10 Reviews
No Mystery for Mystery Girls
eyeofthethor3 July 2014
Wow, this was worse than I could have ever imagined. I watched the pilot which didn't explain much in the way of setting, plot and characters. There was a major lack of "mystery" or anything detective related, in fact when met with anything remotely close to solving something, they were both dumbfounded. I found this show to elevate the "dumb blonde" stereotype and I wouldn't want any girl to watch it, for fear they may be influenced. Just bad all around, bad writing, acting and forced jokes. The addition of fake laughter for every bad joke was over the top. Making it through the pilot was painful, I would be surprised if this show continued.
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Silly but not ridiculous. It is what it is.
Dr_Sagan5 August 2014
If you are courageous enough to see past the 3 first episodes (now I'm watching the 6th) you might find yourself relaxing while let it play on a big screen TV.

This isn't by any means a show worth watching, but I wouldn't call it terrible. The humour is silly (or worst) but here and there, there are some good almost clever jokes.

The plot? It's about two actresses turned to some kind of detectives. Too flamboyant and too naive but they get the job done in the end.

Overall: can't recommend it, but I don't think anyone should hate it either. It is what it is and it's honest to its intentions.
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joannaloup5 July 2014
This was hands down the worst pilot i have ever seen. I had read the comments but saw it anyway thinking "come on it couldn't be THAT bad".. it was even worse.... So first of all.. TERRIBLE terrible terrible writing. Not just terrible writing, but a terrible IDEA too!! They could have the best actors saying those lines and they still would sound awful. So i am not even sure it is fair to judge the rest, but i will since they agreed to participate in what can only turn out as to be THE career wrecking series.. The acting itself was terrible. Disappointed and there was no chemistry at all between the 2 leading actresses. Oh and did i mention there was nothing interesting going on ? too bad...
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Awful doesn't even cut it
mrmungo30 August 2014
It's almost a shame you can't give this show a minus rating. If any shows deserves such a rating, it is this one!

The only mystery about this show is how on earth it got picked up in the first place. It's almost like something 2 friends will come up with on a Saturday night on the sofa whilst drunk.

I tend to give most pilots a fair shot. I will watch them all the way through before figuring out if this is for me or not, but I just couldn't get past the halfway stage on this one. It is quite simply one of the worst "comedies" I have ever witnessed.

I don't think even think it can be classed as a comedy, as it's simply not remotely funny. I don't really know what it is. Other than a complete waste of space.

Please do yourself a favour; AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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oneil-jack21 July 2014
1 for awful really suits this TV show. This has super recipe to make show be as annoying as it can be. It has characters / actress that are unbearable to watch, when you see them, you literally scream just to shut them. The jokes aren't there, they really do not exist, just one person is trying to say something funny and second one is opposing everything. There is no develop, no story, nothing. Don't make the mistake i did to watch this, just pass. You will save yourself 20 minutes of your life. Honestly i don't even know what did i expect from this, because normal human would just turn this off after 1 minute. Even doing the review for this show is waste of time.
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super let down
hottie6923810 July 2014
I had minimal hopes for this show, but hopes none the less because it's a cute idea and Jenny Garth is great! However, that being said ... the writing is nothing short of horrific, a 3rd grader could have written a better script, and Tori Spellings acting ability is atrocious! She is far too old to pull off this ditz / valley girl character that she insists on over acting, it is barely tolerable watching a 17 year old play this type of roll, let alone Tori Spelling... it's not cute at that age! A community theater production of Legally blonde would put on a better production and would most definitely be a huge upgrade in acting ability. This show will not last!
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I'm Hooked
SweetStressCase17 July 2014
I'm really pulling for this show to make it. It's quirky and cute and I just enjoy watching Tori Spelling. I think it's because I feel like I know her after getting hooked on Tori and Dean several years ago. She feels like family and I just want good things for her. That said, the show is still a little rough. I actually liked the pilot (which aired this week) better than the three episodes that aired first. It seems like Tori and Miguel decided to kick their flamboyance up a notch after recording the pilot. I understand that their characters are supposed to be over the top; but it's a little too much, even for a serious Tori fan. I will keep watching and I hope you do, too. It really is a lot of fun.
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Campy, silly fun!
baxter-jay23 July 2014
This show is a colorful, uproariously funny pop culture explosion! Everyone needs to relax and not take it so seriously. This is a lighthearted sitcom with a sweet heart. No bitchy put downs (a la Two Broke Girls). No horrible sarcasm (a la 2 1/2 Men). Just lots of campy, good-time fun with an endless stream of 1990's pop culture jokes and references! Tori Spelling is adorable as the ditsy, blonde Holly Hamilton. Tori is self-deprecating in the role, poking fun at everything from bad Lifetime movies to Botox. Jennie Garth is the more serious of the two, but is adorable how she tries to keep Holly under control. And their sidekick Nick is one of the best breakout TV stars in years. He literally almost steals the show from the girls. I LOVE THIS SHOW. It is unique and charming. Give it a chance!
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Better than I expected
SanteeFats14 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hey I know Tori Spelling is a drag on the show, she over acts (I hope by design but I am not sure) but I love Jennie Garth and I think she holds the show together. Jennie is gorgeous in my eyes even now and her role in this series is pretty good, in my opinion. All the gay guys including their assistant is a bit over done, again in my opinion. I mean they are just too gay, how about some that act not so flaming?? I mean there is no doubt they are gay. I have gay friends that just laugh at the portrayals on this show. Each episode brings something a little different but it all ins up pretty much the same. The Mystery Girls solve it but it is funny in any case.
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Classic Sitcom Style with Dirty, Modern Jokes
gabeuhr16 July 2014
Firstly, anyone who criticizes multi-camera sitcoms for having "fake laughs" knows nothing about how television gets made. Mystery Girls is taped in front of a studio audience. Real laughs from real people. If you think laughter is "fake," then you're probably the kind of joyless person who watches a lot of television by yourself with your hand down your pants.

On to the show, if you're open minded, pop-culture obsessed, and you enjoy multi-cam sitcoms, you will probably enjoy MG. If you're all of those things AND a 90210 fan from the 90s, this show is made for you. It's comfort television. Turn off your brain for 30 minutes and relax - you're in good hands. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how dirty and fun this show can be (definitely not for kids) - Miguel Pinzon is genuinely hysterical as the fan turned assistant.

While the premise of a "TV" detective turned detective isn't entirely original (see Conan O'Brien and Robert Smigel's hilarious one-and-done Lookwell pilot starring Adam West from 1991, on YouTube), the execution and style of MG is completely its own.

And finally, watch with real friends. TV is meant to be shared.
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