening.

Would you recommend it? Of course! Like I said, it may not top the previous X-Men films but that doesn't mean it is terrible. If you love X-Men, as well as apocalyptic superhero movies, then this is the film for you. Go see it!
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Very good movie
acinemafan16 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why "X-Men: Apocalypse" received poor ratings. I found the movie to be very good. If you are a fan of the X-Men and/or enjoyed "Captain America: Civil War", you will likely enjoy this film.

Instead of offering my own review, I am going to respond to the "top critics" from Rottentomatoes.com:

"It's basically a closing chapter to a feeble trilogy that started out pretty well and then ran out of gas... Oscar Isaac wasted in the role of an invulnerable ancient supervillain who becomes vulnerable just in time for the final showdown." Andrew O'Hehir (Salon.com) Clearly this critic is biased against the comic, for he refers to it as a "feeble trilogy". And if he paid attention (and didn't look forward to his scathing review), he would've seen that Apocalypse was not vulnerable, but a "back door" access was made to begin defeating him via Jean Grey in his mind (something that wasn't possible earlier in the film).

"Mutants galore infest "X-Men: Apocalypse," but the pile-on quickly becomes wearying....but the storyline, such as it is, would have benefited from major pruning." Peter Rainer (ChristianScienceMonitor) A pile-on of mutants? There are possible three additional mutants added, with only one being introduced for the first time (Nightcrawler). Inclusion shouldn't be an issue, it's time taken for backstories that become clutter. And, "pruning"? This is a very simple story, only the characters are given a little more dimension beyond simple cartoon characters.

And my response to Rainer, applies to Peter Travers of Rolling Stone magazine, as well ("Enough already. Singer throws so much mutant at us that nothing sticks. I was almost rooting for Trump to impose a quota.") Jean Grey, Cyclops, Mystique, Quicksilver, and Nightcrawler, with the last one being the only new character (though, he did appear previously). Mr. Travers, the movie is not called, "X-Man," and per your complaint, like O'Hehir from Salon.com, it appears you don't like this comic series.

Well, I could go on, but, you get the point. The story is good -- and not convoluted. The acting is good. And, of course, the directing is good. If you liked the other "X-Men" movies, you like this one. And, personally, I found this one better than "Days of Future Past", which was a bit convoluted for my taste.
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Sacrifices thematic depth and complex characters for superficial thrills and repetitive plots
xamtaro4 June 2016
The word "apocalypse" brings to mind an end-of-the world event of biblical proportions. X- MEN APOCALYPSE brings to mind some Japanese anime and a yearning for the better X- men movies of the past. The third in this "new trilogy" that began with X-MEN FIRST CLASS, the franchise reached its high point in the epic X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST but now tips back down to a rather typical tale of good vs evil intertwined with the usual hero's journey. Thankfully the masterful execution of dialogue and acting chops saves this film from sinking into mediocrity.

There are lot of plot threads to follow. Fortunately or unfortunately it does not require much inferring or complex thinking to follow the story. It is very simple and it is in its simplicity that it loses out on the richness of character than past xmen movies had. Our characters are all reduced to two dimensional archetypes each with familiar story arcs. So familiar in fact that the whole movie is a pastiche of plot points taken from past xmen movies. Eric is the grief stricken blood knight who goes evil with vengeance when tragedy strikes, again. Scott jean and Kurt are the inexperienced loners who have to work together to overcome their challenges, a little like pyro, Bobby drake (ice man) and kitty pryde (shadow cat) in X-men 2. Mystique replaces wolverine as the badass wanderer who is thrown into a leadership position to guide our young loners. Xavier is once again captured and the X-men's home base is compromised, again like X-MEN 2. Powerful mutant with delusions of godhood and a gang of loyal followers is Apocalypse this time replacing magneto's role in the first 3 xmen movies. Call it homage or call it cliché, I feel that this story manages to toe the line between familiar and fresh. The familiar elements gives us a sense of the revolving nature of conflict, that history repeats despite the best intentions. The fresh elements of course add new facets to a film which could have otherwise been a complete bore, thanks to the slow burn nature of the plot which mostly sees both good guys and bad guys gathering their key players for the final showdown. Those who can appreciate a slow build up would love this while those who need their immediate action fix would be left disappointed.

Divisive might be the best word to describe this movie. When the action does come, it is a special effects spectacle of mutant powers on display where everyone.......pretty much stands around shooting things at each other. Oh look, the villain is getting the upper hand! Let's shoot more! Where physical stunts and fights come, they are a thrill to behold except the dated wire work which feels artificial. Interspersed between these divisive battles are particular scenes of movie magic. Quicksilver (last see in DAYS OF FUTURE PAST) returns and we get to see the full extent of his powers once again only on a larger scale. And at least this time he has a purpose in the story other than being a just a miraculous attempt. But as mentioned earlier his motivations are touched on but not explored. His character is simplified into yet another archetype.

Beneath the visual spectacle, the movie under utilises its cast of characters. Ty Sheridan's Scott Summers could have been great as the new audience surrogate, going from meek bullied loser to taking his first steps as confident leader of the X-Men. Instead he is also shoved into the background after his introduction. Kodi-smith mcfee's more feline looking Nightcrawler is also another intriguing character sidelined. Instead we get more Charles Xavier and more Eric playing out their character drama like star crossed lovers. Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic actors, especially Michael Fassbender completely nailing the tragedy of Eric's character arc. But their story came to a decent close in the last movie and this one just feels like more of the same.

Apocalypse himself is a villain that is as equally divisive as the movie itself. On one hand, it seemed that the creators were going for the "all powerful but frail" type of villain ala emperor Palpatine of Star Wars. The snake-like menace that Oscar Isaac exudes through his sinister delivery is betrayed by a design that borders on corny. Oversized platform boots, plastic looking Armour and an ill defined set of powers all downplay the threatening presence of the villain. His motivations could have been much deeper. A commentary on modern commercialism replacing the religions of old perhaps as the new "cult following"? Or a criticism of humanity's arrogance and self glorifying nature? Maybe even a critique on how common folk are quick to idolise mortal "false gods" of the influential and powerful? No, no and no. None of that thematic depth here. Apocalypse is merely your Saturday morning cartoon variety villain who wants to destroy the world to rebuild in his image.

It is not a bad movie per se. Visually stunning, an easy-to-follow plot and well cast characters set to a script filled with witty dialogue that does not overdo the comedy. The acting is professional and the music by John Ottman is a grand thematic continuation of But for a grand finale it pales in comparison to films like X-MEN 2 by glossing over its deeper themes of social commentary especially, in the treatment of mutants as an allegory to prejudice against social minorities. It lacks the urgency, high stakes tension and emotional depth of DAYS OF FUTURE PAST and the chemistry among the cast is no where near XMEN FIRST CLASS. I would place it as a middling entry into the X-men franchise that succeeds in opening the doors to a whole new generation of X-men movies.
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Screw Rotten Tomatoes this movie is as fantastic as it could get
livethefloyd10 May 2016
Okay, this is already the fourth superhero film we have gotten so far this year. The fact that it's this good blows my mind, it's the sixth entry in the main X-Men series, and it might be the third best after X2 and Days of Future Past. Oscar Isaac gives an outstanding performance as the mutant menace: Apocalypse, he was the highlight of the film right next to Fassbender's Magneto (who never fails to deliver). In a year with pathetic and disappointing superhero film villains so far, Apocalypse gives us the layered and threatening performance we want from our villains. Evan Peters returns as Quicksilver once more to give us an amazing scene that tops the one from Days of Future Past. The newcomers are fantastic and exciting and we will certainly see them again in the future. They also finally got Cyclops right! Forget about Rotten Tomatoes and go see this film opening weekend, you won't regret!
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The weakest in the trilogy, but not bad.
KineticSeoul6 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it's because I had a bigger expectation for this film, but it was aiight. In the movie there is a scene where mutant students come out of the theater after watching "Return of the Jedi". And says something along the lines of the third installment being the worst. And that basically applies to this film, because in my opinion it's the weakest compared to the previous two X-Men movies. It's in no way a bad movie, but it just wasn't anything all that amazing either. Because the editing and progression of the story just wasn't all that compelling or interesting. Watching this movie was like watching "Rocky 4", it's alright but just not good as "Rocky" and "Rocky 2". The plot is basically about Apocalypse getting resurrected, finding his four horsemen while the new group of students get recruited into Xavier Institute. With it focusing in on Magneto the most next to Apocalypse with his side story and what makes him tick. It really did show how how much of a human character Magneto really is. I mean even the kindest people out there has a breaking point when you push them to their limit. I guess the human side of Magneto and the understanding of where he is coming from to a degree is what makes him one of the most popular comic book villains out there. The other horsemen that Apocalypse chooses just seemed to be shoehorned into the movie. There is few scenes that did stand out and it's basically the super action sequences. There is the introduction scene, Quicksilver to the rescue scene, Wolverine going berserker rage mode, Quicksilver fighting Apocalypse, Professor X going Freddy Krueger and Phoenix Force. So overall I don't regret seeing this movie in the theater, I do however regret seeing it in 4D. Because I personally thought it just wasn't worth it for this one. You can tell a lot about a man if you give him the crown and what he chooses to do with his power and how he treats people that are less fortunate. And I liked that type of message in this movie. Although the whole thing of the team getting together and bonding like a family isn't anything new but was nicely done. So I give this movie a 7.4/10.

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Apocalyptically bad
realmuthaf20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I personally thought Days of the Future Past to be the best of the series. And as it turns out, Apocalypse is the worst one to date.

The only bright spot in all the awfulness is Quicksilver, whose slo-mo scene is at least as good as in the previous movie, if not better. Other than that, everything else goes from mediocre to outright terrible.

The main villain's motivation is bland and stupid. (Yeah, he just wants to kill everyone and rule the world.) The way he "persuades" other mutants to join him is absolutely unbelievable - he basically just offers to increase a mutant's power and in return demands help to kill billions of people. Sounds like a fair deal. What's offputting is that the extent to which he augments his followers' powers is not constant. Like, Magneto gains the power to control pretty much all the metal on the planet at once, while Psylocke gains another special effect on her CGI laser beams or whatever it is that she emits. Apocalypse's abilities in general are largely undefined - at times he is shown pulling matter from objects around him to construct something, and then in the next shot he just makes solid objects like armor out of thin air. Another ridiculous thing was that they tried to make Isaac more intimidating by giving him thick soles so that he'd look taller, which is noticeable. What is more, his lines are cringe-worthy, but the problem is, so are everyone else's. Same boring cliché dialogues like "It's your home. We will help. Join us, Eric. I see good in you."

Yeah, forgiving Magneto like it's nothing after he helps to kill millions of people and destroy entire cities is included in the package. Also, he changes his mind about the whole "destroy the world" thing after Mystique tells him for the 100th time that he is her family and she still sees good in him.

Some of the characters' looks are still beyond ugly. I can actually see why they chose to try to keep the Beast and Mystique in their human forms more, except for saving the actors from the extensive make-up procedures. The thing is, these characters look absolutely god-damn atrocious and are painful to watch. I mean, Lawrence is annoying and redundant when she is on screen anyway, but when she is also blue, it just becomes vomit-inducing.

Recent 2016 comic-book blockbusters also did not enjoy good scripts, but at least they had high-quality gripping action scenes. This is not the case here, as fighting is mostly goofy and bland, and at times it is clearly visible by the actors' motions that they are being pulled by the strings. Or being drawn in cheap CGI.

This is actually sad. Singer's previous movie, DotFP, was outstanding. The recent Deadpool, who ostensibly shares the universe with the X-men, was awesome. And now we get a horrible, outrageously stupid and pretentious CG-overdosed mess. Let's hope the next one will be better.
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Nowhere near as good has First Class and Days of Future Past, but still entertaining.
DarkVulcan297 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Apocalypse who was the first mutant ever, is from the Egyptian days. Awakens in 1983, he is more powerful than ever, and puts together his own band of mutants in hopes of world domination. It's up too Charles Xavier(James McAvoy) and his band of young mutants in hopes of stopping him.

The well known characters like Cyclops and Havok and not to mention Beast don't really stand out as much they should. McAvoy is okay as Professor X, but it's Michael Fassbender as Magneto, that really takes the film, showing more Lars to the character, I was really liking his story arch. Jennifer Lawrence is alright here as Mystique. But Oscar Isaac has Apocalypse is creepy but no so much menacing, the animated Apocalypse was way more menacing. The effects are pretty descent, battle scenes enjoyable. I wonder there gonna be any more X-Men films, for me it ends with me not wanting anymore.
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FabledGentleman15 August 2016
This is not going to be a long review, i want to summarize my thoughts on the film, now after i just saw it in the cinema.

The movie is absolutely spectacular. The effects, the settings, the pacing, the acting, the music, the direction. It is all very well done, and if the story itself had kept up with the rest, this would be close to one of the best, if not the best, superhero film to date.

But the story is a bit weak, it's hard to take in a few of the twists and turns in this film, but still everything else is so brilliantly crafted, the movie pulls it off anyways, and that makes me feel i got my moneys worth. This is very important to me when i go the cinema. I need to walk out feeling i was entertained.

I'm usually the guy that puts story and script first when it comes to films. Way to often when the story is bad, the script and the acting and all the rest that follows almost always seem half done. This is not the case here.

This movie is like when you bake a cake, and you end up putting in a small amount of salt instead of sugar. You notice you did, but you don't have time to fix your mistake, so you bake the cake to the best of your abilities anyways. At the end it's one hell of a spectacular looking cake you made, but people notice the taste is a bit off, but somehow the added salt contributed to the flavor in a good way, and the cake was very much edible.

This is how i feel after seeing this film. It is really well crafted, and i do recommend people seeing it.
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A decent entry but not without it's faults
dave_maguire4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So after loving DOFP, circumstances (eg: Holiday)caused me to have to wait several weeks after the release date to watch this movie and before showtime I had heard mixed reviews, but with most of them leaning towards a poor one I went in without any expectations so that I may avoid any potential disappointments.

Now firstly let me say I wasn't disappointed, I found this film to be a decent enough entry in to the Xmen universe, certainly better than some other notable entries (Origns - I'm talking to you...). There was lots in this film that I liked, mostly as it seemed more loyal to the cartoon I watched back in my youth that I loved so much. There were plenty of characters involved in the film, comic book style action sequences and the always fun quicksilver scene, such a welcome addition to the xmen movies, and something that maybe points out one thing Marvel have done wrong with a character in their films...

The Weapon X "cameo" - I enjoyed this but think it would have been so much better had they not spoilt this in the trailer, it fitted well with the story and you knew you were going to Alkali lake so it would've been nice to have had the anticipation of whether you would see Wolverine, but it was done well done and I liked that this was all we saw of him. Now I like the Wolverine character but personally felt that the original trilogy suffered due to an overdose of Wolverine, yes he was the main character of the first films but none of the other characters got developed which I felt made the films suffer, this is why I liked that Cyclops had a much more prominent role in this film and enjoyed that it seemed to focus more on him and Jean Grey and his rise to becoming a leader of the X-men.

Now this wasn't the perfect film and there were bad points that I found to it. The pacing of the film was a little strange at times, it was a shame that Havok's death seemed to be almost glossed over "He was closest to the explosion" "Oh, I thought I got everyone" ..... "Oh well, never mind...!"

Bit of a shame as we never got to see the "Bad ass" he was made out to be in the previous outings. Speaking of deaths I did have a sneaky feeling there may be another one in the film and almost expected Mystique to die in the final battle, especially with her being built up as a hero all the way through the film, but then wondered if Quicksilver might perish when taking on Apocalypse on by himself - in another fantastic sequence, but this was not the case.

Whilst it was good to see a big cast, The horsemen seemed to just be "there" and with the exception of Storm (slightly) were not fleshed out - Angel is seemingly built up as some seasoned warrior and is introduced with a cage fight scene having just beaten the blob and having gone 10 fights undefeated (Which we don't see any of) before he meets nightcrawler where he promptly gets his "ass handed to him". Even in the rematch at the end of the film he still struggles to put up any kind of fight. Psylocke was just sat in a room with Caliban evidently as his bodyguard, and for no real reason just decides to join Apocalypse, though this may be to save Calibans life?? But it would've been nice to have spent a little more time giving them some character - especially in a 2 & 1/2 film.

My biggest problem though which I had ever since he was announced was Oscar Issac as Apocalypse. Whilst I have no problem with him as an actor I just never saw him as being that character and wasn't convinced of him at any point through the film. Apocalypse is a hugely overpowered mutant who has a deep booming voice and should be menacing and instil fear in to those he meets, yet Issacs is tiny and had too much of a softly spoken voice in the film and I just found he didn't fit the part at all., he just looked like one of the gang when stood with his horsemen. Now whilst I'm not saying he should've had the part instead, I think someone like the Rock, with his build, would've been more visually suited to the character, but that's just my opinion.

Whilst this does almost wrap the whole Xmen story up I do hope there is another one after this, they have after all teased the Phoenix saga again so can see this being the next big thing, though I think the next film will be too soon for this story to resolve as it will need fleshing out more first, but the end credit scene leaves a couple of potential movies, with a potential creation of X-23, or hopefully Mr Sinister as the next big bad.

But overall it's a good enough entry and I don't think it's as bad as some people have said, it's certainly not worthy of the 1's and 2's out of 10 that some people have given it??? But again it's the nods to the comics and cartoons which I liked about the films, with the scene at the end with the team in their cartoon costumes in the training room a brilliant way to end the film.
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Bryan Singer you are big.
javiocaben18 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
According to critics at Rotten Tomatoes listen, I got out expectations for this movie, but Bryan Singer managed to silence the haters, with a funny and straight out of the comics history. I love the reinvention of the X-Men young and costumes are the best I've seen. At last we see a villain who will wreak havoc in the lives of these mutants although would have been better as their best moments were when he was white eyes. Another thing I do not like anything was Angel. Okay, I know it's difficult to put it blue but that Miley Cirus hair. Wolverine's cameo was impressive as we see with that Weapon X suit.

Well, after the end of this movie is a reminder because we already know where the story part. As Hank said, time is like a river, you can have stones then return to normal.

The movie is good and I recommend it if you're a fan like me of the X-Men
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"The third one is always the worst"- Jean Grey
jerichoyj201 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In this case, It was not the worst one in my opinion. The film was really solid and I thought that it was good. While it was not in my opinion better than DOFP it still had a great story and lots of cool sequences.

I am glad that they did not go overboard with this one like they did in The Last Stand. I think most people that like x-men well still think that it was a decent movie. Unless they just don't like the superhero thing. All the new actor and actress'd did a great job. There were though some parts in the movie that i thought should have gone by faster. Like some of the shots where a hero does something cool and we see him or her stand in glory is getting old and may have been over used in this film in my opinion. I liked the inclusion of history and the scenes with erik are my favorite.

Micheal Fassbender stole the show for me again. As well as the new Scott and Jean Grey they did a marvelous job.

There were some continuity issues that i saw with Storm but, whatever. Ill accept her accent for now. I do wish that i saw more from Olivia Munn's character, i felt like she was just there.

I also wish they set up or fixed the passing of getting all the four horseman together.

In this case the third one was not the worst, but it was still a great addition to the X- Men universe.
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More enjoyable than 'Days of Future Past'
reganinglis15 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Only becoming a recent X-Men movies fan, I have to say I really enjoyed 'X-Men Apocalypse'. Definitely up there with 'First Class', but falls short of being better. Apocalypse is a great villain, but doesn't get enough screen time. Quicksilver's scene is nothing short of epic. I never thought they could surpass his scene in DoFP, but somehow they have. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are also great as Professor X and Magneto. The only major gripe I have is Mystique: I do feel like Jennifer Lawrence at this point is phoning it in, and her disguise gets way too much screen time. She's only really Mystique for like 2 scenes (not even for any full scenes).

Overall though I really enjoyed 'X-Men Apocalypse', despite some small issues.
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I think the critics have been way too harsh in this case - It's actually rather good.
trevorwomble18 May 2016
As you can probably gather I thought this was another very good addition to the X-Men franchise. Whilst it doesn't hit the heady heights of Days of Future Past it still is a really good watch and I fail to see why it has had a mixed press.

Firstly I found it to have a perfectly serviceable story, with Apocalypse and his followers recruiting the very vulnerable and angry Magneto as part of his plan to destroy civilisation and rebuild it in his image. Fassbender turns in another solid performance and you really feel his pain and confusion for the Erik/Magneto character. I also thought all the supporting cast were absolutely fine in their roles, and to me Evan Peters as Quicksilver really stole the scenes he was in and makes a fine addition to the cast. The same also goes to Tye Sheridan as Scott/Cyclops, whose back story is filled in better and with more depth than it was in the Wolverine origins film.

I see the critics have been moaning about having too many characters in the film, yet I actually think it was handled better than it was in the Captain America: Civil War film. In Apocalypse the large cast do actually have something to do and contribute to the story, whereas the Captain America film felt like some were shoe horned in, which I felt made that film feel bloated and repetitive whereas this one at least get the storyline moving. I felt that Civil War felt way too long because of all the story padding yet Apocalypse, whilst also a long film, kept my interest to the end (and yes there is a post credits scene that I suspect is setting up Wolverine 3). I should also add that Apocalypse, despite it's bleak story, does have some moments of humour and wit that went down well with the audience.

I also felt the surprise appearance of Wolverine fitted in nicely with the back story that we already know, particularly the one told in X Men 2 and the Origins film, nicely closing that particular characters story arc and fitting in perfectly with the circumstances surrounding his appearance in the very first X-Men film of 16 years ago. If this is to be Wolverines final appearance with the X-men then they have given him a lovely send off.

I did find some minor flaws with the film though, particularly with the visual appearance of some of the characters and how their ages don't compute when the first X-men film of 2000 is taken into account. However, asides from that I thoroughly enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse and thought it was a solid & worthy addition to the other X-Men films. The films had spectacle, action, laughs and carried on with the journeys of the characters we have got to know and love over the past sixteen years.
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Cameo appearance of the century!
aimthebushes2 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was a truly great film, that has to be said. I was never massively captured by X-Men films in the past but since I watched Days of Future Past I was immediately captivated. I went back and watched all the original films and am now a true fan of the franchise. This film had everything as it takes you back through the origins of the cast of the first X-Men film. Perhaps the best origin story of them all, and there were a lot to follow believe me, is that of The Wolverine. Now when he was first shown in the trailer I was hesitant as to his role but as it turns out it was the best role they could have given him.

*This where there will be some spoilers*. Wolverine makes his appearance when a group of the mutants are captured by Colonel Striker. Jean Grey, Cyclops and Nightcrawler are roaming around the base when they come across a highly guarded crate which seemed to have some sort of animal in it. It was Jean Grey who identified that it wasn't an animal in the crate, she then continued to open the crate just in time for a group of guards to arrive, before being torn to shreds by a rather angry and distressed Hugh Jackman. During his 5 minute screen time we get to see the aftermath of him being tested on. This isn't linked to the abomination that was 'X-Men: Origins' but a link to his over solo film 'The Wolverine'. Then right at the end we see Jean Grey tap into his memories and give him some back so that he calms down and is able to be that extra 1% happier. The last we see of him is as he goes running off into the cold snowy mountains, a familiar setting to where we see him in 'The Wolverine'. It was a truly fantastic cameo appearance and really acts as a great prequel.

I wasn't surprised that this film was great but there were some real stand out performances, McAvoy and Lawrence are no surprise but I was very happy with how Oscar Isaac portrayed the character of Apocalypse incredibly well. We were also able to see the wrath of Havok only shortly before... Well lets not spoil the entire movie. Unless you've read the comic books go and see what happened.

Honestly can say this was a great film and was plenty to watch, loads of action and some great story telling. The visual effects were phenomenal although the only downside would perhaps be Psylocke's outfit, wouldn't say it matches her comic book outfit that well but you can easily get over it.

Enjoy the film and I hope you agree on the Wolverine cameo scene.
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Not as good as First Class and Days of Future Past but still worth your time. Don't listen to the critical reviews!!
gabeelideb3 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've got to be honest. This was the comic book movie I was least looking forward to this year but I went to see it anyway because the trailers made it look decent. I didn't go in expecting much but I was surprised when I really enjoyed this movie. It is no where near as good as First Class and Days of Future Past but it is still worth your time. Apocalypse was a great villain and Oscar Isaacs played him brilliantly. I also didn't mind the costume that much (It could have been better though). Most of the cast was really good in the film (My favourite being Evan Peters as Quicksilver). However unfortunately Jennifer Lawrence was not at her best in this film. She just didn't have the enthusiasm and looked bored for most of the film. I also didn't really like the actress that played Jean Grey. I'm not sure what her name is but to me she was just kind of wooden and boring to watch. I do wish that they could have developed the horseman though (Not counting Magneto) because it seemed like they didn't have much reason to suddenly be bad (Especially Psylocke). The things this film sets up also gets you quite exited for future instalments. I definitely think it is a good thing that they seem to be re-doing The Dark Phoenix Saga and possibly introducing one of my favourite X-Men villains: Mr Sinister. Overall this film is enjoyable and any comic book fan will most likely enjoy it because it is still better than Batman Vs Superman.
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moral turpitude
realintheory11 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wait a minute.. just wait a minute...

A bloke with superpowers does a lot of damage.. sees the light.. tries to be a good bloke in Poland.. tries to help someone.. gets found out.. wife and kid are efficiently skewered by a single arrow.. he gets all moody and turns into a bad bloke...

Then.. this bad bloke with boiling blood.. murders millions of people .. MILLIONS .. as he redesigns planet Earth by uprooting thousand of buildings and crushing MILLIONS of poor saps stuck between the basement and the penthouse.

Then he has a change of heart and becomes a good bloke again.. and the other good bloke says... 'See.. I knew you had a nice side'

Then he walks away with a fetching Irish grin.

The wailing of the MILLIONS of bereaved seem to go unheard.

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Underrated X-Men Movie [8/10]
panagiotis19937 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My Live Reaction / Review for X-Men: Apocalypse (2016): A king that wants to be immortal, nice. Magneto has a wife and a kid? Didnt expect that. Magneto's daughter can control birds? That's really cool. Wow, both Magneto's wife and daughter got killed? Magneto will lose his mind. Yup, he killed all the police officers, I saw that coming, im glad he did it. En Sabah Nur is wondering who rules this world, that's kinda funny, he has been sleeping for thousands of years. Is that Storm? She is a thief? What's up with that? He gave Angel iron wings? That's really cool.

En Sabah Nur wants Magneto to be part of his team? That's cool. One hour in and it's pretty good, an 8/10 I would say. Let's see if it gets better or worse. The scene where Quicksilver saves everyone was epic. 1 hour and 30 minutes in and the movie is pretty good, my rating is 8/10 so far. Magneto is Quicksilver's father? What? Wolverine shows up? Nice. Damn, he absolutely destroyed these soldiers. The fight scenes were good. Jean destroyed En Sabah Nur, you could say she was a secret weapon. Magneto probably killed millions of people by helping En Sabah Nur but now he is a good guy? Hell no.

Overall the movie was pretty good, it's underrated in my opinion. My rating is 8/10.
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X-Men: Apocalypse is a must see!
EJTheG2 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Younger versions of the iconic X-Men: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Nightcrawler finally make their debut. We also get introduced to young Psylocke and Angel since their big screen debut in the travesty that was, X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Some characters shined brighter than others, leaving the rest in the dust. There is a lot of fun action, easter eggs and nods to the comics. This film was the first in the X-Men series to truly cater to comic-book fans rather than the casual movie goer, which ultimately is the reason behind the flak director Bryan Singer is receiving.

Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan and Kodi-Smitt McPhee really delivered as the iconic young X-Men. Turner, who played Jean Grey, really stood out as the breakout performance of the movie. Her being branded as an outcast amongst outcasts due to her lack of control. There was so much power in Turner's performance of Jean Grey that will surely give way to future films for her. Sheridan gave us a rebellious Cyclops unsure of his role in the world, until the time came for him to step up, where he showed subtle signs of becoming the leader we know him to be. Kodi Smit-McPhee was a promising Nightcrawler. All of the horsemen aside from Apocalypse were mere action pieces. It was fun to watch, but such a let down as a core comic book fan. Storm once again was underused for the other characters to shine.

Lastly, Oscar Isaac did a pretty good job with what he was given. At times he was repetitive and monotone, but his charisma as an actor really shined! All in all this movie was made for core comic book fans. Go see X-Men: Apocalypse and check out my detailed review here at https://creators.co/@EJtheG/3941936 and at moviepilot.com/EJtheG
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Another "nothing" movie
daisukereds21 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another X-Men movie.. and again, not much of anything happens. There is a plot, yes, but it is poorly written and lacks substance/soul/meaning. The attitude of "I don't care" is what I came out with after seeing this movie. Instead of having a soul, it feels like a bunch of things put together in order to make money. You see characters, but aside from Quicksilver, which felt shoved in, no one really has an attempt at an arc.


An hour into the movie, it SEEMS like something will happen. Two hours into the movie, they end the threat of Apocalypse. The end. Apocalypse wasted.

I have several other issues with this movie, 1) Nightcrawler's teleportation is stopped by electricity? 2) Apocalypse access the internet by touching a TV. Yes yes, it is not the internet, but it is such a concept. Anyway, Apocalypse learns all the languages this way and sees the atrocities of humanity. What kind of powers did he have? He came from the beginning of mankind, and then jumps to the "present" where he magically has a mutant power that lets him access "technology". Anyway, awful! Reading minds would have been better. 3) The Angel transformation scene is simply stupid.. rock music, alcohol, a cool pose.. Apocalypse's way of "convincing" others into joining him is as bad. He says "come with me" and that's it. What does he want? To kill all! Sure, I'll join. 4) Apocalypsis takes Magneto to his conncentration camp (which is intact after who knows how many years) and somehow knows about Magneto's past for some reason. Knows his name, knows how he feels. 5) X-Men insults the Star Wars trilogy, calling the third (Return of the Jedi) as the worst one. Why? 6) Oh yes, Magneto lost everything, again. For some reason, he hasn't learned his lesson, and continues to hang out with women and have children. Then they get killed and he blames everyone! 7) Stan Lee's cameo is.. nothing. Him looking at the sky as a civilian. 8) Somehow, aside from being somewhat telepathic, or so I understood, Apocalypsis can also teleport for some reason. But then he states he needs Xavier's powers! So, which is it? Do you have all powers or don't? If you can do most of what it is shown you can do, why do you need 4 horsemen, or other mutants? 9) Quicksilver's scene, while awesome, is super coincidental. No reason why he should have saved everyone from an exploding mansion. He isn't in super speed 100% of the time! Nor he knows the place is exploding! Yet he walks right to the center of the mansion and sees and rescues everyone. Ugh. 10) So, a "psychic event" destroyed all the world's nukes, and Colonel Stryker tracked the source to Xavier's mansion.... suuuuure. 11) Wolverine shows up and kills people, retconing his origin. He then runs in the snow. Fine. There is no real "Berserker Rage". Anyway, sucks and unnecessary. 12) Psylocke uses a whip to fight, instead of her psyonich blades. 13) Magneto goes all-out-destructive with little reason.. but wait, he becomes good with even less. 14) Mystique turns into Psylocke and for some reason she has a blade. It was a "twist", if you can call it that. This scene, where she attempted to kill Apocalypse is the closes the writer could come close to a surprise situation. 15) Apocalypse turns big, yes, in a mind sequence. Looks bad by the way. Apocalypse does little to no shifting actions. He remains as seen in the pictures. 16) Quicksilver DOESN'T tell Magneto he is his father. The reason? There isn't one.

They said Lawrence didn't do much in the movie, that it was the kids that did.. but ultimately, nobody really does anything. The fights are not even 2% of the movie, it's mostly talk (some bad lines, nothing mind bending). Mutants underused, which is the biggest let down. The movie is a lot of nothing! Oh, and the X-men have Sentinels now, for some reason.. Lots of stuff, lots of nothing. Not even a good waste of time.
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Pretty good
jmhowerton-443735 June 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse was very fun, but got quite messy at parts. X-Men fans will like this just like I did. it is a huge step down from Days of Future Past and has a pretty clichéd villain. I forgave the clichéd villain because of how cool and how frightening he was. Oscar Isaac did so good as Apocalypse. The characters are well developed, but some of them do not get enough screen time and some get to much. Angel, Psyloche and Storm have no motivation, there is no reason why they agreed to help Apocalypse destroy the world. What would they gain? Overall I thought the movie was good, I had a blast watching it and will be watching it again.
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