WrestleMania XXX (2014) Poster

(2014 TV Special)

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11 Reviews
As one era ends, another begins!
mallen9250622 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Match by match review of WrestleMania. Warning: there be spoilers!

Opening: Hulk Hogan opened and was soon joined by Stone Cold and The Rock. Fanboys everywhere were freaking out! Great way to start the show.

1. Triple H (w/ Stephanie McMahon) vs. Daniel Bryan Fantastic match to kick off the night. Bryan looked fantastic as always and HHH kept the pressure on. Defiantly one of the top matches of the night. Bryan got the pinfall and went on to the main event.

2. The New Age Outlaws & Kane vs. The Shield Not a lot to say about this one. Spot fest early on, Roman Reigns once again looked like a beast. Shield won after a triple powerbomb on the Outlaws. Quick and disappointing but great to see Reigns.

3. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Your standard battle royal but an incredible spot for Cesaro, scooping the Big Show over the top rope and picking up the win. Very impressed with the guy! Kofi Kingston also got another lucky escape spot, always fun watching Kofi work.

4. Bray Wyatt (w/ Luke Harper & Eric Rowan) vs. John Cena A damn good match, good to see Cena get his crazy on. Bray had some great moments, he's really a psychotic mess, such fun to watch. But of course Cena overcame the threat and beat Bray. Great match, disappointing finish.

5. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. The Undertaker Always look forward to the streak match, but was quite disappointed this time. Taker looked slower this time, but that's age (and a spot that injured him early on). But of course, I always knew that Taker would overcome and continue the streak, and sure enough, Lesnar won.... wait what? I honestly never saw that coming and I don't think anyone else did! WTF?!?! Who's gonna carry WrestleMania now? I hope it's not the last we see of him.

6. Diva's Championship Invitational I'm getting to realise that some of these Divas are really good performers, particularly AJ, just wish the match wasn't so cluttered and they got to show of their skills more. AJ won and retained her title.

7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan Here we go, the Viper vs. the Beard vs. the old guy no-one wanted to be in this match. It was pretty damn good, even Batista looked like his old self. There was a great spot where Bryan was Powerbombed through the table while Orton RKOed at the same time, which ended with Orton landing back-first on the monitor, looked pretty nasty. Triple H and Stephanie interfered but Bryan fought them off and finally made Batista tap out to become the new champion. A well deserved victory.

THE VERDICT One of the best WrestleManias in a while, impressive performances by Bryan, Cesaro, Reigns and Wyatt. The future of the company truly has started along with a fond farewell to a beloved legend.
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Solid wwe ppv but not the greatest wrestlemania
TrueReviews829 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this ppv a lot it had 8 matches including the pre show match

The show kicked off in its pre show with the usos defending the tag titles against rybaxel vs Los matadores vs the real Americans. Solid way to start off Wrestlemania some good spots could have been better but a good match, usos win 8/10

The show started off with Hogan the Rock and Steve Austin all in the ring a cool moment for a wrestling fan

The first match was Triple H vs Daniel Bryan winner moves into the main event, a great technical match. Some good spots but just an awesome match and ranks up there with one of the greatest matches. Daniel Bryan wins 10/10

The Shield vs New Age Outlaws & Kane. Kind of a weird pairing if you ask me. I was excited for this match but lack of time hurt this match was about 4 minutes long, very disappointing. Shield Wins 5/10

Next was the Andre the giant battle royal, not a bad battle royal, some cool spots like Cesaro recreating the Wrestlemania 3 moment when Hogan lifting Andre up and Cesaro throwing Big Show over the top rope and winning. 7/10

Bray Wyatt vs John Cena, when I first heard that they would have this match a Mania I was very upset because Bray only had a handful of matches and most were not very good. The thing that helped this feud was Bray Wyatt's promos absolutely great promos. The match itself was kind of disappointing it took a long for it to pick up but when it did it wasn't bad a few good spots though. John Cena wins 7/10

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker, this match for the time it had should have been match of the night, the match was good but I blame it all on the crowd, 70,000 people in the arena and it felt like you could hear a pin drop. I liked this match it was good but I wish the crowd was into it. Then out of no where Lesnar f5s Undertaker and wins. The biggest shock in pro wrestling History. 8/10

Divas championship match Aj Lee vs all the divas. A good divas match had some good spots and was better than shield vs Outlaws and Kane. Winner Aj Lee

Next the main event Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista for the WWE world heavyweight championship. A great main event had great spots like the Batista bomb and Rkp through the announce table. I thought Orton had it when he rko Batista closest near fall ever! A well deserved victory for Daniel Bryan and new WWE world heavyweight champion, hats off to him.

All in all the good Wrestlemania had some great matches and some bad but not the worst and not the best Mania.

Overall show 9/10
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'Few months later retrospective: Daniel Bryan and Evolution save the day.
KillerK199121 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Diary of an insane wrestling nerd: Rock/Austin/Hogan's opening segment was pretty cheesy and lame; worst of all running far longer than it should have. I weep for when they took their characters seriously. Probably took time out of the other matches if that's how it works, even though it doesn't make any sense for ppv's to have a strict run time, especially 'Mania. I will ponder this by my pond; shall we continue?

Triple H/Daniel Bryan was great. Might go down as one of my favorites. The main event hit all the right notes as well. It's a shame that Bryan's injuries have finally caught up with him; I don't know why they let him use the diving head-butt after the Benoit tragedy.

'Taker and/or Vince wanted the sad "broken-down-warrior-dies-fighting" ending, but it just came off as anti climactic. Lesnar was as gassed as 'Taker; pretty mundane affair. The shock ending was a great moment just on fan/Heyman/Lesnar reactions alone.

I liked Cena/Wyatt though the way they booked who won at each ppv over the course of the feud was completely off & made the whole thing pointless(Cena should've only beaten him in the Last Man Standing match).

The Shield match was pointless and almost killed Billy Gunn(oh the humanity!). They had to immediately hit the rewind on Kane afterwords to make up for it.

Everyone else was thrown into a decent battle royal; kiss any solid under-card matches goodbye.

I either skipped or blocked the opening tag match out of my mind, I'll let you decide, though the wrestlers involved are good so I might have to go with the former if I were you.

AJ destroyed the other divas; at least the right girl won.

All in all, this ppv proves that filler matches matter on the Grandest Stage of the all, as most of the marquee matches delivered, yet a feeling of emptiness pervades once its all said and done.
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Before the new era
starboy-740259 February 2020
This WrestleMania showcase the legend and immortal superstars stone cold ,hulk hogan and the rock segments and the undertaker 20-1 had placed in our mind and it's been unforgivable... And after this night the whole things been changed... The begining of new era WrestleMania Stage:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 Matches:⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 For Overall Show ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/10imdb
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A Truly Phenomenal Night!
Movie-ManDan14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The pornographic sounding WrestleMania is the best one so far this decade and one of the best ones in over 20 years. Honestly, this is one of my top 10 WrestleMania events ever.

WrestleMania is WWE's SuperBowl; WWE's Stanley Cup; so everything has to be very high calibre. WWE did all they could to make this a night to remember. And did they ever succeed.

The best part of this show was that there was not a bad match. The worst matches were a bit better than the ones to see on RAW.

The first match was the fatal 4-way tag-team match for the title during the pre-show. Usos won. Pretty good. 7.5/10

The host was the returning Hulk Hogan. Stone Cold and Rock came out too. I loved this segment! 10/10

The first regular match was Daniel Bryan defeating Triple H. I totally hate the Authority storyline!!!! They really screwed up so many stories. I know it is all the writers' faults, as they simply did not feel like trying. The pipsqueak defeated the bigger man in a very believable way and was an awesome bout. 9.5/10

The next match received negative flack. The Shield defeated the New Age Outlaws and Kane in a short, but sweet match. I love the participants, (not Kane) so I loved the match. 8.5/10

The first ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal was awesome. There's a battle royal at every Mania, so why not make a big deal out of it? Cesaro won by lastly eliminating the Big Show: the new Andre and the guy my money was on. Cesaro winning was a pleasant surprise and I knew it would propel him for a push. That push hasn't happened yet, but this match made me an official fan of his. 9/10

John Cena defeating Bray Wyatt was not as bad as everybody says. The good guy won the feud a few weeks later and now Wyatt is said to have been buried. You want buried? Look at Damien Sandow or Zack Ryder! Anyway, this Cena bout was not as great his match at 22 or 28, but I still liked it. 8/10

Brock Lesnar defeating the Undertaker is the biggest shock in pro-wrestling history. When the ref hit the 3 count, the audience went silent in a massive state of shock. I love shocks at this magnitude. But the match suffered from a lacking build-up and a lack of amazement. Taker has been on a role with perfect matches at Mania. Unfortunately, this was not one of them. I also don't like giving the victory to a part-timer. But for the night, I will grade Undertaker's entrance to his exit and have the same state of mind as when I first saw it. 8/10

The Diva's match was all clustered and I consider it to be the worst match of the night. 7/10

The final match saw Daniel Bryan advancing to defeat Randy Orton and Batista for the WWE Title. It wasn't supposed to have happened, but good thing it did! Batista won the Royal Rumble and was supposed to win at Mania at help promote Guardians of the Galaxy. The angry WWE Universe demanded Daniel Bryan be put in the main event and win anyway. WWE listened. For the 10th anniversary since WrestleMania XX, it only made sense to replace the phenomenal ending that WWE will never be able to show again. Chris Benoit had a similar underdog story to Daniel Bryan and won the title in a triple-threat bout at Mania. His best friend Eddie Guerrero came and they embraced. Easily one of the finest moments ever. But unfortunate incidents in 2007 caused WWE to erased Chris Benoit from their history forever. Daniel Bryan is literally Chris Benoit's double. After WWE decided to listen to the audience, the new plan was have CM Punk defeat Triple H in the first match and Daniel Bryan win the main event and have a massive blast from the past. CM Punk left WWE, so the story just made Daniel Bryan stronger than ever and made it HIS night. It is very rare that a WM can be centred around one man. 99% of the match was an exact replica of WM XX's main event. While the latter's was a bit better, this match was phenomenal. 10/10

There's practically nothing not to like. Whole event: 8.6/10
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WrestleMania XXX (2014)
DannMarshall9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
* This year marked the 30th Anniversary of WrestleMania! I give my thoughts in parenthesis after the match result.

1. Daniel Bryan b. Triple H to advance to the main event. (Great opening match.)

2. The Shield b. Kane and The New Age Outlaws. (The Shield won another match at Mania. While the match was nothing to ride home about The Shield brings it and are so fun to watch. As for the Outlaws, I had been very interested in seeing where they were going but after dropping the tag titles they have seemingly gone nowhere. I just am not interested in seeing them anymore especially considering the direction the WWE is now moving into.

3. Cesaro b. 30 Superstars to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. (Nice win for Cesaro and even more impressive was how he lifted Big Show and got him over the top rope!)

4. John Cena b. Bray Wyatt. (I like most figured Cena would win, but Bray and the family have lost nothing here.)

5. Brock Lesnar b. The Undertaker to end his undefeated streak. (What a move! In no way what so ever should this have ended this way. If Undertaker was ready to retire he should have retired undefeated at WrestleMania. How this all went down will never be forgotten and as sad as it is its truly the end of an era. The biggest match of the year we all looked so forward to will now be no more. This match was why I gave the show 8/10 this year.)

6. A.J. Lee b. The Divas Division to retain the Divas Championship. (Not much to say as AJ was never in doubt of losing her title.)

7. Daniel Bryan b. Randy Orton and Batista in a Triple Threat match to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. (What an awesome moment and something that Bryan truly deserved. YES! YES! YES! YES!!)
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30 Years Adds Spectacular Moments And History
morantjavonte15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
WrestleMania XXX Thoughts

WrestleMania XXX was the 30th annual WrestleMania event that took place at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 6, 2014. It was the first WWE PPV to streamed live on TV and WWE's new Streaming Device, WWE Network. This event was such a success that it even got a documentary aired of the build up and conclusion of this show. Attendence was also said to be a dome record of 75,167. Fans also get credit for some of the booking as unfavorable views saw the likes of 2 veterans (Batista and Randy Orton) main eventing the PPV after Batista won the Royal Rumble match. This was negative feeback as the fans clearly hated this. Daniel Bryan (who was the hottest name in the company) got support from all over the internet that was sooo good that WWE booked him into the title picture by having him feud with the Athuority to earn a spot in the title match. This event also would be remembered for the End of The Streak as the Undertaker shockingly lose to Brock Lesnar. The Streak was so great, that it was even sometimes described to be more important than the World Title Matches.

The Good - I won't lie, Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H could possibly be the greatest opening in WrestleaMania history. The only other match I could describe is obviously Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (that match was gold). But the crowd was hot and Bryan did a fabulous job of selling especially after the repetitive blows from Triple H. The main event was also amazing and Daniel Bryan's Championship victory celebration so joyful and emotional. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt also turned out to be really good (although I was mad around this time period of Cena victory). But it wasn't a burial. The Andre the Giant Memorable Battle Royal was actually good and not just a standerd Battle Royal. It got some good highlights and by far Cesaro had an excellent showing. To this day, he's still underrated. I also forgot to mentioned the opening segment between The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold was awesome. Don't think we'll ever see something like that in a while.

The Meh - Well Lesnar vs. Undertaker was decent. Not sure if the two just didn't click or if it had something to do with the concussion Taker suffered in the middle. The Streak being broken was is still a WTF moment of this day. All sorts of questions are asked like "if it should have been broken or was it the right Wrestler". 6 Man Tag was also fine but not great.

The Bad - The only bad thing of this show was the Divas match. It was a snooze fest and had poorly rushed booking. Women's wrestling would SLOWLY start changing by the next year for the WWE.

Overall - This show is called by many to be the most overrated WrestleMania in history. I myself never put it on the Top 5 but it's still one of the best WWE PPVs of the 2010s. It's not just the match card that affected the show but the buildup and atmosphere of how special this show was got it a boost. Kinda similar to WrestleMania 3. It was a great show by the books and a successful & remarkable WrestleMania.

Score - 8 out of 10: Really Really Good

0 = Terrible: 1 = Bad: 2 = Decent : 3 = Good: 4 = Awesome: 5 = One of the Best of all Time:

1. Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan - 4.5/5

2. Shield vs. New Age Outlaws and Kane - 2/5

3. Andre the Giant Memorable Battle Royal - 3.5/5

4. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt - 3.5/5

5. Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker - 2/5

6. Diva Invitational Battle Royal - 0/5

7. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - 4/5

Best Match - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

Worst Match - Divas Invitational Battle Royal

Most Memorable Moment - Tough one here. It's tie. Daniel Bryan's victory and Undertaker's Streak ending.

Top 5 Performers

1. Daniel Bryan - Obviously. No Question.

2. Triple H - Putting over Bryan

3. Cesaro - Amazing in that Battle Royal

4. Randy Orton - Great Performance

5. Batista - Great Performance.
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30 times the Mania
hellraiser713 August 2019
This is one of my favorite WrestleMania's, no. 5 in my book. It's fitting as it's the 30th anniversary of the series so it's cool they made it count. Really liked the into which was not just by one legendary wrestler but thee, it was awesome as all three are my favorite wrestlers.

Even really like some of the little clips where we saw some more wrestling legends and others familiar faces that were part of the WWE, it just makes us appreciate them and reminds us that without these people we wouldn't have a WWE and WrestleMania today.

Really like the first one on one match with Triple H and Daniel Bryant. Daniel Brynt is I feel an underrated wrestler and he's one of my favorites because he always surprises you let alone underdog you love to route for, really love that Yes slogan he's got going which I think is a good message for anyone, that just needs to say it to themselves when things seem the most difficult. This mania was no doubt his as it gave him a chance to truly shine.

The match felt as though it could've gone either way Triple H no doubt was hitting Daniel's where it hurt most of the time literally. Like using the table outside the ring to perform a drop bomb on his shoulder, one word to say to that ouch. But Daniel just always seemed to bounce back and deliver Triple H payback, from delivering drop kicks and even German duplexes against H.

The tag team and triple team with The Shield and the outlaws was good if nothing too special. Really liked that moment when all three of the Shield had one of the outlaws cornered and each of the mad vicious looks, seeing that moment I already knew the outlaw was a dead man.

The Andre the Giant memorial royale rumble match was fun and touching considering it was the honor Andre. The match plays out like a live action 'Where's Waldo" art illustration as we see 30 wrestlers crammed into one ring pounding the heck out of one another an most of the wrestlers go out like flies. There are a lot of good moments in this match like seeing Shamus give out multiple chest smacks toward one opponent, like he was just chopping down a tree and one word to say after that, timber.

The match against Cena and Chris Bray was good, that one really looked like it could have gone either way. Though personally I would've liked it more if things went the other way around, once you see the ending of the match, you'll know what I mean. I really liked Chris Bray in this he another wrestler I think is a bit underrated, his character is just colorful as he's crazy. His character is on this nutty crusade to destroy Cena and his legacy by bring out the monster inside of him.

Throughout the match he is throwing Cena around while playing mind games or applying his evil psychic powers against the guy. We kind of see a few times where Bray came pretty close, really like those moments when he is holding Cena's head and he is just singing the song, "Whole world in his hands." Yeah, I know crazy but Bray isn't that for nothing.

There is the big match with two of my favorite wrestlers, Brock Lesner and The Undertaker. It's not too much on the fast side but in a way that sort of made the match feel more real as we see both of them were just giving it their all.

Once again it really feels like it could have gone either way, and personally I actually wouldn't of minded if it did go the other way, though that's just me and how I feel about one particular wrestler. But I'll just say this match had the biggest upset ever, I honestly didn't see it coming along with most to all the audience. It really was interesting as it was the first time, I seen a WWE audience in utter silence for mere minutes. I won't say what this upset is but as an old saying goes "all good things come to an end".

Of course, the final match the three way match was great and the last one David Bryant was in. It was just great seeing all three Randy Orton, Batista, and David just giving it their all, pounding the hell out of one another from the typical techniques to even dirty tricks.

Really liked David as once again he was just flying with fury, delivering multiple round house kicks toward Orton, one moment where he was delivering round house kicks to both Orton and Batista back and forth and finishing them off with a crescent kick each.

Then just bouncing like a ping pong ball delivering power kicks to both. Of course, Orton and Batista got to deliver damage toward David as well as each other, just seeing both Orton and Batista hitting David where it hurt just really made you want David to win more.

Overall a great way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the great Wrestling event, hopefully the same can be said for 35, 40, and the many more to come throughout the years. "WrestleMania 30 is 30 times the mania and 30 times the fun.

Rating: 4 stars
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Very good show
StevensMediaReviews1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Stage looked great, atmosphere was great, the opening segment with the three legends was great, truly felt like the 30th anniversary with that opening segment, the card for this show on paper was good, but felt a little bit lacking, luckily mostly all the matches delivered in my opinion, making this card much more fondly remembered and rightfully so as the execution for the most part was well done . For the opening match Bryan vs hhh match was great, the shield match was suprisingly decent despite its length, The Andre match was also decent and enjoyed the body slam spot with cesaro, Cena and wyatt had a decent match with more focus on in ring psychology which was smart in my opinion as it freshened things up. Taker vs Lesnar as a match was BAD, the streak ending was a great moment, whether you think it should have ended or not (I didn't mind that it ended) it's just Ashame the match itself wasn't any good, I know taker had a concussion etc bit still, a disappointing final streak match, the ending with the streak was a great, shocking ahe heartbreaking moment. The divas match never stood a chance, a perfectly fine match but nothing I liked as a match overall. Still nice to see the divas get a main spot on the show despite its placement on said show. Main event with Bryan, Batista and Randy was a very good match, and bryans win is a great end to the show.

Overall a very good show but not great as people say, but definitely one of the better manias in recent memory, a very good show that managed to feel quite fitting for the big 30th edition of the grandest stage of them all that it was built up as.

Best Match: Daniel Bryan vs Triple H

Worst Match: Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.
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1 2 3 someone got to lose
paudieconnolly7 April 2021
Legends ring starts the show. Ripped T shirt beer drinking can you smell what Wrestlemania is cooking. For an old school fan like me a great start . Nothing great in the first two matches really kicks off with the Giants battle royal. Followed by Darkest and light Wyatt cena good characters shades of the 90s character driven wrestling. The streak on the line undertaker v Brock . The one common thread that ties near all the matches together in this mania is I would have preferred the results to have gone the other way. I have ever been able to say that before. I don't think this one will live long in the memory for who won will be more remembered for who lost.
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I hate this this show!
ericmodzelesky28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The matches suck! The Superstars suck! The announcers suck All of them! All of them! They destroyed the WWF! Kill them all! Burn this show into ashes kill everyone that stands in my way!
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